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Menstrual impurity is among the most important religious practices in Jewish lore. Examining two case studies of Judeo–Spanish Ottoman Jewry: discussions of the temperature of the ritual bath water; and purity, hygiene and the collective of the Jewish body, this article demonstrates that menstrual impurity in Ottoman Judaism underwent an intensive medicalisation process. This process reframed menstruation from a religious concern to one involving medicine, health and hygiene. This article offers a glimpse of how non-Western Jews dealt with European conceptions of medicalisation, actively debating them according to their Ottoman cultural surroundings. Moreover, it illuminates the mechanisms women used to negotiate their immersion and command their own bodies, emphasising their anxieties, demands and resistance.  相似文献   

In recent debates surrounding childhood nutrition and US school lunch reforms, the child's body serves as a contested battleground in a destructive politics of blame over obesity and diabetes. Scalar discourses of the body play a significant role in constructing food-related problems and their solutions. We illustrate our claims through a critical analysis of Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution; a celebrated national television program centered on chef Oliver's attempts to address childhood nutrition through school lunch reform. Informed by Foucault's biopolitics, our analysis highlights how moralizing scalar discourses of the body frames nutrition as an individual problem of personal choice. Food politics, when played out at the scale of young bodies, masks class divisions, marginalities, and governmental policies that structure access to nutritious food in the US school lunch system. Increased attention to biopower, scalar politics, and the political economy of childhood nutrition in the space of US public schooling challenges naturalized ideologies of food choice that regulate and delimit change to the scale of the body.  相似文献   


From wife murder to cloak-and-dagger plays, female bodies, minds, and financial status are, for the most part, disempowered and abused by male protagonists with societal compliance. Since the 2000s, coinciding with the approval of the Ley Integral contra la Violencia de Género (2004), a wave of stage adaptations emerged in Spain that questioned the marginalization of women characters in the comedia. I claim that this trend in performance has become a sociocultural phenomenon that uses the symbolic capital of the comedia to raise awareness of women’s misrepresentation and gender violence and inequality.  相似文献   

Eclectically curated and largely ignored by the mainstream museum sector, vernacular museums sit at the interstices between the nostalgic and the future-oriented, the private and the public, the personal and the communal. Eluding the danger of becoming trivialised or commercialised, they serve as powerful conduits of memory, which strengthen communal bonds in the face of the ‘flattening’ effects of globalisation. The museum this paper deals with, a vernacular museum in Vanjärvi in southern Finland, differs from the dominant type of the house museum, which celebrates masculinity and social elites. Rather, it aligns itself with the small amateur museums of everyday life called by Angela Jannelli Wild Museums (2012), by analogy with Lévi-Strauss’ concept of ‘pensée sauvage’. The paper argues that, despite the present-day flurry of technologies of remembering and lavishly funded memory institutions, there is no doubt that the seemingly ‘ephemeral’ institutions such as the vernacular museum, dependent so much on performance, oral storytelling, living bodies and intimate interaction, nevertheless play an important role in maintaining and invigorating memory communities.  相似文献   

This article examines discourses of whiteness and color in Mexico through a discussion of White Secret, a widely available skin-lightening cosmetic product. In an analysis of a televised infomercial advertising the product, we examine contextualizations of whiteness in Mexico, as figured through the product's representations of light-skinned female bodies and advanced cosmetic technology. We consider the ways that White Secret can speak to broader conceptualizations of whiteness and identity and, furthermore, argue that such an engagement points to the need to interrogate the geographical and epistemological limits of current understandings of whiteness based in Anglo-American and Latin-American contexts.

Creando güeras: La venta de identidades blancas en la televisión Mexicana de media noche En este artículo, hacemos un análisis sobre los discursos de ‘blancura’ y de color con respecto a la población en México a través de una discusión sobre ‘White Secret’, un producto cosmético para aclarar la piel que es muy disponible en México. Por un análisis de un ‘info-nuncio’ que sale por la televisión anunciando el producto ‘White Secret’, exploramos los entretejemientos de la construcción de blancura en México y como este ‘info-nuncio’ manipula imágenes de los cuerpos de güeras (mujeres de piel clara) y tecnología cosmética avanzada. Reflexionamos acerca de las maneras que el producto ‘White Secret’ pueda hablar a concepciones más amplias sobre la construcción de identidad y blancura y además, discutimos que tal exploración indica la necesidad de interrogar los limites epistemológicos y geográficos de la comprensión actual de la construcción de blancura basados en los contextos Latino Americanos y Anglo Americanos.  相似文献   

After two decades of privileged relations with Catholic traditionalism, the Front national (FN) now presents itself as the staunchest defender of laïcité. This article aims to examine this alleged secular turn by analysing its relation with Marine Le Pen’s strategy of normalisation. It argues that laïcité in today’s bleu marine FN must be understood both as a new frame to legitimise old preferences and as a strategy to reach heterogeneous constituencies. Furthermore, the article places the FN’s understanding of laïcité into the larger context of the diffusion of exclusionary readings of French secularism since 1989.  相似文献   

One of the commonplaces in critical writing on the 1990s movement known as le jeune cinéma français is the idea that it constituted a new ‘New Wave’. At the same time, the critical reception of the 1990s and 1960s ‘new waves’ could not be more different, with le jeune cinéma français being seen invariably as aesthetically inferior to its 1960s ‘antecedent’. This article examines the two key discursive mechanisms used to link le jeune cinéma français to the Nouvelle Vague, those of political commitment and ‘auteur’ cinema. It is argued that the mechanisms used to construct le jeune cinéma français as a distinct cinematic category become increasingly divorced from the kinds of films actually being made and that it is this discursive disjuncture which is, in part, responsible for its negative critical reception.  相似文献   


Opération Amérique refers to the coordinated efforts of René Lévesque’s Parti Québécois government beginning late 1970s to promote Québec’s interests in the United States. The general goals and strategies of Opération Amérique suggest that it presents a case of soft power. However, the specific actions implemented as well as their effects have barely been explored. An analysis of original documents pertaining to Opération Amérique indicates that specific groups in the United States—namely, French professors—were targeted with the hope that they would improve perceptions of Québec in the United States. An examination of French textbooks used in the United States in the 1970s and 1980s shows an increase in Canada/Québec content, which may reflect the influence of Opération Amérique on French teaching practices.  相似文献   


Biological psychiatry in the early twentieth century was based on interrelated disciplines, such as neurology and experimental biology. Neuropsychiatrist Franz Josef Kallmann (1897–1965) was a product of this interdisciplinary background who showed an ability to adapt to different scientific contexts, first in the field of neuromorphology in Berlin, and later in New York. Nonetheless, having innovative ideas, as Kallmann did, could be an ambiguous advantage, since they could lead to incommensurable scientific views and marginalization in existing research programs. Kallmann followed his Dr. Med. degree (1919) with training periods at the Charité Medical School in Berlin under psychiatrist Karl Bonhoeffer (1868–1948). Subsequently, he collaborated with Ernst Ruedin (1874–1952), investigating sibling inheritance of schizophrenia and becoming a protagonist of genetic research on psychiatric conditions. In 1936, Kallmann was forced to immigrate to the USA where he published The Genetics of Schizophrenia (1938), based on data he had gathered from the district pathological institutes of Berlin’s public health department. Kallmann resumed his role as an international player in biological psychiatry and genetics, becoming president (1952) of the American Society of Human Genetics and Director of the New York State Psychiatric Institute in 1955. While his work was well received by geneticists, the idea of genetic differences barely took hold in American psychiatry, largely because of émigré psychoanalysts who dominated American clinical psychiatry until the 1960s and established a philosophical direction in which genetics played no significant role, being regarded as dangerous in light of Nazi medical atrocities. After all, medical scientists in Nazi Germany had been among the social protagonists of racial hygiene which, under the aegis of Nazi philosophies, replaced medical genetics as the basis for the ideals and application of eugenics.  相似文献   

In Pierre Bourdieu's Les règles de l'art, Gustave Flaubert and Frédéric Moreau emerge as the ancestors of twentieth-century intellectuals, whose relative autonomy rests on a complex interplay of economic and political factors. What happens if one uses Bourdieu's discussion of L'éducation sentimentale as a model for analyzing an earlier pair of novels that also map out Parisian culture and society from the point of view of a young man who fails? Balzac's Illusions perdues and Splendeurs et misères des courtisanes offer a panorama of Parisian culture that, at least at first glance, bears a striking resemblance to the world of L'éducation sentimentale as seen through Bourdieu's lens.  相似文献   

Like the combatants on the frontline, the wounded soldiers of the First World War wrote and published newspapers during the sometimes lengthy periods of time they spent in hospital. La Greffe Générale is the journal written by and for facially injured combatants treated at the Val-de-Grâce military hospital in Paris. Throughout the eight issues released between December 1917 and July 1918, the voices of these men can be heard. While the surgeons’ perspective prevails in most remaining documents to do with French maxillofacial wards, La Greffe Générale gives an insight into the experiences of injury and treatment from the point of view of the wounded and convalescent combatants. The specific challenges faced by facially injured men are reflected in their writings, as this article shows. At the same time, their newspaper is in itself an attempt to respond to some of these issues. Ultimately, the patients’ publication reveals how gueules cassées, as French disfigured veterans came to be known, tried to collectively cope with their changed lives. The ethos reflected in, and fuelled by, La Greffe Générale played, this article argues, a significant part in the later constitution of the facially disfigured men’s organisation, the Association des Gueules Cassées.  相似文献   

As a recent phenomenon which strongly resonates with a transnationalism that can be understood as a desire to transcend both physical and cultural borders, the exile of Québécois filmmakers to Hollywood raises issues surrounding the notions of identity and territory that are relevant to Québec politics and cinema. This vast migration of successful filmmakers who are invading Hollywood with their Québécois imprint allows us to revisit the notions of Americanness (américanité) and territory, at a time where globalization and cultural diversification are blooming. In order to better explore those issues, we will retrace the evolution of the notion of Americanness in Québec films produced at various periods of time. Likewise, the study of the more recent works of Québécois director/auteur Jean-Marc Vallée will allow us to discover the director’s diversified representations of contemporary American dreams and landscapes.  相似文献   

Gaining a better understanding of spatial data and a deeper meaning of spatial statistical results gleaned from geo-referenced data requires a more complete knowledge of properties of the underlying geometry. This paper addresses these two topics by further investigating important geometric features of spatial data. The importance of this work is expressed in the geographic information system literature regarding representations of geographic space, as well as various geographic literatures concerned with spatial statistical modelling. Answers to three questions are obtained here. One asks whether or not those eigenvectors associated with the three largest eigenvalues of a binary geographic weights matrix have natural interpretations. A second question asks whether or not the eigenvalues of a geographic weights matrix prove useful in understanding the sampling distribution for spatial autocorrelation in a given geographic landscape. A third question addresses the issue of spatial autocorrelation components of geo-refer-enced phenomena. The analysis summarized in this paper documents responses to these three questions. Empirical evidence is gleaned from both Canadian urban census tract data and the square tessellations of remotely sensed data. Afin ?obtenir une meilleure compréhension de données spatiales et un sens plus approfondi de résultats statistiques spatiaux découlant de données spatialisées, il faut une connaissance plus complète des propriétés de la géométrie sous-jacente. La présente étude porte sur ces deux sujets en étudiant plus avant des caractéristiques géométriques importantes des données spatiales. La pertinence de ce travail est confirmée par la littérature sur les systèmes ?information géographique concernant des représentations de ?espace géographique, ainsi que par divers courants de la littérature gégraphique portant sur la modélisation statistique spatiale. Des réponses À donneràtrois questions ont pu être obtenues dans ce travail. Tout ?abord ?on se demande si les vecteurs propres associe's aux trois plus grandes valeurs propres ?une matrice gégraphique binaire de pondération ont des interprétations naturelles. Une deuxième question portant sur les valeurs propres ?une matrice géographique de pondération concerne leur utilityé pour la compréhension de la distribution ?échantillonnage de ?auto-corrélation spatiale sur un paysage gégraphique données Une troisième question concerne le problème de la composition de ?autocorrélation spatiale présente dans des données spatialisées. L ‘analyse résumée dans la présente étude comporte des éléments de réponseaG ces trios questions. Une démonstration empirique est faite à partir de données du recensement urbain canadien à?échelle des secteurs, et à partir de la mosaïque carrée habituelle de données satellitaires. Mots-clés: Fonctions propres, Géometrie, données spatialisées, autocorrelation spatiale, statistique spatiale, partition de surfaces  相似文献   

Abstract. With the realisation that the future of French in Québec depends on its adoption by a growing number of immigrants, efforts have intensified in recent years to promote a less ethnic and more civic conception of Québécois identity. As attested by the title of the final report of the Commission des États généraux sur la situation et l'avenir de la langue française au Québec (French, a Language for Everyone), a key component of this new conception is the idea that French should be a langue publique commune (common public language) for all those residing in Québec, irrespective of ethnic origin. This article examines the notion of langue publique commune in more detail. While the concept assumes that language can somehow be ‘de‐ethnicised’ to become the property of all ethnic groups, observations made in other contexts only confirm the inextricable link between language and the ethnic, as opposed to the civic, dimension of national identity. The article also investigates the issue of language motivation, in particular the related challenge faced by the Québécois authorities of how to encourage so‐called new Quebecers to adopt French as their language of public communications.  相似文献   

This article presents, in a programmatic way, the histoire croisée approach, its methodological implications and its empirical developments. Histoire croisée draws on the debates about comparative history, transfer studies, and connected or shared history that have been carried out in the social sciences in recent years. It invites us to reconsider the interactions between different societies or cultures, erudite disciplines or traditions (more generally, between social and cultural productions). Histoire croisée focuses on empirical intercrossings consubstantial with the object of study, as well as on the operations by which researchers themselves cross scales, categories, and viewpoints. The article first shows how this approach differs from purely comparative or transfer studies. It then develops the principles of pragmatic and reflexive induction as a major methodological principle of histoire croisée. While underlining the need and the methods of a historicization of both the objects and categories of analysis, it calls for a reconsideration of the way history can combine empirical and reflexive concerns into a dynamic and flexible approach.  相似文献   

Caledogonia globosa gen. et sp. nov. is considered to be a member of the Myophoriidae following the classification of Newell & Boyd (1975). It is a more evolved genus than Agonisca Fleming from the Ladinian of New Zealand. Both are probably the descendants of Neoschizodus of the Andean-West Antarctic region, a dispersal route on the southern Gondwanaland coastline. Caledogonia was probably a rapid burrower in a high energy paleoenvironment. It occurs in a rhythmic sequence of greywackes and conglomeratic shell beds that lie on pre-Triassic basement. Like the associated bivalves, Maoritrigonia and Manticula, Caledogonia is an endemic genus of the Late Triassic Maorian Province.

Caledogonia globosa gen. et sp. nov. est a rapporter aux Myophoriidae, d'après la classification de Newell & Boyd (1975). Plus évolué que le genre Agonisca Fleming du Ladinien de Nouvelle Zélande, il descend probablement, comme celuici de Neoschizodus représenté dans la region Andine et West Antarctique, zone de dispersion faunique de la cote Sud des Terres de Gondwana. Caledogonia, était un fouisseur actif dans un paléoenvironnement de haute énergie et de sédimentation rapide. On le trouve aujourdhui dans une séquence rythmique de grauwackes alternant avec des lumachelles et conglomérats, transgressive sur le substratum antétriasique. Comme les bivalves associés Maoritrigonia et Manticula, Caledogonia est un genre endémique de la province máorie du Trias supérieur.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of facially wounded soldiers and prosthetic masks in the post‐First World War reconstruction of a gendered French nation. In contextualising the work of Anna Coleman Ladd, who sculpted facial prosthetics to ‘re‐humanise’ disfigured French veterans, I aim to shed light on larger post‐war tensions between the accommodation and rejection of social and cultural change. By submitting to Ladd's efforts and donning her devices, the French mutilés who sought her help articulated, through their bodies, a conservative vision for the French nation – highlighting the resonance of the traditional masculine ideal in post‐war France and a desire to reconstruct an idealised past. The exposure of the ‘surreal’ face, conversely, signalled the futility of a return to the status quo ante and the creation of the Union des Blessés de la face et de la tête allowed veterans to renegotiate the bounds of acceptable masculinity. Collectively, the facially wounded suggest the ways in which the face serves as a site of gender work, a means by which to challenge or reify masculine norms of behaviour and appearance.  相似文献   

This article examines the activist movement Ni Putes Ni Soumises (NPNS), whose féminisme d'urgence offers a powerful reformist voice which articulates contemporary feminism with traditional Republicanism. NPNS map the quartiers sensibles as male-dominated spaces which have deteriorated since the 1980s. They do so because they campaign against the abuse of women, mainly sexual violence. We examine their claims, and rely on the few statistics available. We then outline the key ideas which inform NPNS's strategies of resistance to sexual abuse: thus, a second section focuses on victim support. Thirdly, we discuss NPNS's interventions in schools. These preventative measures nurture core values of French citizenship while stressing the need for the sexes to learn to respect each other and live together in harmony (mixité). We also examine NPNS's contentious stance on the voile musulman and laïcité. We note that the radicalism of NPNS reveals paradoxical tensions (in particular with regard to laïcité ) which are at the core of French politics, and is open to accusations of instrumentalisation.  相似文献   

Unlike L'Illustration, with which it competed under the Second Empire, the weekly Le Monde illustré, which first appeared in 1857 and which was protected by the imperial government, did not count among the political newspapers overtaxed under Napoléon the Third's repressive regime. For this reason, it made great strides thanks to its blind allegiance to a French imperialism that had asserted its authority during the Crimean war, but which spent itself during the war against Juárez and his republican partisans in Mexico. While the French liberal press criticized the Second Empire foreign policy, Le Monde illustré persisted in turning the Mexican war into an antijuarist pacification favorable to a new Latin colonial empire, as well as to an application of the Saint-Simonian doctrine on Mexican industry and economy. In order to achieve this, the illustrated reports on the expeditionary force, military operations, and French victories were a warmongering that aimed to place this campaign in the afterglow of the conquistadors' era, as well as to idealize the imperial army as a symbol of the French nation.  相似文献   

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