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Abstract. This article establishes a precise relationship between folklore and ethno-nationalism. In particular, it argues that the discursive elements of folklore have been used, as political narrative, within the history of Basque nationalism. The Basque nationalist movement, throughout its history, has been especially adept at harnessing the rhetorical power of language, history, myth and memory in its articulation of a Basque, as opposed to a Spanish, identity. The article concentrates on the specific information selected for transmission by the ideology of Basque nationalism. It is this articulation which establishes links between past and present, myth and ideology, and the relationship between culture and identity in the human experience. These are the bonds which are perhaps most pertinent to the general cause of ethno-nationalism, and the Basque case in particular.  相似文献   

Within the anthropology of Christianity, much attention has been paid to the convergence of Christianity with modern understandings of language. In this essay, I review scholarship that traces the historical connections between modern and Christian views of language, particularly in British colonial attacks on Hindu language practices, and I examine two recent ethnographies that offer different vantage points on the variety of ways in which contemporary Christians use language in a self-consciously modern way.  相似文献   

Issues to do with languages, particularly those of the former colonizers and the dominant have always been very emotive topics in post-colonial settings. Surely, such languages are living reminders of the bad associated with domination. Ironically, the same languages have emerged as mediums of communication in many post-colonies replete with ethnic groups who speak unrelated languages. For example, the thriving nature of English remarkably contrasts with the fast disappearance of many of the world's languages. However, as archaeologists and in view of the diversity of our languages, how do we communicate and understand each other? We may invent a neutral language or translate every other article into our many languages. But at what cost? Half the world is dying of hunger and disease as we argue over the need to make all languages important; research money is becoming difficult to access. Therefore, the need to communicate is probably more important than the need to perpetuate a victim mentality.  相似文献   

南社中的画家于字鼓吹革命的同时,并以绘画寄情明志、砥砺品节。本梳理有关史料,稽考黄宾虹、蔡哲夫、诸贞壮等投身民主革命中的行状,及对其艺术发展的关联与影响。以此钩沉近一个世纪前画家活动的时空背景,从中揭示形成其艺术成就的早期动因。  相似文献   

抗战时期,美术宣传活动是抗战文艺中最为活跃的一环,美术工作者是抗战中的一支重要的生力军。广大爱国画家不仅创作了大批反对侵略、鼓动民众起来抗战的优秀美术作品,而且还通过举办画展的方式募集捐款支援祖国的抗战事业,甚至投笔从戎,拿起武器投身于战斗,为中国的抗战事业做出了应有的贡献。  相似文献   


For those teaching and researching in Modern Greek Studies outside Greece, discussion of the eighties and nineties is characterised by reference to changes in Greek political life, as well as in the Greek educational system and policy making directly connected with Greece's entry into the European Union. Greece became a member of the EU as recently as 1981. PASOK, viewed membership as temporary but these claims were dropped after 1985. In the same period changes introduced into the linguistic system of the Greek language led to discussions of educational and cultural interest. More recently, however, certain developments concerning the role of strong languages in the European Union have brought to the fore issues concerning weak languages, those spoken by less people in the European Union, and their related cultures. This has once again opened the forum of discussion regarding matters of linguistic survival and cultural variety.  相似文献   

Abstract. Paris was the unrivaled capital of modern art in the nineteenth century, but during the early twentieth century major innovations began to be made elsewhere in Europe. The author examined the careers of the artists who led such movements as Italian Futurism, German Expressionism, Holland's De Stijl, and Russia's Suprematism. Quantitative analysis revealed the implications of the conceptual basis of the art of Umberto Boccioni, Giorgio de Chirico, Kazimir Malevich, and Edvard Munch, and of the experimental origin of the innovations of Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, and Piet Mondrian. The finding that the invention of abstract art was made nearly simultaneously by the conceptual Malevich and the experimental Kandinsky and Mondrian particularly indicates the importance of both deductive and inductive approaches in the history of modern art.  相似文献   

戢范 《收藏家》2009,(7):3-9
明清宫廷绘画与宋元院体画风格体系一脉相承,作品多工整细致,注重写实并带有皇家的雍容华贵之气。宫廷绘画是一种与封建皇权体制息息相关的特殊的艺术形式。在以皇权为核心的封建社会的上层建筑中,代表意识形态的宫廷绘画艺术更多地被赋予了树立主流美学典范、弘扬封建正统思想,传达统治者政治意图的职能。宫廷绘画的创作受到诸多限制,宫廷画家一般要遵守作画前绘制稿本,待皇帝批准后再“照样准画”的绘画制度等,这些都导致了宫廷绘画整体风格的谨严性和统一性。  相似文献   

晚明清初江浙一带一些持才善绘的女性进入了当时文人、书画史家和鉴藏家的视野,在同时期的诗文、笔记或书画著录中留下了有关其事略的直接记述,如作品的递藏、题跋或品评等情况。针对这一美术史现象,本文拟从女画家作品进入当时鉴藏领域的方式和收藏家对女画家艺术的品评两方面进行初步的探讨。  相似文献   

本文以清代内务府造办处档案为主,结合画史中的有关记载,叙述宫廷画家唐岱和张雨森的关系,并由此探讨“四王”绘画风格对于宫廷山水画的影响,从一个侧面揭示了“四王”绘画及其画派成为清代画坛“正统派”的缘由。  相似文献   

由徐建融《扬州八怪批判》引发的争论,是近20年扬州八怪研究中最值得引起重视的争论。归纳起来,这些争论和分歧主要集中在扬州八怪成员的人品、画品、绘画商品化、师承、在中国绘画史上的地位几方面。  相似文献   

分析画派这一概念的内涵,从时代、题材、师从、技法等对金陵八家和金陵画派的画风作一比较。认为明末一些金陵画家称其“金陵八家”更为妥当。  相似文献   

清末彭翼仲等知识分子提议改良中国传统木版年画,倡导清除积弊、女性解放、兴办教育等新主张,以实现开启民智、救亡图存等愿望。天津杨柳青、河北武强、山东潍县等知名年画产地的画师们响应其主张,制作出一批题材新颖、反映社会现实的作品,成为这一时期下层社会启蒙运动的重要组成部分。民国时期,北京政府和国民政府不仅将改良年画纳入社会教育和新生活运动的范畴,还特意建立起针对年画的审查制度,将其视为引导乃至控制民众思想观念的工具。不论是在近代新式知识分子的大力提倡下,还是在政府的主导下,改良年画都是启蒙运动中一种不容忽视的思想载体和视觉媒介。  相似文献   

在18世纪的北京,应王府和显宦之需,出现了相当规模的人物画家群。他们以冷枚父子、莽鹄立、陈枚、崔鏏、徐玫、徐璋等为代表,最早曾受清宫画家焦秉贞的人物画风的影响,他们之中的许多人或多或少地与宫廷有过关联,受过宫廷艺术的影响,因此绘画风格形成了具有院体人物画的写实技巧并融合了西洋绘画的透视技法。他们的怍品描绘了王府和市井生活的情趣,为一方所重。其风格取向、活动地域与谋生方式均有许多相近之处,是一个既有风格联系,又各自为阵的人物画家群。  相似文献   

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