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This review calls for the definition of a landscape approach in archaeology. After tracing the development of the landscape idea over its history in the social sciences and examining the compatibility between this concept and traditional archaeological practice, we suggest that archaeology is particularly well suited among the social sciences for defining and applying a landscape approach. If archaeologists are to use the landscape paradigm as a pattern which connects human behavior with particular places and times, however, we need a common terminology and methodology to build a construct paradigm. We suggest that settlement ecology, ritual landscapes, and ethnic landscapes will contribute toward the definition of such a broadly encompassing paradigm that also will facilitate dialogue between archaeologists and traditional communities.  相似文献   

In the middle of the twentieth century psychiatry underwent a transition that is often referred to as the "psychopharmacology revolution." Implicit in the term revolution is the idea that a paradigm shift occurred. Specifically, it has been argued that psychiatry abandoned the psychoanalytic paradigm in favor of a qualitatively distinct conceptual system based on brain chemistry. The validity of this view requires that psychoanalysis had the status of a paradigm. This paper presents evidence that psychoanalysis did not constitute a paradigm and that the advent of psychopharmacology was not, technically, a scientific revolution. Instead, the rise of modern psychopharmacology was the culmination of a linear growth of biological knowledge that began to develop in the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

Efforts in the 1960s to demonstrate the value of the new archaeology involved showing that the competing culture-history paradigm was inferior. One allegedly weak plank in that paradigm had to do with how culture historians viewed culture—as a set of ideas transmitted in the form of ideal norms or mental templates. Lewis Binford referred to this view as normative theory. In archaeology that view was manifest in the equation of artifact types with prehistoric norms—an equation that, according to Binford, the culture historians had made so that they could track the flow of ideas through time and thus write culture history. Culture historians regularly subscribed to cultural transmission as the theoretical backdrop for their artifact-based chronometers such as seriation and the direct historical approach, but with few exceptions they perceived only a weak relationship between norms and artifact types. It was not until 1960, in a paper by James Gifford, that what Binford labeled as normative theory appeared in anything approaching a complete form. Ironically, the first applications of normative theory were products of the new archaeologists, not the culture historians.  相似文献   

Canadian policy towards Aboriginal Peoples is a complex regime involving property rights, constitutional entitlements, cultural concerns, and interlocking administrative, social, economic, and political aims and goals. Recent events related to constitution-making have led investigators to suggest that an old "assimilationist" paradigm established in colonial times is in the process of being replaced by a new policy paradigm of "self-government" and "peaceful coexistence." Utilizing a model of paradigmatic policy change put forward by Peter Hall, this paper examines the development of the old and new Canadian policy and the reasons for the transition between the two. In so doing, it establishes the need to focus more closely on the relationships existing between endogenous and exogenous sources of change in policy subsystems in understanding the liming and content of policy change.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(4):487-489

The dualism between logos and praxis is still a root-cause of contemporary theological and religious discourse. Consequently, interreligious dialogue is divided as a field either related to comparative theology or philosophy or in pursuit of a common action for social justice. Instead of the traditional logos and the liberationist praxis, this paper will argue the Tao as an alternative paradigm that overcomes this dualism and is more germane to this age of globalization in the ecological crisis. It will propose three reconfigurations of interreligious dialogue; (1) from an "either-or" mode of thinking to a "bothand" way of life (T'ai-chi), (2) from an epistemology of knowing to a discernment of the way toward life in and through sociocosmic narratives of the exploited life (ch'i), and (3) from an ideologically motivated action based on a historico-anthropocentric subjectivity to a participatory embodiment in an intersubjective communion with the theanthropocosmic trajectory (Tao).  相似文献   


In Finnish archaeology, the hunter-gatherer Stone Age has generally been viewed as a peaceful period. Here we argue that this view is based on anachronistic understanding of the nature of war. Building on Thomas Kuhn's concept of paradigm as applied to the study of war, we examine the interpretations given to an enigmatic group of Subneolithic (ca. 3500–2000 cal. BC) megastructures located in Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland. Although generally interpreted as being related to sealing or a "symbolic" function, a defensive purpose emerges as a more probable interpretation.  相似文献   

The question of multivocality has been much explored and debated in recent archaeological publications. Clearly, the objective of such work is to assure the inclusion of the views of disadvantaged minorities and disenfranchised peoples in the presentation of their own pasts. This objective has not been achieved with much success, however, partly because mainstream archaeologists have had some difficulties in grappling with what appear to be a proliferation of alternative archaeological theories. Few discussions have approached alternative archaeologies as constituting a definable archaeological paradigm that might be termed The Archaeology of the Disenfranchised. Four different models within this paradigm are discussed and a strategy for a more widespread inclusion of alternative archaeological discussions and projects is suggested.  相似文献   

Throughout the 1990s, hierarchical administrative governance structures have been replaced by self-governing networks for various motives, one of which is to improve the authenticity and democratic quality of public decisions. Thus, "new governance" has been praised for its propensity to provide a plurality of civil society organizations with access to the decision process. This article explores these claims based on the case of drug policy in Swiss cities. We show that self-governing networks indeed seem to have increased the involvement of civil society organizations in the policy process. However, we also find evidence that self-governing networks may in the longer run induce state control over civil society organizations, thus ultimately reducing associative pluralism. They do so either by imposing a policy paradigm or by excluding actors who do not comply with the dominant paradigm from the networks. We conclude by arguing that self-organizing networks should not be dismissed, given that former hierarchical bureaucratic approaches to drug-related problems have failed even worse. Rather, their long-term effects should be subject to further examination aimed at developing adequate responses to their shortcomings.  相似文献   

本文针对中国旅游发展在供给侧、需求侧以及两者交互下市场方面出现的问题及其折射出学术研究的人本性学理的缺陷,从新公共管理学学理出发,依据社会科学人本观“正负反馈机制”的方法论,结合人文地理学的空间结构价值理念,首次系统探讨旅游发展动力层次与层次替代范式及其层次动力间的交互机制。在此基础上又提出人本价值下旅游驱动力范式的相互交互反馈机制。包括:旅游需求侧的社会驱动力机制与流动交互转向规律、旅游管理侧的供给驱动机制与交互错位供给的失效规律、旅游消费文化市场与管理供给、社会需求交互的引领阻尼规律,以及旅游供给、需求与市场动力交互的反馈机制与范式。在上理念下论证了旅游发展是多元范式下的范式交替转移规律,并提出区域旅游管理的社会价值与空间体系耦合的旅游经营理念以及在此基础上的区域旅游公正机制管理、控制与规划路径。  相似文献   

在全球化过程中,产业区的变迁受到"技术-组织-区域"共同演化的影响,存在升级、衰退与形态消失的路径分岔。将路径分岔置于地方和全球两种情境下进行分析。在地方情境下:(1)若产业区企业互动学习,则升级为创新型产业区;(2)若产业区企业较少关心学习,或固化在本地化网络之中,产生锁定效应,则可能衰退;(3)如果企业产生组织惯性,不能及时随着技术范式的变化而变化,可能产生衰退。在全球情境下:(1)如果产业区企业能够摆脱全球贸易商的控制,则可能升级;(2)如果只能靠接受贸易商订单生存,则有衰退的风险;(3)若跨国公司转移导致地方企业被动转移或兼并地方企业时,产业区形态则可能消失。最后对产业区的升级进行了进一步思考。  相似文献   

On taking office in late 2013, the incoming Abbott government proclaimed the advent of a new aid paradigm. This article asks whether or not this is the case. It does so by situating the new coalition policy in the context of more than two decades of development thinking. Focusing on the way Australian aid policy reflects trends in both global development and geopolitical discourses, the article parses out continuity and change. It finds that Australia's new aid paradigm is in fact largely the old aid paradigm reincarnate, with aid policy continuing to follow the well-established parameters outlined over decades of global thinking and practice that emphasise the significance of private-sector-led economic growth. However, while the overarching paradigm remains relatively intact, incremental change is also apparent, including alterations to the geographic focus, level and administration of the program.  相似文献   

李华胤 《民俗研究》2020,(1):128-137,159
在已有研究中,协商往往在价值范式下去理解,与民主高度关联,这一界定容易陷入西方话语语境,而忽视了中国本土所不一样的协商事实。在中国乡村社会,协商是一种治理工具,以解决问题为导向。这种工具范式下的协商与治理高度关联,在中国乡村有着深厚的社会土壤。以余家桥村"说公"为研究对象,发现在"国法不下乡"的传统时期,矛盾纠纷通过协商自治的方式得以调解。协商表现为一种"授权"的逻辑,具体体现为一种"授权式协商"。欠缺平等协商能力和对话能力的农民主体,授权有能力、有权威的主体代表自己协商,通过公开、公共的讨论,形成一致的共识,有效解决问题,以维系秩序。中国乡村社会具有深厚的协商土壤,并孕育出多种形式的协商机制。这种"协商基因"并没有因历史变迁而消逝,而是扎根于乡村社会土壤。挖掘并激活农村社会的"协商基因",对实现新时代乡村有效治理具有一定的启发性。  相似文献   

For those who call for a change in our approach to international relations ecause they doubt the capacity of the existing system to handle the problems hat lie ahead, the 'paradigm' they are seeking to 'shift' is usually some image of realism , that dates from Westphalia and beyond. Fortunately, the paradigm that actually shaped Western foreign policy behaviour in the last 50 years or so was a product of circumstances and personalities in the 1945–53 period that generated attitudes and behaviour patterns that became entrenched during the Cold War. In relation to the complex problems that face the international community, this national security paradigm is increasingly dysfunctional. However, because it comprises 'attitudes' rather than rules for action, and is non-deterministic, we should find it easier to devise an alternative, more functional paradigm and to engineer the necessary shift. The historical review that comprises the bulk of this article describes the genesis of the paradigm and how the patterns of behaviour and underlying beliefs and attitudes became entrenched in Western foreign policy. Fleshing out the characteristics of the existing paradigm suggests an alternative approach to international relations, but the importance and feasibility of engineering the necessary shift will be argued in a subsequent article in the January 2002 issue of International Affairs  相似文献   

There is no discussion about the historic relevance of I. Sechenov for physiology and neurosciences as the "father of Russian modern physiology". But he is relevant for modern natural science too because of his basic epistemological and ontological work. He did not accept the up to now basic paradigm of "Ignorabimus" which can be seen as the reason to exclude even the generalizable aspects of individuality, creativity and spontaneity from natural science. He developed techniques for empirical based science to deal with materialistic and idealistic aspects of the comprehensive person the "ignoramus" according to the actual stay of knowledge and the acceptable ontologies. He demonstrated that ontologies ("paradigms") can be used as tools according to the given problem which should be solved. So Sechenov can be seen as a precursor of the so efficient philosophical positions of Einstein and Th. Kuhn. The stay of the art in physiology and neurosciences changed since the time of Sechenov dramatically. Therefore the philosophical positions of the 19th century should be discussed. Maybe this is indispensable for the needed linkage between materialistic and idealistic aspects of a person. For this the proposals of Sechenov are helpful up to now but nearly unknown. There is no discussion about the historic relevance of I. Sechenov as the "father of Russian physiology." But he is relevant for modern natural science too because of his epistemological and ontological work. He did not accept the up to now basic paradigm of "Ignorabimus" that can be seen as the reason to exclude even the generalizable aspects of individuality, creativity, and spontaneity from natural science. He demonstrated that ontologies ("paradigms") and epistemology can be used as tools according to the given problem. So Sechenov can be seen as a precursor of the so efficient philosophical positions of Einstein and Th. Kuhn. The state of the art changed dramatically. Therefore, the philosophical positions of the nineteenth century should be questioned. Maybe this is indispensable for the needed link between materialistic and idealistic aspects of a person as a whole. In this respect the proposals of Sechenov are helpful for medical science in the twenty-first century too but nearly unknown.  相似文献   

The advent of the Hawke government may not warrant the title of ‘The Revolution in Australian Politics’, but it has raised questions about organisation and power, and the way in which these are handled in political science. This paper begins by identifying what is considered problematic in the political practices which are seen as distinctive in the Hawke government. It outlines the elements of the paradigm of organisation which underlies much political science, and identifies the way in which these are challenged by ‘corporatist’ or ‘Hawkeish’ forms of political activity. It argues that this paradigm of organisation is under attack on both conceptual and empirical grounds, and outlines an alternative paradigm of organisation and the way in which it applies to government. It concludes with a consideration of the implications of this approach for theorising about the state.  相似文献   

乔新华 《安徽史学》2010,(5):44-48,72
在充分了解和理解已有社会史研究成果的基础上,本文意欲探讨近30年来中国社会史研究业已展示出来的方法论意义.其一,不论其最初是以"历史学中的一个分支学科"还是"范式"意义的面貌出现,社会史在今天已然承载了推进旧史学研究方法向新史学方向转变的历史重任.其二,伴随着新旧"范式"的转换,社会史对传统政治史主题令人耳目一新的研究,揭示了研究视角转换背后蕴含的方法论意义.其三,随着研究视角转换和研究视野扩大,社会史在拓展史料范围的基础上生发出解读不同史料的不同方法,如果把它放在"历史即史料学"的脉络下看,其方法论意义尤为深刻.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(3):410-430

This essay analyses the role of the Bible in Dalit liberation in a context where Dalit theology, despite being increasingly recognized as an academic theology, hasn't been effective practically in either sustaining the Dalits in their struggles for liberation or in challenging the perpetuation of caste discrimination within the Indian churches. In the light of the Dalits' own reception of the Bible as a potential source of Dalit liberation the essay critically revisits some of the defining biblical paradigms articulated by Dalit theologians, using as its epistemological tool the tensions between "epic" and "emic" forms of theological conceptualizations, in order to identify the reasons for the lacunae between Dalit theology and its practical viability for Dalit liberation. In the light of this analysis the essay explores and offers the synoptic healing stories as a viable biblical paradigm which can animate the Dalit struggles for liberation and thus enhance the practical efficacy of Dalit liberation.  相似文献   

The relationship between history and justice traditionally has been dominated by the idea of the past as distant or absent (and with that, irreversible). This ambiguous ontological status makes it very difficult to situate the often‐felt “duty to remember” or obligation to “do justice to the past” in that past itself, and this has led philosophers from Friedrich Nietzsche to Keith Jenkins to plead against an “obsession” with history in favor of an ethics aimed at the present. History's ability to contribute to the quest for justice, as a result, often seems very restricted or even nonexistent. The introduction of the “presence”‐paradigm in historiography can potentially alter this relation between history and justice. However, to do so it should be conceived in such a way that it offers a fundamental critique of the metaphysical dichotomy between the present and the absent and the underlying concept of time (chronosophy) that supports this dichotomy. The “presence”‐paradigm can be emancipatory and productive only if presence and absence are not perceived as absolute dichotomies. In the first part of this article I elaborate on the influence that the present/absent dichotomy has on the notion of justice by introducing a conceptual contrast between what I will call the “time of jurisdiction” and the “time of history.” The second part of the article focuses on the way certain aspects of the dominant Western chronosophy reinforce the present/absent dichotomy and thereby prevent us from thoroughly exploring the ambiguous but often very problematic presence of the past. Throughout the article I refer to the relatively recent phenomenon of truth commissions and the context of transitional justice to discuss some challenges for the “presence”‐paradigm.  相似文献   

广州上下九的视觉表征分析——以互联网营销图片为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
广州旧城改造中,以旅游发展为动力的现象经常出现,广州西关上下九路就是其中之一。研究通过网络收集有关上下九的旅游营销图片,对它们进行内容分析,解析图像中具体的构图元素和修辞手法,探究图像所隐喻的城市管理者(政府部门)、旅游开发商对上下九这一旅游地的认知,以及资源利用的主张,由此剖析该地存在的传统文化保护问题的深层原因。研究结果表明,关于上下九的旅游营销图片存在一个占据支配地位的摄影范式,赋予各种视觉"议题"不同程度的显著性,最终表达了上下九"繁华"、"热闹"、"大众化"的"平民"商业街形象。当那些被这种作品风格吸引的游客大量涌入时,很难期望他们能够自觉意识到上下九传统物质空间的价值和面临的各种现实问题。就这样,旅游营销图像进入了上下九旧城改造和旅游发展的过程中,并在西关文化的保护中起到一定的消极作用。本案例也表明,地方是表征的结果,被如何表征则受控于人类社会的选择。  相似文献   

When discussing the trans-formative shifts having occurred in the field of Chinese modern history following the economic reforms, one cannot avoid mention of the “revolutionary history paradigm,” the “paradigm of modernization” as well as the “postmodern paradigm.” According to popular belief, the course of development taken by the academic world during the past forty years was marked by a series of transformations: First was the progressive replacement of the “revolutionary history paradigm” by that of the “paradigm of modernization”; following that was the rise of the “postmodern paradigm” and the challenging of its predecessor. This set of divisions, though logically clear and succinct, cannot possibly conform to the realities of history in all of its complexness. While academic circles in the 1980’s were largely concerned with the issues of “what exactly is the historical driving force of Marxism” and “who are the revolutionary class,” the notion of the “paradigm of modernization” was rather a product of the conservative historical viewpoint and its rise during the late 1990’s. In this sense, then, the latter cannot possibly embody the former. On the surface of things, though the “postmodern paradigm” appears to refuse the narrative of revolutionary history, it in fact shares deeper connections with Chinese revolutionary thought at its roots. In short, then, these trans-formative shifts in modern Chinese history are not a simple “exchange” whereby one paradigm transfers into the next, but are rather a process of incessant and interconnected change.  相似文献   

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