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“不改变文物原状的原则”是文物保护和维修的根本原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提要本文详细具体地阐释了"文物原状"的内涵和外延,提出了在文物保护维修中坚持不改变文物原状的八条原则。  相似文献   

古代丝织品的劣化机理研究方法综述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
一、古代丝织品出土概况丝绸文化是华夏文明的重要特征之一 ,据考证 China一词 ,与丝绸有关 1。古代丝织品( historic silks)是丝绸文化绚丽多彩艺术内涵的集中展示。考古发现的一件件古代丝织品文物 ,都是中华民族文明和智慧的结晶 ,同时也是研究我国纺织技术发展史乃至中华民族悠久历史的宝贵史料。我国出土的纺织品无论数量或品种 ,都可堪称世界第一。主要出土情况请见下表。纺织品出土情况调查表出土地点年 代品种及概况江苏苏州吴县草鞋山新石器纺织品葛布。浙江吴兴钱山漾新石器 丝帛 (经纬密度各为 48根 /厘米 ;丝带宽 5毫米用 1 6…  相似文献   

刘守柔 《东南文化》2013,(1):117-122
美国的历史住宅博物馆主要是由曾作为居所的历史建筑改建而成的一类博物馆,也是历史建筑保护和展示的方式之一。博物馆通过复原室内历史场景,让观众体验和了解历史;以物质文化来解读历史,其展示内容受到社会发展的影响,也试图通过对历史的表述来影响人们的观念。关于展示内容"真实性"的讨论,又涉及了博物馆实务与展览理念。同时,美国这些故居旧宅改建的博物馆对我国的建筑遗产保护实践亦有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

本文认为成都羊子山土台之功效为灵台,是古代帝王得民心得天下不可或缺的重要建筑,并联系到金沙遗址玉琮、玉璧,认为两者可等量齐观,均与杜宇称帝及祭祀有关。文中涉及的东汉养老画像砖不仅再现了汉代对庶老的养老情景,同时亦是对秦前期庶老礼制的承袭和印证。  相似文献   

本对2001年4月3日由日本部科学省审定“合格”获得通过的《新历史教科书》歪曲历史事实、美化侵略战争、宣扬错误史观、掩饰日本国家侵略罪恶。进而反映战后日本国家错误历史认识的表述和企图进行了分析和评论,并试图对日本国家错误的历史认识的形成原因进行初步的探讨。章认为:战后日本社会对其侵略历史的错误认识,是有着历史基础、思想基础、国际环境基础和经济基础的,是与战后几次国际政治格局的重大变化、美国对日本的单独占领和不久之后其对日政策的改变以及日美同盟关系的确立和固化、战后国际社会对日本战争罪行和军国主义思想的清算不彻底、战后日本国家在与周边国家的关系重建过程中对各种有利因素的充分利用、战后日本国内经济的恢复及其经济大国地位的确立、近期日本国内大国主义思潮的盛行及经济状况的不景气和政治局面的动荡,以及亚洲邻国对日本这种趋势发生发展的相对无力的应对等等诸多方面的因素之间存在着极其密切的关系。  相似文献   

Abstract: Since 1855, the Babri Mosque in Ayodhya has been the source of sporadic clashes between Hindus and Muslims. After a thorough scrutiny of the available historical literature on the Mosque, this article argues that to regard it as the birthplace of the Hindu deity Rama is untenable and the notion was actually put into circulation by British colonial officials to serve British interests in the Indian subcontinent. Successive colonial administrations tried to strengthen their grip on South Asia by playing off one group against another in the name of caste, race, and, most importantly, religion. The ongoing Hindu‐Muslim conflict in India is largely the outcome of British policies. With their agenda of ‘divide and rule’ that aimed at consolidating their hold over the subcontinent the British tried to create a huge chasm between Hindus and Muslims. They labelled Muslims as the oppressors and Hindus as the oppressed, working to gain the support of the Hindu masses by provoking their hatred of the Muslims; and they strongly backed their religious and other claims in a vast amount of biased literature. It was with this colonial agenda that they endorsed the Hindu claim to the site of the Babri Mosque.  相似文献   

核心价值概述 澳门历史城区核心区由8个广场空间(包括妈阁庙前地、阿婆井前地、岗顶前地、议事亭前地、大堂前地、板樟堂前地、耶稣会纪念广场及白鸽巢前地)、22处被评定的历史建筑(妈阁庙、港务局大楼、郑家大屋、圣老楞佐教堂、圣若瑟修院及圣堂、岗顶剧院、何东图书馆、圣奥斯定教堂、民政总署大楼、三街会馆、仁慈堂大楼、大堂、卢家大屋、玫瑰堂、大三巴牌坊、哪咤庙、旧城墙遗址、大炮台、圣安多尼教堂、东方基金会会址、基督教坟场、东望洋炮台),以及连接各广场空间及历史建筑的街道所组成,核心区面积达16.17公顷.核心区外围的缓冲区面积达106.79公顷,保存了城区特色的城市结构、空间布局和街道风貌,以及许多具历史文化价值的建筑物.  相似文献   

1498年是东西方关系史上划时代的界标。葡萄牙人首航印度的成功象征着东西方文明汇合的历史性起点。今年正值纪念这个伟大日子500周年的时刻,我很荣幸地撰写了本文,奉献给这次在巴黎举行的具有重大历史意义的国际学术讨论会。一历史呼唤东方新航路欧亚非三洲同处...  相似文献   

王毅 《世界遗产》2015,(3):62-68
吴哥遗址保护行动中展现出来的多国合作模式和跨学科综合性的保护和发展方法,使其成为全球范围内文化遗产保护的典范。柬埔寨的吴哥遗址举世闻名,但由于疏于保护,它于1992年被世界遗产委员会以濒危遗产的形式列入世界遗产名录。次年,联合国教科文组织(以下简称UNESCO)出面,由法国和日本牵头,组织国际上多个国家和国际组织发起拯救吴哥保护行动,并成立了吴哥古迹国际保护与发展协调委员会(简称ICC),从而  相似文献   


The article offers a reading of the letters of Paul in relation to their interpretation by a number of figures – Carl Schmitt, Jacob Taubes, Giorgio Agamben, and Alain Badiou. It traces the persistence of an economy of terms in Paul, in relation to the part and the whole, death and life, spirit and the flesh, and others, to argue that this economy morphs and transforms itself in the modern world, imparting and imposing a sociality of living and dying, a coercive distribution and withholding of violence in colonization, on a global scale. And this paper argues, at the same time, that the economy of terms Paul’s letters advance is interrupted, that it comes undone, and that, in this coming undone, the theological becomes poetic – that the letters if Paul teach us to read what may be called “poetic theology.”  相似文献   

Archaeological ship-finds have shed much light on the design and construction of vessels from the Viking Age. However, the exact proportions of their sails remain unknown due to the lack of fully preserved sails, or other definite indicators of their proportions. Key Viking-Age ship-finds from Scandinavia—the Oseberg Ship, the Gokstad Ship and Skuldelev 3—have all revealed traces of rigging. In all three finds, the keelson—with the mast position—is preserved, together with fastenings for the sheets and the tack, indicating the breadth of the sail. The sail area can then be estimated based on practical experience of how large a sail the specific ship can carry, in conjunction with hull form and displacement. This article presents reconstructions of the form and dimensions of rigging and sail based on the archaeological finds, evidence from iconographic and written sources, and ethnographic parallels with traditional Nordic boats. When these sources are analysed, not only do the similarities become apparent, but so too does the relative disparity between the archaeological record and the other sources. Preferential selection in terms of which source is given the greatest merit is therefore required, as it is not possible to afford them all equal value.  相似文献   

郭腾辉 《旅游纵览》2008,(11):66-68
每个时代都有其独特的追求或审美。现代的我们无法从根本上理解两千年前的古人的想法。一样的站在城楼上遥望落日,我们是感叹于历史的沧桑、时光的永恒。而那时的他们,也许是在落日的余辉中策划着又一次对敌军的偷袭。这种无法穿透的时光隔阂,让差别弥漫在空间的每一个角落。即使脚踏着的是一样的土地……  相似文献   

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