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睢长江 《神州》2012,(20):1
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有风轻轻推开门落在墙上的鸟鸣牵引着我的手贴着落日的光黄昏很亮往事如风在门外敲着短暂地,又匆匆离开抵达诗歌腹部的风回忆在门外的夕光里叙述没有停止,在纸上窗外,九月收割的少女她的纱巾缓缓浸濡着风中庄稼爱情遥远而沉静,在青山之外一些风变暗,往事在诗中紧紧挨着过去的人与发黄的诗页居所更悠远的风在炊烟间居住往昔在潺潺的记忆中居住在弥漫着果香与酒具的村庄我跟一只善良鸟居住隔着溪水,我们互相温暖着三条鱼亲吻着脚叉有风轻轻吹着窗棂上灯笼多年不见的朋友们啊,在手指上在诗中说话我仍独自在村庄居住,用镰刀收割五谷用白马驮运麦…  相似文献   

驱车千里证前缘,苍翠斜迎见佛莲。劫火曾经精舍小,霜风不绝喇嘛传。云中法号音空好,世外桃源地难全。怅说天堂名寺在,又从河上叹桑田。  相似文献   

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玉指无力敲短窗,正是初春好时光。 腊梅结伴闹元宵,天女挥袖撒花香。  相似文献   

Lloyd Gardner 《外交史》2003,27(1):151-153
Television programmes reviewed in this article
The American Experience: Woodrow Wilson. Episode 1: A Passionate Man and Episode 2: The Redemption of the World.  相似文献   

This paper compares the social-exploration literature of radical, mostly Owenite and Chartist, and liberal journalism in the first half of the nineteenth century, though the focus is on the less known ‘portraits of the poor’ in radical papers. In the paper I argue that against the developing liberal practice of intricately mapping poverty and categorizing the poor, radical papers under-represented particular cases of poverty, using an obfuscating syntax to document the poor. In doing so, radicals differentiated themselves from their middle-class counterparts, primarily as a way to challenge the assumption that poverty was a function of individual error and to turn the public’s gaze onto the social causes of poverty. Highlighting the political dimensions of poverty and minimizing the language of ‘personal responsibility’, radicals demonstrated that the activist agenda concerned itself with the economic and social as much as with the political, even while offering political solutions to economic and social problems.  相似文献   

Area excavation of five Middle Bronze Age Round Houses at Black Patch, Alcisten, E. Sussex, has conclusively proved that the house terrace itself was a major structural element in the house construction. The position of storage pits and artifacts confirms that the house floor consisted of the whole house terrace. The precise recording of the position of every artifact was used to define activity areas which indicate the possible function of individual houses. From this evidence it is possible to suggest the likely social organisation of the excavated compound.  相似文献   

The poetry of Venantius Fortunatus is frequently used as source material for prosopographical data, for the roles and images of certain categories of individuals, and for details of buildings and topography. His poetry, however, can be used further to provide detailed personal portraits in some cases. There are several groups of poems to individuals which use a range ofgenres and arise from a variety of occasions, illuminating several aspects of the patron and his way of life. Two such clusters are to the bishops Leontius of Bordeaux and Gregory of Tours. The poet works from traditional genres but varies the structure and wording of these poems to respond sensitively to each bishop in his particular circumstances. Comparison of the two groups of poems, and especially of the formal panegyrics, builds up internally consistent and vivid pictures of the attitudes, ambitions and characters of two very different men. Fortunatus' poetry thus enables us to supplement bald prosopogrophical details and generalities about social roles, in a way unique in this period.  相似文献   

四川汉代性题材画像研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
四川汉画像中的性题材内容直率而古拙,其所宣扬的是对生命的肯定和依恋;她是"天府之国"留给后人的一曲曲生命的欢乐颂,一首首繁衍子孙的赞美诗。  相似文献   

The poetry of Venantius Fortunatus is frequently used as source material for prosopographical data, for the roles and images of certain categories of individuals, and for details of buildings and topography. His poetry, however, can be used further to provide detailed personal portraits in some cases. There are several groups of poems to individuals which use a range ofgenres and arise from a variety of occasions, illuminating several aspects of the patron and his way of life. Two such clusters are to the bishops Leontius of Bordeaux and Gregory of Tours. The poet works from traditional genres but varies the structure and wording of these poems to respond sensitively to each bishop in his particular circumstances. Comparison of the two groups of poems, and especially of the formal panegyrics, builds up internally consistent and vivid pictures of the attitudes, ambitions and characters of two very different men. Fortunatus' poetry thus enables us to supplement bald prosopogrophical details and generalities about social roles, in a way unique in this period.  相似文献   

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