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我们,来自西安、郑州、杭州、成都、洛阳、无锡、扬州、荆州、安阳、朝阳、开封等城市的代表,应国家文物局、陕西省人民政府的邀请,参加了2008年10月21在西安举办的“大遗址保护高峰论坛”。  相似文献   

中国大遗址保护的问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
今天这个会议就是一个主题,即要保护好大遗址。出席本次会议的代表来自考古学、保护规划、科技保护、文物行政和考古文物出版等方面。且都是当前的文物考古界各个方面的主力军,有些还担任一定的业务行政职务。本次会议由学术研究和出版单位发起、组织和主办,这么多领域的人员出席,来  相似文献   

大遗址保护中的土地问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国纳入“‘十一五’期间大遗址保护总体规划项目库”的100处大遗址都是全国重点文物保护单位,实行一种双轨道并行的管理体系。这种保护管理体制在运行中存在的问题既有来自文物体制自身的问题,也有相关制度建设与大遗址保护管理脱节形成的问题。而土地问题是其中矛盾较突出的现象之一。  相似文献   

怎样理解大遗址的整体性问题,也是我们如何善待自己民族精神家园的关键。这里提出的大遗址整体性并非单纯指某个大遗址内所包含的各类考古遗迹,同时也包括了遗址范围内我们所能观察到的山川、植被、地形等有形物体,乃至遗址氛围——空间视觉效果、置身其中的心灵感受、当地民众固有原生生产生活状态等内在的神韵。当然,这样的神韵是由遗址本体和遗  相似文献   

大遗址保护与考古遗址公园建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上篇:大遗址保护 2010年是我国实施“十一五”规划的最后一年,也是各个领域总结过去、筹划未来的关键一年。回顾我国大遗址保护在过去若干年间的历程,我们依稀可以看到,一条积跬步而成的探索之路,正在不断的实践中延伸为千里之途。  相似文献   

“中国大遗址保护研讨会”纪要   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2007年7月11~14日,由中国社会科学院考古研究所、中国科学出版集团科学出版社和内蒙古文物考古研究所共同发起和组织的中国大遗址保护研讨会在内蒙古呼和浩特市召开。出席本次大会的120位代表来自全国26个省、自治区和直辖市的近60个单位,所属单位有科研院所、大学、行政管理  相似文献   

阿波罗计划6次将人类送上月球,宇航员留在那里的东西包括探测器轨迹(上,来自阿波罗15号)、脚印。和仍在使用的激光反射器.用于测量月球到地球的距离。所有这些都很容易遭到今后月球探索者的破坏。  相似文献   

2010年4月,我们晋阳古城考古队一行10人,历时8日,南行考察了以扬州市为重点的三省五市的古遗址、古墓葬及出土遗物的保护与展示。这次考察,我们侧重了解城市建设与大遗址保护之间的矛盾、大遗址的考古研究与保护展示之间的关系、大遗址保护与展示的模式等等。  相似文献   

官信  闫亚林 《江汉考古》2008,(1):129-132
自国家文物局张柏副局长宣布,从2005年起,财政部和国家文物局正式启动"大遗址保护项目"以来,从大遗址项目库的建立、专项经费的设立、大遗址保护规划体系的初步建立、相关规划编制、经费管理、绩效考核等办法的出台,到汉阳陵、金沙、殷墟、高句丽等大遗址保护展示园区的建设开放,我国的大遗址保护展示工作在"十一五"头三年取得了重大进展和明显成效。但是,我们也要看到,随着我国国民经济和城市化进程的飞速发展,大遗址保护依然面临着人为和自然两方  相似文献   

赵荣 《文博》2005,(4):4-6
作为文物大省的陕西,有着十分丰富的文物资源。全省登记在册的各类文物点3万余处,其中全国重点文物保护单位89处(113个点)。全省的文物资源中,古遗址、大型墓葬及陵园遗址1万余处,占全省文物点总数近1/2。遗址数量在陕西文物资源中占有非常大的比重,其中被公布为全国重点文物保护单位的30处、省级文物保护单位的186处、县级文物保护单位的480处。  相似文献   

大遗址考古发掘与保护的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、背景大遗址的概念是我国文化遗产保护在全球视野下从近十几年来的遗址保护与管理工作中提出的一个重要概念。尽管这个概念在目前还没有清晰而科学的法定量化界  相似文献   


The province of Seville, situated in the south-western part of the Iberian Peninsula, contains a large number of archaeological sites. Some of them are of great significance: for example, the ancient Roman cities of Itálica and Munigua, the megaliths in Valencina de la Concepción, or the Roman necropolis in Carmona. These four mentioned above receive a considerable number of educational visits by students between the ages of twelve and sixteen, and a number of educational projects have been carried out there. This article outlines the types of resource material provided at these four sites.  相似文献   

一、考古遗址的价值功能(一)古代遗址的价值功能保存至今的古代遗址,其价值功能主要体现在如下三个方面。第一,历史载体。除了传世的古代文献之外,我们了解古代历史的惟一途径就是发掘古代遗址。任何一个古代遗址,都是人类  相似文献   

The archaeological remains of ships in the beach zone are part of a complex and dynamic system. Being periodically exposed and reburied, they vary between being both visible and frequently forgotten features of the physical and cultural coastal landscape. These limited and non-renewable resources are highly susceptible to instability within the landscape. Challenges to stability result in these resources being damaged, ignored, or forgotten, leading to a potential loss of pertinent social, economic, and physical information. Although little can be done to prevent certain physical actions, a better understanding of physical and cultural processes allows for their mitigation and better management practices for the beached shipwreck resource. This paper looks at how stability is defined in relation to beached shipwreck sites and how these definitions impact the management of the resource of two case study sites in Maine and North Carolina.  相似文献   

The Shaw Creek Flats and nearby middle Tanana river, in central Alaska, constitute one of the areas in the Americas with the densest known distribution of Late Glacial (about 14,500–11,700 cal. B.P.) archaeological sites. Local high rates of sediment deposition and low post-depositional disturbance allow for the interpretation of the function of archaeological occupations within larger economic and mobility strategies. Residential sites used over the long term seem to be located near critical but immovable resources such as clear water and vegetation. The spatial association of artifacts and faunal remains at other sites in the Flats suggest that they were specialized, short-lived locations dedicated to a single or few activities. For instance, the site of Swan Point Cultural Zone 4b is interpreted as a workshop related to the production of composite tools, particularly on mammoth ivory, and the site of Keystone Dune is interpreted as a camp related to wapiti (Cervus elaphus) hunting. These task-specific sites and others were probably used as part of a predominantly logistical mobility and economy strategy, which maximized efficiency in harvesting and processing resources that were distributed heterogeneously on the landscape.  相似文献   

The article presents the results of a palynological study conducted at Late Paleolithic (Olympiya-5 and Ogonki-5) and Early Neolithic (Slavnaya-5) sites located in the southern part of Sakhalin Island. The reconstructed environments оf Late Paleolithic sites in southern Sakhalin included dark coniferous (fir and spruce) forests, indicative of a relatively warm phases of the last stadial coinciding with Daansgard-Oeschger oscillations. The Early Holocene conditions in southern Sakhalin were relatively warm although a virtually complete absence of pollen of deciduous trees suggests that the Boreal period was not the Holocene climatic optimum in that region.  相似文献   

A three-year research project, The Monitoring of Shipwreck Sites (MoSS), was initiated in 2001 as a partnership between several European countries: Finland (project leader), Germany, Holland, United Kingdom, Denmark and Sweden. The aim was to establish a suitable programme for the monitoring, safeguarding and visualizing of shipwreck sites, based on the investigation of three wrecks located in the Baltic and North Seas. Phase I involved the monitoring process, with the investigation of physical, chemical and biological factors that will help to identify potential threats to buried and exposed archaeological material. Phases II and III considered safeguarding and visualizing of shipwreck sites.
© 2005 The Nautical Archaeology Society  相似文献   

土遗址防风化保护概况   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
土遗址的风化表现为遗址的表面在各种环境因素的作用下,原来因各种因素作用互相结合的土体颗粒之间的结合力减弱或消失,颗粒间距加大以至脱落,使表面减薄、形貌改变,由此造成承载文化信息的表层破坏的现象。探讨土遗址表面风化的原因、机理,以及对防风化保护材料的应用性研究,对保护大批濒临破坏的土遗址具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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