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ABSTRACT. The purpose of this paper is to examine the visual images occurring in Grenada's place promotion materials. Tourism has become Grenada's principal source of foreign exchange and employment generation. With the increasing popularity of eco- and nature-tourism, the island has looked to this form of specialty tourism as a way to diversify its tourism product. Tourism is a uniquely visual industry; thus semiotics, the study of signs, was chosen for this study because of its ability to analyze the representations a tourist would encounter prior to reaching a destination or prior to participating in activities at the destination that would influence his or her expectations. Emphasis was placed on the images found in promotional materials and advertisements of Grenada to determine the mythology and ideology behind them. These images fell broadly into one of three categories: people, place or nature. Each category was represented as an 'other' that may be discussed in terms of dualities such as natural–artificial, exotic-familiar, and active-passive. The study concludes that images take on the myth of something different breaking the routine of the tourist's ordinary, daily life.  相似文献   

Summary.   Despite the vast amount of work and the huge database for Roman Britain, the people of the province remain very difficult to discern. There are many reasons for this, but one is that we have not yet learned to look behind the disjecta membra of archaeology in order to understand the structure and nature of society, and how the Roman Conquest may have impacted upon it. The language of sociology offers scope for thought, especially when combined with examples drawn from historically documented societies in later periods. Whilst models drawn from the classical world are important, attention also needs to be focused on the local, and on the factors that determined the shape of people's lives and influenced their daily activities. Not all these are archaeologically detectable; nevertheless an appreciation of their existence is an important pre-requisite in attempting explanations of patterns in the data.  相似文献   

邓羽  杨振山  宋涛 《人文地理》2018,33(4):82-87
社会经济活动的空间重构与交通设施配置息息相关,可达性成为优化城市空间结构,调控城市空间开发的重要手段。在以矢栅一体化的综合可达性测度并构建城市增长模型的基础上,对北京城市增长进行了成功模拟,透视了基于综合可达性导向发展模式的基本特征与主要问题,并提出了基于综合可达性的城市增长调控模式优化方案。研究发现:①城市增长密集发生在建成区周围可达性优越的区域,随着与城市中心的距离增加,城市增长的概率降低,反映了北京单中心的城市发展模式;②受城市规划与交通设施规划失调影响,可达性提升程度越大的区域并不一定带来更高的城市增长开发概率,严重削弱了可达性对城市增长的引导作用;③基于综合可达性的城市增长调控模式的优化方案,要以交通设施规划为基础,并合理耦合空间规划,才能更为有效地引导城市空间良性增长并预防规划失效。基于综合可达性的城市增长模型建立与调控模式优化方案的提出,对于确立与提升交通引导城市增长的基础性地位,优化城市空间结构具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

Today is Sunday.Anyi,a Tibetan woman,gets up early and gets dressed. She combs her hair and tries to make herself to look smart.She takes her daughter Nyina,together with some fellow villagers,to walk toward the church situated at the entrance to the village.To most of these villagers in Tsakhalho Village,this is a normal Sunday activity.  相似文献   

Classical diffusion research, both in geography and sociology, received considerable criticism in the 1970s and 1980s, but after that the diffusion debate has faded away. At the same time, one of the earliest contributors to diffusion research, Gabriel Tarde, is now attracting the attention of both geographers and sociologists. Drawing on earlier experiences with agricultural extension and the Green Revolution, this Tarde‐inspired article aims to revitalize the diffusion debate through an ethnographic case study of extension practices in Hambantota District, Sri Lanka. The study is based on field material collected between 2009 and 2011, which includes semi‐structured interviews with representatives from various spread agencies – government agricultural instructors, NGOs, social enterprises, and the inorganic industry – as well as with farmers and other key informants. Following the recent work of Nigel Thrift, it is argued that such an approach to the study of innovation diffusion can be a way of uncovering “the political economy of propensity”. The article suggests that a return to Tarde should not lead researchers back into naïve diffusionism, or towards a position that blames traditionalist farmers for non‐diffusion. Non‐human actors can also exhibit resistance and sociality: innovations travel through a landscape which is both human and non‐human, and the spread of organic farming practices is configured by both bonds of trust among farmers and bonds of chemicals in the soil. Furthermore, it contends that future research may interrogate the ways in which the very medium of diffusion is being reconfigured, following actors' institutionalization of innovation diffusion methods.  相似文献   

'Bioregionalism' is a term referring to an action-oriented movement based on ecological principles. It has not been strong in academic geography, though it clearly has space and place as its concerns. From a merging of classical regional geography and general systems one might have expected a bioregional synthesis to emerge. The bio-regional ideal can be given rigorous expression in a regional system comprising three sub-systems - a biophysical sub-system, an inhabiting sub-system, and a network sub-system.
Le mot 'biorégionalisme' s'attache à un mouvement ďaction et de pensée écologiste. Peu representé au sein de la géographie 'officielle, ii a néanmoins des rapports avec le problématique de ľespace et des lieux. On aurait du attendre que la convergence de la géographie régionale classique et ľétude des systèmes nous ameneraient à un synthèse 'biorégional.'Ľesprit biorégional peut s'exprimer ďune façon rigoureuse sous forme ďun système régional, comprenant trois sous-systèmes - sous-système biophysique, sous-système ďhabitat, et sous-système des liaisons et des réseaux.  相似文献   

人地系统演化及人地关系理论进展初探——一个案例研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香宝 《人文地理》1999,14(Z1):68-71
文章通过对人地关系系统演化进行分析,总结出人口、资源、环境与发展是目前人地关系系统的核心内容,并得出可持续发展论是到目前为止人地关系论发展的最高形式的结论。最后以可持续发展理论为指导,对呼和浩特市人口与经济系统的持续发展进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

城镇土地定级与估价管理系统设计及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城镇土地定级与估价工作,需要大量的计算与制图,为了提高工作效率,避免重复输入,使数据共享,我们研制了集定级与估价为一体的管理系统。本文介绍了该系统的设计思想、结构、功能、特点及应用结果。  相似文献   

我国小城镇土地定级工作的若干思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋保平 《人文地理》1999,14(2):65-68
我国小城镇土地定级工作具有明显的滞后性,已形成的技术规范与小城镇土地定级的特点不相适应。本文针对小城镇土地结构的独特性,在定级方法选择、工作程序和计算技巧诸方面提出了实用、科学的修改意见,有助于提高小城镇土地定级工作的可靠性。  相似文献   

The area is situated at the end of the land's snow line,along the southern part of Mt. Gonggya(the "Mountain King in Sichuan Province") and at the intersection of Panchi Hua, Xichang Plain, and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

当前我国自助游监管"空心化"的成因、根源及对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨俭波  肖顺金 《人文地理》2007,22(3):87-91,97
本文首先就国内自助游研究现状进行了文献综述,提出所要探讨的自助游监管和监管空心化问题;进而对自助游监管“空心化”的表现、成因和根源进行了探讨;在此基础上,文章提出了关于改善当前自助游监管“空心化”现象的建议,内容涵盖政府、行业协会、企业三个层面,以期促进自助游市场的健康和良性发展。  相似文献   

村镇规划与土地规划的比较及协调研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
村镇规划和土地规划是中国农村经济和社会发展规划的两种极为重要的类型。两者既密切联系,同时又存在着一定的区别,特别是在当前我国农村现代化建设中,集中表现为村镇建设与耕地保护的突出矛盾,迫切需要加以统一和协调。本文在对这两种规划的异同点、现实矛盾作出比较与分析的基础上,提出了其合理协调的主要途径。  相似文献   

More than a decade of emphasis on arms control through agreed numerical ceilings on weapons by type has failed to create a safer world or slowed the trend toward the increasing number, sophistication, and proliferation of destructive capacities. Accordingly, it is past time for renewed and major attention to arms control through communication and information regimes–to C3/I, i.e., communications, command and control, and intelligence. Priorities and possibilities in three areas merit pursuit: within U.S. and allied forces; between adversaries; and for potential third party sources of guarantees, sanctions, and mediation.  相似文献   

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