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This article addresses the role of Solemn Entries as part of the Norwegian kings’ communication programme from the late 12th and 13th centuries onwards. The study covers two particular political contexts that greatly influenced the political significance of the Solemn Entry and the ways in which different players musically accompanied them: the civil war of 1130–1240 and the period of greatness that followed. It shows that the ritual provided the kings and bishops with the means to assert their political ambitions during the conflict for royal succession and as part of the ongoing competition between the royalty and the Norwegian clergy after the war.  相似文献   

《Medieval archaeology》2013,57(1):281-304

AN EXCAVATION was undertaken during 1993–4 on a site at Low Fisher Gate, Doncaster. Urban archaeological deposits of 11th- to 18th-century date, together with evidence of an earlier course of the River Cheswold (the southern arm of the River Don), were uncovered. The excavations were among the largest ever to take place within Doncaster. Among the most significant finds was a riverside revetment, made from re-used portions of two medieval clinker-built boats. These have characteristics not recorded elsewhere which may represent features of a now lost, South Yorkshire boatbuilding tradition. This type of find is still rather rare and the Doncaster timbers add to knowledge of the variety of local vessels and construction features present in the medieval period. The rolls of fibrous material used to waterproof the vessels were also of interest for comparison with similar finds from England and Norway. The boat timbers have been fully conserved and are now on display in Doncaster Museum.  相似文献   

FLAX-RETTING POOLS, hitherto unrecognized, still survive in the landscape of NW. England, in close association with fulling-mill sites, tenter banks and simple potash pits. The retting-pool sites have common characteristics—usually on flat land; close to a river, but utilizing small streams which have been channelled to provide a controlled water supply; and raised banks for the drying of the retted flax. The field evidence occurs in documented contexts which show that a widespread linen industry was contemporary with, and often linked to, the 12th- and 13th-century demesne woollen industry.  相似文献   

This article deals with six children accused of witchcraft in the district of Finnmark, Northern Norway, during a witchcraft panic in 1663. Through a narratological approach, the article presents close-readings of court records, trying to detect the various voices heard in the documents: the voice of the accused person, the voice of the law and the voice of the scribe. The article draws attention to four points discussed within ongoing witchcraft research: the role of the scribe, the individualized character of the children's confessions, oral transference of witchcraft ideas and the speed of transmission of ideas about witchcraft. The analyses show that children confessed to similar demonological elements as adults, similarly seen in other European countries. The contents must be known before the children were brought before the court, as their answers to leading questions were detailed. The voices of the children are individualized, there is no indication that the confessions are constructions made by the scribe. The influence of specific persons had great influence on transference of demonological ideas.  相似文献   

19到20世纪西方阳伞受中国文化的传播影响,多以丝绸为伞面,伞柄多采用象牙等材质,制作工艺具有中西方文化融合的特征,是见证东西方文化交流的重要实物。目前国内针对阳伞修复的研究和实例鲜见,以杭州工艺美术博物馆藏19世纪西方绸面阳伞为例,在利用便携式显微镜和近红外光谱仪无损分析织物材质和组织结构的基础上,经工艺研究、制作支撑物、伞面拆除、平整、修复、拼合等步骤完成阳伞修复。重点研究阳伞修复的形制分解、修复支撑物模具的设计制作,此为阳伞修复的关键,可为此类文物的科学修复保护提供实践参考。  相似文献   

American Samoa was governed directly by the US navy from 1901 to 1951, using naval officers on short-term rotations, assisted by Samoan chiefs. Despite being benign and protectionist, the administration in 1920 was disturbed by a protest movement commonly known by the Samoan term mau. This coincided with criticisms from other quarters, including a mixed-race Samoan–Caucasian family, assisted by a California attorney, a mutinous naval officer, a Honolulu journalist and resident American traders. Previous assessments that foreigners agitated among the Samoans for their own ends were challenged by David Chappell, who transfers the initiative for the agitation to the Samoans and sees in the movement an expression of cultural rather than political nationalism. This revisionist interpretation fails to recognise the nature of the links between the foreign and indigenous elements and misreads the Samoan component. The latter was less concerned with grievances about naval rule than with the continuation of traditional rivalries between Samoan chiefs, which crystallised over access to navy patronage. Both Chappell's interpretation and the current one are post-colonialist in their endeavours to shift the focus onto Samoan cultural understandings but they differ in identifying the specific processes involved.  相似文献   

水下被掩埋沉船的地球物理调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王传雷  祁明松  曲赞 《江汉考古》2002,(1):79-82,66
本文在简要介绍可用于水域考古的物探方法及各自的特点外,结合在长江某河道使用磁法勘察技术发现河床中被掩埋的7条金属沉船的实例,讨论寻找水下磁性物体的方法技术,以及在考古工作中使用高精度磁测能发现的最小磁性体场源及相应的最大有效探测埋深。  相似文献   

The rise of the European nation–state system profoundly influenced the map of linguistic and cultural minorities. Catalonia in northeastern Spain is no exception. The consolidation of the Spanish and French kingdoms during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries left Catalan speakers without political and cultural sovereignty. Furthermore, in the Treaty of the Pyrenees of 1659, the Catalan homeland els Països Catalans was divided by the Franco–Spanish border. Today, Catalan culture and politics enjoy increasing latitude in both Spain and France. This has encouraged various forms of cross–border co–operation in the Catalan borderlands. It has also led many Catalan nationalists to expect still greater political autonomy. Some activists have voiced claims for independence and even the reincorporation of the Spanish (el Principat) and French Catalonias (Catalunya Nord) . However, political tensions regarding the borderland's development exist between the local actors and the Spanish and French national governments, as well as between Catalan nationalists and the population at large. This article examines these tensions, first by looking at cross–border co–operation efforts in Catalonia, and second by assessing the visible markers of identity that Catalan nationalists have placed in the border landscapes. These are contrasted with the results of a survey charting the opinions and attitudes of 'ordinary' Catalans. The article argues that there are significant cleavages among Catalans, and that the era of the nation–states has left a legacy of complex loyalties at international frontiers.  相似文献   

That the ability to visualise, to see with ‘the mind's eye’, varies between individuals has been known since Francis Galton reported on the results of his ‘Breakfast Table’ questionnaire in 1880. Research in the ensuing years has supported what Galton's surveys suggested: that the vividness of the population's mental imagery lies across a spectrum, with small percentages at the extremes being bereft of imagery or visualising with near percept-like quality. This paper explores what impact this factor of individual psychological difference had on the literary-theoretical debate over ut pictura poesis — whether poetry can or should emulate painting — as it culminated in the 18th-century. After making the case for personal experience of imagery being an influencing factor on the position that critics in the period took on ut pictura poesis, the paper concludes by engaging with the methodological and conceptual difficulties — for the philosophy of science as much as for literary theory and history — that the line of argument produces.  相似文献   

The Royal Navy's use of copper and other sheathing on ships as a protection against'worm'is presented against a general background of the subject. Manufacturers', Admiralty and other marks found on metal sheathing are illustrated and identified as an aid to nautical archaeologists. © 2000 The Nautical Archaeology Society  相似文献   

雷艇是以水雷、鱼雷为武器的重要舰种,深受李鸿章重视。在北洋海军购置雷艇的过程中,洋人日意格、柏专敬等皆曾产生过影响,而李凤苞则是一个关键性人物。他通过对各大雷艇船厂的考察和交流,逐渐认识到鱼雷艇的作战价值,不断向北洋介绍最新的鱼雷艇动态和研究著述,并积极访觅优秀的鱼雷教习,促使李鸿章转变为中国官场的鱼雷艇迷,并将购艇重心逐渐转移到可以出海作战的大鱼雷艇方向。在北洋海军所拥有的14艘雷艇中,李凤苞实际负责了12艘雷艇的订购。其中,光绪六年2艘中鱼雷艇订购的成功,充分说明了德国舰船的物美价廉,是北洋海军和德国伏尔铿厂一系列大宗舰船交易的开始,在中国近代海军购船史上具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   


In this article, I will explore how legalized Finnish midwives acted as expert witnesses in court hearings before 1809, how they worded the statements they gave in court, on what grounds they decided a woman was pregnant or had given birth, and what signs they considered as indicating a miscarriage or the birth of a full-term infant. Their work as expert witnesses relied on their midwifery training as well as their learned knowledge of the anatomy of the female body and the physiology of birth. Ultimately, their knowledge was supported by contemporary guidebooks on midwifery and forensic medicine. As expert witnesses, the trained and legalized midwives of the eighteenth century can be seen as having been legally literate women, who had a duty to provide oral or written evidence to the court and other instances who demanded it. Midwives were capable of using understandable medical and legal terminology in terms of the processing of the court case in their testimony. The forensic examinations carried out by legalized midwives and the expert witness statements they gave also demonstrate the professional skills and expertise of these women.. Their testimonies also show that they were familiar with the characteristics of infanticide referred to in the Swedish medical and forensic literature.  相似文献   

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