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From the opening traffic of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway,a major restriction on transportation to and from Tibet was finally removed. Such a change has had a massive impact on the economy of the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) as a whole and,in particular,on the rural Tibetans.In other words,the railway became a leading force in the re- structure and advancement of the Tibetan economy.  相似文献   

Changing Concepts of Farmers and HerdsmenChangingConceptsofFarmersandHerdsmen¥NAMGYI&ZHOUXIAOZHENPassers-bycaststrangeglances...  相似文献   

The Qinghai to Tibet railway began full operation from July 1, 2006. It symbolises Tibet's historical inaccessibility via railway. The total distance from Lhasa to Xining by railway is 1956 kilometres, and it is the world's highest railway extending for the longest distance through a plateau of permanent frost.  相似文献   

清乾隆年间,迁居伏尔加河流域已有百余年的土尔扈特部众东归,清廷以分散安置为原则,对土尔扈特部众进行了安置,其中直属其首领渥巴锡的部众,被指地安置于天山北部的斋尔地方。但寒冷的侵袭、病魔的肆虐、物资的匮乏和农牧不旺,迫使渥巴锡不得不提出另行选址迁移。时任伊犁将军的舒赫德经派人勘查,将渥巴锡部众尽数移至天山南部的珠尔都斯草原,完成了土尔扈特部众万里东归后的一次大动迁。  相似文献   

蒋介石、张学良与中东路事件之交涉   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
1929年,藉南京国民政府推动“革命外交”之机,年轻气盛的张学良在东北挑起了中东路事件,意图强行收回中方在中东铁路经营管理上应享之权。此举得到蒋介石和南京国民政府的鼎力支持,蒋并且试图藉机收回全部路权。对此,苏联方面以1924年中俄及奉俄条约为依据,亦不惜以武力相向。蒋则运用外交手段,希冀得到各国列强的支持而获得压制苏联的效果。却不料各国政府多不赞同中方的做法。结果,苏联大举兴兵,东北边防军损失惨重,张学良被迫单独与苏联订立了城下之盟。此举虽令南京不满。蒋却因顾虑到逐渐形成气候的反蒋风潮.而不得不曲予承认。  相似文献   

A total of 2635 skeletons recovered from different sites in England was examined for the presence of osteoarthritis (OA); 206 were from pre-medieval sites, 1453 from medieval sites and 976 from post-medieval sites. Where OA was considered to be present in a joint, the site was noted and for each time period the total number of anatomical sites with the condition was determined and the number of major sites with OA (10 in number) was expressed as a proportion of this total. There were no differences in the distribution of osteoarthritis between the pre-medieval and medieval periods but there were between the medieval and post-medieval periods. In the post-medieval period the proportion of osteoarthritis of the knee increased whereas that of the hip decreased; the proportion of osteoarthritis of the hands also increased whereas that of the wrist decreased. Other data presented indicate that patellofemoral disease is about twice as common as tibio-femoral disease in both medieval and post-medieval periods and that lateral compartment disease is almost as common as medial compartment disease.  相似文献   

In many parts of the world, one of the principal means for discovering archaeological resources is terrestrial archaeological survey for small scatters of generally unobtrusive artifacts on the surface. Yet archaeologists have expended relatively little research on the factors that affect detection of such artifacts or the impacts they have on the reliability of surveys. We employ mock survey of plowed fields ‘seeded’ with a variety of artifacts in order to evaluate the effectiveness of pedestrian survey (fieldwalking) with respect to search time and transect spacing. Our results confirm theoretical expectations about the diminishing returns on increases of search effort, while also demonstrating variation in ‘sweep widths’ for different artifact types and surveyor speed and the effects of walking toward or away from the sun. Preliminary results have implications for the most efficient spacing of survey transects as well as the evaluation of completed surveys, since some artifact types have extremely low probabilities of detection even at high densities of search effort.  相似文献   

有关吐蕃太子的文书研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本对P.2255、P.2326号《祈福发愿》、P.2341号《燃灯》、P.3256号《愿》、S.2146《行城》、P.2807号《斋》、P.2807号《行城》等6件有关吐蕃皇太子的佛教祈愿的写作年代进行了考证,并对与之相关的一些问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

1915年初,日本向民国北京政府提出的《二十一条》是其侵华野心的大暴露。过去一般认为,日本侵华的重点是满蒙。其实,从日本侵华的野心来看,此时,它侵华的重点应是在中国关内,而非东北。本文试以中日《二十一条》中的铁路交涉为例,说明这一点。在《二十一条》中,日本就关内的烟潍路和扬子江铁路网提出了建筑权要求,日本觊觎这两项铁路建筑权,并非始于《二十一条》,而史学界对其由来,一直未有论述。因此,有必要追溯中日以前关于这两项铁路建筑权交涉的情况。一扬子江铁路,泛指长江中下游的铁路网计划。它不是单指一条铁路,…  相似文献   

ANewApproachtoStudiesoftheTibetanIssue¥byYangGongsuIntheearly1980s,attheinvitationoftheinternationalPoliticsDepartmentofPekin...  相似文献   

建设青藏铁路是中华民族的百年宏愿,凝聚着共和国几代领导人和铁路建设者的心血和汗水,实现了西藏各族人民追求美好幸福生活的千年期盼。但青藏铁路的建设却走过了一段非常不平凡的历程,其间经历了1956~1961年第一次上下马,由于战备需要1965年又考虑开工修建,两年徘徊时期再度下马,直至1994年第三次上马并于2006年建成通车。建成后的青藏铁路是藏族同胞与全国各族人民的连心路,是雪域高原迈向现代化的腾飞路,也是勤劳智慧的中国人民不断创造非凡业绩的奋斗路。  相似文献   

To date at least two aspects of Tibetan studies have become prominent. One is Tibetan archaeology which has grown from a base of ever-enriching fieldwork, and the other is Tibetan art studies which is dominated by Tibetan Buddhist art. In western humanity disciplines,archaeology and art history have always been regarded  相似文献   

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