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A. M. Hocart 《Folklore》2013,124(2):84-88


Resistance to enemy occupation has stood rather apart from the general history of the Second World War. Historians have been doubtful whether to treat it as a part of military and strategic history or a part of political and diplomatic history. Some have thought the less said about it the better, in any context. In the history of particular countries which suffered enemy occupation, the treatment of resistance has varied widely according to the outcome of the war. In some countries it has occupied a major place in their war-time history: Denmark and Yugoslavia, for quite different reasons, are important examples. In other occupied countries very little has been written about the occupation by professional historians: Greece is an outstanding example. Although Britain played a leading role in promoting resistance everywhere, the subject has not attracted, many professional historians, other than those who had a personal engagement in it during the war.  相似文献   

1978年是新中国具有转折意义的重要一年。通过关于真理标准问题的大讨论,人们冲破了“两个凡是”的束缚,解放了思想;顺应人们要求改变生产力的落后状况的迫切心情,我国对外改善了与日、美等国的关系,确立了引进开放的方针;对内大胆地提出改革生产关系和上层建筑的意见,确定经济战线必须实行三个转变,达成对改革的原则问题的一致认识;最后通过召开中共十一届三中全会,重新确立了党的实事求是的思想路线,实现了全党工作重心的转移。  相似文献   

试论社会转型时期的博物馆改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会转型必然对博物馆的活动和社会职能产生深刻影响,在社会转型的历史大背景下,博物馆改革是一项涉及转型期社会政治、经济、文化等各个方面的系统工程。内容包括:国家对博物馆管理体制的改革和博物馆自身管理理念和管理模式的创新,体现了市场经济条件下博物馆社会化动态发展的历史过程,反映了当代及未来社会对博物馆社会综合功能调整和拓展的时代要求。  相似文献   

John Gillingham 《外交史》2000,24(3):543-546
Books reviewed in this article:
Hitchcock, William I. France Restored: Cold War Diplomacy and the Quest for Leadership in Europe, 1944-1955  相似文献   

Previous analyses of the Massachusetts Miracle and the subsequent evolution of employment in the area have centered in part on sectoral explanations. In this paper these explanations are evaluated with the use of a sectoral-based VAR model of the Boston economy, developed to identify local and national sectoral shocks. The relative importance of these shocks is estimated both for the overall sample and at several turning points in aggregate Boston employment, the latter using historical decompostions.  相似文献   

Restrictive immigration policies and the militarization of external border controls by the US and the EU have failed to significantly curb immigration from Latin America and Africa. Rather, they have led to greater reliance on increasingly risky and costly irregular migration and have paradoxically encouraged permanent settlement. A commonly presented ‘smart solution’ to curb immigration is to address the perceived root causes of migration through increasing aid or liberalizing trade with origin countries. Recently, policies to stimulate remittances and to promote temporary and circular migration have also been advocated as enhancing home country development, so that these forms of migration become a medicine against illegal and permanent migration. However, besides the limited scope and credibility of such policies, empirical and theoretical evidence strongly suggests that economic and human development increases people's capabilities and aspirations and therefore tends to coincide with an increase rather than a decrease in emigration, at least in the short to medium term. Under unfavourable conditions, trade, aid and remittances can be complements to, rather than substitutes for, migration also in the longer term. At the same time, demand for both skilled and unskilled migrant labour is likely to persist. Trade, aid, return migration and remittances are no short‐cut ‘solutions’ to migration, and sustained immigration therefore seems likely.  相似文献   


The Pacific Theater: Island Representations of World War II. Edited by Geofffrey M. White and Lamont Lindstrom. Pacific Islands Monograph Series No. 8, Center for Pacific Islands Studies, University of Hawaii. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press, 1989. xiv, 433 pp. maps, photos, notes, bibliogs, indexes, US$34.00. Co‐published at Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, 1990. A$44.95.  相似文献   

转型期博物馆学习的重要性和迫切性,是处在社会转型中的博物馆外部因素的促成和其自身社会综合功能发展变化的结果,是时代对博物馆工作者的要求和任务,是为适应这一变化改善和重组专业知识结构,全面提升综合素质,进行全方位、多领域、跨学科的知识学习。内容是学习做好博物馆工作所需的一切知识,专业精深博采众长。并在学习过程中,提高运用知识的应变能力和知识创新能力。  相似文献   

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