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江西省委在十一次党代表会上提出“以三个代表重要思想为指针,大力弘扬井冈山精神,为实现江西在中部地区的崛起而奋斗。”我们江西物考古工作也同样是面对着新的机遇和挑战。探索遥远的古代明,是人类的一个永恒的主题,而考古工作就是实现这个主题的使。江西考古工作该如何应对二十一世纪的考古学发展,并以优异成绩完成历史赋予的责任?我们认为。  相似文献   

The importance of Ireland to an understanding of Oscar Wilde has been the subject of contentious discussion in recent years. For one group of critics Wilde has been considered “a militant Irish republican”, an Irish “terrorist by another name”, whose literary practices resembled those of “guerrilla warfare”, an ardent Home Ruler and Parnellite, and committed Irish nationalist whose work is suffused with references to Ireland and the Irish Question, very influenced by his Irish background and political views, possibly shaped by a genuine interest in and awareness of Irish folklore and the Irish oral tradition, and deeply engaged with issues of Irish identity and culture. For an opposing set of critics Wilde should at best be considered a “reluctant” Irish patriot, who referenced his Irish “identity” only when it suited him commercially, was more interested in exploiting intellectual fashions and fads than making genuine political points, was a shallow thinker in most areas of life and certainly didn’t use his writing to pursue Irish nationalist issues, was probably more of a British imperialist than an Irish nationalist, knew precious little about Irish folklore or Irish oral traditions, and his works contain few if any references to Irish issues or themes. The differences between these two interpretive communities certainly seem quite large, and these differences have been emphasised in a disputatious manner which has shed more heat than light on the messy matter of Wilde’s national identity. In this article I want to begin to clear up some of the misunderstandings I think have crept into this critical dispute and suggest fruitful ways in which opposing critics can come together in if not harmony then perhaps a less acrimonious, more productive way.  相似文献   

When Constantine first entered Rome after his defeat of Maxentius in October 312, he encountered a rich and complex Christian community and a bishop whose position was precarious. Centuries of growth and a long religious peace had resulted in the development of a large number of locally based communities in Rome with their own centres of worship - the tituli. Constantine needed to convince these communities of his bona fides as a Christian emperor. The bishop of Rome, Miltiades, was the ruler of a relatively newly unified see, recently fractured by persecution and controversy. Miltiades' relative weakness was to Constantine's political advantage, especially since it made him eager to receive the vast ocean of generosity which Constantine began to pour into the Roman Church. The particular and immediate beneficiary of this generosity was the bishop, who gained a vast and lavishly appointed cathedral, and a palace to go with it.  相似文献   

More than 400 fayalitic bloomery slags from prehistoric iron production sites in Upper and Lower Lusatia, eastern Germany, as well as bog iron ore samples and intermediary samples of the smelting process, were analysed by chemical and mineralogical techniques. While the precursor bog iron ores exploited in the two regions under investigation were very similar in composition, consisting of low‐manganese/low‐barium as well as high‐manganese/high‐barium types of ore, pronounced differences in slag composition were detected. Slags from 17 investigated sites in Upper Lusatia showed average P2O5 contents between 1 and 3 mass%, whereas slags from 15 investigated sites in Lower Lusatia were generally much richer in phosphorus, reaching values as high as 7 mass% P2O5. Since a reasonable correlation exists between calcium and phosphorus contents in the slags of the latter sites, it is conjectured that deliberate addition of CaO to the ore/charcoal charge of the bloomery furnace may have taken place in order to fix the phosphorus in the slags effectively. In many samples, this conjecture is being supported by the detection of a slag mineral Ca–Fe phosphate Ca9?xFe1+x(PO4)7 that presumably crystallized from a residual phosphorus‐rich melt and shows a cotectic relationship to both Ca‐rich fayalite and wustite, as well as to members of the solid solution series magnetite–hercynite.  相似文献   

With the Cambridge commentary by Rolando Ferri (2003) as point of departure, the article examines the claim that the Octavia is dependent on historians of the Flavian reign, but concludes that the case is unproven. As for the alleged allusions to the love poetry of Statius, the article argues that the similarities are coincidental and points instead to the striking parallels between the drama's depiction of the beautiful Poppaea as the darling of Venus and the short-lived Neronian cult of Poppaea as Diva Poppaea-Venus. Focusing on dramaturgy, the final section examines the commonly discarded links between the drama's implied scenography and the rich and varied resources of the imperial stage, concluding that the ignotus at each and every turn is laying out his plot ‘in accordance with the custom of those working for the stage’ (secundum consuetudinem scaenicorum).  相似文献   

黔铅的采炼是清代矿业兴盛的主要表征之一,其在开采时间、规模、作用与影响方面堪比滇铜,但其研究却显得极其滞后。当前学术界对清代黔铅最大矿厂的认识仍然不清,大多数学者将威宁州属莲花、妈姑并列为两大铅厂。笔者经过对名称、厂址、产量的考证和两者之间关系的考察,发现二者实为一厂,而“一厂二名”现象表现出不同类型文献记载上的差异,这对于研究黔铅的产量与规模至关重要。  相似文献   

Rather than a simple transfer of words or texts from one language to another, on the model of the bilingual dictionary, translation has become understood as a translingual act of transcoding cultural material — a complex act of communication. Much recent work on translation in history grows out of interest in the effects of European colonialism, especially within Asian studies, where interest has been driven by the contrast between the experiences of China and Japan, which were never formally colonized, and the alternative examples of peoples without strong, centralized states — those of the Indian subcontinent and the Tagalog in the Philippines — who were colonized by European powers. This essay reviews several books published in recent years, one group of which share the general interpretation that colonial powers forced their subjects to "translate" their local language, sociality, or culture into the terms of the dominant colonial power: because the colonial power controls representation and forces its subjects to use the colonial language, it is in a position to construct the forms of indigenous and subject identity. The other books under review here are less concerned with power in colonial situations than with the fact of different languages, cultures, or practices and the work of "translating" between the two — particularly the efforts of indigenous agents to introduce European ideas and institutions to their respective peoples.  相似文献   

中古及近代法制文献校释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前贤时彦在中古及近代法制献的整理方面做了大量辛勤工作,取得了丰硕的成果。但是,由于中古及近代法制献汗牛充栋,加之这些献充满大量的口语词以及法律专门词,所以,对其进行准确校释并非易事。直到目前,学们对这一时期的法制献进行误校和误释的现象还比较突出,这对于法制史和汉语史研究都是不利的。本拈出中古及近代法制献中“小愆乏及”、“恋着”、“细小”、“偏说”、“周备仪”、“不悔之人”、“科合”、“告反逮受”、“摄”、“连逮”、“奏尽”、“用类推迹”、“简书”、“分析申”、“水雨”、“便”、“画指为记”、“大例”、“捉”、“不在论限”、“逐要”、“没”、“虚说”、“父祖舍”等24个词语和术语,进行重新校释,以期得其正解。  相似文献   

Theory And Synthesis In Historical Geography   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Although interest in them is clearly growing, most professional historians do not accept thought experiments as appropriate tools. Advocates of the deliberate use of thought experiments in history argue that without counterfactuals, causal attributions in history do not make sense. Whereas such arguments play upon the meaning of causation in history, this article focuses on the reasoning processes by which historians arrive at causal explanations. First, we discuss the roles thought experiments play in arriving at explanations of both facts and contrasts. Then, we pinpoint the functions thought experiments fulfill in arriving at weighted explanations of contrasts.  相似文献   

The dressing of the people in Yamzhog (in the Nangarze County) is affected deeply by such areas as Lhasa and Xigaze (Xigaze area), and it has unique features because of the unique historical and geological environments in Yamzhog.  相似文献   

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