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赵汉英 《神州》2012,(22):306-307
新课程改革已经实施几年了,但现实的学生作文问题却还不少,一些“通病”作文(特别是“假、大、空”作文)亟需解决。本文就以自己对目前学生作文现状的了解及高考作文阅卷的要求,以一次作文训练中的学生习作为例,对我们高中学生作文写作的“通病”进行进一步的反思,在反思中明确写作方向,让学生写作回归本真,最终提高学生作文写作的质量。  相似文献   

高武宁 《神州》2012,(21):119
老师和学生消除了对作文认识上的误区,不在认为作文很神秘,自然也就消除了畏惧作文的心理。在老师的指导下,学生掌握了写作的一些基本技法,何愁写不好作文呢?  相似文献   

李英 《神州》2012,(15):146-146
作文是学生语文综合素质的体现,然而在小学语文教学过程中,有许多学生害怕写作文,为了使学生消除对写作的恐惧心理,使他们愿意写作、乐于写作。在作文教学过程中,要从培养学生的写作兴趣,注重积累写作素材,指导写作技巧,注重作文评改等方面提高学生的写作水平。  相似文献   

赵雪利 《神州》2013,(21):145-145
反思传统,更新观念。鼓励创新,呵护个性。作文教学中,教师要在写作目的上正本清源,在评价标准上去伪存真,去培养学生个性化的写作能力,让学生在作文中敢于毕露自己个性的锋芒。在作文中让学生的心灵得以舒展,让写作语言更加自如,让文章技法创出新意。鼓励学生表现自我,张扬个性,最终促进学生发展良好的个性,形成健康健全的人格。  相似文献   

王秀娟 《神州》2013,(21):128-128
作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。中学生经过多年的文学熏陶,已经有了基本的写作功底。但是在实际教学中发现,大多数学生对写作并不感兴趣,甚至是消极抵触,作文大多假话、空话、套话连篇,草草而作。因此,如何在写作教学中引导作文水平较差的学生进行真实、有情感的写作,帮助学生走出作文写作困境,提高学生写作水平显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

要让学生真正学会写作,爱写作文,教师就得培养学生作文的兴趣与自信,点燃学生创作的激情与欲望。教师应就此在设置作文情境、指导学生写作和革新作文形式方面作一些尝试。  相似文献   

黄如庆 《神州》2012,(13):244-244
作文教学必须重视培养学生的写作兴趣,没有了兴趣也就没有了情感,要想写出好作文是根本不可能的。因此,教师在作文教学实践中要注意激发、培养学生的写作兴趣,捕捉瞬间的兴趣火花,让它点燃学生写作的欲望。  相似文献   

话题作文作为一种新的命题形式,比较符合学生的写作实际。它不仅让学生在作文中有话可说,有事可写,有“文”可做,一句话给学生提供了广阔的写作空间;而且还可以培养学生的创新精神。所以话题作文成了这些年来各地中考作文命题的重要形式之一。那么如何认识话题作文,如何写好话题作文呢?笔者认为,“话题”写作中要努力做到“三不”。  相似文献   

李春妃 《神州》2011,(8S):31-31
平时的小学作文教学中的写作前的作文指导绝大多数是指导学生如何去观察事物、人物、景物等,而忽略了学生的听觉和想象联想的作用和指导。难以达到作文指导的多面性和丰富性,也影响了学生写作的全面性。  相似文献   

王凤霞 《神州》2012,(12):59
作文在许多孩子的心里一直是件可怕的事。作文教学对许多教师来说也是一件不轻松的事。如果在作文教学中能创设相应的写作情境,就能激发学生的写作兴趣,优化学生的写作心境。使学生消除畏惧的心理,自由快乐地写作文。  相似文献   

冀东朝 《神州》2012,(6):104-104
根据《语文课程标准》中写作教学的总目标:“能具体明确,文从字顺地表述自己的意思。能根据日常生活需要,运用常见的表达方式写作。”由此可以看出,去除学生对于作文的畏惧心理,注重激发学生的写作兴趣和自信心,养成良好的写作习惯将是初中作文教学的首要任务。现将笔者在初中作文教学探讨中的一些经验拿来与大家同享,希望对作文教学有所裨益。  相似文献   

程东方 《神州》2012,(6):160-160
语文教学包括讲读教学和作文教学两大内容。一般的语文教学方法是将讲读课与作文课完全分开来进行教学,认为两者联系并不十分密切,而且也很难将两者有机地结合起来进行教学,于是在讲读课上只进行范文教学,不搞作文教学,关于作文教学的内容或存在的问题则放到作文课上去教授、解决。其结果,无形中留给学生一个错觉,似乎讲读课文与写作文之间没有必然的联系;有的学生甚至更错误地认为不上语文课照样能写好作文。  相似文献   

This paper uses case studies and secondary literature to critically examine how learning spaces inhabited by geographers might be used productively as borderland spaces for learning partnership. Borderland spaces are novel, challenging, permissive and liminal, destabilizing traditional power hierarchies. In these spaces, students gain confidence in accepting agency in learning, moving towards critical thinking and reflective judgement, thereby developing self-authorship. They acquire new knowledge, skills and facets to their identity. They also feel anxiety as they take on new roles and adopt a partnership ethos. Faculty must guide students to support their successful navigation into and out of borderland spaces.  相似文献   

The use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in higher education to support student learning is expanding. However, student usage has been low and the value of e-learning resources has been under investigation. We reflect on best practices for pedagogical design of e-learning resources to support academic writing in environmental science. A case study demonstrates that where resources are embedded into the curriculum they are highly valued by students with on average 83% of the class accessing files. Students were confident at writing tasks indicating that the resources effectively met their needs and expectations and enabled them to further develop discipline-specific writing skills. Scaffolded e-learning resources, designed around the identified threshold concepts of writing within the discipline, incorporating a knowledge narrative of explicit instruction and a strong teacher presence, delivered in a sequential manner and embedded into the curriculum, are valued and highly used by students in academic writing tasks.  相似文献   

This essay locates Canadian writing research historically and provides a brief taxonomy of the scholarship produced in Canada and by Canadian rhetoric and composition scholars. It examines Canadian writing research from 1953 to the present day, and notes the importance of the scholarship of definition to mapping the Canadian landscape of the discipline of rhetoric and composition. It provides a contemporary snapshot of the work of Canadian writing scholars as intentionally separate from that of the United States, and asserts that Canadian scholarship is poised for revitalization, given the current new trend of focused attention on international writing research.  相似文献   

珂罗版印刷是书画文物主要复制方法之一。由于该方法复制书画真迹印刷品仿真程度高,满足了广大书画爱好者研究和收藏的需要,同时给书画真伪识别带来一定的难度。本工作通过视频显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、红外光谱、拉曼光谱等多种检测手段对珂罗版印刷油墨和传统书写墨迹进行研究。结果表明,珂罗版印刷油墨与传统油烟墨和墨汁在形貌、成分方面均存在一定的差异,从而对可疑书画印刷品的鉴别提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

姜玉芝 《神州》2012,(24):176-176
中学英语教学是为了提高学生听、说、读、写的基本能力。英语写作教学也变得越来越重要。同时,写作能力是以读和听为基础的,写作能力的提高也有助于其他能力的提高。  相似文献   

Narrative inquiry is an innovative means of encouraging students to internalize concepts, reflect on experiences or create applications for theoretical ideas. The use of first-person creative writing in a second-year cultural geography course prompted initial scepticism from students but eventually highlighted their constructivist engagement with course concepts. Despite a number of ethical, evaluative and moral dilemmas, encouraging the use of creative writing as a form of narrative inquiry allowed students to tell their stories so that they were valued and connected to wider disciplinary concepts.  相似文献   

The standardization of writing styles and formats and the use of jargon in the social sciences have had considerable consequences on the quality of academic work. Due to the emphasis on method, theory, and empirical rigor, creativity, personal narrative, and storytelling no longer play a large role in academic writing. Addressing the growing concern for researchers losing their sense of self, the suppression of emotional reflection, the inaccessibility of jargon-filled work to the public, and the overall deterioration of writing quality, this paper argues for a renewed focus on teaching writing as a foundational qualitative method in the social sciences. Using creative writing examples by students from a graduate course in landscape geography, I suggest strategies for teaching, practicing, and reflecting on writing as method. Addressing the significance of creative and reflective writing earlier on in higher education will help young academics foster their own narrative voices, and will ultimately contribute to more interesting, accessible, and affective research that (re)enchants geography and other fields in the social sciences.  相似文献   

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