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部分水敏感性文物,在保护过程中不宜与水直接接触,一般常用不易普及的低压吸力操作台或回潮箱等设备进行保护操作。本文介绍了一项容易普及且使用方便的替代技术,即采用透水气材料对水敏感性文物进行保护处理,并对常用透水气材料、使用方案、应用方向和注意事项进行了归纳总结。  相似文献   

梁涛 《文博》2009,(2):76-84
1992—1996年,新疆吐鲁番交河故城的保护维修工程,是中国政府首次采取中外合资的方式对古代大型遗址进行维修保护。这个国际合作文物保护项目的一个重要内容,就是重新选址复原重建交河故城的西北佛寺。其复原设计方案是笔者先后详细考察吐鲁番地区的主要遗址,尤其是城址和佛教建筑,并向参与交河古城保护维修工作的中外专家多次请教之后拿出的,提交了A、B两种方案。国家文物局和联合国教科文组织同意采用方案B进行复原重建。这次文物保护实践对类似的工作具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

This article applies the social-network conception of national power, derived from the social-network conception of the international system structure, to economic sanctions, one of the most widely studied empirical phenomena in international relations. The empirical analyses of economic sanctions presented here find that sanctions cases with disproportional structural-network power between sender and target were far less likely to be successful and those with the target state possessing high structural-network power were far more likely to be successful. The evidence from nonparametric model discrimination statistics and information criteria measures shows that the sanctions models with new social-network power measures have greater explanatory power than or statistically outperform those with old attributional power measures, such as the Correlates of War index and GNP.

一些政治学者认为强调农业和农民的“乡村情结”越来越失去其政治和社会意义,但并没有多少实证研究支持这一说法。为此,作者就人们对农业和农民的态度做了探讨性调查。调查结果显示,人们的态度符合“乡村情结式微”论,但会因年龄、位置、出生国、投票意向而有差异。不过,仍存在一种将乡村情结归诸农民的倾向,有对农民生产方式的强烈支持、以及对农业于国家未来重要性的坚信。令人惊奇的是,与过去三十年的市场自由主义相左,对政府之扶助农业的支持可谓强烈。  相似文献   

Historical landscape paintings are widely used to reconstruct past environments. However, artists did not necessarily fully depict reality, many exercising license to relocate and remould features. This paper applies photogrammetric techniques to the problem of determining the accuracy of artistic depictions of landscapes. Four 19th century paintings of Hobart, Tasmania, Australia by different artists were used to test the methods. The artists varied in their accuracy, with Frankland, the surveyor, being the most accurate, and Glover, the romantic professional artist, being the least accurate. This variation suggests that the use of paintings for historical reconstructions and measurements of historic features should be preceded by an accuracy assessment.  相似文献   

信息社会中博物馆的知识传播职能从被动转向主动,博物馆采用信息技术管理藏品和相关数据,不仅要满足传统业务需求,也要面向网络环境中的使用者。在此过程中,文物藏品信息在互联网环境下的呈现,需要采用标准化的描述元数据方案和受控词汇描述文物的核心信息。该研究首先说明文物数据标准的定义与类型,阐述文物描述元数据的概念与作用,并对比CONA、CDWA Lite、Object ID和第一次全国可移动文物普查的描述元数据方案,说明元数据方案差异反映出的设计需求和结果差异;再进一步对比大英博物馆、大都会博物馆、北京故宫博物院、台北故宫博物院线上文物藏品检索方式,通过检视其检索结果的信息结构与内容,阐述合理的描述元数据方案能呈现丰富信息并导向精准检索。最后建议我国文物博物馆领域应完善文物数据标准,文博机构应制定规范化的文物描述元数据方案和配套实施的编目规则与本地受控词表;文博机构官网在线藏品检索系统应考虑用户需求,呈现完善的编目成果。  相似文献   

This work presents the results of an investigation of the lacquer objects excavated from a Chu tomb in China (Warring States, 481–221 BC). This study is engaged in the examination of the methods and the materials used for the urushi coating on the objects. X-Ray fluorescence and Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive Using X-Ray (SEM/EDX) analyses were applied for the pigment identification. The results show that vermilion was for the red colour, while carbon black was for the black colour. Pyrolysis gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) was applied for the characterization of the lacquer resulting that it is based on urushi. The possibility to classify the drying oil (tung or linseed oil) present in the lacquer is highlighted and discussed in this paper. Py-GC/MS with in-situ hydrolysis and methylation reagent tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH) were performed on reference materials of linseed oil and tung oil as well as on the lacquer object samples. The results show that it is possible to unambiguously identify the drying oil, in our case, linseed oil was identified to retard the rate of hardening.  相似文献   


Many museum and professional associations, particularly in the United States, have adopted a 1970 standard for the acquisition of archaeological materials–that is, in recognition of the 1970 UNESCO Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, archaeological objects should be documented has outside of their country of origin before 1970 or have been exported legally after 1970. This article explores the extent to which this standard has been adopted, its influence on restitutions and claims for restitution of archaeological objects, and the policies that this standard attempts to promote.  相似文献   

为系统地揭示出二龙湖遗址铁器的金相组织,展示其钢铁技术进步,此次对遗址出土的铁器进行系统的金相学检测和研究,获得了大量的钢铁技术信息。所检测的铁器种类包括铁钁、铁带扣、铁镰、铁刀、铁凿、铁镐、铁剑和铁环钉,均为铸造成型。包括麻口铸铁、白口铸铁、灰口铸铁、铸造后脱碳处理产品韧性铸铁,亦见到有球墨形态存在。在等待考古报告先行发表期间,见有该遗址部分铁器的金相检测及研究论文发表。综合分别进行的检测研究结果,加深了对于战国时期燕国金属工具的性质、东北地区金属文化的内涵以及与中原地区文化及钢铁技术之间渊源关系的认识。  相似文献   

The bas-relief carved on the sandstone wall in the central part of the inner gallery of Bayon in the Angkor monuments, Cambodia, has been severely damaged mainly due to calcite crystallization. In order to confirm the mechanism of salt weathering and help determine conservation measures for the bas-relief, measurements of the annual change in the moisture content in the bas-relief were conducted. We found that water supplied from the platform behind the bas-relief is the cause of calcite crystallization. It is therefore indispensable for the conservation of the bas-relief to prevent the water permeating from the inside of the platform behind it. As precipitated calcite from the water block pores near the surface of the sandstone, the surface water absorption test is a useful method to evaluate the degree of the salt weathering.  相似文献   

Visibility is often understood to play a significant role in the placement of cultural objects within past landscapes. In recent years, GIS-based visibility studies have become popular as a method for assessing the role of views to and from sites and features. A significant drawback to these analyses is that they do not take into account how far an object can be clearly seen and recognized. A number of factors influence the visibility of objects, including the limits of human visual acuity, environmental effects such as atmospheric extinction, and the physical properties of object and surroundings. Current approaches that attempt to account for these influences focus on defining visual zones, but are limited because they do not directly address object size. A fuzzy viewshed approach, modified to account for target size, is suggested as a solution for assessing the level of visibility of cultural objects in past landscapes.  相似文献   


Archaeological field survey is the basic method for determining the history of settlement on the regional level. The backbone of survey is locating and surveying individual sites, estimating their size, and uncovering their settlement histories. Various biases place doubt on the reliability of surface data and the conclusions drawn from them. This study presents three methods for investigating multiperiod sites in eastern Galilee, Israel: advanced surface survey, shovel test sampling, and large-scale stratigraphic excavations. Advanced surface survey was carried out at 46 sites settled during the Hellenistic through Byzantine periods (ca. 300 b.c.a.d. 650). Three of these sites were later sampled using shovel test pits. Large-scale excavations were conducted at two of these sites, Khirbet Wadi ?amam and Nasr ed-Din enabling the comparison of the three methods. Applying these three methods to the same sites allowed us to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each method for determining settlement history. The results indicate that a thorough surface survey of a site in an area where local pottery is well documented can provide a clear picture of its occupation history. However, these data are not sufficient to determine variations in the size of the site over time. Shovel test sampling presents no advantage over surface survey with regard to documenting periods of activity at a given site, but it is preferable for tracing changes in the intensity of occupation during different periods. Excavation is the most informative method, but because it is costly and time consuming, it often sheds light only on small portions of selected sites.  相似文献   

一、前言 孢粉分析是研究苔藓、蕨类植物的繁殖细胞孢子和种子的植物繁殖细胞花粉的科学。孢粉颗粒体积小、重量轻、产量大、易于  相似文献   


During most of the last glaciation, the southern North Sea floor was exposed and accessible to humans. Archaeological finds are concentrated around Brown Bank, Dogger Bank and the Norfolk Banks, but the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic archaeological potential of these areas is poorly known. Management of submerged archaeological heritage requires knowledge about location (potential) and context, ascribing significance (value) and determining risk. Thus, the preservation potential of primary and secondary archaeological material around these three areas is considered a) in the context of the post-glacial evolution of the southern North Sea and b) regarding natural and anthropogenic processes. A detailed review is followed by original research material describing an approach to assessing preservation potential. In general, low-energy deposits associated with former intertidal, floodplain or lacustrine environments are likely to preserve primary archaeological material, including organic remains, whilst (high-energy) riverine environments are more likely to preserve inorganic secondary archaeological material. The main possible anthropogenic impacts on submerged archaeology result from beam trawling, which may disturb deposits at the seafloor, and aggregate dredging, which may remove secondary deposits. Trawling and aggregate dredging are increasingly contributing to knowledge, through reporting finds through established protocols, and through assisting in funding relevant to multi-disciplinary research.  相似文献   

A matrix technique is used to determine levels of development of urban places within a system. This classification of places is based on two criteria: (1) the degree of development of the city's production complex; (2) its role in the geographical division of labor, based on the extent of its external relations (local, regional, national, foreign). The city's production complex is analyzed in terms of energy-and-production cycles, which are groups of technologically interrelated industries (as defined by N. N. Kolosovskiy). Points are assigned to individual production cycles within a city on the basis of the level of development of the particular cycle and the extent of its external relations. The points assigned to each cycle are then added up for a total number of points for the city. The urban places are then arranged in increasing order of points. Threshold values are determined to separate the set of places into levels of development, ranging from rudimentary producers of raw materials to fully integrated polyfunctional cities with wide-flung external relations. A condensed explanation of the technique appeared parenthetically in Soviet Geography, September 1969, pp. 375–377  相似文献   

激光清洗应用于青铜文物上有时会使其表面颜色及其他一些物化性质发生改变。如何优化这种方法改善这种状况?为此,本工作将琼脂凝胶-激光联用作为一种可能的优化手段,首先研究了凝胶对激光能量和作用的影响,包括以能量计测量激光穿过凝胶层后的能量减弱幅度,以及通过热敏纸和文物样品上的烧蚀斑观察凝胶对激光烧蚀结果的影响。其次在不同类型的青铜文物样品上将之与普通湿法激光清洗、机械清洗等手段做清洗效果的对比实验,并以视频显微镜、扫描电镜及能谱仪、X射线衍射等手段进行分析验证。实验结果发现,凝胶能小幅度降低激光能量,减轻激光引起的青铜文物表面微观结构的改变,为清洗操作提供更灵活多样的选择。凝胶-激光联用的方法在实验的文物样品上取得了理想的清洗效果,兼顾了操作的效率性和安全性,是在今后的应用中可被考虑的手段。  相似文献   

Application of bronze alloy to produce artistic and religious artefacts was commonplace during the Iron Age in western Iran (1500–550 BC). These bronze artefacts are the so-called Luristan bronzes and have been found often from excavated graves and sanctuaries. The aim of this paper is to study on alloy composition and manufacturing process in some recently excavated objects from the Iron Age cemetery of Baba Jilan, northern Luristan. For this purpose, some objects were analysed by quantitative ICP-MS as well as microscopic studies by scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) and metallography methods. Also, some comparisons were carried out between Baba Jilan and other analysed bronze objects from Luristan in order to identify the metalworking process in bronze objects from the Iron Age of western Iran. The results showed that all Baba Jilan samples are made of binary copper-tin alloy. Tin content was variable in the composition of the samples. The variety of tin constituents proved that alloying has been performed by an uncontrolled process to produce bronze. The microscopic studies also showed that the manufacturing operations are similar in the Luristan bronzes. It was carried out to identify probable similarities in the bronze alloy production in the Iron Age of the Luristan region.  相似文献   

Slag inclusions are found within most archaeological bloomery iron artefacts and are remainders of slag created during the smelting and smithing processes. Although they are widely believed to provide data with the potential for provenancing iron artefacts, previous slag inclusion studies have mostly proven inconclusive. The main aim of the work reported here is to analyse experimental smelting and smithing assemblages (including ore, furnace lining, fuel and slag), to compare these to slag inclusions in the resulting bloom and worked objects, and then explore the relationships between ore, slag and slag inclusions. This study has revealed that the composition of slag inclusions most closely relates to the smelting slag produced, whereas provenance to a specific ore would be difficult due to the chemical variability derived from furnace lining, fuel and any fluxes used. Some compounds in the slag inclusions are particularly affected during smithing of the artefact, i.e. those present in the sand flux and fuel used. However, trends are observed in the K2O/MgO, MnO/SiO2, Al2O3/SiO2, Al2O3/MgO, Al2O3/K2O and Al2O3/CaO ratios that allow comparison between slag inclusions and smelting slag in these experiments, and may therefore be used during other provenancing attempts. The knowledge gained from the experimental assemblages was subsequently applied to an archaeological case study, examining objects from the 900 Cal BC smithing site of Tel Beth-Shemesh, Israel and the 930 Cal BC smelting site of Tell Hammeh, Jordan. The analyses suggest that none of the artefacts examined derived from the Hammeh smelting system.  相似文献   

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