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A hymn that praises the Sun god belongs to the earliest literature work of Mesopotamian civilization and it expressed a hearty praise of the absolute being, the Sun, the god of brightness of the ancient Akkadian people of 3^rd millennium. It is one of the earliest religious and literature heritages written in Semitic language (2600-2500 B.C) by the Akkadian people, the Semitics in the early Mesopotamia, who began to borrow the Sumerian cuneiforms to write their own speeches. The two exemplars of the hymn were excavated from two distant places: one came during 1963-65 from Tell Abu-Salabikh, the ruin of an unknown ancient city, 12 miles from the northwest ofNippur. A photograph of the main but damaged text, OIP 99 - IAS, no 326, without a handwritten copy, and a hand copy of a fragment of the hymn, OIP 99 no 342, were published by American scholar R. Biggs in 1974I. The language of Abu-Salabikh is the earliest Semitic (c. 2500 B.C), possibly related to the later Old Akkadian (2300-2100 B.C). In 1974-1975, a generally complete text of this hymn but rewritten by the local Semitic scribes in Ebla dialect was discovered in the ancient city Ebla (Tell Mardikh)2 in Syria by an Italian archaeologist team. German scholar D. O. Edzard hand-copied the original text in 1984 as The Archiv Reali di Ebla Testi V, no 6 and did an initiative transliteration3. In 1989,  相似文献   

In the 11th month of the 45th year of the reign of Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong ( 1781), he gave the 6th Panchen Erdeni a painting of a Saba tree complete with a Chinese text when the latter came to Beijing to celebrate the imperial birthday.  相似文献   

In the Amama Age, contacts between Egypt and its vassals, especially vassals in the northern Canaan, are attested in the Amama Letters. Amurru has once been a powerful state in the eyes of other vassals, as is reflected by the Amama Letters.Among the Amarna Letters, there were at least 78 letters relating to Amurru. Just as Murnane points out, “When Amurru first appears on the political map of Syria in the fourteenth century B. C., it is not as the unified country it was to become, but as a loose grouping of city states, each under its own rulers,” the kingdom of Amurru may consisted of many city-states.  相似文献   

In JAC16, I have discussed the development of the House of the Lady in Girsu from the rule of Enentarzi to Lugalanda according to the ration lists of the House,which include the fodder lists, and concluded that Urukagina was the legal successor of Lugalanda and there might not be the so-called “reforms of Urukagina” in Lagash and Girsu. In this article, I would like to continue to investigate the kinds, number and fodders of the donkeys from the rule of Enentarzi to the end years of Urukagina and tried to find the clues for the decline of Lagash under Uruka~ina.  相似文献   

1. Introduction
The administrative title 'scribe of the necropolis' (ss n p3 hr^1) is a well-known and well-studied aspect of New Kingdom scholarship.2 For the duration of the royal necropolis at Thebes (1550-1069 BCE.), today known as the Valley of the Kings, the scribe of the necropolis was responsible for keeping daily accounts of the work undertaken at the site, and supplying and distributing rations for the general workforce. Other duties are also documented including the delivery of goods and supplies to the village of Deir el-Medina,  相似文献   

<正>While visiting England,Ireland and France(from April 16th to 28th.2012).the delegation of editors from the Journal China's Tibet sought to survey the publication and circulation of the journal.With full support of Chinese embassies in the three countries,as well as Chinese societies and associations overseas,the delegation interviewed overseas Chinese,including Chinese media,overseas Tibetans and local readers from all walks of life,received their comments and suggestions to improve the quality of the journal.  相似文献   

<正>Editor's Note:In the1980s,the State Council made a strategic decision to set up Tibetan classes and schools in the mainland to solve Tibet's serious shortage in talent,not to mention its poorer educational basis.In September of 1985,the first group of Tibetan elementary school graduates,mainly of Tibetan nationality,went to study in the mainland,setting  相似文献   

On March 31, 2014, Phentok, the first woman mountaineer in the world to reach the summit of Mt. Qomolangma from the north side, passed away because of complications from diabetes, aged 75. From her humble upbringing as a serf to the first Chinese woman on Mt. Qomolangma, she left behind an uplifting life story.  相似文献   

Editors of the Journal China's Tibet joined the book fair from Oct. 20 to 24 with their latest books and journals, includ- ing Thangka Paintings of the Tibetan Oral Epic King Gesar, Eternal Mountain, Tibetan People and Tibetan Stories in the 20th Century, Witness the Brilliant Moment on the Snow Land - Tibet in 1950-60s, Tibetan Rich-Color Paints - A Collection ofTen Artists in Tibet. After the book fair, editors presented books and journals on exhibition to the Serbian National Library and Novi Sad City Library and held cultural exchanges with members from the libraries and the local publishing companies.  相似文献   

June 8^th, 1959
The rainy season is coming to Lhoka, and today there have been several showers.
According to the work team this morning, the shadow of slavery remains over Lhoka and throughout this area. One example is Khesum Manor where the self determined rules of the landlords stipulated that the landlords were entitled to reduce Tralpa families who have extra members in their labor force. In practice, landlords determined one or two persons to be Hangsan from these Tralpa families to provide corvee labor to those Tralpa families who had a shortage of labors but had plenty of tenant land.  相似文献   

<正>On September 9th of 2009, at the request of the reporters for German magazine Focus,Mr.Zhu Weiqun(executive vice minister of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee) gave an interview only on the condition that the main text of the interview was published in Focus.On Oct 5, Focus magazine reported this interview,using only 400 words as translated into Chinese.During the two-hour interview,Mr.Zhu Weiqun gave frank answers to the questions raised by these reporters that covered their areas of interest and also questions of worldwide concern.His talk was cut and thrust.Herewith,we would like to publish it in installments.The following is the second part of this interview.  相似文献   

The labels “Hellenes” and “Hellas” are often considered to be collective names for the Greeks and have a close connection with the term “Panhellenes.” This article studies the process of naming the Greeks in the Archaic period and the relationship between these collective names and the notion of Panhellenism. By a literary and etymological examination of the relevant sources, it suggests that the designation “Hellenes” probably did not evolve from that of “Panhellenes” and that the terms “Hellenes” and “Hellas,” but not “Panhellenes,” probably have generic significance in the sixth century. Furthermore, with the Olympic Games and the Hellenion, a Greek sanctuary in Naucratis, as two study cases, the article shows the complexity of the development of Greek identification. On the one hand, collective names like “Hellenes” and “Hellas” have a centripetal force on trans-regional occasions, and on the other, those events also feature competition, privilege and express civic identities of both individual and community, which seems to be divisive.  相似文献   

According to the ancient wisdom of the Great Learning (Daxue), the regulation of a state extends from proper regulation of family affairs. This doctrine echoes throughout Helen Schneider's fascinating study of how the imported discipline of home economics (jiazheng xue) became domesticated in China before 1949. Like other new disciplines in China,  相似文献   

In the 11th month of the 45th year of the reign of Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong (1781), he gave the 6th Panchen Erdeni a painting of a Saba tree complete with a Chi- nese text when the latter came to Beijing to celebrate the imperial birthday. The ink-water painting, 204 cm wide and 90 cm long, bears words written in the Chinese, Tibetan, Manchurian and Mongolian languages. Each of the four sections ends with a seal text meaning Qianlong in corresponding language. Also stamped on the painting are four seal texts of the emperor, such as the one meaning "Treasure of the Emperor in His Advanced Age."  相似文献   

Aminda M. Smith's bold and thought-provoking first book examines the reeducation of China's "dangerous classes" in the 1950s, using the process of thought reform to study how the new party-state answered the following question "What makes a vast population of heterogeneous individuals into the Chinese People?" (p. 11). With an array of primary source materials including government documents from the Beijing Municipal Archive,  相似文献   

The Ratnagotravibhaga (abbr. RGV) is one of the most influential texts among Indic works that teach the Buddha-nature doctrine in Tibet. No translation of the text seems to have existed in Tibet before the 11th century, inasmuch as no catalogue of the imperial period (the 9th century),  相似文献   

The Greeks legends, which appeared on the Parthian coins, seem to be meaningless and consider as one of the ambiguities in the history of Parthian dynasty. From the beginning of first century AD, the Greeks legend appeared on Parthian Coins are vague and only seem to be symbolic. By the invasion of Sakas to the north of Iran which led to extinction of the governing of the Greeks in Bactria and pushed them back to the north India, Romans finally succeeded to add the Seleucid as a part of their territory, and left the traders in Selucia and Babylonia in the west and Margiana and Bactria on the east under domination of locals rather than the Greeks. In this article we are to investigate of decline of Greeks in Bactria and its relation to meaningless Greek legends on Parthian coins.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the migration of middle school students to the interior of China after the Japanese invaded in 1937. It argues that the Guomindang (GMD) central government was generally successful in handling the 500,000 displaced students, making substantial efforts to monitor, register, educate, and provide training for them, as well as establishing government-run "national middle schools" during the war. Meanwhile, the GMD also exerted a strong influence on course curriculum, instructing educators how to implement the Three People's Principles and other party doctrines in classrooms. These processes expanded the state's hand in secondary education and allowed the GMD to include refugee students and schools in its wartime narrative of progress, praising the students' patriotic participation in defying the Japanese occupiers and their contribution to "national reconstruction" (jianguo). However, there were still many challenges. Refugee students, teachers, and principals forcibly converted Buddhist temples into schools and clashed with local monks, farmers, villagers, and even the GMD military. With schools merging and moving inland, relocation also provided opportunities for unscrupulous administrators and teachers to exploit the situation for themselves, as government reports reveal many cases of corruption in the wartime schools.  相似文献   

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