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陈家凤 《南京史志》2023,(13):16-17
<正>幼儿园“亲自然”课程,以“亲”自然的情感出发,立足于顺应幼儿的自然天性,遵循幼儿的发展规律,让幼儿在“自然中感受,游戏中成长;顺应中收获,体验中回归”为课程目标,满足幼儿在与自然的接触中“自然、自由、自主、自信、有爱、有序”地成长。本文基于儿童立场,甄选“真实、灵活、有趣”的课程内容,以“小区域、真游戏、大自然”为实施途径,尝试让幼儿在“感受、体验、表达、互动、反思”中获得学习与发展,让其“玩在自然、学在自然、乐在自然”,培养其“会观察、乐探究、敢冒险、敬自然”的良好品质。  相似文献   

刘逸  陈海龙  陈了凡  梁文力 《人文地理》2023,(5):146-153+190
旅游业与气候环境之间关系紧密,旅游目的地气候条件及变化是游客出游动机的考虑因素之一,但气候环境与旅游体验的关系尚未完全厘清。基于在线评论和气象站点数据,本研究对气候环境与游客情感关系展开测度。结果表明:(1)南北方气候环境的整体性地域差异对游客情感没有显著影响,同时游客情感未随气候的季节变化呈现规律性波动;(2)相对于整体气候因素,降水量、相对湿度、日照时长和风速等4个单气候要素与游客情感有显著关联;(3)将游客情感细分为正负面之后,不同气候要素呈现显著差异,降水量和相对湿度稳定影响游客情感。本研究初步证实了环境与游客情感关系的存在,有助于旅游目的地根据气候环境特征开展针对性营销与服务运营。  相似文献   

周虔敬 《南京史志》2023,(30):54-55
<正>陶行知先生提出:“要解放儿童的头脑,使之能思;解放儿童的双手,使之能干;解放儿童的眼睛,使之能看;解放儿童的嘴,使之能讲;解放儿童的空间,使之能接触大自然和社会;解放儿童的时间,使之能学习自己渴望的东西。”大自然正是幼儿游戏、学习的最好课堂。我园以陶行知“六大解放”思想为导向,引导幼儿运用各种感官感知大自然,在动手动脑中探索大自然,培养幼儿热爱大自然的情感。  相似文献   

王帆  林岚  胡慧  罗琴  郭子林 《人文地理》2020,35(3):17-28
以“Web of Science核心合集”中1980—2018年共计931篇文献为样本,借助CiteSpace信息可视化软件及内容分析法,对国外休闲动机研究文献进行全面分析。研究结果表明,国外休闲动机研究分为起步探索(1980—2002年)和快速发展(2003—2018年)两个阶段;早期学者侧重休闲动机概念、理论、分类、量表等研究探索,21世纪以来,理论与实证、定量与定性分析相结合研究日益增多,研究内容更为丰富,主要包括不同群体休闲动机类型、行为特征及影响因素;休闲动机与休闲活动意向;休闲动机与休闲制约、休闲制约协商及休闲参与;休闲动机与休闲涉入;休闲动机与休闲满意度等影响关系及影响机制等;注重人文情怀,研究群体广泛,研究对象从青少年、大学生、高中生、旅游者、男性、职业女性、公园志愿者、自由露营者、远足者等普通群体转向老年人、家庭妇女、残障人士、儿童、疾病患者等社会弱势群体和特殊人群;休闲动机的跨文化研究成果也日渐增多。国外休闲动机研究成果对构建我国休闲动机研究理论及实践应用具有参考和借鉴价值。  相似文献   

传统村落旅游为乡村振兴蓄势赋能。旅游者忠诚度反映了旅游目的地发展前景,深化对传统村落旅游者忠诚度的研究为促进以人为本的传统村落旅游可持续发展和高质量乡村振兴提供思路。本文以宏村和西递村旅游者为研究对象,基于结构方程模型对671份样本进行数据分析,探索了传统村落旅游者真实性体验对忠诚度的作用机制。结果表明:(1)传统村落旅游者客体相关真实性体验和存在主义真实性体验皆显著正向影响游客忠诚度。(2)传统村落旅游者地方认同和地方依赖在客体相关真实性体验和存在主义真实性体验对忠诚度的影响关系中均起部分中介作用。(3)文化接触促进了传统村落旅游者真实性体验对忠诚度的正向影响作用。(4)新生代旅游者在传统村落旅游中的文化接触对真实性体验与忠诚度之间正向关系的增强作用要大于非新生代旅游者。研究结果为提升旅游者忠诚度进而促进传统村落可持续发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

<正>幼儿园种植活动是一项综合性活动,能够激发幼儿的探究力、学习力和创造力,为幼儿提供接触自然、探索自然的机会,激发幼儿对生命的热爱。本文基于儿童视角下“小豆豆农场”的建设,从设计理念、空间布局等方面阐述我园在这方面的研究和实践。  相似文献   

党宁  肖荟  李文明 《人文地理》2021,36(3):185-192
现有游客亲环境行为驱动因素研究大多从游客认知层面进行,鲜有对情感层面的探究,尚未明确情感因素对亲环境行为的影响价值与机理,导致对游客亲环境行为的解释和预测力度有限.为解析认知、情感因素对亲环境行为的影响机理,本研究以江西省婺源县6个景区为典型案例地,结合现场与线上调研,引入心理契约和自然共情概念,尝试构建"情感—认知"...  相似文献   

杨琨 《神州》2012,(13):234-234
创造艺术符号是人类为了表达情感所具有的原始本能,是人类自发进行的实践活动。儿童进行艺术创造的主要特征是情感表现,其情感的内容来源于他们对于生活的体验和感受。儿童表达情感所借助的形式,也源于生活中对美的直觉。儿童的美术作品值得珍惜,在于作品的纯净、自然和充满创造性的个性表现。  相似文献   

现有关于评论效价对评论有用性影响的研究结论并不一致,且在关键变量的测量上存在局限性。文章基于前景理论,构建一个有调节的中介模型,并采用更为严谨的大数据分析与情景实验的混合方法,探讨评论效价(负面评论vs.正面评论)对酒店评论有用性影响关系的作用机制及边界条件。结果表明:(1)评论效价对评论有用性存在显著的负向影响,即相较于正面评论,负面评论有用性更高;(2)感知风险在评论效价与评论有用性之间起部分中介作用;(3)情感强度在评论效价对评论有用性直接影响中起调节作用,即对于负面评论,情感强度越高,评论有用性越高,但这种影响差异对正面评论不显著;(4)情感强度对评论效价与评论有用性的中介路径也存在调节作用,具体而言,负面评论的情感强度越高,消费者对产品的感知风险越强,评论有用性也就越强;而正面评论的情感强度高低并不会引起感知风险的显著变化,因而对评论有用性的影响差异也不明显。文章有助于揭示评论效价对评论有用性影响的作用机制,也对酒店和平台的在线评论管理和营销实践具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

随着人文地理学的“情感转向”,地缘环境也开始指向情感研究。中国的家国情怀使“国家”不仅具有政治属性,也成为一个饱含情感与地方认同的概念。本文从地缘环境的情感要素入手,援引环境心理学理论与方法,探究跨境流动背景下的国家感影响因素。结论发现:①中国海外移民国家感受到个体与社会因素制约,包括年龄、学历、公民身份、出国时长、移居国GDP和文化认同;②国家软实力提升和包容多元的地缘政策利于提升客族文化认同进而增强海外移民的国家感;③居住、网络媒体环境变化及国家间的话语博弈会引发跨境群体重新审视流动前后所处的地缘环境,直接或间接重构国家感。本文既为促进跨境流动群体与国家之间的双向接纳提供新路径,也在情感地理学方法论层面提供新思路。  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the dawning disruption of the prevailing notion of the child–nature relationship through a new materialist reading of children’s dens, and proffers a re-grounded and worldly gaze on the relationship with implications for the promotion of children’s outdoor lives. The study is an ethnographical field study among 10–12-year-old boys in a Danish school. Data were generated through participant observation, and include video recordings and photographs of children’s dens. Drawing on a flat ontology and plugging in key Ingoldian concepts of meshwork and growing (Ingold 2011a, 2013), the analysis suggests that children’s relations to dens cut across taken-for-granted subject–object binaries and go beyond common notions of nature as inert materials. I find that dens are growing in an ever-becoming meshwork comprised by human and non-human intra-actions, and that agency or vitality can be ascribed broadly to the material world. Possible implications for planning are considered.  相似文献   


In recent years there has been a growth in outdoor learning opportunities for children of primary school age in part due to concerns that children spend less time outdoors and have become disconnected from nature. This paper draws upon ethnographic fieldwork conducted during the school year 2014–2015 in a school garden and two forest schools with children aged 3–11 years old. This paper explores how mud is used to form gendered and class-based identities through its management and social construction as dirt. The empirical research finds that the mud kitchen and wearing of waterproofs worked in part as assemblages to govern individuals and their experiences through the creation of cuts between bodies and mud. Yet, there were times when children’s encounters with materials exceeded their intended pedagogical function and resistances emerged.  相似文献   


This paper follows the progress of a small rural primary school in the UK as it goes about cultivating a new vision of the future by transforming its outdoor spaces. Exploring the significance of these outdoor spaces as they are imagined, made and experienced, from the first design stages to the first days of use, the paper considers how feelings about children’s access to and engagement with nature are entangled with cultures of protection and surveillance. Using observations from a multimodal ethnography, including video tours and photography workshops alongside observant participation and interviews, the paper illustrates how, in practical terms, changing an educational landscape can also shift a school culture, giving children greater freedom outdoors to live, learn and grow together.  相似文献   

The way that children perceive and understand places and locations is an area of geographical research that had an intermittent history until the 1990s saw a sustained interest in ‘children's geographies’. Here I build upon these studies and those of spatial cognition, developmental psychology, constructions of nation and nationality, by asking children to draw pictures about a nation. I review this methodology and analyse drawings collected from work with children in Edinburgh, Scotland, and Syracuse, New York State. I obtained 127 pictures ‘about Scotland’ drawn by six to nine year olds. These drawings reveal a range of stereotypical images of Scotland that are learned, both nationally and internationally, by this early age. They also suggest that knowledge and experience of Scotland varies by school district in each location and that these children often intertwine personal and national narratives when representing Scotland.  相似文献   


It has been claimed that geography journals located in so-called ‘small nations’ face special challenges. This paper suggests that three processes have demanded rapid responses from all geographical journals: globalisation of research-publishing, changing professional practices and the restructuring of the institutional context within which research is undertaken. These processes have been powerful in re-shaping geographical research. Examining the case of Scottish Geography over the last 20 years, the paper concludes there is much to be optimistic about, even though some might regret that ‘Geography’, as we once knew it, no longer exists. Recognising the challenges of the current research environment provides a useful starting point for the Scottish Geographical Journal to chart a new future for itself and for Scottish geographical endeavours.  相似文献   


The design and use of outdoor spaces for primary school teaching and learning has been given little consideration in the present context. The existing evidence base is mostly from western perspectives. In this study, an outdoor classroom was designed and built in a primary school in Bangladesh and used to teach children (n?=?30) their science curriculum. Multiple methods were used to investigate the impact of the outdoor classroom on students’ learning and engagement, including achievement tests, a questionnaire and focus groups with children and teachers. Children’s science scores were significantly higher after they had been taught outdoors, compared to indoors. Physical qualities of their outdoor classroom (lighting, acoustics, seating), in addition to greater enjoyment and active participation in learning likely explained improved attainment. Qualitative insights from children and teachers supported the quantitative findings. These results provide empirical support for building outdoor classrooms as an effective environment for teaching and learning.  相似文献   

基于人地关系的书法地理学研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
张捷 《人文地理》2003,18(5):1-6
已有的书法地理研究局限于书法现象的地域分异。本文讨论了书法景观的概念、特征及类型,指出书法地理研究应该包括书法作为具有区域分异特征的人文景观元素的研究、书法作为人地关系中景观组成元素的研究以及书法审美作为人地关系的影响物的研究,并进行了详细阐述。书法地理学未来需要通过多学科方法引入进行研究,书法地理学对于旅游、城市规划等多个方面有着潜在应用价值。  相似文献   


Nature exposure positively impacts children’s physical, socio-emotional, and cognitive health and development. We know less about how children perceive their connection with nature and what nature means to them. This study uses focus groups to understand how rural Canadian children define, experience, and perceive benefits of nature. Using thematic analysis, we identified three primary themes. First, while children associate nature with specific activities, natural elements, and locations, they also conceptualize nature as ‘a whole community.’ Second, children experienced nature through doing, highlighting how activities connected them with nature while recognizing constraints on those engagements. Finally, children demonstrated agency in accessing nature to improve their emotional states. These findings indicate that from children’s views, nature is more than just space with natural elements. Children are also knowledgeable about the health benefits of nature, and capitalize on this knowledge. These findings can inform interventions to increase children’s interactions with outdoor environments.  相似文献   


This article draws on new materialisms to highlight children’s sensitivity to the agency of nonhuman materials. Working with data fragments from an ongoing project investigating children’s relationship with their outdoor environments, the article uses the figure of murmuration in a diffractive analysis approach to reveal materialdiscursive intra-actions. In doing so, the article highlights an ingrained tendency to focus on the human whilst overlooking the material. Attentiveness to the agency of all matter, human and nonhuman, has significant implications for early childhood geographies, research and pedagogy as it shines a light on the intra-active nature of the world. This offers new possibilities but also calls attention to the relations of responsibilities inherent in a world where all matter is vibrant and agential.  相似文献   

Contemporary theories of childhood recognize children as experts in their own lives, individuals whose perspectives are worthy of study. Immigrant and refugee children riding waves of historical, geographical, political, cultural and familial changes are likewise recognized as ‘socially competent actors’, anchored in part by their capacity to express personal interests and to form opinions. In a Montreal-based 2012 phenomenological study, 19 of these socially competent actors representing 5 continents were invited to share their perspectives concerning the role of the natural world in their socio-cultural adaptation process. Data provided information concerning children's lived experiences of nature. Research findings provided strong evidence that children entered into relationship with nature. Within this relationship, nature nurtured children by providing a space not unlike that of Winnicott's ‘holding’ or Bion's ‘containment’.  相似文献   

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