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区域产业结构演变城市化响应形态的演化规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘艳军 《人文地理》2011,26(3):65-70
引入"产业结构演变的城市化响应形态"的概念,从单一城市和城市群体两个空间层次构建产业结构演变城市化响应形态的理论模型,揭示产业结构演变城市化响应形态演化的一般规律,得出以下结论:伴随着经济发展以及产业结构的优化升级,城市从单一的城市形态逐渐向城市群体空间形态演化,从都市区到城市整合体,城市群体形态不断发展演化。在现代快速化、立体化交通体系的支撑下,城市(城市群体)迅速走向区域,并最终向区域空间功能一体化形态演化。并以长春市为研究案例,进一步印证了产业结构演变城市化响应形态演化的一般规律。  相似文献   

Techniques of production were measured for 18 manufacturing industries across 6 regions of Canada between 1961 and 1988. In any given year, production technology, measured by a pair of capital and labour input coefficients, varies markedly over space. The relative positions of regions in a two-dimensional technology-space appears consistent across industries. With industry-mix effects removed, multivariate analysis of variance confirms that regional differences in production techniques are significant. Further investigation reveals that spatial variations in techniques of production persist over time. These findings support the claims of evolutionary theorists, demonstrating that in Canadian manufacturing industries regions tend to move along distinct trajectories of technological change.
On a mesuré les techniques de production dans 18 industries manufacturières de 6 régions du Canada au cours de la période 1961-88. La technologie de production, mesurée par deux coefficients des entrées du capital et du travail, diffère considérablement d'une région à l'autre à une année donnée. Les positions relatives des régions par rapport aux deux dimensions espace-technologie se maintiennent dans toutes les industries. Si on écarte les effets de la composition industrielle, l'analyse de variance à plusieurs variables démontre qu'il existe d'importantes différences régionales en techniques de production. L'analyse complémentaire révèle que les variations spatiales des techniques de production persistent à travers le temps. Ces résultats confirment la position des théoriciens évolutionnistes à l'effet que dans les industries manufacturières canadiennes, les régions ont tendance à suivre des trajectoires distinctes de changements technologiques.  相似文献   

冯汝状  沈静  魏成 《人文地理》2022,37(1):71-80
随着生产方式由福特制向后福特制演变,城市产业空间呈现出特有的格局变化,进而影响城市空间结构的变化.文章在构建后福特生产方式下城市产业空间格局和结构变化的理论框架的基础上,利用2008年和2018年广州服装企业数据,探究其空间格局和结构演变.研究结果表明:①广州服装产业空间格局演变符合后福特生产影响下的产业空间变化特征,...  相似文献   

从建构主义的角度,研究广州红专厂的空间功能置换和游客感知,空间功能的置换具体表现为物质载体工业建筑和机器设备的外观改造及用途变化,而游客感知则通过分析游客对工业遗产空间的感知情况,探讨空间置换后产生和传达出的意义。通过比较这些意义与工业遗产价值的关系,可以更好的理解工业遗产空间的消费主义改造方式,也可以更好的理解创意产业空间所体现的当今社会对工业遗产的态度。研究发现,游客将红专厂理解为一个文化艺术和休闲消费的场所,而不是工业文明的记忆空间。红专厂工业空间的创意产业园式改造,传递出的已经不是工业文化的内涵,而是新的消费意义,实际上是工业文化向消费文化转变的过程。这种再利用方式与真正意义上的工业遗产保护是有所偏离的。  相似文献   

Government control of colleges and universities has been increasing in recent years. The challenge for higher education is how to make institutions properly accountable but less controlled by government. The experience in this regard in the United Kingdom and the United States is compared. The danger in both nations is that left unchecked, control will leave universities resembling regulated public utilities. American and British academics can learn from each other on how to avoid such a fate.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Intertemporal differences in input-output coefficients can be attributed to technological change and to changes in the mix of products composing the aggregate sectors of input-output models. In this work, we develop the theoretical foundation necessary to separate these changes for both the structural and Leontief inverse matrices. Using this foundation, we examine the relative empirical importance of technological and product-mix change. The product-mix effect is then combined with RAS estimates of the technological effect to form updated estimates of the inverse. Results show that the accuracy of updated input-output coefficients can be improved in this manner.  相似文献   

中国人口寿命的时间变化和区域差异   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文论述了我国人口平均预期寿命的时间变化和区域差异,分析了我国"百岁寿星"的地理分布态势,提出了防治老年性疾病和艾滋病、增进延年益寿的积极意义。建国后,我国人口寿命的年度变化可分为快速增长和平缓增长两个时期,在区域差异上有明显的城乡差异,东、西部地区之间和民族地区之间的差异也比较明显。  相似文献   

产业集聚与城市群作用关系是经济地理学的重要命题。本文以关中城市群制造业产业为例,采用EG指数和区位熵法,定量分析制造业产业的集聚水平、空间演变及其效应。研究表明:关中城市群制造业空间集聚水平较高,其中资源密集型产业集聚程度最高,劳动密集型产业集聚水平在降低,资金技术密集型产业虽较低但呈上升趋势;关中城市群从中心城市到外围区域依次形成了资金技术密集型制造业集聚区、劳动密集型制造业集聚区和资源密集型制造业集聚区,呈现出产业空间集聚与城市群规模等级分异相一致的空间效应。  相似文献   

The paper measures the rate of profit and its components in Canadian manufacturing for 1950 - 1981. The rate of profit has been reduced by rises in the real wage and the technical composition of capital, partially offset by a devaluation in the means of production and a reduction in turnover times. The value of labour power and therefore the rate of exploitation have not changed. The rate of profit has consistently fallen throughout the period. These results are consistent with a theory that the falling rate of profit is endogenous to capitalism.  相似文献   

苏建军  孙根年 《人文地理》2018,33(3):152-160
旅游投资增长质量对旅游业高速发展和产业转型升级至关重要。利用1999-2014年中国旅游投资省际面板数据,从产出效率与运行过程两方面,系统分析了旅游投资增长质量的时序动态变化与地区差异。结果表明:①考察期内旅游投资增长产出效率提升明显,并处于中高水平。但东中西区域差异明显,中西部旅游投资增长效率低于东部地区,具有一定阶梯性。②旅游投资增长时序波动性较明显,呈现出时冷时热的变化态势,体现出总体稳定性欠佳。东中西区域的稳定性也较差,但自2011年后有所改善。③旅游投资增长协调性不好,表现为旅游投资增长滞后于旅游发展需求。旅游产品(项目)开发与相关基础设施建设,还无法满足快速增长的旅游新需求。这为提升旅游投资质量提供了新的参考与依据。  相似文献   

区域产业结构演变的城市化响应机理研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
区域产业结构演变城市化响应的研究作为地理学新的研究领域,已经越来越成为理论界和学术界研究的热点。本文对产业结构演变城市化响应的内涵进行了界定,从产业结构演变城市化响应过程、强度、形态、机制以及变化趋势等几个方面系统分析了区域产业结构演变的城市化响应机理,并建立起理论体系,以期为区域产业结构与城市化的研究开拓新的研究视角。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A large proportion of regional production takes place in nontraded goods and services. In addition, significant productivity increases can be observed in some segments of this sector. Starting from these two empirical observations we construct a model of growth in a two-region setting with factor mobility. The growth process is based on endogenous technological change in the nontraded input sector, whose output serves as an input in the production of one of the two final goods, the so-called industrial good. We consider two extreme cases, one with locally limited, the other with interregional knowledge spillovers. Conditions are established under which interior solutions with production of local inputs and steady-state growth in both regions result, and others under which we find a core-periphery pattern with growth concentrated in one region only. The stability of the equilibria is discussed by considering the transition processes. Finally, it is shown that catching-up as well as leapfrogging may occur, if new technologies become available.  相似文献   

以长春市为研究对象,基于用地现状图等数据,借助ArcGIS软件,采用斑块聚合指数、标准差椭圆、核密度估计等研究方法,对1995-2013年长春市居住与工业空间演进的耦合性进行了测度,发现: ①长春市居住、工业与城市用地分布的“离散化”趋势明显,其中居住用地的斑块聚合指数波动幅度较大;②从居住与工业用地“中心-外围”分布特征来看,三环以内居住与工业用地呈现明显的“逆协同”演变规律,二者的用地密度变化表现出明显的差异性;③从居住与工业用地格局演进来看,二者布局的耦合度呈下降趋势。从成长路径依赖、政府调控引导、市场经济驱动、科技创新带动、空间主体的决策等六个方面分析了影响居住与工业空间演进耦合性的影响因素。  相似文献   

利用加权平均出行时间、日常可达性指数、经济潜力指数与可达性系数四项指标,分析高铁对成渝城市群县域可达性的影响。同时,基于引力模型测算高铁开通前后城市间经济联系强度,分析高铁对城市相互作用格局的影响。结果显示:高铁建设极大地提高了成渝城市群的区域整体可达性水平,并表现出显著的“廊道效应”;区域内部交通基础设施布局差异显著,高铁建设在显著改善部分城市可达性水平的同时扩大了相对可达性水平的差距;高铁建设强化了重庆主城区和成都市区的核心地位,且后者获得了更大的发展潜力;区域中心城市经济辐射能力得到提升,但仍与双核心保持着极大的差距;城市轴带在高铁推动下发育成型,但成渝一小时交通圈并未有效衔接,中部地区呈现“塌陷”的局面。  相似文献   

The geography of heterogeneous associations, an approach derived from the tradition of actor‐network theory, is a valuable analytical contribution to the study of sub‐state territorial entities. Shown here in an application to the Maaritsa border change controversy, which took place in Estonia 2001–2003, the approach has several merits compared to now dominant analytical perspectives in regional geography. The rejection of a regional imagination, as the natural way of conceptualizing provinces, is used to demonstrate that Estonian provinces and provinciality are performed, and can be analytically described, through multiple and complex spatialities. First, the inoperative character of provinces in the everyday life of many peripheral households is understood to be the result of incoherence in regional space between rigid administrative and fluid non‐administrative provinciality. Second, the problems with long distance control in the Estonian governmental system, related mainly to the ambiguous character of legislation and unstable politico‐administrative coalitions, are identified as the main cause of failure in the government's attempt to change provincial borders in regional space. Third, provincial research is seen as the practice that attempts to translate two other provincial modalities – provinces in everyday life and in governmental provincial politics – into a report designated to provide a synoptic and simplified view of complex peripheral provinciality for the central government. The article concludes with the argument that these three provincial modalities are intertwined in practice and their performances reciprocally determined.  相似文献   

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