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Mr.Paldo is a famous person;not only is he gifted at studies in Tibetan music and recognized for his music monographs, but has had rich experience in Tibetan folk culture as well.In old Tibet,he worked for merchants as a team member of caravans to transport goods,perform on the flute,or even act as a soldier.This rich life experience has enabled him to be knowledgeable in Tibetan folk culture.  相似文献   

In his youth, he worked for sixteen years in northern Tibet where he put his heart and soul into this snow-covered plateau. According to his friends, it is impossible to give a complete portrayal of his life with limited words. He is Wu Yuchu, head of the Yok Museum of Tibet. Mr. Wu is known as"Mr. Yak", a mon in his 60s working tirelessly for the preservation and promotion of yak culture.In 2017, Mr. Wu agreed to start writing a column called"Colorful Choracters of Tibet"about real Tibetan people he knew over the years on China'sTibet magozine. We will select some of the bestpieces to share with our readers.  相似文献   

段塔丽 《史学月刊》2002,(3):101-106
“夫随妻居”、已婚女性长住本家以及夫亡以后归宗,是唐代社会一种颇为流行的居住习俗。从民俗学和性别文化的视角来分析和考察不难看出,唐代社会所流行的这种居住习俗,应是女性人身较自由、女性权益得到一定保障以及女性在家庭生活中拥有较高地位的具体表现。  相似文献   

唐卡艺术品产业化发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乔秀花 《攀登》2008,27(4):150-153
当今世界,开发独具特色的民族文化资源,打造民族文化品牌,已成为人们的共识。文章通过对唐卡的历史内涵、文化价值、商业前景的研究,提出应采取有效措施,提高唐卡艺术品的社会化、产业化和市场化水平。从而使其成为青海独具魅力的旅游产品。  相似文献   

西藏和平解放后,1956年4月成立了西藏自治区筹备委员会,着手进行民主改革。西藏上层分裂分子大为恐惧,在西康地区发动武装叛乱。1956年11月,印度邀请十四世达赖喇嘛参加释迦牟尼涅槃2500周年大会。国外敌对势力和流亡的西藏上层分裂分子包围达赖,鼓动"西藏独立",策反随行官员,致使达赖和随行官员思想混乱并滞留印度。1956年底,周恩来在访问印度期间与达赖进行了三次谈话,阐明了党的方针政策,教育随行官员和达赖的家人,争取印度总理尼赫鲁的支持,为达赖最终安全返回西藏起到了关键作用。  相似文献   

Although Tibetan Buddhism (also known as Lamaism) is both well known and widespread throughout Tibetan inhabited areas,it coexists there along with vernacular Bon religion and folk religion.What may be forgotten is that both Islam and Catholicism are popular in some specific locations in Tibet.  相似文献   

文本话语与行为规范:西藏宗教人物传记的史学史意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要从历史人类学的角度分析西藏历史上曾经大量著述的历史文本,即宗教人物传记。在这类传记中,西藏传统上有其特殊的分类体系和传统写作样本。传记的形式、流传的方式也与世界上任何一个地方的传记都有所不同。在西藏,传记在藏传佛教中被看作属于一种文本"传规"(lung-rgyun),具有特别的含义。传记传流方式对于藏族史学影响也很大,以至于传记成为藏族史学著作中数量最多的文本。对于西藏宗教传记的文化特点、历史演变及其影响加以全方位的研究,有助于我们对藏族文化的更深层次的认识。  相似文献   

Tibetan culture reflects the unique geographical scenery and social history of Tibet and carries the fruit of interaction between Tibet and civilizations of other nationalities.  相似文献   

Juliette Wood 《Folklore》2013,124(3):325-341
Although published at the beginning of the twentieth century, John Rh?s's work on folklore remains an important source for the study of Welsh folk narrative. There exists, however, no overall assessment of his contribution, his concept of folk narrative, his sources, or his interpretation of his material either in terms of Welsh culture or in the wider context of folklore theory, then and now. This paper is intended as a platform from which some of those concerns can be addressed by bringing together primary material relating to Rh?s's folklore interests. Some of his letters at The National Library of Wales, plus material in the Archives of The Folklore Society and in the collection of the Bodleian and Taylorian Libraries at Oxford, can help to clarify Rh?s's interest in folk studies. These sources also indicate how his interest in language, archaeology, and folklore overlapped, and how these interests affected his attitudes to folklore and its uses.  相似文献   

Elene Gogiashvili 《Folklore》2016,127(2):196-209
In European and Eastern folklore, Alexander of Macedon (Alexander the Great) is an important figure, introduced through literature and subject to diverse interpretations in folklore, in line with patterns common in folk narratives. Alexander the Great never visited Georgia during his campaigns, yet is one of the most popular characters in Georgian folklore. The Georgian folktales featuring Alexander draw on literary influences from Antiquity and the Middle Ages, representing at the same time an integral part of national folklore. This article shows how a historical figure can be transformed in folk traditions and what role the genre specifics of folklore may have for the formation of the image of such a character.  相似文献   

张捷 《人文地理》1997,12(3):20
民俗文化是文化景观的组成部分,本文对民俗文化类型及其旅游资源类型进行了研究和划分。本文认为民俗文化对自然景观、人文景观以及旅游地整体形象有着多方面的影响或贡献。"地方"的概念是阐释旅游地整体形象形成及特征的有效工具。论文对九寨沟藏族民俗和江苏吴民俗进行了实例比较研究,讨论了其形成与地理环境背景的关系、各自特征、现状及开发途径。  相似文献   

藏、汉两地佛教经典及佛学之传播,直承印度晚出之大乘佛学,但罗汉信仰却在两地佛教中均占一席之地,尤其是于汉藏两地家喻户晓的十六罗汉(后演绎成十八罗汉),不仅与佛和菩萨一样成为信徒崇拜的对象,而且以之为题材的绘塑作品更是广泛流传,及至帝廷内苑亦多有供奉收藏。清乾隆时期为安抚蒙藏势力而极力推崇藏传佛教,此信仰尤以宫中为盛,帝室庋藏、绘制及供奉有大量藏风浓郁的十六或十八罗汉唐卡组画,其名称、图像特征、排列顺序乃至绘画风格等与清官旧藏的内地各派罗汉图相比,同中存异。乾隆帝及藏传佛教大师们在对藏密佛像进行大规模系统化与规范化的同时,也涉及了汉藏两地十分流行的十六、十八罗汉,并在此基础上逐渐形成了具有乾隆时期清宫特色的十八罗汉图像标准。  相似文献   

杨恕  曹伟 《清史研究》2012,(1):32-39
清朝重新统一西藏后,通过册封、定制、设官、驻军等措施,并扶持达赖、班禅成为西藏的政教领袖,建立了政教合一的噶厦制度,实现了对西藏的有效管理和统治,维护了清朝在西藏的主权和领土完整,其西藏政策对后世产生了深远影响。本文从反分裂主义的角度重新审视清朝的西藏政策,认为清朝的治藏政策重政治、军事,而轻经济、文化,导致西藏与祖国内地的经济文化交流、民族融合明显滞后,为近代西藏分裂主义的产生埋下了隐患。  相似文献   

张瑾  周延 《旅游纵览》2011,(11):76-77
西藏是我国西部地区藏传佛教的发源地,具有丰富的佛教文化旅游资源。本文在概述西藏丰富而独特的佛教旅游资源并对其进行评价的基础上,针对西藏发展佛教文化旅游的优劣势,提出了进一步开发西藏佛教文化旅游的策略。  相似文献   

吕志祥  刘嘉尧 《攀登》2010,29(3):96-99
我国藏族聚居区生态环境的特殊性导致了其生态法治不仅需要先进的立法技术支持,更需要发掘藏族传统生态文明的"本土资源",尤其是藏族传统生态文明中所蕴含的生态规律等理性因素,这对解决当代藏族聚居区生态法治中的"高原反应"与内在伦理支持的缺失有着重要的现实意义。只有形成藏族聚居区传统生态文明与生态法治建设的深层脉动,才能真正解决其生态法治问题的"病源",构建具有藏族聚居区特色的生态法治,进而维护藏族聚居区的生态安全。  相似文献   

Making and remaking Tibetan diasporic identities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The fifty-year long Chinese occupation of Tibet has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands and has produced a refugee flow that continues today. Although the plight of Tibetans commands international attention, this diaspora remains understudied and undertheorized. To speak to this silence, we follow Patterson and Kelley (2000) and argue that the Tibetan diaspora can be analysed as both a condition and a process. Diaspora as condition emphasizes the structural features of an exile population, such as race, gender, class and religion. Diaspora as process draws attention to lived refugee experiences--the making and remaking of diasporic identities. In the Tibetan diaspora, His Holiness the Dalai Lama holds a central position. Through his global profile, and a transnational nationalist political structure, he creates images of Tibet, builds community and works toward Tibetan self-determination. Within this nationalist frame, Tibetan identities assume a singular, unified and homogeneous form. Further analysis that focuses on individual voices, however, shows how Tibetan diasporic identities are contested, complex and embedded in not one but multiple narratives of struggle.  相似文献   

《贤者喜宴》是一部内容广博而厚重的藏文历史著作,涉及到了中原、印度、于阗等地的帝王世系和佛教历史,而全书叙述的重点在于藏传佛教史。作者重视史料的搜集,言之有据,其吐蕃史部分和噶玛派部分的史料价值尤为突出。《贤者喜宴》对研究藏族历史、民族关系史、佛教文化等方面的重要价值,值得进一步研究和挖掘。  相似文献   

美国国会“涉藏立法”的历史考察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近二十年来,美国国会通过立法活动提出并通过了一系列干涉中国西藏事务的"涉藏议案"。其主要内容包括:要求美国政府将对华政策与"西藏问题"挂钩;以"西藏人权"为借口干涉西藏事务;为"藏独"势力提供援助,等等。作为美国对华人权外交的组成部分,这些"涉藏议案"对中美关系产生了不容忽视的负面影响,不仅使美国对中国所谓侵犯"西藏人权"问题的干涉长期存在,而且也在很大程度上助长了西藏分裂势力在国外的分裂活动。  相似文献   

在民俗学研究中国化的早期阶段,江绍原是最先引进国外人类学方法系统研究中国礼俗迷信的拓荒者,他对中国人“天癸观”的研究特别引人注目。当时处于民俗学运动中心的江绍原在成为《语丝》周刊主要撰稿人之后,开始扩大范围征集有关月经的礼俗迷信材料,取得了一定的成绩。尽管后来他计划写作的《血与天癸》不幸夭折,但他在月经礼俗迷信研究方面的大胆尝试具有深远的学术影响。  相似文献   

As the first group of Tibetan lawyers in Tibet and actually the first female lawyer,the first lawyer to open a collective law firm in Tibet and the first individual to open a private law consultation firm,Yangjen holds manyfirstin Tibetan law.  相似文献   

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