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正China Issues White Paper on Tibet's Peaceful Liberation,Achievements China's State Council Information Office on May 21 issued a white paper on the peaceful liberation of Tibet and its development over the past seven decades.The white paper,titled "Tibet Since 1951:Liberation,Development and Prosperity," reviewed Tibet's history and achievements,and presented a true and panoramic picture of the new socialist Tibet.  相似文献   

正Tibetan-Style Fitness-A Collection of Traditional Tibetan Fitness Methods(New Edition)This book was written by Lhagpa Phuntsok,a well-known scholar of Tibetan studies,who,after pouring over a tremendous number of ancient Tibetan classics,began to collect information with regard to healthcare,disease prevention and treatment,and longevityfocused fitness and then analyzed different schools' arguments while adding his own views.The work was printed with pictures to present various angles of fitness theory,what Tibetan-style fitness is all about,and how to engage in related exercises;it also provided the author's own "secret formula" for unlocking the gates to longevity and sound fitness.Published by the China Tibetology Publishing House in June of 2020 at the price of 68.00 yuan(ISBN:9787521102093).  相似文献   

正China,Nepal Jointly Announce New Height of Mt.Qomolangma The new height of Mt.Qomolangma,the world's highest peak,is 8,848.86 meters,according to a joint announcement by China and Nepal on Dec.8,2020.The figure,including the height of the snowcap,was confirmed by surveyors from the two countries,which reached a consensus in 2019 to jointly declare the remeasured height of the peak and conduct scientific research on it.  相似文献   

The origins of the Bkav-gdams pa trace back to Atisha.It was founded by vB rom-ston and developed during the Po-do-ba period in vP han-yul.When the Bkav-gdams pa was passed from Glang-ri-thang-pa and Shar-ba-pa to Lha-vgro-bavi-mgon-po,the sect began to build many temples and enlarge its organization.It consisted of two branches:the Bkavgdams-gzhung-pa and the Bkav-gdams-gdams-ngag-ba,the latter developed by Bya-yul-ba  相似文献   

正A Pictorial of Tibet History This book is co-edited by Chen Qingying,Dondrub Wangbum,Sherab Nyima,the late Liao Dongfan,Zhang Xiaoming,and Zhou Aiming.It is comprised of 95 historical accounts together with hundreds of pictures and brief explanations,telling the history of Tibet from ancient times to the peaceful liberation in 1951 with the general theme being how Tibetan civilization  相似文献   

正Golden Highland Barley:Record of Targeted Poverty Alleviation in Tibet This book written by Xu Jian unrolls a magnificent scroll concerning the full-on campaign of poverty alleviation in Tibet.The author has been to Tibet 21 times,becoming imbedded within local communities.This work is a literary perspective of how alleviation measures fared for the people,with spotlights shining on particular individuals and families and clearly detailing how the initiatives affected their lives.Published by the Beijing Union Press(ISBN:9787559645906).  相似文献   

2011年7月,黎里古镇保护开发管理委员会、吴江市档案局编,陈其弟点校的《黎里志》(两种)由广陵书社出版。全书包括嘉庆《黎里志》和光绪《黎里续志》两种,分上下两册,书前有吴江市分管档案、地方志的副市长周志芳作的序。本次整理,《黎里志》采用嘉庆十年(1805)徐氏孚远堂刻本光绪二十五年(1899)重印本为底本;《黎里续志》采用光绪二十五年禊湖书院刻本为底本,横排简体,除人名、地名、书名外,异体字、通假字一律改为标准字。  相似文献   

正In Tibetan Buddhism, sgrub thabs represents a tantric sādhana, literally "means/way of realization or accomplishment". It is about meditating on a yi dam■, also known as thugs dam or lhag pavi lha, which is one's tutelary deity, sometimes also translated into principal deity, a personal protector of one's practice and spiritual  相似文献   

林昕 《神州》2013,(32):240-240
While the world is shocked by China's rapid economic growth, the hidden price China had to pay for rushing forward has gradually shown the tip of the iceberg. Since Beijing's air pollution became a heated topic on internet, people have realized the problem involved with air pollution and have started to take precaution by downloading applications that monitor the city's air quality, staying inside when the degree of contamination is high and wearing masks if necessary. What about water? Can a country have clean water when its air is severely polluted? If the water is polluted, how serious is the pollution? What are some possible ways to mitigate water pollution that is so crucial to the surviving of human being?  相似文献   

正Dawu County,situated within Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture,Sichuan Province,once served as the ancient capital of the Muya kingdom.The name in Tibetan means little pony.Legend has it that the precious horse of King Gesar,the wellknown hero in Tibetan epic,was born in this very place.  相似文献   

韩冠堂 《世界》2003,(8):42-45
在前文中,我们已经多次强调了个人陈述短文、推荐信及简历这“三项文件”在申请过程中所起的重要作用。其中,“个人陈述短文”又是最重要,也是最难写的。各个学校都强调它的重要性,并提出了具体的要求。  相似文献   

正With his conquered territories firmly under his control,Songtsen Gampo decided that a more central location was needed for his capital;his old Yarlung home was remote,and Maizhokunggar was too small.He chose the Red Hill beside Kyichu(Lhasa River),and so the royal city of Rasa(later called Lhasa) was built.  相似文献   

韩冠堂 《世界》2003,(6):42-45
准备申请文件时,要认真阅读并理解学校的指示和要求,同时,要注意保证和提高申请文件的质量。所有申请表格的填写要字迹清楚,最好不要涂改。填写前,一定先将整个表格通读一遍,明确所有要求,尤其要注意各校为学位、科系等设定的代码和编号。在用铅笔涂填机读式申请表格时,更要注意不要出现错误或遗漏。  相似文献   

象尊长36厘米,宽15.5厘米,高23厘米,重5公斤。 象尊体形肥硕、丰满,象鼻高挑。鼻头翻卷,中有圆孔,与体腔相通为流。象口微张,齿牙外露,圆目突出,圆耳耸起。背部中空,上有方子L,方盖上有--/ix兽,后设小半环,使盖可开启而不脱。四足粗壮矮短,象尾自然下垂。器盖饰四组卷体蛇纹,通体饰四组凤鸟纹,中间对峙两组三角形几何纹,每组四个三角形套接,云雷纹衬底。全器生动逼真,拙朴美观。  相似文献   

本文是基于保存在西藏布达拉宫《七百颂般若经》梵文写本所作的转写。《七百颂般若经》有三个汉文译本和一个藏译本。1923年意大利学者图齐曾校勘出该经梵文本,但图齐所依梵文写本多有残缺,并不是一个理想的校本,故本文的发表可修正和补充图齐校本中的错误和不足。  相似文献   

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