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The author was born in December 1943 in the Qamdo Prefecture and died of illness in 2000. She was a writer and a member of the Tibet Branch of the Chinese Association of Writers. She used to be head of Nagqu Prefecture, Deputy Director of the Nagqu Prefectural Bureau of Animal Husbandry, Vice-Chairman of the Tibet Association of Literary and Art Circles, Chairman of the Tibet Association of Folk Literature Writers, President of the Tibet Society of Folk Culture and Chief Editor of Tibet Folklore. Her works include Changtang Grasslands and I. Here is a story she once wrote.  相似文献   

In the past, a letter sent from Tibet to inland China often took almost half a year to arrive. In Tibet, people had to walk a long way, and then waited in a long queue for access to a fixed phone. Because of the poor state of telecommunications in Tibet in those early days, people in Tibet heard and saw little of the wonderful world outside. This in turn created an even greater apparent distance between Tibet and that outside world.  相似文献   

Librarianship in Tibet has changed gradually through the years. Its development has been closely tied to the movement of history, economics, and culture in Tibet. There are many issues that have become obstacles in the development of Tibetan libraries. Foremost among these issues is the shortage of professionally trained librarians. This paper discusses the history of Tibetan libraries, and explores the situation of the library and information science (LIS) profession in Tibet. Finally, through analysis of current situations and problems, this paper discusses a model of a library training program at the Tibet library to provide variety and appropriate continuing education for librarians in Tibet.  相似文献   

Encyclopedia of Tibet The book came off the press at a time when the whole country was celebrating the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Tibet Autonomous Region. The publication of the book, printed in colors, is a grand event in the history of cultural undertakings of the Tibet Autonomous Region. The book, the first of its kind ever published by a local press in China, runs to some 2 million words. It takes in some 1,200 entries and has more than 1,000 pictures and an index com…  相似文献   

Mr. Sakhong Tsering Dorje was born in 1912 in Kanggu Village of Dromo Town of Tibet. About 1951, he made substantial contributions to the peaceful liberation of Tibet and became a well-known patriot. He took the posts of deputy director of the office of Kyika in Dromo, member of the CPPCC of Gyantse County and member of the CPPCC of the Tibet Autonomous Region respectively.  相似文献   

Ngapoi Ngawang Jigmei, as a full-power delegate of the local government of Tibet led by the 14th Dalai Lama, played a vital role in the signing of the 17-article Agreement on Methods for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet in 1951. Fourteen years later, he was elected chairman of the Tibet Autonomous Region founded in September 1965.With the approach of the 40th anniversary, we invited Ngapoi Ngawang Jigmei, now Vice-Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee,to talk about TAR's founding.  相似文献   

Phalha Manor is situated in Paljor Lhunpo Village of Gyantse. Out of the twelve most prominent manors in Tibet which were once owned by serf owners in old Tibet,the Phalha Manor is currently the best preserved.It is a social miniature of old Tibet that authentically illustrates the utter discrepancy between the lives of serfs and that of autocrats in the past.At present residents adjacent to the manor,for the most part,are the progeny of former serfs.There are over a dozen former serfs enjoying their fre...  相似文献   

Editor‘s Note: Radi, a Tibetan, was born in August 1938 in Biru County, Tibet. He is a vice-chairman of the NPC Standing Committee.A serf in old Tibet, he was a Tibetan leader from 1975 to 2003. We interviewed him at the end of 2003,and he talked about changes that have taken place in Tibet in the past 14 years.  相似文献   

Tibet started to reform its medical insurance system in 1999. Beginning in 2001, workers in Lhasa were given basic medical insurance on a trial basis. Whether workers in other parts of Tibet will enjoy the same system in the near future? With this in mind, reporters with Tibet Business News interviewed Qi Weiguo, Deputy Director of the Labor and Social Securities Commission of the Tibet Autonomous Region.  相似文献   

正In recent years, visiting Tibet in winter has increasingly become a popular trend. Since last year, the tourism authorities of Tibet have introduced a series of favorable policies to promote Tibet as a winter destination. They succeeded in luring many tourists to Tibet. Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province is nothing short of a winter wonderland,  相似文献   

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Witness the Great Changes of the Snow land: Tibet in the Fifties and Sixties of the 20th Century This is a large picture album with more than 300 photos taken by Chen Zonglie, a well-Known senior photographer who worked in Tibet for many years, These photos record a series of historical events reflecting the dramatic changes on the Roof of the world,  相似文献   

From the opening traffic of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway,a major restriction on transportation to and from Tibet was finally removed. Such a change has had a massive impact on the economy of the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) as a whole and,in particular,on the rural Tibetans.In other words,the railway became a leading force in the re- structure and advancement of the Tibetan economy.  相似文献   

From the opening traffic of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway,a major restriction on transportation to and from Tibet was finally removed. Such a change has had a massive impact on the economy of the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) as a whole and,in particular,on the rural Tibetans.In other words,the railway became a leading force in the re- structure and advancement of the Tibetan economy.  相似文献   

In the period of the Republic of China, Tibet was in a special historical period of development. The reforms in establishing a Tibetan system for appointment of official positions went through different stages. In the system of the fusion of political and religious affairs, mild reforms were carried out so as to adapt themselves to different social changes and help maintain the situation of Tibet,  相似文献   

Since the end of the 19th Century, a little westerns sneaked into Tibet and then a real Tibet showed in front of the world through their sketches or photographs. In the early of the 20th Century, there were two photo studios in Lhasa by Nepalese. About in 1930s or 1940s one of Nepalese bosses got ill and dead. He was sent to the celestial burial stone of the Sera Monastery  相似文献   

It has been almost 40 years since the founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region in 1965. To mark the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the PRC Law on National Regional Autonomy, on May 23, 2004, the State Council Information Office issued a white paper entitled ‘Regional Ethnic Autonomy in Tibet‘. It recalled the process of the establishment and development of regional ethnic autonomy in Tibet, told of the policy‘s impact on the region‘s socioeconomic development and the gratifying achievements made, and answered the question as to who is working for Tibet and who is managing Tibet.  相似文献   

In rural areas in Tibet where religion believers occupy a very high proportion of the population, religious service can also be included into the scope of public services, because it is not only related to local social stability, but also bound up with the quality of life (such as a sense of happiness and the perceived meaning of life) in the view of local people. Investigation in five villages shows how in the rural areas in Tibet, various religious authorities provide such services.  相似文献   

<正>Since the 1980s,tourism has become a worldwide commodity for consumption and an indispensable part of modern life.Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR)with its unique geography and cultural landscape attracts annually thousands of tourists.The recent acceleration in the construction of Tibet’s infrastructure in the fields of highways and developed aviation transport,and especially by the opening of the 2006 Qinghai-Tibet railway,have new opportunities for tourism opened in Tibet,whose number of domestic and foreign tourists reached 8.5 million people in 2011,with a total tourism income of 9.5  相似文献   

正Coming to Tibet I came to Tibet in the normal way,that is,the normal way for many of the workers and students coming to Tibet:42hours on a train from Chengdu to Lhasa.Also,like many of the workers and students,I had a ticket for a hard seat.  相似文献   

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