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本文从铜器内涵、文化面貌及与中原铜器的关系等方面对宁乡铜器群和新干铜器群进行比较后发现,两者结构上存在巨大差异(所含铜器年代跨度不同、主体年代或所属文化年代不同、铸造地复杂情况迥异),时间上不并行,文化传统上联系很少,与中原铜器关系的性质也不一样.因此,我们认为两者既不是商代晚期湘江流域和赣江流域同时并存的青铜文明,也不存在源流或继承关系.对于宁乡铜器群文化属性的判定,应该建立在对其所属考古学文化背景的深入研究之上,不能因为其与新干铜器群分布地域彼此毗邻或部分铜器年代接近而进行简单比照.  相似文献   

吴海 《中国地方志》2010,(10):19-24
章学诚欲将方志由"考地理沿革"改变成"保存一方文献",以备"国史要删"的"古国史",因此人物志成为方志的核心。基于地方志人物传的编撰特点,章学诚批评古文家由于缺乏史识、好为应酬之作,重形式而不注重内容真切与否,开启了后世传记浮华之风。在对古今传记批评的基础上,章学诚提出"据事直书,善否自见"的传记准则,使得传记传统由文学再次向史学回归。在改造方志人物传的过程中,章学诚又从材料选编标准、体式等多方面出发,纠正了方志人物容易类型化的缺陷,充分保留了传记人物的真实性情。  相似文献   

洪堡与蔡元培教育思想比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
德国的威廉·冯·洪堡和中国的蔡元培作为两个深深影响两国教育现代化发展的伟大教育家 ,在事功业绩和教育思想上都存在着很多相似之处。两人都认为教育应该是纯粹的 ,教育的目的就是为培养具有健全人格的人。他们以此为根本出发点 ,力倡教育独立 ,主张学术至上 ,通过全面改善人的素质来提升民族力量 ,从而达到国富民强的效果。两人的教育思想都充满了民主、科学和人本精神。文章分析了两人的现代化教育思想的主要内容和思想来源 ,进而对两人教育思想相似的原因提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

犹太民族的历史从某种意义上说就是犹太民族与土地关系的发展史,这是因为犹太民族的每一次历史变迁都是犹太民族与土地关系的变迁:犹太民族的大流散是其失去土地的时期;犹太复国主义运动是犹太民族重新拥有土地的过程;以色列建国是两千多年来犹太民族第一次以主权国家身份拥有土地;阿以矛盾和冲突的根本原因在于对土地的争夺,而这一矛盾和冲突的最终解决依然要回到土地问题上来。所以说,犹太民族与土地有着非常特殊的关系  相似文献   

In western North America, models from foraging theory have been used to address subsistence change using archaeological faunas. Several studies have argued that return rates from foraging declined in a variety of late Holocene contexts and support this position by applying a method involving the computation of a relative abundance index (AI) of large bodied animals to the sum of large and small ones. We present the results of a series of computer simulations devised to identify the relationship between changes in such indices and changes in a forager's average return rate and discuss the implications of these simulations in light of our current work in the Little Boulder Basin Area of north-central Nevada. These include, (1) the importance of using knowledge of both post-encounter return rates and changes in AI s to make inferences about changes in overall return rates; (2) the fact that there are good reasons to expect AI values to be low; and (3) what factors might contribute to the high AI values observed at archaeological sites.  相似文献   

向达 《攀登》2010,29(5):63-68
孔子和苏格拉底分别被誉为东西方的伦理学之父,作为轴心时代的文化英雄,他们的思想言行对后世产生了巨大的影响。本文就孔子对中国历史、伦理本位及注入式教学等的影响,苏格拉底对西方理性、平等、自由及启发式教学的影响等进行了比较研究,以期探讨当下人类面对的文化困境和生存危机。  相似文献   

This paper deals with hearth-related accumulations in Middle Palaeolithic sites. Spatial behaviour is a key to understanding the cultural capabilities of ancient hominids. Ethnoarchaeological and archaeological research has shown that hearth-related assemblages are a basic feature in the spatial behaviour of modern and prehistoric hunter–gatherers. In this paper, we propose a methodology for analysing archaeological accumulations and study a series of hearth-related assemblages from the Abric Romanı́ Middle Palaeolithic site (Capellades, Spain). We also analyse the degree of contemporaneity between the different activity episodes documented at each archaeological accumulation. Our results suggest that the characteristics of domestic areas in this site are not substantially different from those observed in ethnoarchaeological contexts and Upper Palaeolithic sites.  相似文献   

王燕平 《东南文化》2003,(11):95-96
数字图书馆是传统图书馆未来发展的方向,但不是唯一的发展模式。  相似文献   

In recent years, the nature, significance, and validity of the British core-and-flake assemblage known as the Clactonian have come under close scrutiny. More traditional ideas, which see the Clactonian as the product of a distinct, non-handax-making technical tradition, are being challenged by notions of a single European knapping repertoire in which the proportion of handaxes varies according to factors such as activity facies, local raw material potential, and landscape use. Furthermore, recent technological studies which show a basic technological parity between the Acheulean and the Clactonian, including claims for rare atypical bifaces within the Clactonian, have been argued as eroding the very rationale for seeing the Clactonian as a separate entity. These challenges have gained widespread acceptance, despite a lack of empirical support in some cases, questionable conclusions, and hints of a widely ignored, yet intriguing chronological recurrence. A review of the empirical basis and interpretation of the Clactonian, in both recent years and the recent past, suggests that the Clactonian is in danger of being explained away, rather than explained.  相似文献   

Museums and other curatorial bodies face the significant challenge of storing large volumes of material recovered from decades of archaeological excavation, amongst which are very large collections of animal bones. As stores fill up, there is pressure to reconsider curation policies, to the point of refusing further deposition and disposal of existing material. Faced with this situation, York Archaeological Trust looked to develop and implement a strategy to reduce the curated research resource of animal bones, accepting that some excavated assemblages are of low research potential. Applying this strategy to animal bones from the Hungate excavation resulted in a substantial reduction in the volume of material regarded as of significant future research value. The strategy also generated a digital record, including images, that provides the justification for those retention decisions as well as a useful survey that facilitates the location of suitable material for further research. This pilot study shows that it is possible to rationalise what would otherwise be a substantial store of bone assemblages to give a smaller, better‐documented and more research‐relevant archive of material. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

中世纪银行与教廷之间的关系异常密切,前者为后者提供多方面的服务.其中,最基本的服务包括如下四种,即征收税金,接收和转移税款,兑换货币以及提供贷款.对于教廷而言,它之所以离不开意大利银行家的服务,与教延国际化的金融体系关联甚大.银行家则出于赢利的目的为教廷提供服务;但是,同时,还有一点也应该纳入我们的考察范围,即银行家利用教廷的权威以确保和促进其银行业务.银行与教廷之间如此密切的联系,极大地影响到银行自身的发展:中世纪银行的国际化特征以及银行三角平衡贸易的模式,即是这种影响的体现.  相似文献   

Pho-lha-nas quelled the civil strife in Bhutan in 1730,and in 1734,and both sides of the conflict respectively dispatched envoys to Beijing to ask the Qing Court to confer honorific titles,which resulted in the final establishment of the Suzerain-vassal relationship between Tibet and Bhutan in the Qing Dynasty.However,the establishment of the political subordination relations did not necessarily eliminate the estrangement caused by the confrontations between Tibet and Bhutan in the past over 100 years.  相似文献   

This paper develops a statistical method for analyzing the relative location of points in a bounded region. The location of points in relation to the center of the region in which they are located is discussed. Four spatial objects called reference objects are defined to represent the relative location: (1) the boundary, (2) skeleton, (3) nucleus, and (4) global center. The distribution of distance between points and a reference object yields a cumulative distribution function (CDF). Comparison of CDFs for a reference object allows us to analyze whether the points tend to be located close to the reference object or, for instance, whether the points are clustered around the center of the region. The significance of the CDF is statistically tested by Monte Carlo simulation. The method proposed is applied to the distribution of restaurants in retail clusters.  相似文献   

Climate instruments such as REDD+ (Reducing Emissions by Deforestation and Degradation) promise a win–win proposition as villagers in Africa are paid for their efforts to conserve forests and sequester carbon. REDD+ assembles divergent interests at different scales—from bureaucrats to individual villagers. We argue that climate assemblages are shifting the space of the political by regulating practices that previously had local and national provenance. They are producing “state‐like” effects that touch deeply on citizenship. Villagers are drawn into a shifting REDD+ assemblage and subject to new identifications as entrepreneurs and responsible environmental citizens, meant to look after a new global commons. We shift the discussion to deal seriously with questions of a “global” citizenship, not in its utopian sense, but by bringing into light the dark side of global citizenship already in practice in environmental governance. Forests and peoples are in practice made global—we must conceptualize the rights of this “global” citizenship  相似文献   

国家秩序是国体与政体的合一。国体反映了社会各阶级在国家中的地位;政体反映了国家政权的组织形式。二者的合一构成了国家秩序的具体形态。社会秩序有广义和狭义之分,广义的社会秩序包括了社会各阶级、阶层在内的各种社会群体的组织形式;狭义的社会秩序则是指由血缘、地域、经济、宗教、文化等因素构成的特殊社会群体组织形式。社会秩序与国家秩序之间的关系是复杂的,社会秩序既是国家秩序形成与发展的重要基础,也可能构成不依赖于国家行政组织而独立存在于社会之中的一种民间秩序。本文即从广义和狭义的角度,并以中国古代历史发展为线索来简要探讨国家与社会的一般关系。  相似文献   

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