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This article discusses the trilobate arrowheads excavated at ed-Dur during the different campaigns. Special emphasis is placed on the trilobate or three-lobed type of arrowhead because these appear rather suddenly and are not widespread in southeastern Arabia. The broader cultural, geographical and historical framework of these arrowheads is sketched in order to place the ed-Dur material in context.  相似文献   

This article discusses seven bone fragments excavated during the second Belgian archaeological campaign at ed-Dur (tomb G.3831, area N). Rather than weaving implements, these objects are identified as the reinforcing bone laths of composite bows. Information on the composite bow in general—origins, structural composition and technical advantages—will be given. Additionally, the question of which types of composite bows could have been present at ed-Dur and what role these weapons could have played at the site are discussed.  相似文献   

The results of the 1993 and 1994 seasons by a Belgian team from Gent University at ed-Dur in the Emirate of Umm al-Qaiwain are presented. The excavations concentrated on area BS, where a total of 2650 m2 were excavated. This large exposure provided a vast amount of material of the late 1st century BC and the 1st century AD. Only some rare objects (from different areas) are presented.  相似文献   

The results of six weeks'research in 1991 by a Belgian team from Gent University, at ed-Dur, in the Emirate of Umm al-Qaiwain, are presented. Several new areas were opened which provide additional information on burial practices. Some structures built of mudbricks were excavated and a variety of small finds add further to the already elaborate corpus.  相似文献   

The results of seven weeks'research in 1989 by a Belgian team from Gent University at ed-Dur, in the Emirate of Umm al-Qaiwain, are presented. Excavations were continued in the southern part of the site. A fourth altar was found near the temple (area M); graves were excavated in other areas (areas N and AT). A large, undisturbed, semi-subterranean tomb with a barrel-vault and enclosure (area AV) was also discovered.  相似文献   

The results of six weeks'research in 1992 by a Belgian team from Gent University at ed-Dur in the Emirate of Umm al-Qaiwain are presented. The excavations concentrated on the areas BQ and BR, where a total of almost 2700 m2 were excavated. Both areas contained mostly graves, all plundered, however, except for some plain earth-burials. These large exposures provided a vast amount of various objects and pottery and gave further information on burial practices of the 1st cent. A.D. in southeastern Arabia.  相似文献   

Ten fragments of animal figurines from ed-Dur, the largest site of the 1st century A.D. in southeastern Arabia, are published and compared with material from other sites in the Near East. The figurines are discussed in light of broader issues relating to the representation of birds and animals in pre-Islamic Arabia.  相似文献   

Recent excavations at Mleiha in the Emirate of Shajah and ed-Dur in the Emirate of Umm al-Qaiwain (U.A.E.) have yielded a sizable body of iron arrowheads dating from the last centuries BC and the first centuries AD. The present article is a typological and chronological analysis of this material.  相似文献   

C. H. LEE    J. KIM  M. S. LEE 《Archaeometry》2010,52(1):31-44
This paper presents material characteristics and raw material provenance of the stone moulds for bronze slender daggers from Galdong. This type of bronze dagger is uniquely distributed in the Korean Peninsula and these stone moulds were the first to be found by excavation. The stone moulds were made of igneous hornblendite with course-grained holocrystalline textures. Based on petrological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics, the original rock materials of the moulds were inferred to be derived from the Jangsu or Namwon areas which are about 50 km away from the excavation site. It is a notable achievement that this provenance study confirmed the domestic production of Korean-styled daggers.  相似文献   

Summary. In this study, the flint daggers in three areas on the Swedish West Coast are used to show the connection between powerful and influential groups and warlike activities. The variations within the flint dagger material are interpreted in terms of social status and the current flint dagger typology is rejected.  相似文献   

The present article proposes an examination of the human terracotta figurines found during the course of eight archaeological seasons carried out by a Belgian team at the coastal site of ed-Dur in the Emirate of Umm-al-Qaiwain. Since most fragments lack a secure archaeological context, the figurines will be studied mainly in comparison with similar data occurring at other contemporary sites throughout the Gulf and Mesopotamia. We shall see that the ed-Dur figurines appear mostly to be isolated cases coming from abroad instead of objects playing a prominent part in local religious or ritual beliefs.  相似文献   

戈是中国特有的一种用于勾、啄的兵器。据考古发现可知,新石器时代晚期已出现石戈。进入阶级社会以后,铜戈开始出现。在河南偃师二里头文化夏代遗址中曾出土有铜戈。商代晚期到西周时期,戈是最重要的格斗兵器。东周时期随着作战方式的变化(即由商、西周时的车战为主变为春秋战国的骑步兵为作战的主要力量)和铁质兵器的出现及大量使用,戈的数量逐渐减少。西汉时在个别地区偶有使用,东汉时期已难觅踪迹。 在戈类兵器家族中,有一种形制特殊的戈──有銎铜戈。有銎铜戈的出土数量甚少,其存在时间也稍短于其他戈类兵器。本文仅就有銎铜…  相似文献   

邓城遗址位于襄樊市樊城西北部,本次在邓城北部韩岗、解放店一带发掘西周晚期至汉代的化遗址。主要遗址有灰坑、水井、渠沟,主要遗物有鬲、盂、豆、罐、盆、缸、砖、瓦等陶器;另有少量青铜器和铁器。为研究邓城的时代和该地区的化面貌提供了一批重要的资料。  相似文献   

During the 13th century the dagger re‐emerged as a military weapon in Europe. A variety of distinct types evolved, soon also functioning as popular civilian weapons, all over the Continent. Contrary to other European societies, Scandinavians favoured one specific type, namely the kidney dagger. These daggers are found in different archaeological contexts in the Nordic countries, and their violent use is known from both iconographic and written sources. The Scandinavian preference is noted by several authors, one of them even proposing a Scandinavian origin. Still, they do not try to explain this preference. The article presents an interpretation based on the phallic form both of the weapon and of the way of carrying it. The phallic symbolism of the ballock dagger was obvious in contemporary medieval times, but has been obscured later on, for instance by the Victorian label ‘kidney dagger’. Using daggers from Western Norway as a starting point, kidney daggers in Scandinavia are interpreted in a medieval context derived from the Norse sagas and laws. These sources draw a picture of a violent society with rigid conceptions of honour, masculine identity and sexuality. Based on this picture, our understanding of the kidney dagger and material culture of violence in medieval Scandinavian society can be brought a step further.  相似文献   

As one important type of bronze swords, the amount of Wu- Yue style daggers was quite dominant. Further studies will be beneficial to the understandings of their origins and roles of daggers played in the developmental process of swords. By typological comparison to other set of data, it is very clear that Wu- Yue daggers influentially impacted the development of daggers in Lingnan region, indicating a wide communication between two regions.  相似文献   

罗敏 《文博》2009,(6):314-317
在长江中游地区,由于地下水位较高,地下文物埋藏环境常见这种类型:即文物长年浸泡在封闭严密且水位较为稳定的地下水环境。这种埋藏环境中的文物,出土时保存状况往往相对较好,其中彩绘陶器的彩绘层在出土时大多保存完好、色泽鲜艳。但由于颜料层中的胶接物质却早已失去粘性,即使较轻微的碰触,也很容易使之脱落。不仅如此,出土之后,随着保存环境的突变,伴随着陶器中水分的挥发,颜料层也会随之开始出现一系列病害,如变色、酥粉、脱落。因此,选择适宜加固饱水彩绘陶器的加固材料在出土后尽快对彩绘层进行加固就变得尤为重要。本文尝试从彩绘陶器颜料的组成、文物埋藏环境、出土后的环境因素三个方面来分析水坑环境出土彩绘陶器出现的各种病害的原因,并结合笔者在实际工作中的体会,提出几点关于水坑环境出土彩绘陶器的保护方法。  相似文献   

Agisoft Photoscan照片建模技术在考古中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
照片建模技术是指利用数码照片重建物体的三维模型的技术。和其他建模方法相比,Agisoft Photoscan照片建模技术的最大特点就是成本低,操作简单,整个建模过程由软件自动完成。在考古发掘过程中对遗迹现象、地层等拍摄数码照片,利用照片它能够快速、准确的完成三维数据模型的重建,真实的记录、保存大量发掘过程中的原始信息,便于再现不同阶段的发掘现场,也有助于遗存数字化信息的永久保存,为后续全方位的研究和虚拟化展示提供了充分保障。本研究将以洛阳定鼎门遗址博物馆前的小型建筑和一座墓葬为例,介绍Agisoft Photoscan重建遗物及遗迹3D数字模型的方法和流程以及在考古方面的应用。鉴于其对数据采集的高效性、简便的操作性以及快速建立遗迹三维数据模型的能力,在考古工作中将有着巨大的应用前景。  相似文献   

1997年至2000年,奉先寺遗址发掘工作队对奉先寺遗址进行了考古发掘,揭露面积1637平方米.发现的遗迹现象有殿址、水道等.出土遗物以砖、瓦等建筑构件为主.生活用品较少,多为瓷器.出土的十余件石刻造像弥足珍贵.奉先寺遗址的发掘为中国古代寺院建筑和佛教造像等方面的研究,提供了珍贵的实物资料.  相似文献   

B. OTTAWAY 《Archaeometry》1974,16(2):221-231
Employing cluster analysis, patterns and relationships have been looked for within the trace and alloying elements of about eighty bronze daggers of the Wessex and contemporary cultures in Brittany. The results showed that only one of the four types of daggers could be linked with a particular metal cluster, that various types of daggers were used parallel to one another over considerable periods and that the more advanced metal clusters have an almost entirely British distribution.  相似文献   

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