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抗战时期华北根据地疾疫流行广泛,疟疾、痢疾、伤寒、麻疹和流行性感冒等尤为严重。边区政府和军队从"一切为了战争胜利"的目的出发,积极建立各级卫生组织,颁布卫生防疫法规,开展积极的卫生防疫宣传和广泛的群众性卫生运动,切实实施包括组建各种医疗组和卫生防疫队、帮助各级政权训练卫生防疫人员、协助地方卫生工作、充分发挥中医中药的作用等各种卫生防疫办法,不仅有效地预防和控制了各种疾疫的流行,巩固了根据地的社会稳定,而且转变了根据地民众的卫生观念,破除了根据地民众落后的封建迷信思想,增进了广大民众对边区政府和军队普遍的政治认同,为其后的卫生防疫工作尤其是新中国的疾疫救治和卫生防疫体系的建立提供了丰富的经验。  相似文献   

在中国,由政府主导大规模、有计划、有目的防疫工作起始于民国时期。中华民国政府基于西方科学理论建立卫生防疫组织,制定卫生防疫律令,推动了现代意义上的防治传染病的艰辛历程,但国统区的卫生防疫工作机构建设进度缓慢,主要集中于中心城市而无力顾及小城市和乡村,卫生防疫技术手段以西医为主,倚重卫生法规的作用,制度执行很有强制性。中共革命根据地的卫生  相似文献   

黄巧婷 《福建史志》2023,(3):21-29+71
苏区时期面对战事紧迫、疾病肆虐、缺医少药的状况,福建中央苏区在中国共产党的领导下开展伤病员救护工作,形成战伤救护、卫生防疫、反腐倡廉等一系列医疗卫生制度,促进军事动员、群众动员、反腐动员,保障了军民健康、保存了革命战斗力,保证革命走向胜利,具有不可估量的价值。  相似文献   

抗日根据地实行的减租减息,改变了根据地的土地关系结构,减轻了农民的负担,打破了传统农村借贷的恶性循环,保障了佃权,削弱了佃农的人身束缚,在较大程度上解放了根据地的生产力,并由此推动了根据地生产力的恢复和发展,具有解放和发展生产力的社会作用。  相似文献   

刘云 《沧桑》2010,(5):131-132
安徽敌后抗日根据地为了持久抗战,解决经济困难,保障供给,尤其是保障粮食丰收和增产,改善民生,掀起了大规模的水利工程建设。本文就安徽敌后抗日根据地的水利建设成就和特点进行初步探究。  相似文献   

陆德生 《江淮文史》2004,(6):166-171
近年来,经常参加的一项重要活动,就是省新四军和抗日根据地历史研究会组织的学术研讨。在研讨抗日根据地政权建设的过程中,接触到了人权保障这个课题。我省当时有三大块抗日根据地,即淮北、淮南、皖江抗日根据地,其中的淮南抗日根据地又分为津浦路东和津浦路西两块。  相似文献   

财经工作是抗日根据地建设的重要内容之一。淮北抗日根据地在建立之初就在财政税收、货币金融、农业和工商业等方面采取了富有成效的措施来保证生产的发展、保障人民的利益,为巩固和发展了抗日根据地发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

全面抗战时期,为解决抗日军人及其家属的优抚保障问题,山东抗日根据地初步建立起以保障基本生活需要为目的的优抚工作框架。在其实施过程中,因为干部认知偏差、优抚制度不完善和群众参与程度等原因,优抚效果一般。山东根据地及时进行了调适与因应,通过明确优抚对象与标准、干部反思与拥军、参军运动结合等方式进行了调整,形成了以根据地政府为主导、社会各阶层广泛参与的良性互动局面,既做到了保障优抚对象得到优待、社会地位得到尊重,又实现了“动员起来”,以优抚促进社会动员,巩固根据地政权,完成了从保障性到动员性优抚体系的构建。  相似文献   

通过对建国初期《四川日报》关于爱国卫生运动报道分析,呈现出了作为内陆地区的四川在反"细菌战"的全国性的运动口号下,发起以改进环境和个人卫生,增强体质,减少疾病的卫生防疫运动实况。其卫生防疫、改进民生的作用与意义远远大于反"细菌战"的军事、政治使命,是全民参与卫生防疫运动的成功尝试。  相似文献   

皖西革命根据地是土地革命战争时期安徽省境内最大的革命根据地,也是当时全国第二大革命根据地——鄂豫皖革命根据地的三大组成部分之一,它的创立及发展不仅在安徽新民主主义革命史上具有举足轻重的作用,在我国新民主主义革命史上也具有重要的地位。以土地革命为中心内容的经济建设,是根据地建设的重要组成部分,是根据地生存与发展的物质基础,是中国革命夺取全国政权的立足点和出发点。皖西革命根据地通过经济战线的斗争,铲除了当地的封建剥削制度基础,大大激发了农民政治积极性和革命热情,打破了敌人的经济封锁,发展了红色区域经济,保障了革命战争的供给,很大程度上改善了皖西根据地军民的生活,在巩固和发展革命根据地方面发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

This paper examines Koreans’ response to cholera and the introduction of hygienic modernity by the Japanese after the opening of Korea in 1876. As Korea’s first open port, Pusan became a testing ground for Japanese hygienic modernity in Korea with the influx of Japanese settlers who introduced modern medical knowledge to the area. The introduction of modern medical science and technology by the Japanese, through the establishment of modern facilities such as Saisei Iin, the first modern clinic in Pusan, had a significant impact on the local community, which was suffering the horrific consequences of cholera due to ineffectual government management. In the process, the Japanese settlers utilised hygienic modernity as a way of legitimising and increasing their power over indigenous Koreans. While it is necessary to recognise the contributions of the Japanese to disseminating modern medicine and medical knowledge to local Koreans in Pusan, hygienic modernity became a way of legitimising the power of the Japanese settlers over indigenous Koreans in Pusan as a result.  相似文献   

Despite its close linkage with the resource base, extractive industry displays a pronounced tendency to be located in areas of raw-material consumption. Simple regression analysis suggests a higher correlation coefficient between the distribution of extractive industry and explored reserves than between the industry and total estimated reserves. This alone bears out the significance of economic factors since geological exploration tends to be more active in developed areas than in undeveloped regions. A four-group classification of resources is proposed in terms of the impact of the resource base on the location of extractive industry. The analysis suggests that economic factors are particularly significant in shaping the distributional pattern of widespread bulk resource extraction while the resource base becomes more significant in determining the location of extractive industry using less widespread, high-cost resources.  相似文献   

This article is part of a review symposium of Sheila Cavanagh's book Queering bathrooms: gender, sexuality and the hygienic imagination, 2010, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 295 pp., £19.94 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-4426-10736  相似文献   

This article is part of a review symposium of Sheila Cavanagh's book Queering bathrooms: gender, sexuality and the hygienic imagination, 2010, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 295 pp., £19.94 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-4426-10736  相似文献   

There were numerous books of physiology and hygiene published in the cultural market of the late Qing Dynasty. Their writing and translating purposes, hygienic concepts and hygienic identification in these books displayed the intellectual elites’ efforts in constructing “hygienic modernity” and establishing a national state. Books of physiology and hygiene published in the late Qing Dynasty were firstly translated and edited by missionaries and it was not until 1894 that many Chinese began to edit, translate, and write books of this kind. About one hundred and thirty varieties of books of physiology and hygiene were published in the late Qing Dynasty, most of them were textbooks widely read by people and commonly accepted as books of “hygiene” or “medical science” together with the then published books of Western medical science and books on how to keep a good health. At that time, hygiene was not only a guideline for people’s life and consumption, but also became an ideology to distinguish civilization and savageness with its significance gradually connected with race and nation.  相似文献   

持久的抗日战争,从空间上将中国界分为沦陷区、大后方和中共领导的根据地,战争对沦陷区和大后方两区域民众的社会地位、自我认识,以及看待彼此的心理产生了重要影响。抗战结束后,在复员与接收背景下,伴随着国民政府在关涉收复区人切身利益的政策上的失位和举措不公的惩奸运动,复员人员与收复区民众之间发生普遍冲突,并泛化到价值观念及生活方式的对立。本应是举国欢庆胜利,收复区民众却发现自身因曾被敌伪统治,成为不具备享受胜利资格的“他者”,身份认同处于一种缺失状态。战后在上海社会中盛行的有关“上海人”与“重庆人”的讨论,即反映了这一现状。  相似文献   

20世纪30年代初,中共临时中央为了实现创造北方新苏区的革命目标,指示张家口前委在同盟军中开展工作,意图铲除冯玉祥,把同盟军改编为红军,建立苏维埃根据地。这是临时中央在指导地方党的工作中盲目执行“左”倾冒险主义进攻路线的一个具体计划,结果给党的事业造成极大危害。今天总结这一历史教训,有助于深化我们对中国革命史中“左”的认识和反思。  相似文献   

张玮  王莹 《安徽史学》2016,(5):90-99
抗战时期,中共在华北及陕甘宁根据地进行了一系列女性解放的努力,通过立法确立了保障女性权益的制度体系。同时,为鼓励在各个领域表现卓越的妇女,根据地政府又实行了相应的奖励制度,给予其政治肯定和生产资料支持。期间,涌现出大批模范妇女;其中,人数较多且备受关注者则是劳动英模。这些女性劳模基本上都是贫苦出身且未受教育的农村妇女,但其既是中共妇女政策的积极响应者,又是一个时代或一个地区的代表人物,亦是一面抗战与生产的大旗。女性英模塑造及其大力宣传无疑是根据地政权建设的成功实践;不过,这种将女性"工具化"的政治活动亦带来了一些须认真省思的问题。  相似文献   

梁代生 《攀登》2007,26(4):5-7
以党内和谐促进社会和谐,是构建社会主义和谐社会的必然要求。实现民族地区的社会和谐,必须从民族地区的实际出发,以党内和谐不断促进民族地区人与人、人与自然、人与社会的和谐。  相似文献   

This article is part of a review symposium of Sheila Cavanagh's book Queering bathrooms: gender, sexuality and the hygienic imagination, 2010, Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 295 pp., £19.94 (paperback), ISBN 978-1-4426-10736  相似文献   

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