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本文通过初步分析周公庙遗址商周时期聚落10个属性不同单位的动物骨骼,探讨该聚落中动物资源的利用方式.对单位中动物骨骼的种属、消费部位与年龄的分析显示,聚落中不同性质的功能区间消费动物种类及部位的差异可能并不明显.聚落肉食资源的生产、屠宰与消费可能在不同的地点,对动物的屠宰也并非皆与最大化地利用肉食的模式相符.  相似文献   

本文对安阳鄣邓遗址出土先商时期动物骨骼及骨制品进行鉴定与分类,解析该遗址动物资源的获取与利用.结果表明当时人们主要以猪、牛、羊等家畜为肉食消费对象,捕获的野生动物所占比例甚少.利用牛、羊、猪的四肢骨和肋骨制作镞、针、匕、凿、锥、簪、铲等骨器,取牛、猪的肩胛骨加工成卜骨.  相似文献   

基于岭南地区自新石器时代至青铜时代早期的动物考古学研究成果,本文总结了这一地区有关猪属动物研究的现状,并对该时空范围内家猪饲养业的特征进行了探讨。认为从距今12000年以来,所有出土动物骨骼的遗址中都发现相当数量的野猪遗存,野猪分布广泛,是当时狩猎的主要对象之一。至距今6000年左右,广西革新桥遗址发现了少量的家猪,至距今4400年左右以来,珠江三角洲地区的银洲、河宕和村头遗址都发现了家猪的骨骼,家猪饲养业已有一定的规模。  相似文献   

本文对河南渑池县笃忠仰韶晚期至龙山早期遗址出土的动物骨骼进行了分析.出土的可鉴定动物骨骼包括14种动物,其中猪的骨骼最多.猪和狗为家畜.除了饲养家畜,捕猎野生动物也是当时人们的肉食来源之一.出土物中还有大量骨制狩猎工具和生活用品.  相似文献   

驯化初期的家猪与野猪的鉴别是家猪起源研究的核心问题,对于准确定位家猪的起源时间和地点具有十分重要的意义。本文首先对陕北靖边五庄果墚遗址、吉林通化万发波子遗址出土的猪骨及其他动物骨骼进行了C、N稳定同位素分析,分析人类活动对猪食物结构的影响,证明了由于人类的饲喂,驯化的家猪与野猪的食物结构存在显著的差异,利用这种差异,可以有效地进行家猪与野猪的鉴别。在此基础上,对安徽蚌埠双墩遗址出土的猪骨和其他动物骨骼进行了食谱分析,并结合形态学鉴定结果,判断该遗址中已经出现了驯化初期的家猪。  相似文献   

2015年,河北省文物研究所对河北省平山县中山灵寿故城东侧的灵寿东城遗址进行了考古发掘,初步判定该遗址为战国时期中山国都城的军事驻防城。遗址出土了一批动物骨骼,共计80件,其中可鉴定标本23件,分战国和汉代两个时期:战国时期动物种属主要为马、牛、猪,汉代动物种属为猪、牛、狗,均为古代家畜饲养的常见种属,此外鹿类动物也是汉代灵寿先民的利用对象。根据动物骨骼的部位、出土位置及伴出品,可以判断这些动物可能存在除食用外的功能,如奠基或祭祀等。不同时期对不同动物的利用情况,进一步验证了随着中山国的灭亡,灵寿东城的军事功能逐渐衰落,到了汉代已成为普通平民生活区。  相似文献   

三峡地区的玉溪遗址跨越了新石器时代中晚期和商周时期,出土了丰富的动物骨骼。动物群包括28个种,其中猪、狗为家养动物,其余为野生动物。通过对动物骨骼上人工痕迹的观察统计,复原了肢解动物的程序以及"锥形器"的制作流程。野生动物则指示了遗址周围为亚热带气候。  相似文献   

陈胜前  罗虎 《考古》2012,(4):7-13,109
华龙洞旧石器时代遗址出土了丰富的动物骨骼化石、加工使用痕迹清晰的骨器和百余件石制品。其石制品组合具有旧石器时代晚期工业的特征。动物骨骼化石上同时发现了动物啃咬与人工切割的痕迹,推断该遗址的动物骨骼被人类利用,但人类可能是利用动物残余的食腐者,而非这些动物的狩猎者。  相似文献   

对黑龙江省依兰县倭肯遗址2016年发掘出土的动物骨骼遗存进行整理,遗存共出土各类动物骨骼263件,可鉴定属种至少达15种,包括软体动物、鱼类及哺乳动物的骨骼。对动物的属种、骨骼表面的人工痕迹及骨角制品进行了鉴定与分析,并据此探讨该遗址居民的生业模式及手工业发展水平,复原遗址周边的生态环境,为进一步了解该地区的文化内涵提供了重要资料。  相似文献   

2003年7~8月,吉林大学边疆考古研究中心和内蒙古文物考古研究所联合对西梁遗址进行了抢救性发掘。在部分遗迹内出土了大量破碎的动物,骨骼遗存。本文仅对出土的动物骨骼遗存进行整理研究。探讨狩猎经济与畜养经济的比例关系以及与人类行为有关的一些信息。一、动物遗存的出土情况发现的动物骨骼均出土在不同的房子和灰坑内,详细的土出情况见表一。在11个遗迹的18个层位内,共发现动物骨骼866件。其中包括软体动物的壳体26件,鸟类骨骼30件,其余为哺乳类动物骨骼。出土的动物骨骼非常破碎,并有较多的碎骨被火烧过,还有加工骨质工具时遗留的骨…  相似文献   

The Richards site is attributed to the Philo phase of the Fort Ancient tradition of the Ohio Valley area. Human skeletal material from the site shows evidence of peri‐ and post‐mortem taphonomic changes, including cut marks, burning and fracturing. Previous analyses have discussed explanations for these changes, including secondary burial, ritual destruction and cannibalism. Researchers have theorised that, allowing for differences in anatomy among species, humans and animals butchered for the same purpose (consumption) will show similar patterns of taphonomic changes associated with butchery. The human remains at the Richards Site were disposed in general midden pits containing mixed cultural debris and faunal remains. White‐tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) constitutes approximately 60% of all the faunal bone, indicating that it was a major food resource. To test a cannibalism explanation, a comparative analysis of human‐induced taphonomy in human and deer skeletal remains was performed, using chi‐square and odds ratio tests. If humans were being used as a food resource, the pattern of butchery seen would mirror that of the deer. The analysis described here compares the patterns of treatment and disposal of human and deer skeletal elements at the Richards site, to test whether both species were used as food resources. Similar types of evidence for human‐induced taphonomic changes, including cutting, chopping, burning and breakage, can be seen in both species. However, results indicate that, in general, human remains show much more evidence of perimortem treatment than do deer remains. In fact, the common odds ratio for perimortem treatment in all bones is 3.25, indicating that a human bone is 3.25 times as likely as a deer bone to be affected by burning, cutting or chopping. This probably indicates that perimortem treatment of humans was greater than that necessary simply for butchering for consumption. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The faunal assemblages from Asnæs Havnemark, Fårevejle and Trustrup, located in northwest Zealand, Denmark, yielded extensive yet substantially fragmented bone material dating predominantly to the late Mesolithic Ertebølle culture, ca. 5400–3950 cal BC . This paper presents a combined assessment of skeletal part representation of red deer (Cervus elaphus) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) from these three sites in conjunction with quantification of overall fragmentation data for the assemblages. These data indicate that the observed pattern of skeletal part abundance is most consistent with a pattern of density‐mediated skeletal attrition, and therefore the whole carcasses were initially deposited. Deer were not part of a logistic exploitation strategy at these sites. This indicates variability during the Ertebølle period not only in which resources were exploited, but in how these resources were processed. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

近些年来,山东地区周代考古成果显著,笔者拣取其中几个重要墓地,对出土的随葬动物尝试进行一下简单分析。这几个墓地包括有长清仙人台[1],滕州前掌大[2],东江小邾国[3]和新泰周家庄[4]。  相似文献   

The distribution of the skeletal elements of albatross from the Maple Bank site is compared with those for ducks and gulls at that site and others on the northwest coast of America. The element distribution was very different between species and between sites. The proportions of albatross bones found suggest that there was a cultural reason for the elements present, probably the curation of wing bones for toolmaking and other uses. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


An amateur 1969 excavation at the Middle Archaic period Janulis site in Ontario unearthed the skeletal remains of three individuals and a dog. One of these, an adult female with an extensive offering, displayed several changes in the bones of her right arm and shoulder caused by the repetitive and intensive practice of an overhand throwing motion. The association of eight projectile points with her skeleton indicates that the activity was projectile throwing, suggesting a strong emphasis on hunting, normally a masculine role. She also had a turtle-shell rattle, an instrument usually associated with men in that time period. In contrast, the presence of two deer styliform bones in the burial point to a feminine role. These anomalies raise the possibility that this individual had adopted a nonbinary gender status, but the paucity of reliable comparative data makes it difficult to precisely define that status.  相似文献   

A right anterior cannon bone (os metacarpale 3 + 4) of a red deer that was found in the reticulum of a 7-year-old red deer stag is described. The bone, which had accidentally been swallowed by the stag, showed clear signs of bone chewing (osteophagia), the most prominent being the formation of a fork at its distal end. Knowledge of the possible bone changes brought about by ruminant osteophagia may prevent the erroneous interpretation of skeletal remains as being worked by hominids.  相似文献   

This actualistic study examines the taphonomic signatures of modern free-ranging mountain lions (Felis concolor) on prey skeletal remains left at kill sites and digested bone fragments in the lions’ scats. Conducted in western Texas and southeastern New Mexico (U.S.A.), the study and its outcomes are relevant to models of carcass persistence and scavenging opportunities on ancient landscapes. Mountain lions in the study area ingested disproportionate quantities of bone from very young prey. This tendency holds true irrespective of prey body size. The results meanwhile confirm a relatively mild pattern of damage to adult deer carcasses. Digestive erosion of the surfaces of bones that passed through the gut was relatively severe, but many of these bone and tooth specimens retained identifiable features. It is clear that the mountain lions quickly remove the carcasses of very young prey from the pool of potentially scavenge-able resources. The non-linear relation between bone destruction from feeding by the cats and the skeletal maturity of prey also has consequences for prey mortality patterns, specifically a bias against the representation of very young individuals. This effect is not sufficient, however, to produce a global bias to prime-adult prey because older juveniles are much less affected.  相似文献   

An abundance of points, flakes, bones, shells, and bodies is considered sufficient to raise the hypothesis that these offerings and their places constitute a type of fertility shrine. This paper documents several possible lithic and bone-offering places in eastern North America, among them Allumettes Island, Quebec; Tick Creek Cave, Missouri; James Creek, West Virginia; and Pen Point, South Carolina. Perhaps the most significant Late Archaic shrine marked by an abundance of points, deer bones, and human burials is Indian Knoll, Kentucky. The proposed fertility or increase rite practiced was that for a hunt god.  相似文献   

We report the results of testing the diameter of the internal opening of the acoustic canal in the petrous part of the temporal bone for sex determination of skeletal remains. The method involves measuring the diameter using a suite of ordinary drills. The method is very simple and has the great advantage of utilising one of the sturdiest bone elements of the human skeleton. The method may be especially useful for the analyses of very fragmented skeletal remains or cremated bones, where the petrous bone may still be readily recognisable. The method was tested using a forensic sample of 113 left petrous bones with known sex. Intra‐ and inter‐observer testing was also performed. We found a statistically significant difference in diameter between males and females (means: males: 3.7 mm; females: 3.4 mm; P < 0.009). However, the low predictive value (70%) for correct sexing using two sectioning points ( < 3.0 mm = female; >3.5 mm = male) was disappointing. No additional accuracy was gained by employing both left and right petrous bones (a bilateral sample of 60 petrous bones was also tested), although left and right side diameter is highly correlated (R = 0.778; P = 0.0001). Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Middle Neolithic Pitted Ware Culture on the Baltic Sea islands comprised a common identity distinguished, in part, by an almost exclusively marine diet. Based on evidence from the first stable isotope analysis on Pitted Ware skeletal material from the Eastern Central Swedish mainland, we suggest that this identity was shared by PWC groups in the archipelago of the west side of the Baltic. Fifty-six faunal and 26 human bone and dentine samples originating from the Pitted Ware site Korsnäs in Södermanland, Sweden were analysed, and the data clearly shows that the diet of the Korsnäs people was marine, predominantly based on seal. The isotope data further indicate that the pig bones found in large quantities on the site emanate from wild boar rather than domestic pigs. The large representation of pig on several Pitted Ware sites, which cannot be explained in terms of economy, is interpreted as the results of occasional hunting of and ritual feasting on wild boar, indicating that the animal held a prominent position, alongside seal, in the hunting identity and cosmology of the Pitted Ware people. Further, eleven new radiocarbon dates are presented, placing the Korsnäs site, with a large probability, within Middle Neolithic A.  相似文献   

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