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<正>中国共产党历来重视军队的政治宣传工作,毛泽东早在红军创建之初,就明确把政治宣传列为红军的第一工作,甚至上升到决定红军生死存亡、革命兴衰成败的高度。而美术宣传因其通俗易懂、形象直观、受众面广,更是成为红军凝聚军心民意、分化瓦解敌人的重要艺术武器。  相似文献   

庄颖昶 《中华遗产》2012,(6):136-143
作为我国古代四大发明之一,活字印刷术对大多数中国人来说并不是个新鲜词。但不为人知的是,浙江瑞安东源村至今仍在使用木活字印刷技艺,人们严守古法,工艺流程甚至与元代典籍《农书》中的记载如出一辙。  相似文献   

韩连赟  韩钢 《旅游》2007,(1):62-69
当你翻开这篇文章来欣赏这些手工艺人们的生活日记时,已有很多艺人的工作在外来文明的冲击下消失了,但他们的精神并没有因此而枯萎。或许他们为此感到一些忧伤,但每一项工艺的消失都是有了更好的技术所代替。历史文明的车轮就这样驶过,在我们为此庆幸或伤心时,我所能做的只是尽量地保留它最后的声音,让人们倾听这喧哗之外的歌声。[编者按]  相似文献   

江西省万年县设立于明正德七年(1512年).至今已有400余年的建制历史。盘岭村位于弋阳、乐平、万年三县交界的海拔644米的黄天峰丰山腰中,四周丛山环抱,中形如盘.直径有一里许.故名“盘岭”.具有汉代遗风的民间谷仓就坐落于此。之所以这种两千年前的谷仓形制能保留至今,和盘岭的地势有着千丝万缕的关系。  相似文献   

扮相滑稽的“花鼻子”一上台,首先引发的是观众的一阵哄笑。之后,“幺妹子”在一阵丝乐、鼓钹声中出场,声情并茂地唱道:“奴在家,奴在家,奴在家中绣花花……”于是,场面慢慢平静下来。但随着“花鼻子”与“幺妹子”边说边唱边跳,剧情不断深入,场面又热烈起来。当台上又唱“奴在家,奴在家……”的时候,若干个“奴在家中绣花花……”的声音便在台下此起彼伏。  相似文献   

刘建凌 《世界》2006,(6):56-60
在古城南京的河西地区,与“侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆”仅一墙之隔的南京云锦博物馆(南京云锦研究所), 以各种各样巧夺天工的云锦作品,昭示着中华文化的博大精深,记载着中华民族聪明才智的一页辉煌历史。  相似文献   

福建地处东南沿海.由于地理位置特殊,语言复杂.民风各异,保留至今的传统剧目有一万七千多个,居全国首位。莆仙戏、梨园戏有中国宋元南戏“活化石”的美誉.它们虽然分布在相邻的莆田与泉州地区。但是体现出来的艺术形态大不相同。二者都有一件与鼓有关的特色乐器,其形制和演奏方式都别具一格.在乐理上又有异曲同工之效.向我们展现着独特的艺术韵味。  相似文献   

王洪伟 《旅游》2007,(7):80-83
扎染,是云南省白族自治州的白族同胞从明末清初以来就有的民间独特的传统工艺。用扎染手工艺制作的扎染工艺品所用的扎染布因是由手工针缝线扎,反复冷染、浸制而成,呈现出来的色彩是青里带翠,凝重素雅。[编者按]  相似文献   

西藏,这个地球上最神奇的雪域高原孕育了人类文明史上最神秘和最古老的象雄文明。“雍仲苯教”(简称苯教)起源于古象雄(现西藏阿里地区)冈底斯神山一带,是西藏最古老的宗教,至今已有几千年的历史。辉煌鼎盛的古象雄文明就是以苯教的传播为主线而发展起来的。  相似文献   

莆田被誉为中国著名的戏曲之乡盖因莆仙戏在千年传承中已深深溶入了民众的生活之中.在莆田民间.凡迎神赛会、婚嫁丧事、升学寿诞、岁时节庆.必演莆仙戏.有时一个地方连续演戏十几天.演戏观剧.成为民间社交联谊、传播历史、教化道德乃至男女恋爱的一种形式.成为莆田人民和谐生活的重要组成部分.莆仙戏也叫兴化戏,流行于福建莆田、仙游一带...  相似文献   

南阳明故溵水郡主墓   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘霞 《东南文化》2004,(5):12-15,i003
南阳明故溵水郡主墓出土的金器、瓷器、玉器及墓志等遗物,为研究明代的历史、工艺、婚丧礼俗等提供了新的材料。  相似文献   

By describing different voices, practices, and understandings centred on Langzhong’s Feng Shui, this research explores a vernacular way of manifesting, practicing and valuing the past. The analysis shows that as a living heritage, Feng Shui still exists in Langzhong in both a physical and social sense. The study of Feng Shui demonstrates how a non-western discourse of narrating the historic urban form could be deployed in Chinese heritage practice to interweave the past and present. Through this study, a vernacular way of practicing and conceptualising heritage is established. Moreover, it is argued that Feng Shui as a locally meaningful heritage, which has spiritually enriched the historic neighbourhood, should be cherished and utilised for contemporary heritage conservation and cultural construction in China.  相似文献   

Distinctive age profiles result from certain types of mortality processes that affect modern African elephants. Large collections of fossil proboscidean bones sometimes have similar age profiles—for example, those of the Lehner and Dent assemblages are identical to age profiles seen in modern drought-caused die-offs. Two other samples of mammoths (one from the Fairbanks muck deposits and one from a site near Waco, Texas) have age profiles suggestive of a stable age distribution in a mature population, resulting in the first case from long-term attritional mortality, and in the other case from sudden “catastrophic” mortality. Other fossil proboscidean age profiles that show high proportions of prime-age adults may have resulted from prolonged or recurring die-offs.  相似文献   

肩水金关汉简涉及到了西汉太常郡,太常本为职官官名,吕后六年(前182年)长陵置县即为太常所辖,后陵县既多,渐为郡级政区,直至汉元帝永光四年(前40年)不再领县。虽然此郡未能与西汉时期相始终,但已具备郡级政区的基本功能,且有边界和实土,是西汉时期的特殊政区。  相似文献   

Zheng, Y., Chen, J., Zhang, J. & Zhang, H., 6 August 2019. New fossil sawflies (Hymenoptera, Xyelidae) from the Middle Jurassic of northeastern China. Alcheringa 44, 115–120. ISSN 0311-5518.

Magnaxyela rara gen. et sp. nov. and Abrotoxyela curva sp. nov. (Xyelidae, Macroxyelinae, Gigantoxyelini) are described from the Middle Jurassic Jiulongshan Formation at Daohugou Village, Inner Mongolia, China. The two new species are confidently assigned to tribe Gigantoxyelini of subfamily Marcroxyelinae based on their wing venation and various other morphological characters. Magnaxyela rara is established based on the following forewing characters: pterostigma sclerotized completely, Sc two-branched and meeting R before origin of Rs, 1-Rs as long as 1-M, but shorter than Rs?+?M, R curved bewteen 1r-rs and 2r-rs and cell 2r longer than 1r. Abrotoxyela curva is differentiated from congeneric forms by the two-branched vein Sc of the forewing, Sc2 short and inclined towards the base of the wing, 1-Rs, 1-M and Rs?+?M nearly equal in length, crossvein 1m-cu longer than 1cu-a. The fossils described herein increase the diversity of the Mesozoic Xyelidae.

Yan Zheng* [], Jun Chen* [], and Junqiang Zhang [], Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Linyi University, Shuangling Road, Linyi 276000, PR China; Haichun Zhang [], State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, East Beijing Road, Nanjing 210008, PR China. *Also affiliated with: State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, East Beijing Road, Nanjing 210008, PR China.  相似文献   

近年来非物质文化遗产的保护与旅游开发问题倍受各方关注.以<印象·刘三姐>为代表的大型实景舞台剧成为非物质文化遗产转型为旅游产品的重要栽体形式,带来了巨大的市场效应.基于恩施腾龙洞<夷水丽川>实景舞台剧的实践表明,大型实景舞台剧确实为非物质文化遗产转型为旅游产品提供了重要的载体形式,也是非物质文化遗产转型为旅游产品的成功路径.同时,这种转型必须遵从非物质文化遗产的原真性,必须与天然物质景观交融呼应,才有可持续发展的活力.  相似文献   

Marsola, J.C.A., Grellet-Tinner, G., Montefeltro, F.C., Sayão, J.M., Hsiou, A.S. & Langer, M.C., 2014. The first fossil avian egg from Brazil. Alcheringa 38, 563–567. ISSN 0311-5518.

In contrast to the rich record of eggs from non-avian dinosaurs, complete eggs attributable to Mesozoic birds are relatively scarce. Nevertheless, several well-preserved specimens have been discovered over the last three decades revealing functional and phylogenetic characters that shed light on the breeding strategies of extinct birds. Here we report the first fossil avian egg from Brazil, which was discovered in Upper Cretaceous strata of São Paulo in the southeastern part of the country. The taxonomic identity and structural features of the biomineralized tissues were determined using a combination of Scanning Electron Microscopy, Wave Dispersion Energy analyses and Computed Tomography. These show that the 125.5-μm-thick shell of the 31.4?×?19.5?mm egg incorporates three structural layers of similar thickness with both prismatic and aprismatic boundaries. Close similarity between the Brazilian bird egg and those of enantiornithines from the Upper Cretaceous Bajo de la Carpa Formation (Río Colorado Subgroup) of Argentina advocates affinity with basal Ornithothoraces. Furthermore, coherency of their depositional contexts might imply a compatible preference for breeding and nesting environments.

Júlio Cesar de A. Marsola [], Annie Schmaltz Hsiou [] and Max C. Langer [], Laboratório de Paleontologia de Ribeirão Preto, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto, Universidade de São Paulo, Avenida Bandeirantes 3900, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo state, 14040-901, Brazil. Gerald Grellet-Tinner [], Centro Regional de Investigaciones La Rioja—Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Entre Ríos y Mendoza s/n, 5301 Anillaco, Argentina; Orcas Island Museum, PO Box 134, 181 North Beach Road, Eastsound, WA 98245. Felipe C. Montefeltro [], Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Avenida 24A 1515, Rio Claro, São Paulo State, 13506-900, Brazil. Juliana M. Sayão [], Laboratório de Diversidade do Nordeste, Núcleo de Biologia, Centro Acadêmico de Vitória, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Rua do Alto do Reservatório s/n, Bela Vista, Vitória de Santo Antão, Pernambuco state, 52050-480, Brazil. Received 18.12.2013; revised 30.4.2014; accepted 18.5.2014.  相似文献   

MENZIES, J., DAVIES, H.L., DUNLAP, W.J. & GOLDING, S.D., June, 2008. A possible early age for a diprotodon (Marsupialia: Diprotodontidae) fossil from the Papua New Guinea highlands. Alcheringa 32, 129–147. ISSN 0311-5518.

A fossil diprotodon jawbone coated and impregnated with a well-cemented fine breccia or tuff was recovered from weakly consolidated Pleistocene lacustrine sediments near Yonki in the Papua New Guinea highlands. The fine breccia includes angular rock and mineral fragments derived from country rock, accretionary lapilli and clay minerals. It does not include any identifiable primary volcanic material. The presence of accretionary lapilli and lack of volcanic clasts suggests an origin by phreatic eruption—an explosive eruption driven by the violent escape of gas. Minerals in the fine breccia have an age of 13.2 ± 0.2 Ma, middle Miocene, as indicated by 40Ar/39Ar analysis. This is the age of the country rock that was blasted by the phreatic eruption. Igneous activity in the Yonki area is thought to have ceased at 7.4 Ma (younger age limit of Elandora Porphyry; late Miocene), and so it is likely, but not certain, that the phreatic eruption occurred not later than 7.4 Ma. The jawbone, as far as can be told from its poor condition, is dentally similar to the late Pliocene and possibly Pleistocene ‘Kolopsiswatutense recovered from other sites in New Guinea. Probably, the jawbone, or the living marsupial, was buried in the fine breccia at the time of the phreatic eruption, and its remains were subsequently reworked by river erosion and redeposited in the lacustrine sediments. Recrystallization and loss of primary texture in some of the bone may be a result of heating at the time of, or preceding, the eruption.  相似文献   

Kaulfuss, U., Harris, A.C., Conran J.G. & Lee, D.E., 2014. An early Miocene ant (subfam. Amblyoponinae) from Foulden Maar: the first fossil Hymenoptera from New Zealand. Alcheringa 38, 568–574. ISSN 0311-5518.

The ant subfamily Amblyoponinae is presently represented in New Zealand by one endemic species in the cosmopolitan genus Stigmatomma and an introduced Australian species of Amblyopone. The fossil record of the group is restricted to two species of Stigmatomma from late Eocene Baltic Amber. Here, we describe the third fossil record, an Amblyopone-like specimen from the early Miocene of Otago, southern New Zealand, based on a winged male that resembles the extant A. australis Erichson in size, general habitus and characters of wing venation, but also shares features with the African amblyoponine genus Zymmer. This represents the first fossil record of Amblyoponinae from the Southern Hemisphere and the first example of Hymenoptera among the few pre-Quaternary insect fossils known from New Zealand. It suggests a long history of Amblyoponinae in New Zealand and Australia.

Uwe Kaulfuss [] and Daphne E. Lee [], Department of Geology, University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin 9016, New Zealand; Anthony C. Harris [], Otago Museum, PO Box 6202, Dunedin 9059, New Zealand; John G. Conran [], ACEBB & SGC, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Adelaide, Benham Bldg, DX 650 312, Adelaide SA 5005, Australia. Received 18.3.2014; revised 15.5.2014; accepted 23.5.2014.  相似文献   

The analysis of fossil wood fragments is often undertaken in relation to the archaeological excavation of a site. However, such analysis does not yet appear to have the strong methodological foundation that the investigation of many other classes of palaeoenvironmental evidence (e.g. seeds and pollen) have. Consequently, it is difficult to evaluate the value of fossil wood analysis at an archaeological site. Using data regarding non-artifactual wood assemblages at one site in southern Scotland, the relative merits of possible analysis are described and discussed. The results from such analyses tend to fall into two broad groups: (I) those of relatively high reliability, and (2) those of relatively low reliability. The results in the former group are often based on moderately secure methodology and tend to provide relatively non-interpretative information (e.g. species lists). On the other hand, those in the latter group are more often based on insecure interpretive methodology and provide relatively more stimulating information, such as evidence for prehistoric woodland management. There are many reasons for this situation, and these are discussed. In conclusion, it is argued that to increase the reliability of results in the second group (in particular), a full understanding of the taphonomy of non-artifactual fossil wood assemblages is needed, and that once this is available attention can then be paid, as elsewhere in environmental archaeology, to the problems of providing statistically valid samples for analysis.  相似文献   

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