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Professor Merrick Posnansky has made numerous influential contributions to archaeology and African Studies during the last half century. Foremost among these is his holistic and inclusive archaeological initiatives that have developed informed representations of Africa and Africans in long-term historical perspective and in the present. He helped shape the early development of historical archaeology in Africa and African diaspora archaeology in the Atlantic world. Posnansky also developed university archaeology programs and reoriented museums in Uganda, West Africa, and the Americas, making them living institutions with a mandate to serve the public. He spent two decades in Africa, primarily in Uganda and Ghana, and later worked as Professor of Anthropology and History at UCLA and, for a period, directed the UCLA Center for African Studies. This interview outlines Posnansky’s life, career, and contributions to archaeology and African Studies across three continents. In addition, Posnansky reflects on contemporary archaeology and the discipline’s future prospects and challenges in Africa.  相似文献   

Historical Archaeology -  相似文献   

Professor James Kwesi Anquandah was Ghana’s first archaeologist. He was also the first Ghanaian to become head of the Archaeology Department at the University of Ghana, which was the first archaeology department in sub-Saharan Africa, established in 1951. Dedicating his life to Ghanaian archaeology, particularly during the difficult years in Ghana in the 1980s and early 1990s, Anquandah had a significant impact on the development of archaeology in Ghana. In addition to his research, advisory and curatorial work, Professor Anquandah was instrumental in the training of three generations of Ghanaian archaeologists. During the course of a professional career that spanned nearly six decades, Professor Anquandah made archaeology relevant and accessible to all Ghanaians.  相似文献   

顾元 《史学月刊》2006,(9):98-107
张晋藩教授作为新中国第一代中国法制史学者,力图在前人的基础上开拓创新,以超越前人的深度和广度拓展了法制史学研究,使得中国法制史学成为一门特色鲜明的新学科。他以自己的创造性学术成就为建设新中国法律史学作出了卓越贡献,并对中华法律文化的传承与创造性转化以及法律史学之于社会主义法制建设的现实借鉴价值等重大理论问题进行了深入系统的探讨。  相似文献   

施爱东:做民间文化研究,许多人都把自己弄得很"田野",但我注意到您却非常注重仪表和礼节。只要是开会或上课,您总是西装革履地出现在公共场合,这样严谨地生活累不累?您参加我的博士后出站报告会的那一天,因为来不及回家换衣服,居然临时跑到商店买了一件正式的衣服换上了,那件事给我的印象非常深刻。  相似文献   

社会经济形态理论与古史分期讨论——李根蟠先生访谈录   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国古代史分期的讨论沉寂了十余年后,正再度成为中国学术界所关注的热点之一。1999年11月《历史研究》编辑部与南开大学历史系联合召开了“中国社会形态及其相关理论问题学术研讨会”;之后,《历史研究))2000年第2期为此发表一个专辑,其他刊物也发表了一些有关讨论章。  相似文献   

On the morning of May 16th in the Village of Jarlama, in the Township Village of Achok in the County of Hongyuan, our interview team finally found Professor Tang Cheng and his team members. They are experts on veterinary medicine from the School of Life Sciences and Technology in theSouthwest University for Nationalities. Threes days before, Professor Tang Cheng received a call from the prairie to Chengdu Campus and was told that a group of yak calves had diarrhea. As soon as he put down the phone, Professor Tang began to organize his students, packed experimental equipment for them, and drove for the highland. Before we arrived at Hongyuan, they had been working on the plateau for two days.  相似文献   

20世纪后半叶以来,高敏先生在简牍与简牍学、秦汉魏晋南北朝隋唐史研究领域,对诸多问题进行了深入研究,做出了巨大的学术贡献。对高敏先生所做的访谈,内容涉及其学生时代、治学道路、学术成就、治学方法与学术思想,以及他的一些有代表性的论著的独到见解,尤其是他将科学的理论与信实史料的有机结合,将已有文献与出土资料并重的治学方法,既多层面凸现出中国古史的深层底蕴,又对后学提供了可资镜鉴的方法论知识。他对其相关研究领域的研究发展趋势与当前学术界、青年学者中所存在的一些情况的分析,则充分显现了老一代史学家的社会责任感和历史使命感。  相似文献   

洪晓纯(以下简称洪):自上世纪70年代以来,您一直是东南亚和太平洋考古最具代表性的考古学家之一。可否请您谈谈您对这个区域的研究兴趣开始于何时?以及您这40年来的研究主题有什么更动?贝尔伍德:我对考古学的兴趣始于1960年,那时我才17岁。原因是那时我阅读了一些和考古学相关的大众读物。当时,我在家乡--英国莱斯特(Leicester)的一家制鞋工厂作学徒。1963年,经过考试我获得英国政府的奖学金进入剑桥大学国王学院,在那儿我学习罗马及欧洲考古直至1966年完成大学学业。  相似文献   

1999年9月,应北京大学、南京大学和复旦大学的邀请,彼得·伯克及夫人来我国上述三校进行讲学。彼得·伯克教授(PeterBurke,1937- )是英国当代著名历史学家,剑桥大学文化史教授,在欧洲思想史和文化史方面建树颇多。同时,他注重对当代史学界的动向进行观察和研究,尤其注重讨论历史学与社会科学的互动关系。他的主要著作包括:《过去的复兴意识》(TheRenaissanceSenseofthePast,1969)、《意大利文艺复兴时期的文化与社会》(CultureandSocietyinRenaissanceItaly,197…  相似文献   

[Dr. Fayez Tarawneh is a senior member of the Jordanian delegation to the Middle East peace talks recently held in Washington, D.C. Dr. Tarawneh, an economist, is the former minister of supply and assistant chief of royal protocol in Jordan. This interview was conducted by Dr. Mohammed M. Aman, editor of DOMES, on February 28, 1992, after Dr. Tarawneh spoke at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.]  相似文献   

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