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薛梅 《满族研究》2007,(3):108-113
本文试图从纳兰性德的个案诗作做为切入点,在众所周知的是清代大词人和具有"哀感顽艳"词风的赞誉中,在与其好友严绳荪《西苑侍直杂诗》二十首的比对中,来观照构成其深邃的心灵世界的人格理想,在隐逸的伤情中亦凸现着入世狂举的豪情,这二者的对立统一,似灵魂与灵魂的密语,从而彰显出一个完整而繁富的纳兰性德。  相似文献   


De même que le nom de “CASSINI” est intimement lié à l'établissement et à la publication, entre 1750 et 1815 de la “Carte géométrique de la France au 1/86 400”, un autre patronyme, moins connu peut‐être, celui de “NAUDIN”, brille d'un éclat particulier pour tout ce qui touche à la cartographie française de 1688 à 1746.

Le but de cet article est précisément de faire connaître à ceux qui s'intéressent à la cartographie ancienne, ce que fut, en la situant dans son cadre historique, l'oeuvre de cette remarquable famille de géographes: “les NAUDINS”.  相似文献   

In November 1861, Dr. J. Marion Sims, an American gynecologist, named and described the syndrome of vaginismus, which linked symptoms of vaginal hypersensitivity to muscular spasm. The only rational treatment for this disorder, said Sims, was surgery. His work was taken up immediately in France, but the story of its interpretation and application is a rather complicated one. Félix Roubaud, a leading specialist on matters of impotence and sterility, revised earlier writings in order to make a clear place for Sims's theories. But in the succeeding decades, Sims was subject to more and more criticism in French medical circles. Some argued that French specialists had already identified all the key elements of vaginismus, and that Sims was no more than a successful publicist. Others-and these were finally the most influential-argued against surgical treatment. More and more French writers on sexual medicine argued that vaginismus was a "moral" disorder that could not properly be treated by physical methods. And within French medical circles the Sims operation for vaginismus came to represent an "American" approach that was too rational, and too straightforwardly physical.  相似文献   

This essay will use visual representations to illuminate the process whereby seventeenth‐century Sweden became a great European power. During the seventeenth century, a new technology of visual representation had provided European leaders with the illusionist tricks so essential to image‐making. Throughout Europe, political imagery and propaganda assumed important roles in politics. In the Thirty Years War, Sweden projected a very masculine image. Visual representations stressed martial values and prowess, personified by Gustavus Adolphus. As a young female monarch, his daughter Christina did not fit this image. One immediate change during her reign was that the queen represented Sweden's political power, while the martial image was personified by the field marshals. In the late seventeenth century, during the absolutist era, the field marshals maintained their position in the visual representations of Sweden, then, however, in their role as servants to the king. During her reign, the representations of power also underwent several lasting changes. Christina was the first in the line of Swedish monarchs portrayed in her personal image, as a woman at leisure. Another important change was that royal imagery in her reign used visual representations of half‐real, half‐allegorical female figures, which prepared the way for a female allegory, Suecia, personifying Sweden from the era of royal absolutism in the 1680s.  相似文献   

<正>白鹭,又称鹭鸶,是一种非常美丽的水鸟,"两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天。"古人的赞美早已让其成为中国人心目中诗情画意的一部分。白鹭天生丽质,身体修长,有很细长的腿及脖子,全身披着洁白如雪的羽毛,  相似文献   

A student raised a hand in class and asked, "Why is this dorm named after Alexander Graham Bell?" On a deaf campus, this was a loaded question. Bell was an oralist, opposed to sign language. He was a eugenicist, opposed to deaf marriages. Indeed, the more I thought about it, the better this question got. Why did the school name a dormin after him? Unfortunately, I hadn't the foggiest idea. With apologies to that student, I offer this article as a belated answer.  相似文献   

A new English language edition of some of the major works of Emil Kraepelin (1856-1926), the famous German psychiatrist, appeared in 2002. This essay has been written to mark the occasion. Kraepelin is famous for his psychiatric nosology, specifically the demarcation of dementia praecox (schizophrenia) and manic-depressive insanity (bi-polar disorder). This essay deals not only with these topics but with many other aspects of Kraepelin's psychiatry: his talents as a writer and teacher; his unusual and intense concern with volition; his lack of psychological empathy with his patients, on the one hand, and on the other, his humane care for their physical well-being; his tangled involvement with psychoanalysis; his war on alcohol; his tradition-bound treatment of hysteria; his reflective attempt to understand paranoia; some criticisms of his work; the debate over the role played by his famous diagnostic cards (Z?hlkarten); his misuse of his psychiatric beliefs in the public arena. A conclusion addresses both his shortcomings and his assets.  相似文献   

Largo Gap is one of several late Pueblo II (a.d. 1050–1130) Chaco-style great houses located in the southern Cibola region of west-central New Mexico. This region is at the interface of two Southwestern cultural areas: Mogollon and Pueblo. We report results of survey and excavation research at the Largo Gap great house and associated community to explore the role great houses in this region served for local populations, as well as their articulation with other great houses across the “Chaco Sphere.” The results identify Largo Gap as an architecturally “Chacoan” structure and that use of this structure incorporated both Mogollon and Puebloan material culture. The use of ceramics from both ancestral culture groups indicates that the local community was multi-ethnic, and suggests a socially-integrative role for the great house within this region.  相似文献   

<正>城外驿道的山水长城间,春天的第一抹新绿已渐染。和煦的春风和新开的野花将把长城最妩媚温暖的一面呈现出来,原本刚毅的城墙似乎也不再冰冷了。长城脚下,静静的流水,古树的嫩芽,桥下的野鸭,淘米的阿婆,春光里守城将士后裔的村落……第一时间,第一到达,在春天里,开始与古老长城的亲密接触。  相似文献   

范怀良  珏子 《旅游纵览》2008,(12):44-45
"天空中没有留下鸟的痕迹,但我已飞过"。可是,人类没有翅膀,人类用鸟的翅膀给心灵划过一道最富诗意的弧线。鸟的生存便如同精灵那般神秘。连弧线都难觅的精灵则就更神秘得令人心颤。它从哪来、又到哪去,至今仍是人类的未解之谜。你听,什么鸟在叫?  相似文献   

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