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Landowners along the Missouri River in Montana believe that the operation of Fort Peck Dam has initiated bank erosion, thus threatening agricultural development within the region. Their concerns have been heightened by proposals to increase discharge in order to enhance fisheries and wildlife interests. Geomorphological evaluation indicates that bed degradation and bank erosion have declined since construction of the dam, and the channel is now approaching dynamic equilibrium; public sensitivity to the proposed change is greater than the morphological sensitivity of the river. Sustainable management of the Missouri is now based on strategies that place more emphasis on partnership with local citizens.  相似文献   

A study of the size of round barrows in relation to their position in the Stonehenge landscape allows us to define two types of mound, here termed 'Conspicuous' and 'Inconspicuous'. Conspicuous barrows are large and prominently located, whilst inconspicuous barrows are smaller and less strikingly placed. Inconspicuous barrows were associated mainly with funerary urns and were constructed throughout the Early and Middle Bronze Ages. Conspicuous barrows contain a wider range of grave goods and were mainly built in the later part of the Early Bronze Age. The Conspicuous barrows were impressive features of the prehistoric landscape and may have been built there because of the long-established significance of some of the local monuments, including Stonehenge itself. They contain exotic grave goods and could have been the burial places of a wider population. By contrast, the Inconspicuous barrows appear to be associated with settlement areas. They contain a range of ceramic grave goods which extend throughout the Early and Middle Bronze Ages and may have been built by the people who were living in the area. The latter tradition is the longer lived and retained its importance into the Middle Bronze Age when more conspicuous mounds were no longer built.  相似文献   

图们江发源于白头山的东麓,由南向北蜿蜒穿流于长白山和咸镜山脉之间,自图们市开始东折,最后注人日本海。沿途的主要支流有海兰江、布尔哈通河、嘎呀河、挥春河等。该水系之北为绥芬河流域,以西  相似文献   

本文详细地分析了嫩江流域青铜时代的遗址墓葬的地理分布及周围环境、遗址自身特点、生产生活用具的分类及数量、动物骨骼及各种贝类遗存等方面的资料,得出该地区的生业方式是一种复合型的——定居、狩猎、捕捞、采集、畜养、手工业以及少量的交换经济,这几种经济方式相互补充,共同构成了一种有别于青铜时代中原地区以农业经济为主的新的生业方...  相似文献   

Most material culture of later prehistoric Europe comprises common forms of pottery, personal ornaments, and tools of different kinds. But some objects stand out by virtue of their unique decoration. These special objects were often ornamented with motifs and patterns that were intended to capture and hold the viewer's attention. Many such objects were purposefully deposited, sometimes in graves, sometimes in ‘structured deposits’. In the Early and Middle Bronze Age, ornate cups played special roles, both in expressing the status of elites and in serving as common elements in long‐distance connections between elites in different regions of Europe. An unusual pit at Kelheim in Bavaria, Germany, serves as a case study to explore the connections between uniquely decorated cups, the emergence of elites during the Early and Middle Bronze Age, and the formation and maintenance of long‐distance connections between communities throughout Europe.  相似文献   

Prehistoric cases of maternal and fetal death during labour are difficult to document. However, this must have been a frequent cause of death among young women who lived in hard circumstances and precarious health conditions. In this paper, a case of a Bronze Age woman who probably died during childbirth due to unavoidable reasons is presented: her baby was lying transversely with the right fetal arm protracted. Death of both mother and child was inevitable. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

图们江流域青铜时代的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据现有材料,图们江流域的青铜时代考古学遗存可以分为两种考古学文化类型,早期为兴城文化,其年代跨度为龙山文化末期-夏代;晚期为柳庭洞类型,年代跨度为商-春秋战国。大六道沟遗址的考古遗存既包括新石器时代堆积,也包括青铜时代堆积,从而否定了原有的关于该遗址为单一的新石器时代遗存的观点。  相似文献   

In southern England, the end of the Early Bronze Age is marked by the appearance of archaeologically visible farmsteads and field systems. This paper explores and critiques the widespread idea that these changes are the direct result of a need to intensify agricultural production. Such discussions have implicitly drawn on evolutionist images of economic maximization and environmental exploitation that do not sit easily with our knowledge of other aspects of Bronze Age society. In this paper, I shall consider economic change as a consequence rather than the cause of wider changes to the social fabric at this time. A review of the Early and Middle Bronze Age settlement evidence provides insights into how society became transformed over the period and begins to hint at some of the reasons why subsistence practices changed so visibly.  相似文献   

青铜时代汉水流域城邑分布最为密集的是襄宜平原、南阳盆地和丹江谷地 ,主要建于春秋战国时期。其性质有四种 :(1)楚都城或陪都 ,(2 )其它方国都城 ,(3)楚郡、县治所 ,(4)军事城堡。城址平面规整 ,城壕较宽 ,城内无墓葬区。普通民居以红烧土结构的地面建筑为主 ,较新石器时代没有明显改善。宫室官署建筑多为高台建筑 ,墙壁则由木骨泥墙向砖墙演化 ,屋瓦逐渐普遍。村落的居住区、手工作坊与墓葬区已明确分离  相似文献   

杨谦 《民俗研究》2022,(1):61-71
在中国青铜时代的王都、诸侯国的都城遗址或区域中心,有大量的铸铜祭祀遗存被发现。以往对铸铜祭祀的功能分析多是基于后世文献的相关记载,认为"女性投炉"是确保铸铜能够顺利进行的一种成物祈求。然而从仪式化生产的角度来看,这一时期铸铜祭祀的成物祈求作用并不突出,铸铜祭祀本身可能和铸铜技术一样,作为重要的知识体系为统治阶层所掌控,成为其权力控制的一种方式。  相似文献   

One of the most interesting sites of the Bronze Age in the central area of the Iberian Peninsula is La Motilla del Azuer (Daimiel, Ciudad Real), dated between 2200 and 1350 bc . The main objective of this study was to investigate interpersonal violence in this site and to report an uncommon case of violent death. No traumatic injury was detected in any child, and men and women significantly differed in the frequency of traumas. More traumatisms were found in men from the earlier stages of occupation, including a young man with at least three blunt force traumas and 26 sharp force traumas. The archaeological findings and trauma patterns in the skeletons of the 65 individuals studied suggest a relatively intense level of exposure to violence for adult men in the earlier stages of occupation of this settlement. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Like most cultures, prehistoric Greek communities had an ambiguous relationship with the sea and the creatures that inhabit it. Positive and negative associations always co-existed, though the particular manifestations changed over time. By drawing together evidence of consumption of marine animals, seafaring, fishing, and iconography, this article unites disparate strands of evidence in an attempt to illuminate the relationship prehistoric Greeks had with marine creatures and the sea. Based on the marked reduction in seafood consumption after the Mesolithic and the use of marine creatures in funerary iconography in the post-palatial period, it becomes apparent that the sea—then as now—is an inherently ambiguous medium that captures both positive and negative emotions. On the one hand, the sea and the animals residing in it are strongly associated with death. On the other hand, the sea’s positive dimensions, such as fertility and rebirth, are expressed in conspicuous marine consumption events.  相似文献   

This paper sets out to combine the textual evidence from the Amarna letters with the archaeological evidence from the Uluburun shipwreck. The latter was most probably a Levantine vessel carrying an extraordinary quantity of commodities and prestige objects from Egypt and the Near East to a major palatial centre in the Aegean. Most of the scholarship has therefore taken the view that it represents an exchange of the same type as those described in the Amarna letters, and that the Aegean world should be inserted in the same system of diplomacy and gift exchange as the Near Eastern polities. What this scholarship has failed to acknowledge, however, is the fact that the Amarna letters do not contain a single mention of the Aegean. This paper, therefore, addresses this significant discrepancy between the textual and the archaeological evidence and argues that the texts and the shipwreck may be part of two different phenomena.  相似文献   


Excavations at Ojakly (site 1744) in the Murghab alluvial fan in Turkmenistan mark the first systematic collection of archaeological materials related to Bronze Age mobile pastoralists in the region, and the earliest evidence to date of their occupation patterns, subsistence practices, and ceramic production activities. Because the appearance of mobile pastoral groups in the Murghab during the Late Bronze Age (ca. 1950–1500 b.c.) is traditionally associated with significant changes in regional sociopolitical structures, these data are important for establishing local strategies of and the relationship between sedentary agricultural and mobile pastoral populations. Here, we present ceramic, faunal, archaeobotanical, and lithic data that force us to reconsider the traditional sedentary-mobile dichotomy. Specifically, we find that while the subsistence economies are distinct at urban and non-urban sites, the ceramic production and trade interactions are significantly intertwined and more complex than previously acknowledged for this time period. Additionally, the presence of a ceramic kiln at Ojakly (Turkmen for “place with kiln”) containing unfired ceramics of a type typically associated with sedentary farmers in the Bronze Age Murghab suggests the transfer of technical knowledge between groups who nevertheless maintained distinct material cultural identities. Ojakly provides important new data about coexisting economies in the Late Bronze Age Murghab that can productively unsettle traditional notions of dominance, control, and polarization in sedentary-mobile interactions.  相似文献   

Analyses of modern human societies have consistently demonstrated the presence of recurrent grouping levels forming a nested, hierarchical structure. That this structure exists in both hunter-gatherer and western industrialized societies suggests that it may be a fundamental organizing principle of considerable antiquity. Stone circles are perceived as being foci of aggregation for prehistoric groups and thus provide a proxy for the sizes of those aggregations. Combining an empirical analysis of a sample of 140 stone circles with a Monte Carlo simulation model that derives expectations for a continuous size distribution based on the nested hierarchy concept, the current paper suggests that similar organizing principles were already in place during the Bronze Age. Furthermore, it is suggested that findings traditionally attributed to the operation of the ‘rank-size rule’ may in fact reflect the basic underlying structure of human society.  相似文献   

方燕明 《华夏考古》2012,(2):47-67,157,158
河南位于中原腹地,在龙山时代和早期青铜时代,河南的龙山文化和二里头文化在中华文明起源与发展进程中,对以中原为中心的趋势的形成和夏王朝的建立,起着举足轻重的作用。对新中国成立60年来,河南的龙山文化和二里头文化的考古发现和研究成果的回顾和总结,将有利于我们对中华文明形成的机制、动力和规律等问题作持续的新的探索。  相似文献   

The lack of published deposits from Cycladic settlement contexts has been a serious setback to our knowledge of Cycladic prehistory, as it has led to inflexible 'pan-Aegean' models of cultural history, imposed on the islands without consideration of local particularities and regional variations. Naxos, the largest and most central of the Cyclades, is a prime example of an important island, whose cultural history, especially in the early and middle Late Bronze Age (roughly from the sixteenth to the thirteenth centuries BC), is not well known. In the present article the author reconstructs the stratigraphic and chronological sequence of the island's only excavated settlement at Grotta, examines the development of settlement pattern on Naxos, and attempts to assess the position of the island in the Aegean during the periods in question. It is suggested that the fluctuations in the number of settlements and the changes in settlement pattern of the island could be tied to the degree of integration of the island into the Minoan and Mycenaean exchange networks. In periods of limited integration (LC I/II and LH IIIB) the settlement pattern consists of one or two important centers (Mikre Vigla and/or Grotta) and a number of small settlements dispersed in the interior of the island. In periods of advanced integration (LH IIIA1-IIIA2), a process of nucleation takes place, in which small settlements are abandoned, Mikre Vigla declines, and Grotta is established as the only settlement of the island.  相似文献   

铜鐎斗的器形演变及用途考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鐎斗是汉至唐代墓葬中常见的器物。通过对铜鐎斗的综合研究,根据柄部的不同,可将这种器物分为四类,其器形变化清晰,地域分布明确,具有一定规律性。铜鐎斗兴起于汉代,盛行于六朝,至唐代趋于消亡。根据器形和分布范围的变化,以及出土器物的组合,并结合中国饮茶习俗的发展历程,推断铜鐎斗应为煮茶的器具。  相似文献   

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