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A report on the initiatives of Shem, a Qinghai-based Tibetan women's group dedicated to empowering Tibetan women and their communities through grassroots development.  相似文献   

作为表演艺术的杂技,在经历了数千年的发展历程后,已从当初的纯技巧表演逐步成为一种以技巧为核心的综合艺术。作为上个世纪50年代就扎根于青海的青海杂技,就曾以其独特的民族风情、浓郁的文化底蕴、粗犷豪放的表现,深受国内  相似文献   

杨皓然 《攀登》2011,30(6):86-88
青海省绿色发展考核内容主要涉及经济、社会和生态,考核工作是否合理、考核结果运用是否得当是对被考核者客观、准确评价的主要依据,也直接影响着绿色发展的质量和效果。文章指出,青海省绿色发展绩效考核中应注重目标考核与过程考核相结合、显性与隐性兼顾,重视考核反馈和纠正偏差以全面提升绿色考核的质量,不断推进青海绿色发展。  相似文献   

孙发平 《攀登》2000,19(5):51-58
积极有效利用外资是青海实施西部大开发战略的一个重要组成部分。通过青海与东部地区利用外资的差距比较可以看出,制约青海利用外资的深层次因素主要是现实市场狭小、制度创新滞后和资源供给优势的递减。为此,加快制度创新、选择切实有效的利用外资方式、建立高度开放的市场是青海今后利用外资应采取的重要策略。  相似文献   

马正党 《攀登》2003,22(5):88-92
青海要实现工业化,必须手找出一条既符合省情、又能实现跨越式发展的新型工业化道路。本就此问题进行了相应探讨。尽管全省工业发展制约因素很多,但只要发展路径选择正确,发挥“驱动力、加速力、竞争力、提升力”的合力作用,加之政策配套、措施得当.将会实现全省工业经济以超常规的速度发展。  相似文献   

Conventional feminist political analysis has considered male interests as historically institutionalized by the state, thereby claiming that women are largely ‘edged out’ in state programmes. By studying a state programme of granting ancestral domain tenurial rights to the Kalanguya in the northern Philippines, this article argues instead that women also edge themselves out. Kalanguya village women have linked with markets and are less interested in tenurial struggles with the state since such struggles underscore their indigeneity and their special role as resource managers, an identity they wish to discard. Men, for their part, attach themselves to the past and identify themselves as being ‘indigenous’ to make claims on land in the present, strategically aligning themselves with the state agenda on sustainable resource management. This article explores perspectives that provide more nuanced understandings of the different ways in which women and men may position and identify themselves as ‘indigenous’ as they engage with state programmes and markets, and argues that, under certain conditions, women through their agency may not be the natural constituency for natural resource management‐related programmes that they are often assumed to be.  相似文献   

漫谈青海的庄廓院   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
尹可 《中国土族》2004,(1):30-31
青海农村家家户户都居住在庄廓院内,所谓庄廓院实际上是有着高大土筑围墙,厚实大门的四合院。庄廓一词为青海方言,庄者村庄,俗称庄子,廓即郭,字义为城墙外围之防护墙。内城外郭,合称城郭。如有护城河则称城池。庄廓一词如何演释而来,笔者不得而知。但庄廓与城郭似乎有联系。青海庄廓院看似简单土气,却有着它深远的历史和很强的实用性。由于青海地处边远,气候高寒,长期的战乱、严酷的环境造就了它独有的风格。唐宋以来,青海战火连绵,烽烟不息。兵燹匪患长期困扰百姓。明代伊始,建城堡、设驿站、屯兵移民为国策。所以县有城池,村有堡子,户有庄…  相似文献   

“十二五”时期青海省加快发展绿色经济问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对全球绿色发展浪潮和新一轮经济转型的机遇和挑战,青海省如何在制定和落实"十二五"规划过程中加快推动绿色经济发展,在更高层次上实现经济、社会与生态可持续发展,成为一个亟待研究和解决的重大现实问题。基于此,本文探讨了"十二五"时期青海省加快发展绿色经济的新思路、新路径,以期为政府决策提供相关的参考依据。  相似文献   

李勇 《攀登》2001,20(3):66-70
改革开放以来,青海省个体私营经济得以较快发展,已成为全省国民经济的重要组成部分。针对目前非公有制经济比重过低,发展尚不充分等问题,今后应进一步解放思想,调整经济结构,制定优惠政策,创造良好环境,深化改革,促进发展。  相似文献   

张源 《中国土族》2007,(1):45-48
一、问题的提出青藏高原是地球上隆起最高、最年轻的高原,平均海拔4000米以上,有“世界屋脊”和“地球之巅”之称。长期以来,青藏高原以其年轻的地质发展史、活跃的新构造运动、剧烈的环境演变、独特的生物多样性、丰富多彩的自然景观,以及由此孕育的独特的各民族  相似文献   

2019年,丝绸之路南亚廊道调查队在青海省民和县寺沟峡内发现了4幅6组个体102个岩画,并对岩画进行了详细的调查、测绘和数字化扫描。从整个岩面的制作技法来看,有直接磨刻法和敲凿法。岩画主要以抽象图案为主,有少量人像、持物人物、鸟等具象形象。其形象与新石器晚期至青铜时代彩陶图案纹饰相似度较高,与中原地区岩画有着密切关系,为研究官亭盆地早期文化提供了新的突破口。  相似文献   

In recent years, participatory development has become an established orthodoxy among development agencies across the political spectrum; at the same time, the importance of consulting with and recruiting women has been highlighted in most discussions of participatory strategies. Drawing on the author's own research and a range of secondary sources, this article focuses on gender aspects of participatory projects. The evidence suggests that gender inequalities in resources, time availability and power, influence the activities, priorities and framework of participatory projects just as much as ‘top-down’ development and market activities. Contrary to the view of a number of writers and activists on participatory development, increasing the numbers of women involved in participatory projects cannot, therefore, be seen as a soft alternative to specific attention to change in gender inequality. Meeting the demands of poor women in the South will require not only local participatory projects, but a linking with wider movements for change in the national and international development agenda.  相似文献   

本课题组 《攀登》2004,23(6):73-79
青海省实施人才强省战略既面临机遇,也面临严峻的挑战。分析青海省专业技术人才状况,找出存在的问题,提出对策措施,是青海实现跨越式发展的必要条件。  相似文献   

甘肃、青海地区自古以来就是人群汇聚和交流的重要区域之一。近年来,随着甘青地区旧石器时代遗址考古发掘和研究工作的持续推进和深入,在回顾与梳理甘青地区旧石器考古发现的基础上,讨论区域内旧石器文化面貌、古人类化石及古环境状况,对甘青地区旧石器时代人类行为及其与环境的关系等方面的研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   

宋金元时期陇西、青东黄土高原地区城镇的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋金元时期是陇西、青东地区城镇发展的重要阶段。北宋为经略陇右而在陇西、青东地区大修堡寨,促使城镇数量激增,形成畸形发展之势;金元时期,城镇数量的显著下降是城镇建设回归常态的反映。这一时期城镇数量的剧烈变化主要存在于县以下的小城镇,而县及县以上城镇的变化相对稳定。特殊的政治、军事、民族形势和国防的需要,是影响这一时期城镇发展的主要因素,在此基础上,陇西、青东地区的城镇在功能上形成综合性区域中心城镇、军事性城镇和商贸型城镇三大类型。  相似文献   

青海省河湟谷地城镇化建设刍议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关小梅 《攀登》2010,29(6):107-111
河湟谷地的城镇发展具有明显的优势,但也存在一些亟待解决的问题。现阶段应重点推进县城的发展,降低省会城市的首位度,使河湟谷地的城镇结构合理化,同时做好城镇长远规划、拓宽筹资渠道、调整产业结构、加强生态保护等方面的工作。  相似文献   

Gender and development has grown enormously as a field over the last thirty years. In this introduction, we interrogate the ambivalence that underpins feminist engagement with development and examine what current dilemmas may suggest about the relationship between feminist knowledge and development practice. In recent years, there has been growing frustration with the simplistic slogans that have come to characterize much gender and development talk, and with the gap between professed intention and actual practice in policies and programmes. Questions are now being asked about what has become of ‘gender’ in development. This collection brings together critical reflections on some ideas about gender that have become especially resonant in development narratives, particularly those that entail popularization and the deployment of iconic images of women. This introduction explores more closely the issues raised by such myth‐making, arguing that these myths stem from exigencies within the politics and practices of development bureaucracies, within the difficult politics of feminist engagement with development policy and practice and within feminist politics itself.  相似文献   

Plant residues recovered from prehistoric stone artifacts can be used to help explain tool function and plant use. At the Changning site in Qinghai Province, Northwest China, dating from 4000 yr BP, we examined starch granules extracted from three slate stone knives. A total of 153 starch grains were retrieved from three stone knives, from which we identified starches from legumes, the Triticeae tribe, foxtail millet (Setaria italica), broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum), roots and tubers. These results indicate that the stone knives may have been used for a variety of activities that included reaping grasses and food processing. The species of starch grains retrieved from the study sample reveal that diverse crops were cultivated at the Changning site 4000 years ago.  相似文献   

青海大通县出土汉代玻璃的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文共对12件玻璃样品进行化学组成分析.其中,部分样品还进行了密度测定,X 射线衍射分析和显微镜观察.此外,还对一颗黄色玻璃珠的表面层进行 SEM-EDX 分析.结果表明,该玻璃珠表面有金箔涂层.根据分析结果,青海大通县出土玻璃的基础成分可归为三类,即铅钡玻璃(Na_2O-PbO-BaO-SiO_2系统玻璃),钠钙玻璃和钾硅玻璃(K_2O-SiO_2系统)。此外,还对玻璃的来源进行了探讨.  相似文献   

王兰英  丁悦 《攀登》2011,30(4):80-83
积极推进农牧区改革发展,是全面建设小康社会和实现现代化的重大战略任务。本文围绕总体目标任务,应用态势分析方法,对新形势下青海省农牧区改革发展的内部条件和外部环境进行分析,提出了促进青海农牧区改革发展的策略。  相似文献   

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