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阮筠婷 《世界遗产》2014,(11):64-67
两次湿地调查情况 我国从1992年加入《关于特别是作为水禽栖息地的国际重要湿地公约》(简称《湿地公约》)后,先后做过两次湿地调查. 第一次调查从1995年开始到2003年结束,并于当年对外正式发布了调查数据:全国湿地总面积是3848万公顷,其中自然湿地面积为3620万公顷.到2009年,我们开始进行第二次湿地资源调查,这次调查一共持续5年时间,到2013年结束,调查数据为:全国湿地总面积5360.26万公顷,占国土面积的比率(即湿地率)为5.58%,其中自然湿地面积4667.47万公顷,占全国湿地总面积的87.08%.  相似文献   

吴江  周年兴  黄金文  丁正山 《人文地理》2007,22(5):124-127,123
本文从湿地公园的概念与研究动态入手,以江苏、上海沿海湿地自然保护区为例,提出了湿地公园建设与湿地旅游资源保护的协调机制,从理念、目标、规划与政策、技术和管理、决策调控五个层面提出协调机制实施的基本模式。通过研究,希望能丰富湿地旅游资源保护的方法和途径,对湿地生态功能结构的维护和资源开发提供新的思路。  相似文献   

田晓红  李辉 《风景名胜》2021,(5):0299-0299
本文的研究主要结合着全国第二次湿地资源调查的最终数据成果,在简单介绍鸟类迁徙的基本路线的基础上,重点阐述了我国湿地受到严重威胁的全面情况,在文章的最后还总结我国鸟类迁徙路线上的湿地保护对策,希望能够为我国湿地保护以及综合治理等工作提供决策借鉴。  相似文献   

王利明  弥宏卓  阿古达木 《风景名胜》2021,(7):0173-0173,0175
随着信息时代的飞速发展,不仅推动了我国社会主义经济的发展,也给自然环境带来了破坏。本文主要是探讨关于我国湿地覆盖面积的快速减少,湿地保护生态物质文明体系建设问题作出了一些相关问题探讨。  相似文献   

本文从人的空间行为入手,分析了人的行为特征与空间的对应关系,探讨了针对人的空间行为进行公共秩序管理的具体方法。  相似文献   

近日,由人民日报社《中国经济周刊》联合湿地国际中国办事处共同主办的“寻找中国最美湿地”评选活动在北京完美谢幕。根据中国湿地的特点,参照《湿地公约》的相关标准,银川鸣翠湖国家湿地公园从全国近700家国家和地方级的湿地保护区及湿地公园候选单位中脱颖而出,凭借生态系统完整,景观美丽奇特。  相似文献   

<正>湿地公约秘书处近日发出倡议,希望人们关注2012年世界湿地日(World WetlandsDay 2012)——"湿地与旅游"成为2012年世界湿地日的活动主题。2012年2月2日是第16个世界湿地日。  相似文献   

湿地的价值在于调节生态平衡、净化水源以及改善环境,属于三大生态系统之一.从我国湿地保护监管现状来看,最突出的问题是"碎片化管理",五大达到综合统一管理的目标,也就难以满足湿地生态环境保护的实际需求.以生态系统综合管理理念为导向,探索湿地保护监管体制一体化,将是解决碎片化管理问题的有效路径.基于此,本文将对我国湿地保护监...  相似文献   

小天  姚毅 《世界遗产》2015,(4):60-63
洞庭湖,我国第二大淡水湖,湖南省唯一的大型通江湖泊湿地,东洞庭湖是洞庭湖的本底湖。东洞庭湖国家级自然保护区是我国湿地水禽的重要越冬地、繁殖地和栖息地,被誉为“世界巨大的基因宝库”“拯救世界濒危物种的希望地”。  相似文献   

陈旭 《中华遗产》2007,(6):106-117
黄河岸边的三河湿地,是中国的重点湿地,也是中国中部候鸟的重要越冬地。这块狭长的湿地中生存着成千上万只候鸟和留鸟。在这些鲜为人知的鸟世界中,不乏中国难得一见的“国宝”级鸟类。  相似文献   

In the fifteen years since the publication of the report ‘The Responsibility to Protect’ by the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty, there has been a burgeoning literature on all aspects of R2P. This review article focuses on five issues. First, it revisits the shift from ‘humanitarian intervention’ to R2P as the key innovation in 2001, highlighting the political, conceptual, normative, procedural and operational differences between the two. Second, it examines the state of knowledge regarding the causes of atrocities; the institutional vulnerabilities and points of resilience; the pathways from simmering animosities to mass killings; the indicators and precursors; and the most effective preventive and response mechanisms. Third, it reviews the unsatisfactory state of R2P implementation. Fourth, it discusses the main R2P actors, from international organizations and key groups of states to individuals. Finally, it addresses the continuing scepticism about R2P, in that it does not resolve all the dilemmas of how outsiders can provide timely, decisive and effective assistance to any group in need of protection.  相似文献   

<正>由国际鹤类基金会、中国野生动物保护协会、沈阳市人民政府主办的第六届沈阳法库国际白鹤节,3月27日在辽宁省法库县正式启动。来自国际鹤类基金会以及中、美、俄、日、韩、蒙古等国家的官员、专家、学者聚集法库,向全世界发布《保护白鹤法库国际宣言》,并向国际社会提出建议每年3月27日为世界白鹤日。  相似文献   

<正>自1972年联合国教科文组织《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》颁布以来,全球至今已有1031处世界遗产,它们代表了人类共同的财富。保护世界遗产的突出普遍价值这一任务的挑战不断增加,尤其在如今复杂的全球环境中,世界遗产不断受到城镇化、旅游、自然灾害、污染、战争冲突等因素的影响。保护和管理世界遗产是一项长期和艰巨的任务,需要得到持续不断的资金和技术支持。其中来自利益相关者,特别是私营企业的支持,在遗产保护资源筹措和意识提升方面,正发挥着越来越重要的作用。  相似文献   

Some general parameters are proposed for evaluating homeland security measures that seek to make potential targets notably less vulnerable to terrorist attack, and these are then applied to specific policy considerations. Since the number of targets is essentially unlimited, since the probability that any given target will be attacked is near zero, since the number and competence of terrorists is limited, since target-selection is effectively a near-random process, and since a terrorist is free to redirect attention from a protected target to an unprotected one of more or less equal consequence, protection seems to be sensible only in a limited number of instances.  相似文献   

环境营造:中国历史上人类活动对全球变化的贡献   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在古代-近现代中国,历时数千年人类活动展开所具有的时空条件、土地面积和经营方式、人口规模和质量、社会组织形式、社会形态延续条件等基本内容,在世界各国中是难有其比的。国外许多科学家将加大力度利用丰富的历史文献(中文为主),用于研究和解释人类活动对地球环境变化可能具有的作用和影响份额的希望,寄托在中国科学家和历史学家身上,是有充足理由的。本文认为,发挥国情和历史地理专业优势,现阶段可以视为全球变化研究框架中的重要内容是(1)土地利用与土地覆盖格局的变化;(2)流域生命-文化环境的构成及其成长;(3)河湖海系统的演变;(4)制度和政策因素怎样调节人类的社会经济行为;(5)提取和整理对地球环境有重大影响的自然、人文事件。为了对人类活动引起环境变化的影响和作用作出较为准确的判断,研究中需要做好的事项有(1)排查文献资料中的人为主观撰述因素;(2)核实人类活动可以影响的范围或方面;(3)分析人类活动本身包含的复杂性因素;(4)充分估计自然本身的力量;(5)尊重和学习其它专业的研究方法及其实验结果。时至今日,科学事业发展的形势,已经将历史学加入自然科学研究计划的工作提到了研究时间表上。  相似文献   


Environmental archaeological enquiry has a long and vibrant history. Many of the same questions have persisted in archaeological dialogues over the past century. In particular, the effects of environmental change on demographic patterns, health, and societal stability are among the most pervasive questions being addressed by anthropological research. These studies have limitations, however. For example, evaluations of the complex relationships between environmental variables and human responses are only just beginning to emerge in anthropological literature. This goal requires high-resolution paleoclimate datasets and the use of quantitative modelling rooted in evolutionary and complex systems theory. This paper serves as a broad review of advances in environmental archaeological enquiry associated with environmental change and human response. I argue that the future of archaeological questions concerning human-environmental connection requires a re-evaluation of causality and the incorporation of complex systems approaches to address human responses to external pressures.  相似文献   

In mountain areas without permanent settlements, human activity is entirely dependent on spatial interaction. For centuries, local and regional traffic has followed livestock trails and footpaths. Mainly during the 20th century, new public and private roads changed this situation significantly in large parts of Norway. While mountain summer farming decreased, hydropower development and leisure use became dominant. Protected areas have been established to preserve possibilities for outdoor recreation and ‘wilderness’. However, seasonal farming activity is still an important upholder of cultural heritage. In the investigated area in western Norway, parallels between accessibility and human activity on mountain summer farmsteads have been identified with the abandonment of dairy production between ca 1905 and 1973, recent use by landowners and hikers’ use of publicly accessible tourist cabins. Increased differences in accessibility and protection status have resulted in diversification of human activity in different locations. Custom and tradition represent different principles according to which cultural landscape can be maintained—with emphasis on dynamics or invariance, respectively. Recent landscape protection focuses primarily on tradition. The necessity of easy access to maintain the living cultural heritage in addition to ‘wilderness’ areas, however, requires taking both concepts into account, most probably treated as geographically separate.  相似文献   

We develop a new conceptual approach to locating inspection stations for hazardous vehicles, prevention, and compare it to the previous, punitive, philosophy of the flow-capturing location model. We implement this preventive protection philosophy with a new mixed integer program that maximizes hazard avoidance by locating a number of inspection stations to detect and remove hazardous vehicles as early in their trips as possible. We test the model's performance and analyze the spatial characteristics of solutions simulating several potential applications. Our computations demonstrate that a relaxed integer-linear program is overly demanding computationally and that a simple greedy heuristic lacks robustness. We suggest further approaches to developing more powerful and efficient solution methods.  相似文献   

<正>9月20日,中国野生动物保护协会志愿者2018秋冬季百队百天护飞行动在全国范围内展开,全国各地数以万计的野保志愿者,在中国野生动物保护协会统一部署和志愿者委员会具体指导下,紧密联系所在地的森林公安等相关部门,迅速而广泛地展开了以打击捕鸟贩鸟违法犯罪行为、收缴捕鸟工具、救助和放飞野鸟、宣传普及野生动物保护法及爱鸟护鸟知识等为内容的护飞行动。行动开展以来,捷报频传,令人鼓舞。护飞行动中,各地志愿者组织面临或经历着一系列难题:经费保障不足、违法者暴力抗拒,  相似文献   

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