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西海固地区的环境重建与可持续发展   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
西海固地区位于黄土高原西北边缘的生态脆弱带,人口超载,是全国最贫困的少数民族地区之一,水土流失等环境问题极其严重。陷入了贫困、人口和环境之间互为因果关系的"PPE怪圈",实现可持续发展必须从打破"PPE怪圈"的关键环节入手。建立在协调人地关系基础之上的全面综合的环境重建是打破怪圈,实现可持续发展的基础,也是今后一段时期内可持续发展战略重点之一,环境重建是一项综合性系统工程、应与经济发展、社会进步相结合,并融入西部大开发之中。  相似文献   

宁夏西海固地区的生态建设与可持续发展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
何彤慧 《人文地理》2000,15(4):76-79
西海固地区的生态环境先天脆弱,长期以来不合理的土地利用,又造成了植被的普遍退化,致使生态失调、水土流失和沙漠化问题严重,自然灾害频繁,加强生态建设、改善生态环境是当地实现可持续发展的有效保障。西海固地区的生态建设包括生态经济建设、生态文化建设、生态体制建设及生态工程建设等多方面的内容,当前要通过控制人口增长、发展绿色产业、振兴区域经济来促进生态建设战略的实施;通过贯彻和落实以粮代赈政策、创建生态建设目标责任制基础上的社会协同机制、探索和推广多样化的生态建设模式等措施,来实现生态建设的目标和任务。  相似文献   

试论西海固贫困民族地区的城市化及反贫困   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
米文宝 《人文地理》2000,15(3):43-47
西海固地区是我国西部贫困民族地区,文章认为该区城市化有着与我国东部不同的特点,主要表现为:城市总体水平低,城镇体系不健全,现有城镇职能简单,城镇对区域经济发展和脱贫贡献不大,城镇发展层次低,缺乏长远规划和活力。文章通过国内外发达国家和地区城市化发展实践、西海固地区农业吊庄模式和工业(城镇)吊庄模式的分析以及加快城市化对吸纳农村剩余劳动力,调整产业结构的理论分析后认为加快城市化进程是西海固地区摆脱贫困的必由之路。文章认为加快西海固地区城市化过程应采取如下对策:①积极开展西海固城镇体系规划,充分发挥其指导作用,②要充分利用靠近铁路、河流的有利条件,以现有县镇为依托分层次搞好城市建设,③城市建设要引入新的机制,④进行产业结构调整,⑤培育和搞活市场,充分调动回族经商的积极性,⑥建设宝中铁路工作走廊,推动城市化过程,⑦加快发展乡镇企业,私营和个体企业,⑧注重城市可持续发展,加大科技教育投入。  相似文献   

进入21世纪,全球在工业化进程中面临的三大危机是:人口膨胀、资源短缺和环境污染。实现经济与社会的可持续发展,核心问题是求得国民经济建设与社会发展同人口、资源、环境处于和谐状态。要确保两之间的平衡协调。确保21世纪建设目标的实现,必须清醒地认识20世纪后20年所出现的人口、资源、环境的严峻形势,求实地记录这一特定阶段的成就与突出存在的问题,是续志编纂不可回避的一个严肃问题。续修地方志所切人的记述时段,  相似文献   

吴焕新 《攀登》2006,25(6):92-96
发展循环经济是建设“资源节约型和环境友好型”社会、实现我国区域可持续协调发展的内在要求。本文运用“人口机会窗口”理论和区域人口转变与区域经济增长的一般模式理论及方法,分析探讨了我国区域人口转变与经济增长的现代发展历程和特征;从资源环境对区域经济可持续发展的重大影响方面,提出了发展区域经济应遵循其资源与生态环境可持续发展的基本原则;应全面深刻认识区域资源环境可持续协调发展的循环经济特征,加强循环经济“三大体系”建设,以全面实现我国人口、资源、环境与区域经济的可持续协调发展。  相似文献   

西海固区域文化与可持续发展研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
米文宝  王梅兰 《人文地理》2000,15(4):68-71,79
西海固地区是贫困民族地区。文章认为西海固地区区域文化具有农耕文化和牧业文化交错过渡性,伊斯兰宗教文化的主导性,区域文化的封闭性和落后性以及生育文化的独特性等特征。文章详细分析了区域文化对区域摆脱贫困和区域可持续发展的影响,并提出了加快区域文化建设,实现区域可持续发展的基本对策。  相似文献   

一个地域连续和可持续发展,主要涉及人口、资源、环境、经济和社会五个领域。在这五个领域中,人口是可持续发展的关键,是社会构成的主体。发展是可续发展还是不可持续发展,同人口数量变动、人口质量、人口结构等方面紧紧联系在一起。如人口过度膨胀,人口质量下降,人口结构不合理,就会导致资源、环境、经济、社会发展因素不协调.阻碍持续发展。  相似文献   

近年来,社会学研究越来越清楚地告诉我们,贫困既是一种经济现象,也是一种综合社会现象。物质匮乏、经济条件低劣是贫困的外在表现,而以人口素质低下为主要特征的精神文化贫困则是一种隐性的、深层次的贫困。因此,消除贫困现象,不能囿于经济与物质的目标,应更加注重精神与文化的提升。治贫先治愚,教育是根本,只有积极实施教育扶贫战略,提高贫困地区人口综合素质,实现人的现代化,才能从根本上提高贫困地区人口的劳动生产率,进而有效地消除贫困。本文拟从教育为贫困地区经济和社会发展服务出发,试图对青海贫困地区的经济、文化贫…  相似文献   

江泽民关于正确处理社会主义现代化建设的十二个重大关系的讲话,开启了人们对于经济建设和人口、资源、环境辩证关系的深思层思辨之窗。如何实现江泽民提出的“使人口增长与社会生产力的发展相适应,使经济建设与资源、环境相协调,实现良性循环”,显然是具有全面性的重大问题。  相似文献   

论人口增长与自然资源环境的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹新 《攀登》2004,23(2):27-30
人口增长对环境资源的压力,一是表现为对自然资源的过度开发和利用,造成自然生态系统的破坏;二是造成环境的污染。因此.人类在对自然资源的开发利用上就应该正确处理人口增长与自然资源的关系.从依赖于自然的“收入”向不耗竭其“资本”的方向转变,防止造成环境污染和生态环境恶化.以保持资源的永续利用和可持续发展。协调人口与资源、环境的关系,是中国经济社会发展的一项十分重要的艰巨任务,也是中国未来发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

西部地区农户经济的空间差异及其发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
范建刚 《人文地理》2002,17(3):63-65
西部不同地带生态条件的优劣差异决定了西部地区农户经济的空间差异,劣等、中等、优等三类生态条件相应地发育出贫困、温饱、富裕三类群落的农户经济。西部各类农户经济的发展有着不同困难,贫困群落农户脱贫面临人口压力大与生态环境脆弱矛盾突出,及农户人均财政负担重,财政支农能力差的困难,已得温饱的农户面临收入与文化素质低、可带动农户从事产业化经营的企业少的困难,富裕农户面临生产要素流失严重,制度创新滞后的困难。由政府主导,以多种手段、方式带动贫困农户脱贫致富;扶持建立农业合作经营组织,促进已得温饱农户发展农业产业化经营;以制度创新推动富裕农户经济的进一步发展,是应采取的针对性对策。  相似文献   

PPT战略与背包旅游——以滇西北为例   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
朱璇 《人文地理》2006,21(3):62-66
贫困问题是世界性的难题。云南省作为我国旅游资源最为丰富的省份之一,同时也是全国贫困县最多的省份,其贫困地区的分布与旅游资源的分布基本一致,是中国旅游资源丰富与经济极度贫困对照鲜明的代表性地区。笔者根据在滇西北高原上逾期一个月的背包和徒步旅游的实地调研,以虎跳峡徒步旅游路线为案例,指出通过背包旅游对贫困地区进行开发,实施PPT战略,是适合贫困人口发展与创建和谐社区的必然选择。  相似文献   

Important in number and spread very evenly throughout the fifteenth century, the Norman rolls of the monnéage are a very important source for statistical study of the population of Normandy. The information about names they provide allows one to grasp the importance of mobility of population in urban and rural areas. Information about the different categories of exempted persons permits a study of the problem of poverty. The region under scrutiny in this article is the vicomté or vice-county of Bayeux and the city of Caen. Documents concerning this region reveal a highly mobile population, a fact which war by itself cannot explain. The highest rates of mobility are to be found among the populations of the different parishes of Bayeux and Caen. As one might expect, the poor are amongst the most mobile of all. Moreover, the persistence of poverty throughout the fifteenth century, as seen in the rolls of the monnéage, raises the problem of the continued stagnation of this part Normandy.  相似文献   

《Political Theology》2013,14(4):685-716

Since signing and implementing the North American Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in the early 1990s, the United States has pursued other free trade agreements with nations in Latin America and Asia. The premise undergirding FTAs is that trade liberalization within the neo-liberal global economy produces economic growth and development among all parties, and reduces poverty in poor nations. We examine arguments of proponents of free trade and the neo-liberal economy— particularly those of Martin Wolf, author of Why Globalization Works— to test these claims. We explore alternatives that center on norms of ecological sustainability and social justice, holding these two as inseparable. The central moral question of how to achieve needed socioeconomic development in the Global South in ways that are both ecologically sustainable and socially just frames our analysis. We conclude by proposing five principles for an alternative, more sustainable and equitable economic paradigm.  相似文献   

Important in number and spread very evenly throughout the fifteenth century, the Norman rolls of the monnéage are a very important source for statistical study of the population of Normandy. The information about names they provide allows one to grasp the importance of mobility of population in urban and rural areas. Information about the different categories of exempted persons permits a study of the problem of poverty. The region under scrutiny in this article is the vicomté or vice-county of Bayeux and the city of Caen. Documents concerning this region reveal a highly mobile population, a fact which war by itself cannot explain. The highest rates of mobility are to be found among the populations of the different parishes of Bayeux and Caen. As one might expect, the poor are amongst the most mobile of all. Moreover, the persistence of poverty throughout the fifteenth century, as seen in the rolls of the monnéage, raises the problem of the continued stagnation of this part Normandy.  相似文献   

In the context of the continuing and lively debate on the estimates, trends and determinants of rural poverty in India, this article examines the sharp decline, since the late 1970s, in the incidence of rural poverty in the state of Kerala, well known for its record of social development. It is argued that, given the slow rate of growth of the Kerala economy in general and agriculture in particular since the mid-1970s, the ‘trickle down’ theory cannot explain the decline in poverty. Similarly, the fact that rural wages have increased faster than the consumer price index does not constitute a sufficient condition for crossing the poverty line. Expansion of state-directed programmes is seen to be the single most important determinant in reducing rural poverty. The effect of public intervention programmes is roughly estimated to be equal to one fifth of the consumption of rural labour households. The lesson of Kerala for poverty alleviation is that social protection expressed in terms of meeting the basic consumption requirements of the poor, especially the vulnerable among the poor, should be a necessary component of development policy. However, this is not a sufficient condition: there should also be a growth strategy which would provide adequate employment to all members of the labour force from the poorer sections of the population. The current line of official thinking in India, in the context of economic liberalization, is hardly conducive to such a strategy.  相似文献   

Poverty and food security are endemic issues in much of sub-Saharan Africa. To eradicate extreme poverty and hunger in the region remains a key Millennium Development Goal. Many African governments have pursued economic reforms and agricultural policy interventions in order to accelerate economic growth that reduces poverty faster. Agricultural policy regimes in Zambia in the last 50 years (1964–2008) are examined here to better understand their likely impact on food security and poverty, with an emphasis on the political economy of maize subsidy policies. The empirical work draws on secondary sources and an evaluation of farm household data from three villages in the Kasama District of Zambia from 1986/87 and 1992/93 to estimate a two-period econometric model to examine the impact on household welfare in a pre- and post-reform period. The analysis shows that past interventions had mixed effects on enhancing the production of food crops such as maize. While such reforms were politically popular, it did not necessarily translate into household-level productivity or welfare gains in the short term. The political economy of reforms needs to respond to the inherent diversity among the poor rural and urban households. The potential of agriculture to generate a more pro-poor growth process depends on the creation of new market opportunities that most benefit the rural poor. The state should encourage private sector investments for addressing infrastructure constraints to improve market access and accelerate more pro-poor growth through renewed investments in agriculture, rural infrastructure, gender inclusion, smarter subsidies and regional food trade. However, the financing of such investments poses significant challenges. There is a need to address impediments to the effective participation of public private investors to generate more effective poverty reduction and hunger eradication programmes. This article also explores the opportunities for new public–private investments through South–South cooperation and Asia-driven growth for reducing poverty in Zambia.  相似文献   

怒江大峡谷旅游扶贫研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李益敏  蒋睿 《人文地理》2010,25(6):131-134
旅游扶贫是解决旅游资源丰富型地区贫困问题的有效途径。怒江峡谷区是个区域性的特困少数民族地区,山高坡陡、生态环境脆弱的地理环境决定传统的农业难以改变其贫困面貌。而其丰富的民族文化资源、生物多样性资源和独特的峡谷自然景观等旅游资源,使怒江旅游扶贫成为可能。文章分析了怒江峡谷旅游扶贫的优势、劣势资源和机遇,提出怒江旅游发展应以乡村生态旅游为目标,开发特色旅游扶贫产品,发挥政府引导和扶持作用。  相似文献   

内蒙古自治区农村人口多维贫困特征测算与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对国家精准扶贫需求,构建基于A-F双临界值法的多维贫困度量模型,进行内蒙古自治区农村人口多维贫困特征的总体测算与分析,并分别分析多维贫困的空间集聚效应及不同分类体系下的贫困分异特征。结果显示:①研究区西部存在大面积高度贫困县单元,中部存在呈东西条带状分布的中度贫困县单元,东部地区贫困程度呈现"南高北低"状态;②研究区主要致贫因素为:人均纯收入、家庭健康、平均教育年限,一般致贫因素为燃料类型、资产、房屋结构,次要致贫因素为:饮水情况、通电情况、儿童入学率;且大部分贫困指标呈显著空间集聚效应;③研究区西部县际贫困特征差异较小,东部存在显著的南北分布差异;④不同类型县各贫困指标差异不同。  相似文献   

陕甘宁接壤区反贫困策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陕甘宁接壤区是西部最为贫困的地区之一,2000年末仍有50余万人口未能脱贫。文章在分析本区贫困问题现状基础上,提出未来反贫困的主要途经是:转移贫困人口,减少贫困区人口数量;加快交通建设,提高贫困区与外界的空间可达性;加强生态环境建设;控制人口增长,提高人口素质;发展特色经济;加速乡镇企业及非公有制经济发展;大力发展旅游业。并相应提出新世纪反贫困的制度创新对策:加大对贫困地区的扶持力度;建立生态保护补偿机制;放弃粮食自给;赋予地方政府对大型矿藏资源的较大支配权。  相似文献   

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