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中人是民国政治中的一个特殊角色。早期民国的政情,为中人角色提供了存在的前提。徐世昌在1916年内阁风潮的解决中,受到的欢迎及其解决阁潮的速度都充分说明,在实际的政治运行中,人们发现,在这样一个法制、政党都不健全、而武人势力又处于相持的转折时代中,中人能使断裂的北京政治重新粘合起来。  相似文献   

The charter issued by Henry I on his coronation in 1100 has been regarded since Stubb's time as a prefigurement of Magna Carta, since it restricted the rights of the monarch. It has also been seen as a cunning political manoeuvre designed to strengthen the shaky position of Henry I during the tense days and months following the death of William Rufus. The present article does not set out to undermine either of these two positions. The charter played a part in the discussions between the king, the Church and the barons in 1135, 1154 and 1213. There was no such discussion in 1100 when the charter was formulated. At that earlier date the role of the monarch was predominant, as it had been since 1066. As yet the Church and the barons had no active part to play.  相似文献   

<正>二里头遗址作为当时中原地区一个非常重要的都邑所在地,通过贡赋、交换、贸易甚至掠夺等方式获取肉食资源的可能性极大。出土的狗、猪、绵羊和黄牛等家畜动物的可鉴定标本数在全部动物可鉴定标本总数中占非常高的比例。那么值得思考的是,它们都是二里头遗址先民们饲养的吗?是否存在其他来源?探索二里头遗址出土动物的来源,对于了解当时人们的生活方式、  相似文献   

太平天国是怎样与北方平民百姓做买卖的   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
古今中外的任何一场战争 ,都不是单纯地在两支对立的军队之间进行的 ,军队之外的平民百姓或多或少地会受到炮火硝烟的影响 ,他们的行为也会对作战的一方或多或少地产生某种影响。评价军纪实态 ,人们最看重执行平民百姓纪律如何 ,还往往与是否为“正义之师”挂钩 ,它不仅关乎军队的声誉 ,还直接关系到能否获得平民百姓的支持、援助。本文仅就太平天国与平民财产的关系 ,特别是太平天国怎样与北方平民百姓做买卖的问题 ,提出几点新的看法。一、太平军区别对待平民财物的作法  太平军为解决部队给养 ,存在着沿途收缴军饷的行为 ,收缴财物充公…  相似文献   

By offering a reinterpretation of an Anglo-American pact known as the House-Grey Memorandum, this article challenges prevailing views about British decision-making in 1916 in the months leading up to the Battle of the Somme. It argues that serious doubts that the war could still be won without American assistance were the defining characteristic of their deliberations. Owing to deep scepticism about the proposed offensive and severe worries about their financial resources, a majority of the key British civilian leaders were prepared to accept a compromise peace mediated by the United States. Yet these efforts failed primarily because of intrigue at the highest levels of British politics, hard-line Conservative opposition and serious diplomatic missteps by American President Woodrow Wilson. In the end, although doubting it would produce any meaningful results, the British civilian leadership allowed the Somme offensive to go forward only because of their failure to unite on another course of action to prevent it. Finally, this study significantly revises existing thinking about American diplomacy during this period by challenging prevailing notions of the practicality and rigidity demonstrated by U.S. leaders in their foreign policy.  相似文献   

The fall of the Berlin Wall has provided access to archives in Central and Eastern Europe and especially in Russia; new theses may be written as long as they remain open and they often show that our conceptions of international relations during the nineteenth century are outdated and mistaken. This contribution takes as a starting point the events of 1866 that we can consider to be a major turning point in nineteenth century Europe: the end of a relative and concerted balance of powers in central Europe, the first step towards the creation of a unitary German State. The article uses them here to question Russian foreign policy during a transitional decade of its history, through an analysis of the figure and missions of Minister Aleksandr Gorchakov. In order to do this, the article relies on completely new and varied material in four languages: diplomatic archives, personal archives, and a meticulous study of the press. The conclusions reached have been hitherto unseen and they put into question what was thought to be known regarding Russia's political line after the Crimean War. Now it is no longer possible to consider that Russian policy in Europe has been passive, conservative, and pro-German.  相似文献   


This paper examines the memorialisation of the Sherwood Foresters who fought during the Easter Rising of 1916 in Dublin. These men, from Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire in the English midlands, suffered the greatest casualties of the British regiments involved in the insurrection, and participated in the firing squads that executed the rebel leaders. Yet the public and artistic memorialising of these English soldiers is not widely known, and this interdisciplinary paper seeks to tell the unfamiliar story of what happened to the Sherwood Foresters after the fighting of Easter Week ceased. We use archival material in order to explore how, at the time of the Rising, these men believed that they would be remembered. We examine the way that the Sherwood Foresters of Easter Week subsequently appeared in literature and drama. And we analyse the way that those soldiers have been commemorated in funerary memorials.  相似文献   

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