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郑州商城宫殿区商代板瓦发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1986年以来在郑州商城宫殿区三个地点的考古发掘中曾多次发现弧形板状陶器残片,本文对此进行了报道,认为这类遗物极有可能就是早期的建筑材料——板瓦。不仅从层位上推定了板瓦的确切年代,从制作工艺上也进行了相对准确的定位,同时对板瓦的用途也做了大胆推测。这些板瓦从出土位置和形制看,与两周时期发现的板瓦有许多相似之处,但也有较原始的特点。  相似文献   

张纵 《东南文化》2003,(3):49-52
从我国古代神话及有关文献记载中探索中国古典园林的起源,以及早期园林构景要素的基本形式,并由此追溯作为六朝都城-建康城中皇家园林及佛寺园林、私家园林形式,尤其对当时著名的皇家宫苑-华林园、乐游苑的建园与盛衰过程的考释作了一定的分析与阐释。  相似文献   

Underwater cultural heritage sites draw thousands of diving tourists lured by the excitement of shipwrecks and the beauty of the marine environment. Through scientific research and interpretation, archaeologists have the opportunity to educate these visitors about the history of the sites and, perhaps more importantly, about the need for preservation. Effective interpretation leads to appreciation of underwater cultural heritage sites as links to our past, rather than simply as mines of ‘treasure’ to be salvaged for personal gain or sites of interest to be consumed by tourists. This paper describes a selection of interpreted maritime sites from the continental US (with specific reference to Florida), the Caribbean, and the Pacific to show how archaeological tourism, specifically shipwreck preserves and heritage trails, can begin to change mindsets, engage emotions, and inform visitors. It also discusses ways in which we can improve upon assessment, monitoring, and long-term preservation strategies after the trails are created and the sand has settled.  相似文献   

旅游业给遗产保护与遗产地管理带来了机遇与挑战。旅游业对维护文化和自然遗产价值,对社会、当地群众及非物质文化遗产均有影响,也给当地遗产设施发展与保护带来机遇。联合国教科文组织始终致力于文化与自然遗产的保护与弘扬工作,开创有前瞻性的旅游业,承认文化多样性原则,强调旅游业在促进遗产保护等方面的有效作用。其创意城市网络主推的"善行旅游",严格遵循原真性与完整性的原则,通过对世界文化遗产、纪念碑、历史建筑、国家公园、博物馆等各类景区定期评估,提升公众关于新旅游产品及旅客稀少遗址的意识,提升参观者体验感受等多种行动,改善人群福利,保护自然和文化遗产,促进经济和社会发展,从而有利于文化遗产保护与旅游业可持续发展。  相似文献   

Historic buildings are important in nationalism through their roles in building and reinforcing national identity. As part of the expanding ‘heritage industry’, they are also of growing economic and political importance. Despite their physical existence, historic buildings are ‘created’ – they must be constructed as ‘historic’ through processes of choice and the attachment of significance. The state can perform these functions through policies that define and select buildings for protection, by ownership and funding, and by its uses of buildings for nationalistic purposes. Yet state actors can have good reasons – nationalistic and economic – to destroy or fail to preserve historic buildings. The paper examines why, when and how state actors pursue policies to protect historic buildings. It offers arguments about patterns of state action that part of state strategies to promote national identity and cultural nationalism.  相似文献   

Research into prison tourism and prison heritage has not taken enough time to understand how historical change has left impacts in urban contexts, which sometimes continues even after the prisons are decommissioned. This paper discusses the punitive state in the context of the historical penal landscape of Taipei through an exploration of how an historical prison was designed, built, partially demolished, preserved and redeveloped under three political regimes. It draws attention to the neglected relationships between punishment, colonial modernity and heritage. Drawing on the literature of dissonant heritage and dark tourism it argues that the way in which the government erased the heritage and evicted squatters without regard for colonial histories and large-scale, post-war migration is yet another way of writing imprisonment into the landscape and ‘othering’ the punished. Furthermore, in tracing the place memories, both within and outside of the high prison walls, it demonstrates the possibilities offered by ethics of heritage, with which we may counter the culture of punishment in the remaking of cities.  相似文献   

京军本为守御京师(畿)而设,但随着政局的稳定和社会经济的发展,皇亲贵戚的生活越来越奢华,京城内的工程修建越来越多,大批京军被抽调借拨到建筑工地,一部分京军竟然演变成职业建筑工人。京军参与修筑的建筑物主要是宫殿庙宇。京军修筑虽然组织方便、节省费用,却严重影响到军队的战斗力,加速了军队的衰败,这也是明朝灭亡的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

This paper engages the practical aspects of linking heritage, in particular, archaeological heritage, with both individual and community economic development. In recent years, there has been growing realisation that culture, inclusive of cultural heritage, can be both a driver and an enabler of economic development, especially in developing countries. However, few documented examples demonstrate the validity of such arguments. The paper explores some practical examples of how, at the grassroots level, individuals and communities are attempting to exploit archaeological heritage sites as well as other cultural and natural heritage resources for income generation in Zimbabwe. The major thrust of the paper is to assess the manner of use and the viability of such ventures. Since the ability of archaeological heritage to generate revenue and support people around the sites has a direct effect on long-term survival of such heritage, ultimately, the paper contributes to the discourse on linking heritage and economic development as well as the theme of sustainable heritage preservation.  相似文献   

宋本《陶弘景集》为辑佚本,它刊刻于南宋绍兴年间,参加编集和刊刻的人有王钦臣、曾恂、傅霄及陈桷。文嘉抄本、史臣纪抄本等较好地保存了宋本原貌。道藏本与黄注序刻本均源于宋本,黄注序刻本以丁丙跋本为底本,严辑全文本又以黄注序刻本为蓝本。  相似文献   

遗址保护方案现存问题剖析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内目前在遗产保护的技术手段方面进行了不少有益的探索,但还存在一些普遍性问题:对保护方案的前期勘察与价值评估工作存在基础资料普遍不足的缺陷;相关理念和原则与具体保护实践有所脱节,或体现不够充分;对如何处理好保护与展示利用的关系缺乏全方位统筹考虑;保护方案的制定和管理方缺少必要的协调与沟通。今后的遗址保护工作要与社会各界进行多学科、多专业广泛合作,综合研究,共同解决难题。  相似文献   

论西部开发与民族工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关桂霞 《攀登》2000,19(4):27-32
西部是我国少数民族居住比较集中的地区,在西部大开发中做好民族工作意义重大。文章主要论述了西部大开发中民族工作的历史地位以及做好民族工作应该把握好的几个问题。  相似文献   

扎什琍玛佛像因特征明确、像式丰富、工艺精细,在故宫珍藏的佛教造像中独树一帜。清宫的扎什琍玛像多附有皇家特有的黄条题记。本文从这些黄条所记内容入手,结合档案资料,对此类造像进行来源、类型及题材风格的细化探究,并进一步说明扎什琍玛对清宫佛教造像风格的深刻影响及其在促进西藏与内地政治、经济、文化联系方面曾经发挥的历史作用。  相似文献   

Katsinam (plural of katsina) are effigies central to the religion of the Hopi people of northern Arizona in the United States. Since 2013 the Hopi have sought the return of katsinam being sold in French auction houses. The Hopi have employed a series of legal actions to stop the auctions. All such actions, however, have been consistently denied by French courts. This paper uses social science analysis to understand why the legal actions of the Hopi failed. This paper treats the case of the katsinam as a cautionary lesson in cultural heritage studies, with the goal of drawing insights that can inform other situations involving the repatriation of Indigenous cultural heritage.  相似文献   

遗产学或遗产旅游学的"遗产"名称来源于一般生活常规的"遗产"名称,实物形态为财产,两者之间既有相同及重迭的部分,又有不同的特征。遗产学或遗产旅游学并不仅仅着眼于其权属、经济价值和使用价值,而是着眼于遗产的历史、艺术、科学和审美等文化价值,关注遗产的保护和传承,从不同的视角和标准可对遗产作不同的分级和分类。遗产学专家的长期论证表明,"遗产"一词较为贴近遗产学或遗产旅游学学科的特点和研究的对象。  相似文献   

导游员道德危险的防范与控制   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
梁智 《旅游科学》2001,(3):43-46
导游员的道德危险是近年来困扰着旅行社行业的一个严重问题,本文分析其道德危险的表现形式及其产生的原因,指出其危害,并提出防范和控制导游员道德危险的建议.  相似文献   


This paper looks at the effectiveness of the policy of non-discrimination towards minorities in the preservation of minority cultural heritage, constructing a case study within Albania. After defining the key terms used, this paper examines the legal framework of non-discrimination towards minorities in its historical development and looks into the state of preservation of minority cultural heritage on the ground throughout the 2010s combining extensive field-work with interviews with key representatives of ethnic minorities in Albania. The poor state of preservation of minority cultural heritage is mostly attributed to under-financing and the insufficient policy of non-discrimination. As I demonstrate, in the case of minorities with a kin-state in the region, most notably Greece, as well as the heritage claimed by neighbouring states, primarily Turkey, the policy of non-discrimination and the practice of under-financing paves the way for external involvement in the protection of cultural heritage, in pursuit of international political agendas. The paper concludes that more needs to be done for the protection of minority cultural heritage in Albania.  相似文献   

南京滨江开发区吴墓出土建衡元年买地券券文中未释读、误读或漏读的部分,可补释校订为十一月丁巳朔、丹杨、卜安冢宅、从地主古糸买地、糸卖承买、先立可信等。虽然券文从形式到内容仿照现实生活中的地契,但其中的面积、地价和地主姓名仍有可能出于虚构。  相似文献   

我国台湾地区通过完善制度、健全机构、加强考古调查发掘与研究、推动公众积极参与等多种方法和手段,在大遗址保护与开发领域取得了较显著的成效,特别是卑南遗址的保护与开发,在制订保护规划、强化公众遗产保护意识、建立遗址文化公园并重视经营管理与宣传、加强学术研究、积极培养人才等方面,积累了丰富的实践经验,为进一步推动我国大陆大遗址保护与开发提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

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