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2002年9月,为配合“孝襄”高速公路建设,经国家文物局批准,湖北省文物考古研究所对九连墩战国时期车马陪葬坑翻模,部分车马和车马器进行复制、复原。该文对翻模复制、复原等工艺流程进行初步探讨和研究。  相似文献   

自20世纪50年代以来,三门峡虢国墓地已发现了50多辆随葬车.本文着重讨论这些车的性质问题和社会意义,认为其制造技术是非常先进的,这批车大部分为战车,反映了当时的车马使用等级制度.  相似文献   

王木南  李强 《华夏考古》2007,(3):138-141
本文收录了世界著名考古学家柴尔德教授和我国著名科技史家王振铎先生进行学术交流的两封信件。参照河南辉县琉璃阁墓中出土的战国时期墓葬车马坑的考古发现,两位学者讨论了中国古代车制中有关和双辕的问题。本文作者对这两封信件涉及的内容做了相应的诠释。  相似文献   

洛阳市西工区八一路东周车马坑   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年10月,洛阳市文物工作队在洛阳市西工区八一路发现和清理了一座车马坑,坑内残存二车一马,出土了陶、铜、铅、玉、蚌等质地的遗物27件套。依据出土器物的形制特征,该车马坑的年代应为春秋晚期。  相似文献   

The Tune Viking ship has been a riddle for more than 150 years, since being found within a burial in the Oslo fjord area in 1867. It was long thought that the ship's freeboard was too low for it to have crossed the North Sea. Advances in documentation methods and a detailed study of the preserved parts of the ship have provided new data, and this article outlines a new proposal for how the ship looked when it was built in the early 10th century AD. The Tune ship is reinterpreted as a seagoing vessel, in no way inferior to the Oseberg or Gokstad Viking ships.  相似文献   

商代马车及其相关问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
殷墟发掘以来 ,曾多次发现商代车马坑。但在解放前 ,因受当时发掘条件所限 ,都未能将坑中的木质车子的遗迹清理出来。19 5 0年在河南辉县琉璃阁战国墓地 ,夏鼐先生带领数名技工 ,通过精心操作 ,剥剔出十几辆已朽为尘土的木车遗迹。后来 ,随着发掘经验的积累和发掘技术的提高 ,新中国考古工作者先后在大司空村、孝民屯南地、白家坟西地、郭家庄西南、刘家庄北地、梅园庄东南等处的商代车马坑的发掘中 ,经过精心细致剥剔清理 ,将数十辆殷代车子发掘出来 ,为复原商代车子提供了可靠的依据 ,也为研究商代车制及其相关问题提供了珍贵的科学资料。…  相似文献   

The Alexander Romance depicts Alexander going alone to the court of Darius disguised as his own messenger, dining with the Persians and advancing his own reputation as a munificent king. This episode substitutes a fictional scene for a number of dramatic banqueting incidents in the historical record that cast Alexander in a negative light, specifically, the burning of Persepolis, the proskynesis affair, and the wedding at Susa, which are all banqueting scenes concerned with Alexander’s generosity, reputation, and relations with the Persians. It is also an opportunity for intertextual allusion, especially to Homer and Herodotus. It is, further, only one of many occasions in the Romance when Alexander is said to go alone to visit his enemies in disguise; these episodes integrate the composition and evince a concern with the treatment of ambassadors. It is finally one of the only instances of the explicit characterization of Alexander in the Romance.  相似文献   

顺治九年(1652),一艘赴日本贸易的苏州商船回国。史学界对该商船的赴日时间及贸易方式存在争议:一说是1644年赴日,在日本进行了八年的海外贸易;一说是1650年或1651年私自出海,交易完毕后即回国。本文根据明清档案及朝鲜史料对该事件的记载,以及当时中国、东南亚、日本之间的贸易状况进行综合考察,可以肯定该商船是于1644年前往日本,并在日本与交趾之间从事贸易活动。  相似文献   

晚清中国的巨变之一,是西力东渐后中国社会经济结构引发的一系列变化。西方轮船在中国水域中的出现和强力竞争,导致中国传统木船业衰落。西方轮船同时是外国列强在中国获取势力范围的外在表现。在内忧外患双重压力下,中国自己的轮船航运业冲破重重阻碍终于得以诞生,这是中国社会大机器工业时代开始的象征,也是中国社会发生重大变革的表现之一。  相似文献   

建国之初 ,百废待兴 ,全国修、造船业没有统一规划、统一安排的矛盾还不突出。但 2 0世纪 60年代以后 ,问题逐渐尖锐、突出 ,为此 1 963年国家计委和李富春副总理分别在给中央的报告中涉及此问题 ,希望能统筹解决 ,但因报告中没有具体解决措施 ,造船统筹工作没有启动。后经历了六机部统筹时期、粟裕抓造船统筹时期、船舶总公司统筹时期和机电部统筹时期 ,各时期虽均取得一定的进展 ,但并没有真正解决根本问题。造船统筹滞后的原因主要是 :相关法律、法规不健全 ,没有能统揽全行业的有权威性的行政管理机构 ,缺乏航运和造船协调发展规划等 ,因而实施船舶工业的宏观管理 ,建立宏观调控体系非常必要  相似文献   

In its 1000-year history the port has been the source of triumph and tragedy for the city of Famagusta, being the conduit through which flowed both enormous wealth and destruction. Today the French medieval and Greek Orthodox churches, and the Venetian walls, though ruined, still carry physical traces of this turbulent society in the form of ship graffiti. Though such images are often classified as 'low-art', they are nevertheless imbued with a deep social significance, which the maritime historian can yet use to get a glimpse of an important, though virtually-forgotten, heritage in the Eastern Mediterranean.
© 2007 The Author  相似文献   

邳州市发现京杭大运河古船闸遗址   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1995年在邳州市发现的一处京杭大运河古船闸遗址,对于了解明末至清徐州的水利、清运有一定的研究价值。  相似文献   

The overarching aim of the study was to ascertain the relationship between children's perceptions of the natural environment and their subjective well-being. More specifically the study aimed to fit a structural model depicting the nature of the relationship between children's environmental views and their global, and domain-specific life satisfaction. The sample included 1004 twelve-year-old participants randomly selected from 15 primary schools in Cape Town, South Africa. The measuring instrument included the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) Scale for children, the Students' Life Satisfaction Scale and the Personal Well-Being Index-School Children. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test the validity of the NEP Scale which showed appropriate fit structure. A good fit structure was also found for the overall structural equation model. However, the overall model showed that children's environmental views were not related to their global life and domain-specific life satisfaction. At a foundational level, more research is required to allow for a better understanding of how children in differing circumstances construct and assign meaning to nature, and what their perceptions of nature are before we can begin to ask them when, how or why they engage in nature.  相似文献   

夏商时期的戈与野战方式浅说   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
戈是车战的产物,二里头出土青铜戈说明车战最晚始于夏末。夏商时期是戈发展的早期,其使用范围随着野战方式的演变而扩展到步兵。  相似文献   


This study, based on two nationally representative samples of children aged 6–12 years and their parents from 2005 and 2013–2014, explores changes in children's play, through changes in participation in three different out-of-home leisure activities during the last decade in Norway as well as the interactions between these activities. The study finds that there has been an increase in the share of children who participate in organized leisure activities; that they start to participate at a younger age; and that the intensity of participation in organized leisure activities has increased. During the same period, there has been a decrease both in the extent of unsupervised play outdoors and in the degree to which children visit friends’ houses. A key empirical finding is that there is a strong positive association between participation in organized leisure activities and, respectively, the extent of unsupervised outdoor play and visits to friends.  相似文献   

Trouvadore was one of numerous illegal slave ships taking Africans from Africa after Britain had outlawed the slave trade in 1807. The vessel wrecked off the coast of East Caicos, Turks and Caicos Islands in 1841 and 168 of the survivors entered the local community, increasing the population by 7%. The Trouvadore Project, led by the Turks and Caicos National Museum, is uncovering the story of Trouvadore and the cultural legacy of the survivors. Bringing together many disciplines, including archaeology, this project provides information about Trouvadore for the present population of the Turks and Caicos, many of whom are direct descendants of the African survivors.  相似文献   

This project intends to document graffiti identified on the walls of the defence system of San Juan, Puerto Rico, in a collaborative effort between the author and the National Park Service. The initial proposal envisaged a maximum of 8 or 9 ship drawings previously identified by the Park's personnel. Fieldwork has hugely expanded that number—so far over 400. Preliminary evaluation of the ship-types identified suggests the presence of a visual representation of ship-type evolution, at least from the 18th to the first half of the 20th centuries.
© 2006 The Author  相似文献   

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