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正On the wall of her room,which is no bigger than twenty square meters,she has hung all her paintings that she has worked out while in a different spirit and state,most of them in a series of a few pictures.The paintings were finished in the past one or two years during her free time after lectures.Pointing at her paintings,she smiled and said,"Each painting is my soul work,to which I have devoted  相似文献   

Bout coupé handaxes are widely considered to be a cultural and typological marker for the Middle Palaeolithic in Britain, and are traditionally dated to around the end of the Last Interglacial or the beginning of the Devensian glaciation. Much debate has surrounded the typological validity of this form, but relatively little attention has been paid to the stratigraphical integrity of the sample. This paper takes a fresh look at the bout coupé problem using a select sample of better provenanced pieces and employs the most current chronological frameworks. We conclude that there is a temporally restricted bout coupé phenomenon in the British Isles, but contrary to previous claims these handaxes cannot be regarded as an unequivocal marker for the Mousterian and nor do they belong to the early Upper Pleistocene. Rather the bout coupé phenomenon marks the recolonization of Britain by Neanderthal populations during OIS 3 (59–41 ka). This further suggests a bipartite division of the British Middle Palaeolithic, each period having a quasi-distinctive lithic signature.  相似文献   

继中共十六大提出和谐社会新概念后,中共十六届六中全会又在党的历史上首次将“和谐”与“富强民主文明”联系起来,提出要“建设富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家”,并明确指出“构建社会主义和谐社会是一个不断化解社会矛盾的持续过程”(《中共中央关于构建社会主义和谐社会若干重大问题的决定》,人民出版社2006年版,第4页)。构建社会主义和谐社会这一战略目标的提出和对这一目标本质的认识,是我党深入总结历史经验、全面分析  相似文献   

好一个新世纪的金秋,好一个新面貌的首都,好一个新的起点。十七大所作出的每一项一项决策、提出的每一条方针、表达的每一个思想、设置的每一个目标,都富有历史性意义。百岁老人帅孟奇曾诗云:"一度梅花一度春,傲霜战雪岁迎新。漫山争艳向阳发,粗枝老梅绿叶生。"艺术性地表达了这种政治性的意蕴。  相似文献   

1975年,在中华人民共和国和中国共产党的历史上是极不寻常的一年,它因邓小平主持各方面的整顿而闪耀着独具的、特殊的光辉。作为从大乱走向大治的努力,作为拨乱反正、改革开放的尝试,作为历史转折的前奏,作为邓小平理论的起点,邓小平主持1975年整顿的历史,值得浓墨重彩,大书特书,载入史册。  相似文献   

Wesley Attewell 《对极》2012,44(3):621-639
Abstract: The importance of war blogs is increasingly acknowledged, but their political dimensions remain largely unexplored. This paper provides a series of critical readings of Riverbend's Baghdad Burning and addresses two main issues. First, there is a systematic tension between the ways in which Riverbend is “subalternized” (by her readers and herself) and her attempts to reclaim the ground upon which post‐invasion Iraq is represented. Second, the invasion has fundamentally reworked the ways in which the figure of the “Iraqi” is constructed. These epistemological and ontological processes are always complex and partial: they occur at a variety of geographical scales and they are mobilized by a diversity of actors, making it very difficult to pin them down in time and space. Nevertheless, they highlight the difficulties of reducing Riverbend's project of resistance to a simple act of speaking out: of telling the reader what life is “really like” in occupied Baghdad.  相似文献   

The history of religion during the eighteenth century is, fortunately, a well‐developed and researched field. Despite the strides taken, however, little has been written on denominational attempts at Christian unity. Historians have instead focused on the multitude of conflicts, both social and religious, that marked the period and preoccupied churchgoers. Although this perspective is indispensable for any understanding of the eighteenth century, it is incomplete. The current portrayal of the late colonial religious scene as one of violently opposed denominations presents the well‐known instances of denominational unity, such as the bishopric crisis, the constitutional crisis, and the War for Independence, as products of political or temporal motivations. Overlooked are the religiously motivated attempts between churches to cooperate, such as the interdenominational journey begun by the Presbyterian Church during the French and Indian War. By examining the Presbyterian struggle to establish a stronger spiritual bond between Christian denominations, it sheds new light which calls into question the current understanding of church participation in the pivotal events of the eighteenth century. Harkened by a divine punishment, Presbyterian interdenominationalism reveals not only that ecclesiastical harmony was pursued in an era defined by conflict, but that these unions could also be motivated by religious rather than solely political ideology.  相似文献   

涟水县"掌上方志馆"是江苏省2019年度地方志工作创新项目之一。近年,由于网络技术、数码存储与传输技术等电子信息技术的全面普及与发展,人们的阅读方式发生了巨大变化,涟水县地方志办公室由此探索了移动化、便捷化、地域化的数字方志工作。在保留纸质书籍内容与特色的基础上,通过智能化手段,创新展陈方式,把地情资料融入"掌中",将书籍与虚拟翻阅、音频、视频相结合,以数字化和信息化的方式弥补了实体方志馆承载量有限、纸质书籍携带翻阅不便等问题,打造现代化阅读新体验,推动方志资源利用"活起来""立起来""动起来"。  相似文献   

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