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This paper is concerned with the manufacture and trade of post‐medieval crucibles (14th–19th centuries). The analytical study of crucibles from different contexts in Europe and America employed optical microscopy and SEM–EDS, coupled with archaeological and historical data. We identified two major producers of crucibles, both of them in Central Europe, whose products appear widely distributed internationally. The analytical data allow an explanation of the technical reasons behind their superior reputation, as both crucible types shared comparable material properties, such as thermal, chemical and mechanical stability. Conversely, the two crucible types were radically different in their manufacture and appearance. We argue that, besides technical considerations, sensorial aspects such as texture and colour may have played an important role in the perception and choice of materials.  相似文献   

The neutron activation analysis results from 30 glass samples were subjected to cluster analysis. The reliable localization of part of the medieval glass finds from Preslav enabled the evaluation of the variety of the production of a medieval glass workshop (ninth-tenth century), allowing conclusions to be made about the technological level of glass-making in Bulgaria during the Middle Ages. The work proved that NAA followed by cluster analysis is a successful approach to finding the local and chronological features of the investigated glasses.  相似文献   

The article presents the results of a study based on activity analysis of a medieval churchyard of St. Clemens in the urban setting of Copenhagen. The churchyard was in function from the 11th to 16th century revealing changes in layout and burial rites over time. A glimpse of the symbolic life of the medieval Copenhageners is also exposed and analysed. Moreover, the study of the churchyard reveals activities of a more secular nature and presents some of the activities that must have been part of everyday life in the medieval town. Thus, the churchyard has not only been an arena for meetings between the living and the dead but also a location for experiencing the urban life burgeoning outside the churchyard. For comparison, a recently discovered contemporaneous churchyard at Rådhuspladsen is also discussed.  相似文献   

Eighty sherds from nine different kiln sites representing a wide geographic distribution and a long time span of Korean celadon culture are analysed for macroscopic and compositional characteristics. Additionally chemical and mineral compositions of six unglazed sherds are compared with those of some modern raw materials. Unusually high values of alumina in the earliest Kangjin pieces of the middle ninth and early tenth century (I1) could represent a significant technological innovation at the end of this period at this most important celadon production centre. Similarity in chemical and mineral compositions between unglazed sherds and some raw materials such as Kangjin clay and pottery stone show the possibility that many of the celadons were made from these types of raw materials as found in nature without additives and only after mechanical refining.  相似文献   

RONG WANG 《Archaeometry》2011,53(4):674-692
The interdisciplinary study of cultural heritage has become a scholarly hotspot in archaeology. Ancient jade serves as an important symbol of Chinese traditional culture, so the study of it is a critical part of this trend. The past 30 years have witnessed great progress in research on ancient jade, with the involvement of basic theory and the technological application of many science subjects. This paper summarizes the research status, methodology and prospects in the research on raw material (jade texture), provenance and secondary change of Chinese ancient jade, in the hope of benefiting future studies of ancient jade.  相似文献   

Special attention is devoted to Vavilov's use of detailed maps for (a) recording initial results of field work in the study of local agriculture and ranges of domesticated plants in travels across several continents; and (b) presenting information about a large number of processes and phenomena in a concise way, affording the basis for their critical analysis and comparison. He was involved in programs to map Soviet and world agriculture (translated by Jay K. Mitchell, PlanEcon, Inc., Washington, DC 20005).  相似文献   

江苏省粮食产量吸引子维数研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以混沌理论为基础,对江苏省粮食单产时间序列用分形的方法进行了初步研究,从吸引子维数、Kolomogorov熵等方面分析了粮食单产变化的混沌性质。研究结果表明,江苏省1978-1997年粮食单产的时序分布具有分形特征,且单产的变化是一个确定性的低维混沌吸引子。要恰当地描述江苏省粮食单产发生系统,需要构造包含12个状态变量的动力学系统。  相似文献   

Four of the Koryǒ dynasty's earliest kiln sites are studied for the macroscopic, compositional, and microstructural characteristics of their celadon products. Recent excavation of Sǒri and surface investigation of Kangjin sites provided new materials for closer examination of the origin and early developments of celadon technology in traditional Korea. Two other sites, Wǒnhǔngni and Osari, with archaeological characteristics in common with the oldest layer of Sǒri, are also examined. Principal component analysis of body composition shows thai Sǒri and Kangjin had better control in their choice of raw materials whereas Wǒnhǔngnt and Osari had much wider scatter, showing the more experimental nature of their operation. The early Kangjin grouped out separately primarily because of their higher Al2O3 content, while X-ray diffraction patterns indicate they might have been fired at a higher temperature than other groups. The Korean method of two-step firing, first at a lower temperature to bake imglazed bodies and then at a higher temperature after glazing, is evident from the earliest operations in Kangjin.  相似文献   

改革开放后,涂鸦伴随后现代街头文化传入中国,逐渐发展成为融合中西方的文化景观。涂鸦作为以城市公共空间为载体的创作形式,兼具艺术内涵和反叛色彩的双重特性,因此也被视为城市管理的不稳定因素,使其空间的生产常充满了多元主体的冲突。本文运用实地调研和深度访谈的方法,通过探究广州城市涂鸦空间的形成演变,透视当代中国城市后现代文化空间的生产及其意义。研究发现,广州城市涂鸦的空间形成主要经历了三个阶段,呈现出以老城区为中心逐步向外围地区扩展的特点。涂鸦手通过建构创作空间、利用资本力量、与政府博弈等手段实现对城市空间的占据,并使涂鸦逐渐成为具有中国本土化特征的后现代文化空间的范例。本文通过广州案例的研究,希望为今后中国城市空间治理的实践及空间正义的相关讨论提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

电影旅游集群的文化空间生产研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高红岩 《人文地理》2011,26(6):34-39
作为电影产业与旅游产业相互融合的产物,电影旅游受到越来越多国家和地区的重视。本文在分析国内电影旅游发展的现状问题的基础上,通过对电影旅游的内涵和类型进行辨析,指出电影产业与旅游产业的深度融合是影响电影旅游发展的关键。通过分析产业集群的内涵与组织成因,指出我国影视基地和影视城等电影旅游地理集聚体存在的产品多样化不足是影响集群网络形成的原因。电影旅游产品的多样性主要体现在文化多样性上,而文化空间就成为电影旅游集群发展的重要维度。通过对文化空间的相关研究成果进行分析,指出文化空间超越了地理空间与产业空间的限制,具有开放性和动态性特征,在生产文化产品的同时,也不断生产着新的文化空间。电影旅游集群的文化空间生产需要建立政府、企业和社会的互动机制,这是电影旅游集群进行文化空间生产的关键,也是电影旅游可持续发展的保证。  相似文献   

本文通过对人居环境概念的分析,指出生产环境是人居环境中不可分割的组成部分,认为城镇人居环境中的生产环境应是城镇中居民从事各种生产活动的直接环境和各种生产活动所营造的对居民有直接或间接影响的城镇环境。根据这一认识,作者对城镇人居环境中的生产环境所涉及的要素分内部和外部环境(包括生产性设施环境、生产性人口环境、生产性文化和制度环境、生产性污染和灾害环境、择业环境等)两个层面进行了多维度的分析,并指出城镇人居环境的持续发展必须加强对生产环境的研究。  相似文献   

从建构主义视角提出"新建古镇"的概念,在经济效益的基础上强调文化价值与社会效益.总结四种本真化模式,对接空间生产三元组,搭建"本真化—空间生产"分析框架,以古北水镇为例,分析新建古镇的文化活态呈现,结论如下:①被感知空间由决定型物质构建模式主导,从感官层面凸显物质空间的历史感;②概念化空间是历史文化呈现的结果,体现话语...  相似文献   

The following study sheds new light on the quality control procedures of ancient potters by comparing cooking vessels exported from the medieval kiln‐site of Cabrera d'Anoia (Barcelona) with ‘wasters' that were discarded at source. The firing temperature of examined sherds indicates that only pots subjected to a maximum temperature of 800–850°C were offered for sale. The potters at Cabrera d'Anoia appear to have been fully aware of the optimal balance between thermal and physical shock resistance of vessels fired within this range and strived to control firing in order to achieve better products than that of competing workshops.  相似文献   

Results of analysis, mainly by X-ray fluorescence, are presented for a representative selection of enamelled brooches. The enamel composition is quite distinct, and shows considerable technical sophistication on the part of the manufacturers. The production of different colours and of opacity in the enamel is related to the chemical composition, and analyses of the metal substrate suggest that the alloy was carefully chosen. The implications of this investigation for the study of Roman enamelwork in general are discussed.  相似文献   

本文在劳动过程理论和女性地理学研究的理论成果上,对学校食堂进行研究,分析两种类型女工在工作场所的分工等级与认同机制。首先,劳动过程理论的意义在于解析了资本主义在发展过程中,如何制造服从的员工和稳固的分工等级关系;但是本文研究表明,当部分女工没有被完全纳入生产的中心环节时,她们进入工作场所之前的性别身份就起到了重要的预设作用。籍此,本文试图推动社会-空间作用双层机制研究,尝试推动微观空间尺度内自我身份在劳动过程中认定与生产的理论建构。  相似文献   

空间的生产理论是当前解释中国城市空间开发现象的重要理论工具,也是目前学术界相关研究的热点。中国对于空间生产理论的研究当前主要着眼于宏观的制度、资本等要素,而本文以广州市瑞宝村为例,探讨了由流动人口推动的城乡结合部"弱"空间生产过程。研究发现,城乡结合部流动人口聚居区的空间生产是流动人口在当前的户籍、土地、政府监管与城市更新制度之下,通过积极的区位选择、社会网络关系带动实现了对空间的占据、巩固和空间的持续占有,其空间生产的结果是形成一个以流动人口为主体、以社会网络关系维系的稳定、孤立的同质生产社区。在当前的制度体制之下,此类社区并非个例,而对此类社区的管治,需要从一个更为综合的社会-空间视角进行考量。  相似文献   

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