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<正>文莱全名文莱达鲁萨兰国,是被马来西亚包围着的国家,它并不是大多数中国旅行者的旅行目的地,但是在欧美游客中,它却有着极好的口碑和很大一部分推崇者。来文莱之前,我对它的了解仅限于寥寥的数行文字,知道它地处东南亚,是一个富庶的小国,有丰富的石油资源,并且至今拥有自  相似文献   

This essay focuses on a paradigmatic moment in neurobiological studies of invertebrates: the research on the nervous system of cephalopods carried out by Enrico Sereni at the Naples Zoological Station between 1925 and 1931. Although he remained unknown on the historiographic scenario, probably due to his early death, he contributed to Italian science of the first half of the twentieth century. In my paper particular attention will be given to Sereni's study on the pigmentary-effector, neurohumoral, and peripheral nervous systems, since they also accounted for the historical foundation of the experimental vein that, through the years, would lead John Zachary Young, Sereni's follower, to the most well-known discovery of the giant nerve fibers.  相似文献   

This essay details Leo Valiani's mission to Iran in 1952–53 on behalf of Mediobanca, in order to identify opportunities to promote investments for the development of both the country itself and Italian exports. The events are reconstructed through Valiani's correspondence with Enrico Cuccia (Mediobanca's CEO). A new picture of Valiani as banker emerges, effective on the ground, but also a subtle observer of local situations and prospects. The documents discussed herein highlight certain weaknesses in Mosaddeq's policies, mainly the weak relationship with the heads of finance. The oil dispute between Mosaddeq and the British and the coup orchestrated by the latter in collaboration with the Americans in order to bring down Mosaddeq's government complicated the picture so that every form of co-operation had to be postponed.  相似文献   

Prices and salaries rose in Venice between 1173 and 1282. The supply of money also probably increased. Wine, grain, and commodity prices, as well as magistrates' salaries, are here collected from documentary sources to illustrate this rise in prices. Evidence from silver mining, foreign trade, banking, and diplomacy seems to demonstrate an increase in the supply of money, but price inflation (the Fisher equation, MV = PT) cannot be definitely illustrated because velocity and transaction costs cannot yet be established for medieval Venice. To clarify these prices, this study also briefly describes the coins and moneys of account used in Venice in this century.  相似文献   

16世纪威尼斯的贫困与济贫问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
16世纪的欧洲经历了一场普遍的贫困危机,欧洲各国政府纷纷采取了各种济贫措施,以缓解贫困问题对社会造成的压力,天主教城市共和国威尼斯也不例外。通过颁布济贫法和改革大兄弟会等旧式救济组织,威尼斯引导宗教慈善组织朝着世俗化方向发展,从而建立起行之有效的近代济贫制度,有效地缓解了贫困问题造成的压力。威尼斯的经验表明,在推动近代早期欧洲济贫活动世俗化的诸因素中,最重要的因素是社会环境,而非传统上认为的宗教因素。  相似文献   


Although Venice has been flooded occasionally for centuries, it experienced its highest flood in 1966, with water 1.94 m above sea level. Since then there has been wide controversy, scientifically and politically, about the best measures to prevent a re-occurrence; these are here reviewed in some detail. Of the five civil engineering solutions proposed, only one, the Agiltec Project A and B, has ever been made public and the arguments for and against it are here presented; the Project as well as the other four solutions were rejected by the Government. The flood problems of Venice have now been submerged in the general Italian political turmoil and if government in action persists, the consequences may be tragic.  相似文献   

尚洁 《世界历史》2012,(3):53-61,159
文艺复兴时期,威尼斯以其社会的繁荣稳定在欧洲享有盛誉。它独特的地理环境,以及发展成熟、高度集中的城市公共空间是其贵族政府实施社会管理的良好舞台。本文从威尼斯城市公共空间的形成历史和现状入手,以广场、街道以及剧院为具体事例,分析贵族政府管理城市公共空间的方式,指出在文艺复兴时期,威尼斯公共空间的主要作用为:1.培养民众的城市认同感;2.宣传贵族政治思想,树立和维护共和国独立、稳定、和谐的形象;3.抑制私人势力膨胀,缓解社会危机。这些手段成功地使威尼斯的城市社会生活不断公共化,城市的公共空间的发展凌驾于私人空间之上。  相似文献   

Globalization and the Rise of City-regions   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A world-wide mosaic of large city-regions seems to be over-riding (though is not effacing entirely) an earlier core-periphery system of spatial organization. The economic dynamics of these city-regions are analysed with particular emphasis on the ways in which they tend to generate increasing-returns effects and competitive advantages for local producers. The managerial tasks that these city-regions face raise many new issues about local economic development policy and institution building in the interests of social order. These issues lead on to further questions about democracy and citizenship in the global mosaic of city-regions as well as in the new world system as a whole.  相似文献   


The Venice Charter has been the benchmark for principles governing architectural conservation/restoration for over thirty years. We asked Jukka Jokilehto to comment on the context in which it was drawn up. Now often referred to simply as the ‘Venice Charter’, the correct full name of this document (of which we print the text in an appendix) is: ‘The International Charter for the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites’, adopted by the IInd International Congress of Architects and Technicians of Historic Monuments, Venice, 1964.  相似文献   

兰珊 《旅游纵览》2008,(10):56-57
威尼斯1987年被列入《世界遗产目录》,她实实在在就是一颗漂浮在碧波上的明珠,在亚得里亚海的波涛中熠熠生辉,变幻着这个水都昔日的辉煌与梦想。她独特的气氛,又如意大利女郎的真诚和浪漫,令游人一见倾心。  相似文献   

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