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滕海键 《史学月刊》2006,(10):57-64
民间资源保护队是罗斯福新政期间从事资源保护工作的重要“组织”。它的成立是由一种保护自然资源的愿望和为城市失业青年提供有报酬的工作的需要所决定的;同时它也是罗斯福具有进步主义内涵和特征的社会改革和资源保护思想与实践发展的逻辑结果。民间资源保护队在美国现代历史上占有非常重要的地位,它不仅一定程度上缓解了美国当时所面临的“环境”危机和社会危机,而且扩展了资源保护运动的范围和群众基础,为战后美国的环境运动埋下了伏笔。  相似文献   

As a nascent air force, the Australian Flying Corps (AFC) relied largely upon other services for medical evaluation of its personnel. In 1918, however, the AFC experimented with a dedicated medical board to gauge the suitability of recruits and convalescents as aircrew. This article examines the formation of the AFC’s Medical Board, which was paired with another innovation: laboratory research. Conducted by the board’s head, Charles Kellaway, animal studies into anoxaemia were intended to provide a means of determining suitability of aviators for high-altitude flight. In matching data derived from cats with front-line service conditions, Kellaway sought to enshrine a particular type of ‘steady’ man to conquer the novel realm of airspace.  相似文献   

古墓葬壁画的原址保护一直以来是个世界难题,影响因素多,保护管理难.日本的高松冢古墓葬壁画被发现时,色彩亮丽,精雕细作,文化价值极高.采用原址保护方案,几十年间都获得成功,曾是日本文物保护界的骄傲,也是周边乃至西方国家考察日本文物保护的必看项目.2005年,高松冢古墓因无法抑制壁画表面霉菌繁殖,最终放弃了原址保护,并进行了当今最精细、技术最先进、耗资最大的古墓葬解体工程,轰动文物保护界.  相似文献   

This article examines gendered discourses of shell shock inBritain during the First World War. Located within the contextof the ideas about shell shock as a form of male hysteria putforward by Elaine Showalter, it examines the ways in which thecontemporary discourses of soldiers, medical professionals andpopular novelists used ideas of maturity and self-control tounderstand a condition that appeared to undermine both the wareffort and national masculinity. It argues that contemporaryunderstandings of authority and maturity helped to normalizeshell shock as a medical condition, thereby lessening its perceivedthreat to society.  相似文献   

刘国柱 《史学月刊》2005,2(8):71-74
肯尼迪政府组建和平队,以志愿者的形式,向不发达国家提供所谓“中等人力资源”,进行技术援助,实际上是对战后美国对外援助工作反思的结果,同时也为美国对外援助注入了新的内容。它所涉及的更为深层的考虑,则是广大不发达国家未来的发展道路问题,即这些国家以什么样的方式实现现代化,是以美国为代表的资本主义发展模式,还是以苏联或中国为代表的社会主义发展模式。肯尼迪政府希望,通过和平队的工作,向第三世界国家展示美国的现代化经验和技术,诱导第三世界国家走美国式的现代化道路。  相似文献   

朱英 《史学月刊》2006,(12):38-45
1906年成立的苏商体育会是苏州商团的前身,也是近代中国较早由商人创办的新型准军事团体,1912年初发展成为苏州商团公会,直至1936年2月才宣告结束。与上海和武汉等地的商团相比较,苏州商团的特点是与商会的关系十分密切,组织比较细密,规章也比较完备,是统一的一元化组织,而且发展的历史较长,虽在政治上没有突出影响,但在维护地方治安和保护商人利益等方面却发挥了重要作用。180余万字的《苏州商团档案汇编》是国内外即将出版的第一部大型商团档案文献资料,内容丰富,对研究近代苏州商团乃至整个近代中国商团都具有很高的史料价值。  相似文献   

Standard oral history textbooks will contain a chapter on theinterview with the do's and don’ts of basic structuredand unstructured interviewing. This specialist book is intendedto give sufficient critical detail concerning the differenttypes of interview, including their uses, benefits, and shortcomings,to assist all newcomers to the subject. Oral historians arenot likely to need such comprehensive knowledge, but the textis not lengthy and is for the most part clearly written, soit does not become a burden. In fact its brevity  相似文献   

Dan Cohen  Emily Rosenman 《对极》2020,52(5):1259-1285
In the face of planetary crises, from inequality to biodiversity loss, “impact investing” has emerged as a vision for a new, “moral” financial system where investor dollars fund socio-environmental repair while simultaneously generating financial returns. In support of this system elite actors have formed a consensus that financial investments can have beneficial, more-than-financial outcomes aimed at solving social and environmental crises. Yet critical geographers have largely studied “green” and “social” finance separately. We propose, instead, a holistic geography of impact investing that highlights the common methods used in attempts to offset destructive investments with purportedly reparative ones. This involves interrogating how elite-led ideas of social and environmental progress are reflected in investments, as well as deconstructing the “objects” of impact investments. As examples, we use insights from both “green” and “social” literatures to analyse the social values embedded in projects of financialisation in schooling and affordable housing in the US.  相似文献   

Although emigrants, railroaders, cowboys and shepherds passed through northeastern Nevada's Independence Valley in the 19th century, colonization did not begin until the early 1900s when dozens of homesteader families occupied claims. Soon, parts of this drab basin contained houses, barns, fences, occasional irrigation ditches and fields of dry farmed grain and alfalfa. Plans were made to convert a solitary railroad section camp into a market town and to connect it via a spur track with a group of nearby mines. But drought and jack-rabbit invasions stifled the homesteaders, while the mining operations were squelched by the onset of the Great Depression. Today, Independence Valley is uninhabited, but its sunbaked flats still contain numerous homestead remnants, abandoned fields, section line roads and the section camp's ruins, which form a distinctive landscape mosaic that characterizes many parts of the Great Basin.  相似文献   

This paper connects to several of Andrew Sherratt??s abiding interests: grand narrative, general theory, Mitteleuropa, typology, the problems of comparative method, and, tangentially, the question of the origin and nature of the relationship between faith and reason. In addition, what I have to say builds strongly on the work of David Clarke, whose powerful influence was exerted on me principally via Andrew. The title reference is to the Middle Upper Palaeolithic mammoth ivory marionette of a male human figure from Brno, Czech Republic, which serves as a pivot for my argument (although the paper does not pretend to present a detailed and fully contextualised account). By building on observations and contentions concerning the unique life-world of humans, it is possible to argue that a recognizably modern form of human intelligence appeared (and perhaps could only have appeared) as a product of some essentially accidental, initially perhaps epiphenomenal, interactions between minds and material artefacts. I want to show that the familiar idea of a genetically-driven reorganisation of cognition, moving from mind to culture, in our genus, can be challenged by a reverse proposition, using a materiality perspective to work from culture to mind.  相似文献   

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