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建国以来的历史说明,正确处理社会主义初级阶段的阶级关系是建设和谐社会的一个根本性问题。在我们正确处理时,社会就和谐,经济建设就顺利发展;在我们处理出现失误时,社会矛盾就尖锐化,经济发展就缓慢甚至停滞不前。  相似文献   

Chab-mdo District is situated in the east of the Tibet Autonomous Region, a part of Khams according to traditional territorial divisions. Owing to the complex landforms and varying climates of the Valleys of Three Rivers (vbri chu ,zla chu and rgyamo rngul chu in Tibetan;orJinsha, Lancang and Nu Rivers in  相似文献   

This article investigates the impacts on, and responses of, third world bureaucracies (more specifically those operating in the poorer parts of the third world), in the context of the changing demands of development management. These include efforts at debureaucratization, by calling for a radically different kind of civil service; at localization and training; at circumvention, through relying on semi-autonomous public enterprises; at re-orientation, by altering civil servants' attitudes and incentives; at decentralization; and at privatization and pressure. For these governments, this last mentioned approach proved more demanding and demoralizing than any of the previous notions they had confronted. Today, under the rubric of governance, there appears to be some acknowledgement that the anti-state emphasis of the structural adjustment era may have gone too far, and the call is for the more effective bureaucracies to be accountable. The danger in many poor countries, however, is that the real and relative salaries, the morale and ethics of the bureaucracy, and public trust in the bureaucracy, have all plummeted so far, that it may be too late to turn these trends around. The daunting challenge today is how to break out of this ‘box’ of bureaucratic decline, the four corners of which are formed and connected by lack of resources, incentives, public service and legitimacy.  相似文献   

I present in this paper a non-reductionist framework of eight nested modes of evolution that have successively emerged to organize the reproduction of all organisms, from the blue-green algae to our societies. The processes of biological, “Darwinian” evolution are those of drift during reproduction, and of selection. The key unit of evolutionary time is the generation, and its locus is the organisms' life-cycle setup. Different life-cycle setups support different mechanisms of reproduction, and therefore different modes of evolution. By tracing the different life-cycle setups attested throughout life's history, we can characterize the successive modes of evolution with which they are associated as follows: basic; reptilian; archaic mammalian; progressive mammalian; sociocultural; extrasomatically enhanced sociocultural; tinkering; and finally parabiological. These successively emerging modes govern a progressively reduced number of life-forms. The first four modes are “Darwinian” in the strict sense. The fifth, or sociocultural mode, which governs whales and elephants' societies in addition to hominoids, is already not “Darwinian” in the traditional sense. The last three modes have emerged with the genus homo, through the progressive extension of its life-cycle setups. The present framework is to be used heuristically, as a prism with which to separate the evolutionary spectrum of the constituent elements of human behavior. An example of such a behavioral evolutionary spectrum is presented in conclusion, and used to compare the present framework with those recently proposed by Maynard Smith and Szathmáry and by Foley.  相似文献   


As inflation continues to increase, objets d'art including early scientific instruments offer an excellent investment to the connoisseur, but also tempt the forger to imitate them. Various grades of imitation must be distinguished and are here defined and illustrated by nocturnals, barometers, microscopes and quadrants. The growing challenge of these imitations must spur the museum curator to insist on provenance, to establish type specimen and to employ the full range of modern scientific analyse available, if he is not to fall victim like the careless collector.  相似文献   

张一平 《史学月刊》2000,(1):111-115
20世纪的世界已是一个整体,各国各民族都是世界整体的各个局部,各个重大事件都是世界历史链条上的各个环节。不应孤立地考察某个历史事件或某一国家的命运,而应从世界整体历史的角度,去把握历史事件的内在联系。李植栴主编的《20世纪世界史》的突出特点,就在于整体研究。但该有所忽视的是,世界历史整体与外部环境的关系。  相似文献   


The reasons for the lack of communication between economists and econophysicists are clarified by giving an outline of the methodological differences between economics and econophysics, which has emerged as a new field of research over the last decade. Theorists working in econophysics see economic and financial phenomena through the ‘lens’ of statistical physics. So far, there has been no real dialogue between economists and econophysicists because both communities adhere to their own methodological precepts.  相似文献   

我国人民代表大会制度的形成与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人民代表大会制度作为我国的根本政治制度,其萌芽、形成、发展,经历了一个较为复杂曲折的过程。人民代表大会制度的发展史可分为四个阶段,即人民代表大会制度正式确立和初步发展时期(1954-1957年)、人民代表大会制度曲折发展时期(1957-1966年)、人民代表大会制度遭受严重破坏时期(1966-1976年)、人民代表大会制度得到恢复和进一步完善时期(1976年至今)。人民代表大会制度是中国共产党人根据中国的实际情况创造性地运用马克思列宁主义关于国家学说的结果,是历史发展的必然结果,是人民的选择。同时,它又与我国民主法制建设密不可分。  相似文献   

南京图书馆发展史略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国最早的近代图书馆之一的南京图书馆在艰难曲折的发展历程中取得了一系列成就,目前已成为我国第三大图书馆。  相似文献   

This paper narrates the history of the conservation of the human brain, tracking techniques of brain archiving from the first experiments in the preservation of soft tissue in spirits of alcohol to the latest refinements in cryogenic technology. It traces the changing social and legal conditions that permitted the collection of post mortem human tissue, as well as the increasingly sophisticated technologies that allowed for the preservation and storage of this material. This preliminary survey of brain archiving uses examples of specific collections in order to discuss changes in the techniques, goals and achievements of neural tissue collecting from the mid-eighteenth to the late twentieth centuries.  相似文献   

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