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城市在某种程度上可视为文明诸因素的综合表现 ,也是文明时代物化的最集中概括。城市发生进程或者说城市化进程也就是文明发生、文明化的进程。最早的文明社会应该在最早的城市里出现。是城市这种凝聚的大型聚落形式 ,将发生文明的各种因素集结起来 ,最终迸发文明生活之花。城市向周边乡村的扩展与渗透 ,实质上就是文明生活的扩张  相似文献   

侯旭東 《中华文史论丛》2011,(4):127-164,394
本文探討秦漢六朝以來生日記憶與生日稱慶習俗産生的背景與過程。从秦代到1911年,官府戶籍登記制度只要求記錄百姓的生年或年齡,未具體到生月與日。生日記憶與稱慶主要流行於家庭、家族乃至親友的範圍內,與國家制度無關。各種資料顯示,對死者的生日記憶宋元以後纔開始普遍化,此前僅見零星記載,多見於皇家,應與存在嚴密的檔案制度有關。反而是"卒日",自先秦以來一向受到重視。不過,算命術的流行表明,生日記憶實際早就存在,且根植於本土的傳統,只是目的主要在於了解子女或自己的命運,尚未見到慶生的事例。由單純的記憶轉變爲年度性的慶祝,最早見於南朝末年江南地區,應是受到佛教佛誕(多爲四月八日)活動的啓發,同時,在成佛信念的引導下出現的。到唐代,生日稱慶則自下而上,由民俗而發展成國家慶典。  相似文献   

Archaeological understandings of the Iron Age societies that developed on the East African coast and its hinterland have been transformed by exploration of locally produced ceramics. During the late first millennium, c. AD 600–900, sites across eastern Africa are characterized by ceramics known as early Tana Tradition or Triangular-Incised Ware, containing necked jars with incised decoration and a series of other jar and bowl forms in varying quantities. The recognition of this pan-regional tradition of pottery, known from an ever-growing number of sites, has been crucial in the reorientation of Swahili research to recognize the indigenous roots of the cosmopolitan coastal culture. This paper reports on the results of a ceramics project that has revisited excavated collections from a series of key ETT/TIW sites, analyzing sherds according to a single system and allowing true cross-site comparison for the first time. The results show regional diversity, in both form and decoration, particularly in the relative importance of the necked jar types that have come to stand for the early Tana Tradition more generally. While previous studies have hinted at regional diversity, such conclusions have been subsumed in discussion by the evident similarities between assemblages. Comparative results are here discussed against the background of previous research at the sites, and a series of conclusions about overlapping spheres of commonality are presented. Rather than critiquing previous work that has recognized this ceramic type, we seek to understand the remarkable distribution better by exploring its context and content.  相似文献   

部落联盟模式、酋邦模式与对外战争问题   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
在近些年中国国家与文明起源问题的讨论中,谢维扬教授的国家起源理论产生了重要的影响。它的基本框架是,在人类社会早期国家的产生道路上,有部落联盟和酋邦两种模式。通过前者产生出来的国家,政治特征具有民主的性质,如雅典和罗马。通过后者产生出来的国家,政治制度则是专制性质的,如中国、阿兹特克、印加和祖鲁。这是由于,部落联盟制度从本质上看,是一种民主的、平等的、无个人性质权力点的制度,  相似文献   


THIS ARTICLE CRITICALLY EXAMINES medieval11 Archaeology and Palaeoecology, School of Natural and Built Environment, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, UK. p.gleeson@qub.ac.uk archaeology’s relationship with myth. A surge of research examining pre-Christian belief has seen mythology, place names and folklore increasingly utilised to reconstruct mentalities and cosmologies. As a wider global phenomenon, this trend comes with pitfalls that must be addressed more systematically. This article examines these issues through early medieval Ireland, beginning with an overview of recent trends in cognate disciplines, before proceeding through case studies of Tara, Brú na Bóinne (both Co Meath), and Nenagh (Co Tipperary). Far from being relics of prehistoric cult practices, many deities populating these landscapes may have been consciously invented for political, allegorical and exegetical reasons during the medieval period. This creative process had a marked 8th-century monumental dimension, contemporary with the floruit of saga literature. This precludes such evidence being utilised to reconstruct pre-Christian cosmologies. This has broad implications for research across European medieval archaeology that would seek to access ritual, belief and religion.  相似文献   

Recent studies, cast in a more or less populist vein, underestimate the accumulative impulse among early Americans. As in England at the time, land was recognized as property and scarce, not neutral and free. The pursuit of status by leaders drew ordinary people into the commoditizing of land and labor. Many to their detriment materially and psychologically were unable to fulfill the call. Commodity markets, though not up to subsequent levels, were important. Early Americans came close to recognizing the free self-regulating quality of markets. Countervailing forces and institutions in religion, local government and families, however limited, held back the drive for accumulation and power. Yet, economic growth and areal expansion were the chief forces keeping these overseas British societies together.  相似文献   

圣德太子与日本早期佛教   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
佛教能在日本迅速传播并成为国教,主要得益于圣德太子的大力提倡。他在发展佛教方面的作用主要表现在:一、确立佛教在日本的地位;二、兴建佛寺、像塔,翻译佛经、广度僧尼;三、广招中朝僧尼前来日本授法,派遣隋使到中国大陆吸纳以佛教为主的先进文化,为日本古代文明的前行做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

由于智利硝石业具有比较大的"联系效应"和智利政府政策选择得当,从而推动了智利早期现代化取得了较为显著的成效。为论证这一观点,本文着重讲述了太平洋战争之后智利硝石业的发展状况,分析了智利硝石业所具有的"联系效应"及其对早期现代化的带动作用,强调了智利政府在选择开发和利用硝石以及保护关税政策方面发挥的主观能动性。对智利硝石业"联系效应"的分析和对智利政府选择正确政策方面的探讨是本文①的创新之处。  相似文献   

陈淳 《东南文化》2012,(3):17-24
讨论早期文明探源流行的文化标准和社会标准,体现了文明探源从断代和事件向社会复杂化过程的转变。文化标准涉及城市、青铜与文字的意义和内涵,以及它们在社会演进中的意义。社会标准涉及新进化论的四个社会类型,并对酋邦与古国概念做了述评。最后强调了解释的问题,希望我国学界建立统一的概念和术语体系,以减少无谓的争论和论述的模糊性,提高研究质量并努力与国际接轨。  相似文献   


This paper reports on the zooarchaeological and archaeobotanical remains from the initial season of excavations at the Norse period site at Undir Junkarinsfløtti in the Faroe islands. These remains represent the first zooarchaeological analysis undertaken for the Faroes and only the third archaeobotanical assemblage published from the islands. The excavated deposits are described and the key findings from the palaeoenvironmental remains highlighted within the context of the wider North Atlantic environmental archaeology of the Norse period.  相似文献   

Many “wold” names are derived from the OE wald, meaning “woodland”. In a recent paper Everitt examined the evidence for Kent and suggested that areas of wold downland had been wooded in the Anglo-Saxon period. They had also been territorially linked to river-estates as areas of outlying wood-pasture. The present paper examines the evidence for the Cotswolds. Here the name “wold” is applied to an area which was largely open pasture by the medieval period and the use of the term in its later sense of “high, open country” would not have been out of place. Yet the evidence from early place-names and pre-Conquest charters suggests that a great deal of woodland was present in the Anglo-Saxon period, especially in the valleys dissecting the escarpment and along the scarp face. Although this was a watershed area, divided between adjacent valley-based estates, as in Kent, there is little direct evidence here of an early interest in woodland-pasture. The importance of the area seems to have arisen in the middle and later Anglo-Saxon period as a result of an increased use of the upland for sheep pasture. Nevertheless, the term “wold” seems to date from an earlier period when woodland was indeed extensive.  相似文献   

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