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“旺代叛乱”是法国大革命中的一个重大事件。这一事件的发生,不能简单地归因于旺代农民的“愚昧”、“保守”。从最直接的现象看,它实起因于共和国政府的政策与农民的传统情感之间的冲突,共和国政府的过激政策无疑应负一定的责任。共和国政府对旺代农民的镇压,不仅是拯救共和国的胜利,而且也是恐怖政策的过火表现。在近现代世界历史中,“旺代叛乱”并非只是个别的现象。在革命或者现代化进程中,不难看到一部分农民或者一部分弱势群体因维护自身利益而陷入与掌握着“革命”话语权的政府相对抗的困境乃军绛埔汶种历史现象。萤新探讨“旺代叛乱”,有助于深入理解法国大革命以及世界历史中的“旺代现象”。  相似文献   

The major foreign concessions granted in the reign of Nasser al-Din Shah Qajar have received considerable attention, none more so than the Tobacco Rebellion, which is generally viewed as a watershed event in the awakening of political consciousness in Iran. Although mentioned in most of the published material on the precedents of the Constitutional Revolution of 1906, a revised narrative of the tobacco rebellion is overdue. This paper fills the gaps and revises some of the widely held assumptions on the forces that unleashed a nationwide movement that almost brought down the Qajar dynasty. The emphasis is on the incendiary protests in Tabriz and the largely neglected role of Hajj Kazem Malek-al-Tojjar. This article, which is the fifth of a series by the author on the two Malek-al-tojjar-e mamalek-e mahrusa of the Qajar era, questions the authorship of the fatwa (hokm) and re-assesses the motivation for its hasty proclamation and dissemination. In other words, were the “sensation-seekers” the heroes of reform or is there a neglected version to extricate from the truths and half-truths propounded about this watershed event?  相似文献   

《Northern history》2013,50(1):39-62

'The Clerical Population of the Northern Province in 1377–1381: a New Estimate'. Recent research has demonstrated the completeness and usefulness of the hitherto largely disregarded collectors' enrolments of the Clerical Poll Taxes of 1377–81 for the historian. This article makes use of a new edition of these enrolments and other recent research into the secular clergy and the religious houses of Northern England to draw up a new estimate of the numbers of clergy, secular and religious, in the York Province of the English Church. The estimate is compared with the last detailed estimate in the field, that of Josiah Cox Russell, whose estimates were published in the 1940s.  相似文献   


Enduring groups that seek to preserve themselves, as sacred communities do, face a structural contradiction between the interests of individual group members and the survival interests of the group. In addressing existential threats, sacred communities rely on a spectrum of coercive and violent actions that resolve this contradiction in favor of solidarity. Despite different histories, this article argues, nationalism and religiosity are most powerfully organized as sacred communities in which sacred violence is extracted as sacrifice from community members. The exception is enduring groups that are able to rely on the protection of other violence practicing groups. The argument rejects functionalist claims that sacrifice guarantees solidarity or survival, since sacrificing groups regularly fail. In a rereading of Durkheim's totem taboo, it is argued that sacred communities cannot survive a permanent loss of sacrificial assent on the part of members. Producing this assent is the work of ritual socialization. The deployment of sacrificial violence on behalf of group survival, though deeply sobering, is best constrained by recognizing how violence holds sacred communities in thrall rather than by denying the links between them.  相似文献   


A dialogue between science and religion must supersede the clash of the past, and here the teachings of Christ and Buddha are considered. Modern cosmological theory is contemplated in relation to these two religions and man's insignificance in the Universe accepted. Various theories of evolution, including creationism, are compared with theories of theology; consciousness is discussed and finally it is argued that spiritual experiences could be subject to a scientific analysis.  相似文献   

义和拳冠县起事考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔岷 《史学月刊》2004,(2):64-69
1898年10月的冠县起事是义和团运动发展过程研究中的一个重点。尽管如此,已有的研究尚在一些问题上难如人意:1.起事究竟爆发于哪一天?2.在起事过程中,梅花拳领袖赵三多是领导拳民积极反教、英勇抗官,还是始则被迫领导起事,继而力图退出并配合官府劝散拳民?3.为镇压起事,直隶和山东两省究竟派出了多少清军?其中有多少及时抵达威县?又有多少清军参加了11月4日在威县候未村对拳民的镇压?本文尝试解决这些疑点。  相似文献   

仆固怀恩叛乱给唐朝廷带来极大影响,为唐代吐蕃、藩镇内忧外患交织局面的形成奠定了基础。叛乱原因主要是因宦官专权,造成君臣相隔,故宦官应对这场悲剧负主要责任;此外代宗临机失当也是原因之一。就深层而言,代宗本人对宦官专权局面的形成亦要负一定的责任,其以阴柔之道治国,姑息权宦,造成唐朝弊政层出。而要避免叛乱,内救危局,必须行德刑并施之政:铲除权宦,清直自守,恢复生产,信任忠直,远斥奸佞,申信义于天下。  相似文献   

本文以档案为依据,叙述、考证了李秉衡在义和团运动中的表现。慈禧决定对列强宣战后,急切召李秉衡进京,京师的守旧势力嚣张一时,而希望李氏进京的均为顽固派官僚。李秉衡率部北上途中,攻毁教堂,入京后,迟迟未赴前线,先后五次被慈禧召见,并与义和团一起围攻使馆。本文引用清档,论证李秉衡陷害主和派,导致慈禧、徐桐、刚毅等顽固派,将许景澄、袁昶等杀害的重要事实。本文认为,李秉衡在义和团运动中的行为,与守旧派的愚昧排外政策,有着千丝万缕的联系,如肯定李秉衡在义和团运动中举动是爱国的,则又要面对如何评价支持、重用李秉衡的慈禧、徐桐、刚毅等人的难题。  相似文献   

王心扬 《世界历史》2006,1(2):50-60
罗德州直到19世纪初仍然遵照1663年殖民地特许状的规定,只赋予大土地所有者投票权,而工匠和中产阶级则一直要求扩大选举权。1842年,争取普选权的运动在多尔律师领导下演变为武装起义,迫使州政府做出让步。迄今为止,学者大都从政治史或法律史的角度研究这次事件,认为它是中产阶级的改革运动。本文对多尔起义的性质重新进行探讨,发现工匠不但首先发动了普选权运动,而且在关键时刻把运动推上激进主义的道路;所以,多尔起义应该被定义为工人阶级和中产阶级的联合行动。本文还讨论了美国早期工匠的双重政治性格。  相似文献   


In the past few decades, thanks in large part to the work of several historians that appears in my edited collection, Revolutions Across Borders: Jacksonian America and the Canadian Rebellion (2019), there is a growing trend to consider the Canadian Rebellion within an American historical and historiographical context. Despite this exciting new research, most studies on the Rebellion and the United States continue to focus on the northern borderland. However, the Canadian Rebellion was a significant event that gained attention all over the United States, including the American South. Similar to the North, the American South was also invested in the outcome of the Rebellion. This was due to one reason: slavery. By specifically focusing on the American South and, more importantly, its influence on American foreign policy during the period, I want to encourage historians to take a more definitive stance; that slavery—just like the Panic of 1837, the Anglo-American rapprochement of thepost-War-of-1812 period, or the fear of British retaliation—played a major role in the United States Government’s official opposition to the Rebellion.  相似文献   

咸同年间的鼠疫流行与云南人口的死亡   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
战争期间的鼠疫流行对中国人口和社会变动造成多大的影响,由于历史文献中有关鼠疫的记载相当少,故而在一个相当长的时期里,并不为多数学者所知。本文以成同年间的云南为例,利用20世纪50年代鼠疫专业人员所作的调查报告,估算出战争期间的鼠疫死亡人口数以及这些死亡人口在整个战争人口损失中所占的比例;进而对战争期间的鼠疫如何造成大量人口的死亡进行阐释,在此基础上,提出战争也是一场“生态灾难”。  相似文献   

两广与福建事变关系述论   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
1933年底福建事变前,两广与十九路军联系较密切,事变发生时,两广却站到了对立面,至十九路军被镇压后,两广则重新与参与事变的领导人建立关系。双方在极短的时间内,完成了盟友——政敌——盟友的循环。双方关系的这种变化,主要是由于两广方面,尤其是陈济棠对十九路军采取实用主义的态度。然而,更进一步看,这种亦敌亦友,非敌非友的关系,在国民党内部的争斗中又是具有相当典型性的。  相似文献   

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