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By the end of the 1980s, having amply demonstrated that the study of class could no longer be separated from the study of gender, feminist historians were advocating a new gendered history of work. At the beginning of the 1990s, American historian Ava Baron identified four problems that women's labour history had left unresolved: the need to move women's labour history out of its ghetto; an explanation for the mechanisms of sexual difference in labour relations; the theorisation of women's and men's ‘consent’ to oppression; and an understanding of the differences among women. The quest for a gendered labour history required new conceptual tools and new theoretical approaches. This paper tests this agenda against research on work and gender in the last decade of Gender & History. The moves toward the interrelation of public and private, work and family, as well as toward the construction of identities calls into question whether work remains a distinctive historical field.  相似文献   

Diplomatic history has undergone profound alterations during the last century. According to the old model built by Mattingly in 1955, diplomatic history was the analysis of international and political relations within a national context. Subsequent studies analysed how diplomacy evolved towards a more institutionalised and professional scheme (established in eighteenth-century European diplomacy). However, was this conclusion an inevitable one for Early Modern and Baroque diplomacy? This essay intends to retrace the steps that have been taken towards a new history of diplomacy, by early-modern historians in general, and by Spanish historiography in particular, as well as to assess the idea that what made a difference for Spanish Baroque diplomacy was the extent of networks that allowed cultural transference, the capacity to influence others, rather than the institutional extent of connections and practices. Which people or processes promoted the circulation of ideas, information, and culture, within and outside the Spanish monarchy, during the seventeenth century? This question will form the focus of the second part of this essay, in which the author analyses several specific cases of Spanish ambassadors in Europe: their networks of communication, their building of stereotypes, their informal diplomatic practices, and their use of ceremonial practices.  相似文献   

This article examines the official response to the policy problemsraised by the over two thousand Britons who went to fight forthe Republic during the Spanish Civil War, with particular referenceto the Foreign Enlistment Act (1870). Revived in January 1937as a means of reducing the flow of volunteers and curbing therecruiting efforts of the Communist Party of Great Britain,the act proved embarrassingly unenforceable. Ambiguity overits applicability to the situation in Spain, combined with problemsof evidence, meant that no charges were ever laid against volunteerscaught attempting to leave for Spain or members of the recruitingorganization of the CPGB. Though a complete failure as a legaltool, the Foreign Enlistment Act nevertheless symbolically underlinedthe British government's declared support for internationalnon-intervention in Spain, and was never rescinded.  相似文献   

1936年7月,西班牙内战爆发。8月26日,在英国和法国的积极倡导下,“关于实施不干涉西班牙协定国际委员会”即通常所说的不干涉委员会在伦敦成立。委员会由参加“不干涉”协定的27个国家的驻英大使组成。英法在推行不干涉政策时表现出极大的软弱性和自私性,暴露出其对德意的绥靖本质。对于西班牙共和政府而言,不干涉委员会的种种政策与行为恰恰给其带来了更大的灾难。1939年2月27日,英法两国正式承认佛朗哥政权,伙同意大利和德国共同扼杀了西班牙共和国。3月19日,不干涉委员会寿终正寝。  相似文献   

20世纪60~90年代爱国卫生运动初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪60~90年代的爱国卫生运动尽管在"文化大革命"时期不同程度地受到"左"倾思想的干扰,但仍持续发展,特别是党的十一届三中全会以后,随着经济的发展和社会的进步,其内容更加丰富,已成为社会主义现代化建设事业的重要组成部分.爱国卫生运动的历史告诉我们党和国家对爱国卫生运动的重视和领导是我国卫生防疫事业取得不断胜利的根本保证;教育、动员和组织人民群众参加爱国卫生运动是我国独具特色的卫生防疫事业的有效工作方式;爱国卫生运动与其他工作相结合、突击性与经常性相结合、治本与治标相结合是推动卫生防疫事业发展的重要方法.  相似文献   

Joanna Bourke, Husbandry to Housewifery: Women, Economic Change, and Housework in Ireland 1890-1914 Margaret Ward (ed.) In Their Own Voice: Women and Irish Nationalism Mary O'Dowd and Sabine Wichert (eds) Chattel, Servant or Citizen: Women's Status in Church, State and Society Joan Hoff and Moureen Coulter (eds) Irish Women's Voices Past and Present  相似文献   

Establishing the construction sequence of agricultural terraces is extremely complicated due to the nature of their technological foundation and use. A number of methodological approaches have been developed to address this difficulty, such as bulk soil 14C dating, Optically-Stimulated Luminescence (OSL), sediment grain size, or a combination of these, but a fundamental problem of stratigraphic disturbance still exists. In this article, we utilize multiple datasets, including radiocarbon determinations, faunal isotopic signatures, human osteological remains, archaeobotanical data sets, energetics assessments, and spatial data to establish the origins of Philippine Cordillera rice terraces. Dominant historical narratives in the region suggest a 2000–3000 b.p. inception of the terrace systems, but previous Bayesian modeling and current archaeobotanical, ethnohistorical, and ethnographic data indicate that the shift to wet-rice cultivation is a recent phenomenon and a response to the intrusion of the Spanish Empire in the northern highland Philippines.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来中国近代史上的激进与保守研究述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
20世纪90年代以来,中国学界的研究取向发生的重大转变之一,即是由80年代以“化热”为特征的激进主义转向以“国学热”为特征的保守主义。这一研究取向在历史研究领域直接引发了对中国近代史上激进主义的反思与批判,以及对这一时期保守主义的梳理与评价,并出现了一种强烈的反激进而扬保守的思想倾向。系统梳理90年代以来中国近代思想史研究中的这一现象,以及由此所引发的争议,不仅有助于我们正确理解中国近代史上的保守与激进,而且对于正确处理今天化建设中的保守与激进的关系,也不无裨益。  相似文献   

以通史的眼光撰写和阅读近代史   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桑兵 《近代史研究》2007,1(5):21-23
中国社会科学院近代史研究所组织编撰的《中国近代通史》近期已由江苏人民出版社出版。全书共10卷,约550万字,各卷名称如下:第1卷《近代中国历史进程概说》,第2卷《近代中国的开端(1840—1864)》,第3卷《早期现代化的尝试(1865—1895)》,第4卷《从戊戌维新到义和团(1895—1900)》,第5卷《新政、立宪与辛亥革命(1901—1912)》,第6卷《民国的初建(1912—1923)》,第7卷《国共合作与国民革命(1924—1927)》,第8卷《内战与危机(1927—1937)》,第9卷《抗日战争(1937—1945)》,第10卷《中国命运的决战(1945—1949)》。本书的出版,完成了近代史研究所几代人的夙愿。对于1840—1949年完整的中国近代史来说,本书的撰写还是一个尝试。本刊特别约请我国近代史学界几位著名学者通过笔谈的形式发表看法,以期引起关注和讨论。  相似文献   

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