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This article considers four international women's organisations – the International Council of Women, the International Alliance of Women for Suffrage and Equal Citizenship, the International Federation of University Women and the Open Door International – and their campaigns for the right of married women to undertake paid work. It examines how each organisation adopted and engaged with the language of human rights in the late 1920s and 1930s. It is argued that after 1948, precisely because of its formal adoption by the UN, the language of human rights became less usable as a way to make the point that women still faced inequalities, and so other framings became more significant. This article contributes to historiographies on international women's organisations, offers a detailed discussion of their activism against the marriage bar, and challenges the conventional chronology of the concept and language of human rights.  相似文献   

In 1889 the General Assembly of South Carolina repealed the state's Civil Rights Act (1870), following a protracted debate that had been prompted by the United States Supreme Court's decision in the Civil Rights Cases (1883). This article examines in detail the contours of the civil rights controversy in South Carolina and, in doing so, identifies a number of competing dynamics, among them outside corporate interests (in this case, railroads), local state interests, and regional loyalties. Taken together, these different factors demonstrate conclusively that civil rights in South Carolina during the 1880s was a contested space. They also shed important new light on the development of de jure segregation in the South and, in particular, the complex relationship between Jim Crow legislation and the social and economic issues related to railroad expansion.  相似文献   

In the late Qing, China entered the capitalist world-system and this brought about a structural change in society. In this context, late Qing intellectuals felt a double imperative: they had to combat imperialist invasion and economic plunder and therefore they had to establish a nation-state, which presupposed capitalist development. However, on the other hand, they saw the various problems associated with capitalism, and as they were developing their narratives of identity, they needed to find conceptual resources to counter Eurocentric narratives of history. Consequently, these intellectuals harbored a desire to overcome capitalism. This desire produced various post-capitalist utopias, which we can see in Kang Youwei, Tan Sitong and Zhang Taiyan. These utopias are especially meaningful today, in an age where capitalist domination is heightened, but hope for a post-capitalist future has greatly diminished. “Equality” is a keyword with which late Qing intellectuals mapped out the future. Moreover, “equality” expresses precisely the above doubled movement: on the one hand, it constitutes the condition for the nation state, but on the other hand, it is also a concept that late Qing intellectuals used to imagine a different future. Discussions of equality directly dealt with issues of labour, women, and so on. This essay takes as its focus the Journal of Natural Justice, which was organized by the Society for the Restoration of Women’s rights organized by He Zhen, Liu Shipei and others. This journal published for less than one year, but it was one of the main journals promoting socialism and anarchism. It was also the first to directly discuss “labour,” and it proposed an ideal of equality in which “everyone has work and everyone labours.” Throughout the rest of China’s twentieth century, leftist and Marxist intellectuals continued this emphasis on labour. But capitalism presupposes that everyone is equal as a free-labourer. In this case, what is the relationship between the utopia proposed by the Journal of Natural Justice, which entails a world in which all people have work, and capitalism? This essay examines this question in hopes of shedding light on the larger trajectory of Chinese history.  相似文献   

The Groupe Octobre, an agit-prop theatre group formed in April 1932 and disbanded in summer 1936, holds a mythical place in French film history. Though the primary activities of this troupe were theatrical, it provided the formative ground for cinema actors, screen-writers, directors, set designers, and film musicians, reflecting the close relationship between film and theatre which had evolved throughout the silent period. However, the coming of sound in 1928–29 opened up new debates surrounding this relationship, notably with regard to the critically despised genre of ‘filmed theatre’. This article proposes to look at two cinematic collaborations of the Groupe Octobre, L'Affaire est dans le sac (P. Prévert, 1932) and L'Hôtel du libre échange (M. Allégret, 1934), to examine how the group's contribution—coming from the distinctly alternative tradition of revolutionary workers' theatre yet also performing in mainstream films—reflects a more fruitful and diverse relationship between theatre and film in the early 1930s than has generally been critically acknowledged hitherto.

Le groupe Octobre, une troupe théâtrale formée en avril 1932 et qui s'est dissoute pendant l'été 1936, occupe une place mythique dans l'histoire du cinéma français. La plupart des activités de la troupe se déroulaient sur scène; mais le groupe a néanmoins joué un rôle formateur pour de nombreux acteurs, scénaristes, réalisateurs, musiciens et décorateurs de cinéma, reflétant ainsi les liens étroits qui s'étaient formés entre le cinéma et le théâtre pendant la période du muet. L'arrivée du parlant en 1928-29 a été à l'origine de nouveaux débats autour de cette relation, notamment à l'égard du ‘théâtre filmé’ – genre qui suscitait le mépris de bien des critiques. Cet article analyse deux collaborations cinématographiques du groupe Octobre, L'Affaire est dans le sac (P. Prévert, 1932) et L'Hôtel du libre échange (M. Allégret, 1934), afin d'examiner comment la contribution du groupe – venant de la tradition non-conventionnelle du théâtre ouvrier et révolutionnaire mais en même temps participant dans des films traditionnels – indique une relation entre le théâtre et le cinéma du début des années trente plus fructueuse et diverse que celle que l'on a décrite jusqu'à présent.  相似文献   

In this article the authors explore the practices and conceptualisations of British dog breeding and the showing of pedigree dogs by the ‘the dog fancy’, focusing specifically on the story of a single breed: the basset hound. This was not simply a story of British dog fanciers appropriating a French dog breed; indeed, this was impossible because the very notion of a dog ‘breed’, defined by conformation and legitimated by pedigree, was in the process of invention. They show how the British dog-show fancy chose one, from many and varied types of French hound, to be the basset hound, and how this choice was legitimated by reference to an imagined history, where the British dog fancy rescued a noble animal from French indifference to breed and blood. The chosen physical form was standardised to arbitrary ideal, but was by means no static. In the spirit of the times, it was ‘improved’, first by the empirical methods of animal breeders, using pedigrees to secure good and pure ‘blood’, and then by the application of science, particularly artificial insemination and hereditarian theories.  相似文献   

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