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Cooper, a Folsom arroyo-trap bison kill site in northwest Oklahoma is composed of three large-scale kill episodes. The bison bones have been examined for butchering evidence and exploring the butchering pattern. Damage categories to cortical bone are indentation, cut mark, helical fracture, and impact blow. The 99 elements damaged are from 36 carcasses across all three kills, and damage morphology indicates both lithic and bone expediency tools were used in the butchering. Animals are being butchered in an upright position on their stomachs, with transverse and abdominal muscles the focal point. Experimental butchering of a bison replicates the reconstructed sequence and underscores a gourmet butchering style for the Cooper kills.  相似文献   

中原地区大汶口文化因素浅析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
河南境内的大汶口文化因素是大汶口文化在河南境内传播的结果。约在公元前三千一二百年至公元前两千五六百年,由于大汶口文化的人口增长,势力膨胀及中原原始文化的相对衰弱,部分大汶口人沿颍水及其支流贾鲁河迁徒到豫中,继而又迁徒到豫西地区。这给中原原始文化的发展注入了新的活力,为中国古代文明在中原的形成创造了条件。  相似文献   

黄庆昌 《收藏家》2010,(5):43-46
中华民族有着古老的乐舞文化,具有独特的东方神韵。中国历史悠久,幅员辽阔,乐舞文化极为丰富,异彩纷呈,美不胜收。我们不难发现,不同时期的中华乐舞都或多或少地带有世界其他地域的歌舞元素,又显得那么自然融洽,这正是中华乐舞经各族乐舞相互交流融合的结果。  相似文献   


Preservation decisions often have to be made regarding the long-term status of deeply buried sites. However, the opportunity to evaluate these decisions practically, decades later, is rare. The Nash site, on the Southern High Plains of the USA, is one site where reinvestigation has permitted the assessment of a well-stratified site after an intervening period of thirty years during which it was impacted by dredging and impoundment. The current condition of the site has generated challenges in both recovery and conservation of material. Renewed fieldwork at the Nash site highlights the need to evaluate preservation options while critically considering the effects of geomorphic, taphonomic, and cultural processes.  相似文献   

The Southern High Plains of North America is rich in archaeological sites, but many are not well constrained chronologically, owing to a lack of material for radiocarbon dating. A program of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating, applying mainly single-grain analyses, was therefore initiated. Many samples have independent age estimates from radiocarbon to check the OSL results, but OSL age estimates are also provided for those sites that otherwise lack secure chronological control. Sediment samples for OSL were obtained primarily from Paleoindian and Archaic localities, though include deposits of more recent age. Through the analysis of single grains, equivalent dose—the numerator of the age equation—is evaluated independently on numerous grains. The distribution of these values is relatively broad for some samples, and this is attributed to post-depositional mixing. Mixing is also evident in some samples with more narrow distributions. Selecting portions of the mixed distributions for age determination allows more accurate dating for some samples, but the nature of the distributions limits the resolution on others, conclusions that cannot be as easily drawn from multi-grain analysis. Where independent age control is available, most OSL results broadly conform; however, some samples show discrepancies that are not readily explained, but may relate to association or dose rate problems. This underscores the desirability of obtaining where possible suites of chronological evidence.  相似文献   

豫南地区史前文化初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
豫南地区地处豫、鄂、皖三省交界处,主要有裴李岗、仰韶、屈家岭、龙山和二里头文化,其中以龙山时期的文化遗存最为丰富.除裴李岗文化时期外,这一地区的史前文化始终表现出多样、复杂的文化面貌,依据相关考古和文献资料,这一现象可能与华夏和苗蛮(或称三苗)集团之间经常发生的冲突和战争有关.  相似文献   

中原文化中的东方因素   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
20 0 1年 1 2月 8日 ,由哈佛燕京学社等单位主办的中国文化研讨会第十六届年会在哈佛大学举行。会议的主题是“考古学与中国文明的再发现———纪念张光直教授学术研讨会”。在“张光直教授的考古学贡献”专题演讲中 ,有六位学者发言 ,他们就中国考古学的发展、中国古代文明起源的研究和张光直教授对中国考古学做出的杰出贡献 ,作了深入浅出的阐发。此次以中文为工具的考古学讲座 ,吸引了大量听众 ,引起很大反响。为了能够让读者及时了解演讲的内容 ,征得作者同意 ,我们特编发这组文稿。同时也希望通过这组文稿 ,使学术界对张光直教授的考古学贡献有更深层次的了解 ,从而进一步推动中国考古学和中国文明的研究。  相似文献   

移民网络与侨乡跨国移民分析——以青田人移民欧洲为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了移民网络理论,并运用移民网络理论分析了侨乡青田移民网络的形成、特点、演变、运作机制、发展趋势及其对移民潮的影响,认为移民网络是青田移民的主要途径,是侨乡的重要社会资本之一,也是侨乡移民潮得以延续的重要原因。移民的发生、方向、过程和持续都是由移出地和移入地社会、政治、经济结构的历史条件促成的,当条件产生变化,移民雪球滚动的速度自然会发生变化,或加速,或减速,甚至停滞。  相似文献   

赵立彬 《史学月刊》2005,2(1):77-82
陈序经对南北化持有独到的观点。他认为中国的“南方化”实质上就是从南方输入的西方化,“南方化”具有进步性,是将来的中国化。南北化观在他的思想体系中,并不是一个无足轻重的附属,而是进一步阐明其东西化观的重要部分。其中所反映的,不仅是他对中西化的基本态度,而且也体现了他的化学理论对其思想的重要影响。  相似文献   

“古之国者,必择天下之中而立国。”位居“天下之中”的中原,以其得天独厚的优越地理环境,使其自新石器时代晚期,就已成为中国古代文明和传统文化的核心。到两周时期,作为周王朝统治的中心,中原地区因其“分封亲戚,以藩屏周”政策的实施,呈现出诸侯林立的局面。随着王室衰微、诸侯争霸、大夫专权,各诸侯国逐渐由和平共处进入相互纷争的时代,中原  相似文献   

为了弘扬蒙古族优秀的传统文化,交流近年来蒙古史研究的最新成果,探讨在新时期蒙古族社会的可持续发展问题,2 0 0 3年1 0月3日至5日,国家民委民族问题研究中心、内蒙古大学蒙古学研究中心及蒙古学研究院、云南大学西南边疆少数民族研究中心、中国蒙古史学会、云南省通海县政府等单位,在云南昆明联合举办了中国蒙古族历史与文化学术研讨会。本次研讨会引起了蒙古族研究界的极大兴趣。我国内蒙古、云南、新疆、青海、北京、香港和台湾等省区以及美国、日本、韩国等国家的1 2 0余位代表参加了会议。会议进行了广泛的学术交流,代表们各抒己见,讨…  相似文献   

美国著名作家欧文.威斯特的成名作《弗吉尼亚人—平原骑手》与19世纪末20世纪初美国的社会和文化主题挂钩,表达了镀金时代的美国梦精神,反映了西部牧业开发中东西部矛盾与冲突的走向,展现了怀俄明牧牛业的社会、经济及政治发展状况,不仅是一部影响深远的牛仔小说,而且具有较高的史学价值。同时,受时代和作者阶级立场的局限,《弗吉尼亚人—平原骑手》偏袒大牧场主,带有取悦统治阶级的阶级倾向性,小说中塑造的牛仔形象对西部小说的程式化产生了重要影响。  相似文献   

The turbulent climate of the Great Plains made windbreaks necessary for the protection of settlers and their livestock and crops. At first individual farmers tried to plant their own shelterbelts but with little success. The US Forest Service, with the establishment of the Bessey tree nursery, in 1902, and the field planting of the Nebraska National Forest, developed the expertise to carry out farm forestry on the plains. In 1934 the Forest Service undertook the Prairie States Forestry Project, an eight‐year program to plant shelterbelts from Canada to Texas, in response to the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression. These shelterbelts were a technological solution to environmental and social problems. As they grew, successful shelterbelts developed forest characteristics and served as habitat for birds and wildlife. As systems that were both technical and ecological, shelterbelts embodied a confluence of culture and nature in the technology that farmers and foresters used to engineer a more suitable environment for American society on the Plains.  相似文献   

Mountain and Water Deities on the Tibetan Plateau In Tibetan Buddhism,all aspects of this earth's physical environment are alive,for example,mountains,rivers,the grass,birds,fish and insects are all considered living organisms deserving of respect.Although these are not human life,according to the Dharma,all lives are equal.To take life is considered the action resulting in the worst karma.Similarly,if someone does good things,they will have a good karma resulting in a good rebirth.While it is permissible to kill a domestic animal for family consumption,hunting of wild animals for any reason is not acceptable.A person who does this will go to hell in his or her next life or be reborn as an animal.  相似文献   

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