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《Political Geography》2007,26(2):141-158
Discussions regarding a possible North American Monetary Union (NAMU) between Canada and the United States exploded in 1999. Advocates of a NAMU emphasized the economic benefits to be had by creating a supra-national currency across the world's largest trading partners, including the elimination of transaction and hedging costs; the creation of a less volatile trading area; and an anticipated increase in the intensity of continental trade. But what impact would a NAMU have on the relationship between the state and civil society, particularly vis-à-vis social citizenship? This paper examines the potential impact of the proposed NAMU with respect to three aspects of state–society relationships: (1) national community and belonging; (2) political sovereignty and accountability; and (3) social rights and the welfare state. In so doing, I set out a framework for thinking about how the national organization of money in Western nation-states, a territorialization that was coterminous with the formation of a national economy, is interconnected with the rise of social citizenship in the early 20th century. Understanding the constitutive relationship between currencies and citizenship suggests ways that social, cultural and political concerns need to be taken into consideration in the restructuring of monetary organization.  相似文献   

This essay argues that secrets and lies are not forms of withholding information but forms by which information is valorized. Lies are constructed: what is to be lied about, what a lie is to consist of, how it is to be told, and whom it is to be told to, all reveal a social imaginary about who thinks what and what constitutes credibility. Secrets are negotiated: continual decisions about whom to tell, how much to tell, and whom not to tell describe social worlds, and the shape and weight of interactions therein. All of this makes lies and secrets extraordinarily rich historical sources. We might not see the truth distorted by a lie or the truth hidden by a secret, but we see the ideas andimaginings by which people disclose what should not be made public, and how they should carry out concealing one narrative with another. Such insights involve a step back from the project of social history, in which an inclusive social narrative is based on experience and individuals' ability to report it with some reliability, and suggests that historians need to look at social imaginings as ways to understand the ideas and concerns about which people lie and with which people construct new narratives that are not true. The study of secrets, however, links the study of social imaginings with the project of social history, as the valorization of information that results in the continual negotiation and renegotiation of secrets shows individuals and publics imagining the experiences labeled as secret because of the imagined power of a specific version of events.  相似文献   

American evangelicals have long maintained a tense and paradoxical relationship to mainstream American culture. This article explores the effect of the 1962 and 1963 United States Supreme Court school decisions on that perennial tension. Unlike many conservatives, conservative evangelicals greeted the court's 1962 Engel decision to ban state‐written prayer in public schools with cautious approval; however, evangelicals saw the 1963 Schempp decision to ban Bible reading and the Lord's Prayer from those schools as an affront. The unique relationship between evangelical belief and America's public school system forced evangelicals to reconsider their special place in both schools and society as a whole. They concluded with surprising unanimity that those school decisions had done more than forced evangelical belief out of America's public schools; the decisions had pushed evangelicals themselves out of America's mainstream culture.  相似文献   


Williams, Bernard Shame and Necessity Berkeley, CA: University of California Press 254 pp., $25.00, ISBN 0520-080467 Publication Date: 1993

Goldfarb, Jeffrey C. The Cynical Society: The Culture of Politics and the Politics of Culture in American Life Chicago: University of Chicago Press 200 pp., $22.50, ISBN 0-226-30106-0 Publication Date: 1991

Blanchard, Margaret A. Revolutionary Sparks: Freedom of Expression in Modern America New York: Oxford University Press 572 pp., $49.95, ISBN 0-19-505436-9 Publication Date: February 1992

Kaplan, Marshall and Sue O'Brien The Governors and the New Federalism Boulder, CO: Westview 136 pp., $18.95 paper, ISBN 0-8123-8371-4 Publication Date: June 1991

Keith, Bruce E., David B. Magleby, Candice J. Nelson, Elizabeth Orr, Mark C. Westlye, Raymond E. Wolfinger The Myth of the Independent Voter Berkeley, CA: University of California Press 224 pp., ISBN 0-520-03688-3 Publication Date: 1992

Kreml, William P. Losing Balance: The De-Democratization of America Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe 188 pp., $29.95 cloth, ISBN 0-87332-846-9 Publication Date: October 1991

Silbey, Joel H. The American Political Nation, 1838-1893 Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press 348 pp., $35.00, ISBN 0-8047-1878-4 Publication Date: November 1991

Bickers, Kenneth N. and Robert M. Stein Federal Domestic Outlays, 1983-1990: A Data Book Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe 308 pp., $45.00, ISBN: 0-87332-840-X Publication Date: November 1991

Duncan, Phil, ed. Congressional Quarterly's Politics in America 1992: The 102nd Congress Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press 1704 pp., $69.95, ISBN 0-87187-599-3 Publication Date: 1991

Kaufman-Osborn, Timothy V. Politics/Sense/Experience: A Pragmatic Inquiry into the Promise of Democracy Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press 327 pp., $21.95, ISBN: 0-8014-2504-2 Publication Date: September 1991

Fishkin, James S. Democracy and Deliberation: New Directions for Democratic Reform New Haven, CT: Yale University Press 133 pp., $17.95, ISBN 0-300-05161-1 Publication Date: February 1992

Crotty, William, ed. Political Participation and American Democracy Westport, CT: Greenwood 248 pp., $47.50, ISBN 0-313-27652-8 Publication Date: October 1991

Hess, Stephen Live from Capitol Hill: Studies of Congress and the Media Washington, DC: Brookings Institution 178 pp., $8.95, ISBN 0-8157-3627-4 Publication Date: 1991

Light, Paul C. The President's Agenda: Domestic Policy Choice from Kennedy to Reagan. Revised Ed. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press 290 pp., $12.95, ISBN 0-8018-4279-4 Publication Date: October 1991

Maveety, Nancy Representation Rights and the Burger Years Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press 257 pp., $34.50, ISBN 0-472-10227-3 Publication Date: 1991

Alexander, Herbert E. and Monica Bauer Financing the 1988 Election Boulder, CO: Westview 160 pp., $49.95, ISBN 0-8133-8268-8 Publication Date: July 1991

Rimmerman, Craig A. Presidency by Plebiscite: The Reagan-Bush Era in Institutional Perspective Boulder, CO: Westview 164 pp., $45.00, ISBN 0-8133-8333-1 Publication Date: March 1993

Best, Gary Dean Pride, Prejudice, and Politics: Roosevelt versus Recovery, 1833-1938 New York: Praeger 288 pp., $45.00, ISBN 0-275-93524-8 Publication Date: November 1990

Pacelle, Richard L., Jr. The Transformation of the Supreme Court's Agenda: From the New Deal to the Reagan Administration Boulder, CO: Westview 264 pp., $39.95, ISBN 0-8133-8376-5 Publication Date: December 1991

Wildavsky, Aaron The Beleaguered Presidency New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction 358 pp., $27.50, ISBN 0-88738-401-3 Publication Date: 1991

Robinson, Armstead L. and Patricia Sullivan, eds. New Directions in Civil Rights Studies Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia 238 pp., ISBN 0-8139-1319-5 Publication Date: 1991

Taylor, Bron Raymond Affirmative Action at Work: Law, Politics, and Ethics Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press 254 pp., $14.95, ISBN 0-8229-5453-2 Publication Date: October 1991

Holstein, William J. The Japanese Power Game: What It Means for America New York: Charles Scribner's Sons 339 pp., $22.95, ISBN 0-684-19176-8 Publication Date: 1990

Wolf, Charles, Jr. Linking Economic Policy and Foreign Policy New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction 219 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-88738-399-8 Publication Date: August 1991

Brady, Linda P. The Politics of Negotiation: America's Dealings with Allies, Adversaries, and Friends Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press 269 pp., $32.50, ISBN 0-8078-1971-9 Publication Date: October 1991

Steiner, Barry H. Bernard Brodie and the Foundations of American Nuclear Strategy Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas 367 pp., $40.00, ISBN 0-7006-0441-3 Publication Date: July 1991

Pach, Chester J., Jr. Arming the Free World: The Origins of the United States Military Assistance Program, 1945-1950 Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press 322 pp., $34.95, ISBN 0-8078-1943-3 Publication Date: March 1991

Saul, Norman E. Distant Friends: The United States &; Russia, 1763-1867 Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas 400 pp., $40.00, ISBN 0-7006-0438-3 Publication Date: April 1991

Pike, Fredrick B. The United States and Latin America: Myths and Stereotypes of Civilization and Nature Austin, TX: University of Texas Press 442 pp., $40.00 cloth, $19.95 paper, ISBN 0-292-78523-2 cloth, ISBN 0-292-78524-0 paper Publication Date: September 1992

Escalona, Roberto Luque The Tiger and the Children: Fidel Castro and the Judgment of History Washington, DC: Freedom House 212 pp., $14.95 paper. ISBN 1-56000-593-9 Publication Date: May 1992

Levine, Daniel H. Popular Voices in Latin American Catholicism Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press 403 pp., $18.95, ISBN 0-691-02459-6 Publication Date: July 1992

Johns, Sheridan and Richard Hunt Davis, Jr., eds. Mandela, Tambo, and the African National Congress New York: Oxford University Press 353 pp., $35.00 cloth, $13.95 paper, ISBN 0-19-505783-X cloth, ISBN 0-19-505784-8 paper Publication Date: March 1991

Kortepeter, C. Max, ed. Oil and the Economic Geography of the Middle East and North Africa: Studies by Alexander Melamid Princeton, NJ: Darwin Press 320 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-87850-075-8 Publication Date: May 1991

Ismael, Tareq Y. and Jacqueline S. Ismael, eds. Politics and Government in the Middle East and North Africa Miami, FL: Florida International University Press 570 pp., $39.95 cloth, $19.95 paper, ISBN 0-8130-1043-4 cloth, ISBN 0-8130-106204 paper Publication Date: July 1991

Gupte, Pranay Mother India: A Political Biography of Indira Gandhi New York: Charles Scribner's Sons 593 pp., $30.00, ISBN 0-684-19296-9 Publication Date: April 1992

Harbeson, John W. and Donald Rothchild, eds. Africa in World Politics Boulder, CO: Westview 341 pp., $57.50 cloth, $19.95 paper, ISBN 0-8133-0972-7 cloth, ISBN 0-8133-0973-5 paper Publication Date: October 1991

Frost, Gerald, ed. Europe in Turmoil: The Struggle for Pluralism. European Defence and Strategic Studies Annual, 1990-91 Westport, CT: Praeger 384 pp., $59.95, ISBN 0-275-94129-9 Publication Date: September 1991

Stares, Paul B. Command Performance: The Neglected Dimension of European Security Washington, DC: Brookings Institution 240 pp., ISBN 0-8157-8111-3 Publication Date: 1991

Móller, Bj$oSrn Common Security and Nonoffensive Defense: A Neorealist Perspective Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner 285 pp., ISBN 1-85728-008-3 Publication Date: 1992

Inkeles, Alex, ed. On Measuring Democracy: Its Consequences and Concomitants New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction 234 pp., $19.95, ISBN 0-88738-881-7 Publication Date: August 1991

Drache, Daniel, ed. Getting on Track: Social Democratic Strategies for Ontario Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press 237 pp., $44.95, ISBN 0-7735-0895-3 Publication Date: February 1992

Lord, Carnes and David O'Connor, eds. Essays on the Foundations of Aristotelian Political Science Berkeley, CA: University of California 255 pp., $45.00, ISBN 0-520-06711-8 Publication Date: August 1991

Wolfson, Robert J. A Formal Lexicon for the Social Sciences Gainesville, FL: Florida Atlantic University Press 159 pp., $29.95, ISBN 0-8130-0978-2 Publication Date: December 1990

Hunt, Robert P. and Kenneth L. Grasso, eds. John Courtney Murray and the American Civil Conversation Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans 298 pp., $21.99, ISBN 0-8028-05388 Publication Date: 1992

Grey, Thomas C. The Wallace Stevens Case: Law and the Practice of Poetry Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 155 pp., $24.95, ISBN 0-674-94577-8 Publication Date: August 1991

Baker, C. Edwin Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech New York: Oxford University Press 385 pp., $39.95, ISBN 0-19-505777-5 Publication Date: 1989

Sheldon, Garrett Ward The Political Philosophy of Thomas Jefferson Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press 174 pp., $28.00, ISBN 0-8018-4142-9 Publication Date: July 1991

Post, Robert, ed. Law and the Order of Culture Berkeley, CA: University of California Press 202 pp., $9.95, ISBN 0-520-07337-1 Publication Date: 1991

Walsh, David After Ideology: Recovering the Spiritual Foundations of Freedom Scranton, PA: HarperCollins 296 pp., $29.95. ISBN 0-06-069263-4 Publication Date: 1990

The following correspondence was written in response to Marshall L. DeRosa's article, “The Second Amendment and American Federalism: A View from the States,” published in the Spring 1993 (vol. 22, no. 2) issue of Perspectives on Political Science.  相似文献   

The United States is more violent than Canada and it always has been. Even in the face of mass shootings, most Americans remain culturally and politically resistant to the sorts of gun control measures that have long existed in Canada. America’s unique gun culture is embedded in the history, imagery, and especially the mythology of the American frontier. Canada had its own frontier experience and has its own history of gun ownership, but it does not have a parallel gun culture. This article presents a comparative analysis of post-Civil War/post-Confederation frontier history and mythology, and examines the construction of contrasting cultural narratives of America’s “Wild West” and Canada’s “Mild West.” It suggests that US–Canadian differences in gun laws and gun culture—even in the borderlands region of Alberta/Montana—are better explained by the countries’ two different frontier mythologies than by their actual western histories.  相似文献   

社区在西方:历史、理论与现状   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
第二次世界大战以后,社区在世界各地作为公民社会一种最基本的组织形式蓬勃地发展起来,首先,是在西方发达国家,继而在亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲的发展中国家。80年代后期,随着中国的改革开放和市场经济的创建,以工作单位为社会基本组织形式、包揽人们从生老病死到衣食住行全部生活和工作的体制逐渐被打破,中国的经济走向市场,中国人也开始走向社会,从“单位人”变成“社会人”。于是,1986年,在民政部的指导下开始引进“社区”概念,在各城市,在街道办事处和居民委员会等基层组织的基础上开始营造社区,并在区、街道和居委会等不同层次建立起社区服…  相似文献   

美国学者近年来对满族史与八旗制度史的研究简述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文着重介绍了近二三十年来美国汉学界对满族史与八旗制度史研究的概况。通过对“汉化”之争、满族族群问题研究、满族与八旗制度研究三个方面的综述 ,介绍了美国学者罗斯基、柯娇燕、埃德伍德·路斯、欧立德等人的研究成果和观点 ,对我国满族史研究有参考价值  相似文献   

In the post-Civil War American South, leaders of both white and black denominations sought to root out southern 'folk' religious practices from their churches. Denominational modernizers preached the middle-class virtues necessary to the building of a new southern social order: piety, sobriety and the systematic accumulation of wealth. They built bureaucracies of benevolence and conceived of 'intelligent worship' as a means of schooling their 'untutored masses' in the ways of bourgeois religiosity. In response, white and black believers, predominantly small farmers and sharecroppers with limited educations, adopted certain forms suggested by the advocates of respectable religion while also maintaining publicly emotive and physically tactile expressions of southern religiosity derived both from the camp-meeting past as well as African-derived rituals of worship. By focusing on worship practices and musical styles, this article illuminates an episode in the dialectic of traditional spirituality and bourgeois decorum in a region in, but not fully of, America.  相似文献   

Archaeological research in the Mimbres region (southwestern New Mexico) has focused on the post-A.D. 500 ceramic/agricultural occupations, especially the Mimbres Classic period (1000–1130). This work has advanced general anthropological issues regarding mobility, land use and human impact, and the concept of abandonment. Deeper understandings of some of these issues require more detailed demographic estimates, which in turn are dependent on methodological advances, particularly studies of site use life. Research on the production and distribution of Mimbres pottery—famous for its naturalistic black-on-white designs—is advancing rapidly. Although the designs have been well illustrated and much discussed, more systematic anthropological research on Mimbres design style is badly needed. Various aspects of Mimbres social and ideational realms (e.g., household and community organization, social hierarchy, the symbolism of the pottery designs) have received some attention but await new perspectives derived from current social theory.  相似文献   

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