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THIS ARTICLE CRITICALLY EXAMINES medieval11 Archaeology and Palaeoecology, School of Natural and Built Environment, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN, UK. p.gleeson@qub.ac.uk archaeology’s relationship with myth. A surge of research examining pre-Christian belief has seen mythology, place names and folklore increasingly utilised to reconstruct mentalities and cosmologies. As a wider global phenomenon, this trend comes with pitfalls that must be addressed more systematically. This article examines these issues through early medieval Ireland, beginning with an overview of recent trends in cognate disciplines, before proceeding through case studies of Tara, Brú na Bóinne (both Co Meath), and Nenagh (Co Tipperary). Far from being relics of prehistoric cult practices, many deities populating these landscapes may have been consciously invented for political, allegorical and exegetical reasons during the medieval period. This creative process had a marked 8th-century monumental dimension, contemporary with the floruit of saga literature. This precludes such evidence being utilised to reconstruct pre-Christian cosmologies. This has broad implications for research across European medieval archaeology that would seek to access ritual, belief and religion.  相似文献   

Tom Williamson 《考古杂志》2016,173(2):264-287
This article questions the suggestions that have been made by a number of archaeologists and landscape historians concerning the Roman and prehistoric origins of large tracts of the medieval rural landscape in lowland England. It suggests that arguments for large-scale continuity of field systems, mainly based on the evidence of excavations and topographic analysis, are flawed because they fail to take fully into account the topographic contexts, and the practical functions, of field boundaries. When these matters are given due weight, much of the evidence cited in support of ‘continuity’ instead appears to suggest a significant degree of discontinuity, at least in terms of systems of land division, between Roman Britain and medieval England.  相似文献   

俞金尧 《世界历史》2001,2(5):50-59
在中世纪的欧洲社会,新婚夫妇举行婚礼时,新郎要在教堂口当众宣布赠给新娘一笔财产(一般是指土地)。其用意是,倘若丈夫首先撒手西去,守寡的妻子可以以此作为生活的来源,享用终生。这就是寡妇产,或称遗孀产,其数量通常是亡夫财产的113。  相似文献   

伯格音(Beguine)中世纪欧洲宗教史上惟一的由妇女发起,并以妇女为主体的宗教运动。本文介绍了伯格音运动的基本概况和特点,从宗教、社会和文化等三方面分析了该运动的起因,阐述了教俗两界对该运动的态度及其变化等。伯格音运动反映了妇女争取自由解放的要求,对当时的欧洲社会产生了很大的冲击和影响。  相似文献   

IN Faenza, lii (1966) I published the fragments of Chinese porcelain found at Lucera Castle and at the same time collected evidence for the occurrence of Chinese vessels elsewhere in Europe in the middle ages.1 This paper contains a larger catalogue of finds and references, and attempts to assess the extent to which Chinese porcelain was available in Europe before the 16th century. It is divided into three parts: Introduction, Catalogue and short Discussion. An Appendix contains notes on Italian imitations of Chinese porcelain in the 15th and early 16th centuries.  相似文献   

Weber  Johannes 《German history》2006,24(3):387-412
English-language examinations of the history of the press oftenbegin with the 1620s or the 1640s, when this new medium beganto be more widespread in England. On the continent, however,around the year 1600 all the necessary technical, infrastructuraland communication elements were already in place for the developmentof the modern newspaper. Book-printing techniques enabled themass production of news reports; a regular relay post system,available to the general public, served the needs of a networkof professional correspondents from around the world. The timewas right for the first periodical news sheet, which appearedin Strassburg in 1605. The change from hand-copied to printednewspapers was of far-reaching significance, as the mass circulationof news gave regular publicity to the events and personalitiesof political life. By the 1620s a variety of newspapers werecirculating in central Europe, and in the second half of theseventeenth century newspapers were the most widely read secularmaterial. They provided a seedbed for the broadening politicaleducation which fostered the development of the Enlightenment.  相似文献   

中世纪西欧骑士的典雅爱情   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
典雅爱情是反映中世纪骑士文化的一个重要主题 ,也是研究骑士所不容忽视的一个重要方面。约翰·赫伊津哈写道 :“这个阶级 (骑士阶级 )的智识观念和道德观念都保存在Arsamandi(爱情艺术 )中。没有哪个时代的文明理想和爱情理想融合到这种程度。”① 国内对西欧骑士制度的研究 ,大都从军事制度的角度入手 ,本文作为社会生活史研究的一个侧面 ,拟通过剖析典雅爱情的含义、起因及其影响 ,集中阐述中世纪的这一文化现象。一、典雅爱情的内涵从表面上看 ,典雅爱情应该是非常容易界定的一个概念 ,它是指 1 1世纪末以后 ,在西欧中世纪兴起…  相似文献   

Steven P. Ashby 《考古杂志》2014,171(1):151-184
Personal appearance in general—and the grooming of hair in particular—has long held a position of interest in historical, art-historical, and literary scholarship. The same cannot be said of archaeology, and the material aspects of personal grooming in the construction and communication of identity have not been fully synthesized. As a result, little attempt has been made to understand the social role of hair in less well documented societies, such as those of early medieval northern and western Europe. This paper considers archaeological, iconographic and documentary evidence for the significance of, and physical engagement with hair in early medieval northern and western Europe, and offers a model for the interpretation of grooming as a social phenomenon. It is argued that grooming was a socially meaningful practice, and that it played a key role in the construction of early medieval identities, as well as in the maintenance and manipulation of boundaries and distinctions between individuals and groups.  相似文献   


THE FIRST significant archaeological excavation within the village of Thorney, Cambridgeshire, has revealed a sequence of occupation deposits associated with the former Benedictine abbey and reflecting some 600 years of use. Thorney Abbey was surrendered at the Dissolution of the Greater Monasteries in 1539 and over successive years many of the buildings were demolished and the stone removed for re-use elsewhere. As a consequence very little is known of the abbey's layout and organisation. In the Middle Ages Thorney was surrounded by fen wetland and the excavations reported on here were located near the northern edge of the former island, slightly to the north of the abbey church and suspected location of the main abbey precinct. The long sequence of deposits offered an important insight into the changing character of fen-edge life on Thorney from the 11th century onwards. Occupation remains and a sequence of contemporary structures indicated that despite the apparently peripheral location of the site in relation to the main abbey complex, life was rarely static on the island's northern edge. It is suggested that the structures and related remains were once part of the abbey's outer court. Dissolution deposits reflected the dismantling of windows and the salvage and recycling of lead came. A re-used architectural fragment, possibly a pillar base, had been converted into a lead recycling hearth and the immediately surrounding area was covered with the remains of the leadworking as well as a large assemblage of broken, high-quality painted window glass, the end result of the lead removal. Late 16th-century structural evidence on the site has also shed light on some of the earliest secular occupation on the island following the Dissolution. A combination of the finds assemblages recovered during the work and documentary research has enabled a picture of life at medieval Thorney to be drawn for the first time. Documentary and cartographic work has also helped to understand the wider fenland context.  相似文献   

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