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Intense, deadly combat is one of the most traumatic of humanexperiences. How veterans remember it and how they retell it,is explored in this article by Marine Corps Oral Historian FredH. Allison. Allison compares two interviews of the same Marinetalking about the same horrific Vietnam firefight in which fiveof eight Marines on a reconnaissance patrol were killed. Oneinterview took place in-country two days after the firefight,the other 34 years later. The early interview is an oral snapshotof the world of a combat Marine, while the later interview isa study in how memory reconstructs a combat experience. In comparingthe two interviews the reader can begin to understand how veterans'memory works to organize and make comprehensible an event thatmight not have been orderly or comprehensible in the first place.  相似文献   

In exploring the consequences of changes in Eastern Europe for Western Europe, the Third World and the global economic order, this article examines the need for economic management which is more solidly based on the new theory of international trade, and which extends beyond the national level. The rapidly deteriorating situation in Eastern Europe and the Gulf crisis both form valuable examples of the problems and opportunities ahead. There is a clear move towards the formation of regional blocs such as the European Community, the intention of which is to strengthen the industrial countries against the uncertainties and risks involved in the current reshaping of the world order by multipolarity, as well as in the growing nationalist tensions and movements for national independence. This article will argue that bloc formation is bound to either further marginalize the majority of developing countries, or increase their dependence on the few regional centres that are emerging.  相似文献   

援越抗美述略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
援越抗美的军事行动 ,从 1 96 5年 6月开始到 1 973年 8月结束 ,共经历了两个阶段。中国先后派出了高炮、工程、铁道、扫雷、后勤等部队 ,总计 32万余人 ,最高年份达到 1 7万余人 ,执行了反空袭作战、筑路、构筑国防工程、扫雷及后勤保障等任务。援越抗美部队的将士们与越南军民一起 ,以劣势装备战胜了拥有世界上最先进武器装备的美国侵略者 ,使越南人民赢得了抗美救国战争的光辉胜利 ,谱写了中越两国人民友谊的新篇章。  相似文献   

Kyoko Inoue. MacArthur's Japanese Constitution: A Linguistic and Cultural Study of its Making . Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Richard B. Finn. Winners in Peace: MacArthur, Yoshida, and Postwar Japan . Berkeley
Roger Buckley. US-Japan Alliance Diplomacy, 1945–1990 .  相似文献   

为了遏制共产主义在东南亚的扩张,维护美国的全球霸权,1961年5月,美国总统肯尼迪公然发动了对越南的“特种战争”。面对美国在“南大门”的战争挑衅,中国政府从无产阶级的国际主义和维护越南独立和统一的立场出发,在政治、经济、外交和军事等方面积极支持越南人民的抗美爱国斗争,并应越南党和政府的请求,开始了“援越抗美”的初步酝酿,最终确立了“美国走一步,中国走一步;美国出兵,中国也出兵”的基本原则和立场。  相似文献   

Abstract. The notion of ‘civilisational mission’ (risala hadariyya) is a core concept of nationalism, particularly of Arab and Syrian nationalism. Its importance lies in the ability to bring three aspects of nationalist thought into one pattern of meaning: the projected modernisation of the nation, the nation's quest for recognition and equal participation in the international arena, and the claim to political leadership of the rising educated middle class. In the Syrian diaspora during the interwar period, the notion was additionally shaped by the refutation of the neo‐colonial aspirations of the mandate powers (mission civilisatrice) as well as by the interaction between the diaspora community and the host society. This article analyses this concept in its discursive context focusing on Dr Khalil and Antun Sa‘adeh, who were both eminent intellectuals, party founders and editors of several diasporic newspapers and magazines in Argentina and Brazil.  相似文献   

宣称战争因某种道德理想而展开是一次大战的显特征,国际法、平民权益特别是妇女儿童权益保护就成了区分和衡量战争正义合法与否的标尺。英德关于非人道作战方式的合法性争执凸显出国际法存在的严重缺失及其在宣传战中作用的有限性,而侵害最易成为战争受难的妇女儿童权利便成了宣传战中最能调动舆论情绪、最易产生宣传效果的主题,这也是英国适时将宣传战主题从德国违反国际法切换到德军大规模强暴妇女儿童上来的主要原因。  相似文献   

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