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论早期拜占庭的宗教争论问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐家玲 《史学集刊》2000,4(3):56-63
早期拜占庭基督教会的教义争论涉及三个基本派别(阿里乌派、聂斯脱利派和一性派)、两次大的起伏。这一争论,反映了在拜占庭统治下的不同地区人民维护其固有化传统、反对帝国政府暴政的意向;反映了基督教会上层统治集团(各大教区教宗)在基督教取得罗马-拜占庭国教地位之后,欲建立统一教会并争夺教会控制权的政治斗争。早期基督教会的教义争论和皇权的参与,确立了拜占庭政教关系的基本模式。促进了东方教会中神学思辩传统的发展,加速了东西方教会的分离,同时也使近东地区成为基督教异端产生的温床。  相似文献   

试论拜占庭的拓殖运动   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
7—9世纪拜占庭的农业拓殖运动,是中世纪世界引人注目的历史现象。在实行军屯和民屯的政策方面,拜占庭继承了罗马共和到帝制时代的历史传统,但与罗马时期以开疆拓土为目标的外张性拓殖相比,拜占庭拓殖的主要目的是守护边疆、强化政府管理机制。拓殖政策的实行,使得巴尔干和小亚细亚半岛上的"新来者"将其"蛮荒时代"的社会和生产结构方面的因素糅进拜占庭的社会生活当中,促进了中世纪东地中海各不同起源的民族之间的融合,促进了一个堪称为"东方基督教文化圈"的东地中海文明共同体的形成。  相似文献   

This article is an exploration of concept of monks as “soldiers of Christ” in Byzantine Anatolia during the late sixth and early seventh centuries CE. Through a case study of Theodore of Sykeon, this article will explore monks as agents of continuity in the Byzantine Anatolia of the late sixth and early seventh centuries through Theodore's conflicts with the emperors, imperial authorities, and the regional episcopal hierarchy. The conflicts Theodore had with various authority figures of his time were about helping them see the right path of supporting Catholic orthodoxy as the normative belief system of Byzantine society and integrating his rural community of Sykeon into the wider web of imperial and episcopal urban patronage. Thus, conflict in this context was a catalyst for social order and stability rather than a symptom of social collapse. This article also fits into the historiography of the holy man as local patron in Late Antiquity, suggesting an alternate interpretation of this phenomenon as first put forward in Peter Brown's seminal works on this subject.  相似文献   

In Byzantium, images on coins were a means to disseminate information about the state widely and quickly. Portraits of emperors were standard; empresses also sometimes appeared. Between 324 and 802, imperial women served as important ideological resources, and their portraits on coins always served as symbols of state well‐being and especially of legitimacy for the current ruling family. Changes in the coin imagery demonstrate how the mints used images of imperial women to respond to specific political situations, but also allow us to chart broader shifts in Byzantine gender strategies.  相似文献   

"查士丁尼瘟疫"影响初探   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
“查士丁尼瘟疫”是地中海世界爆发的第一次大规模鼠疫,造成的损失极为严重。但是此次瘟疫对拜占庭帝国的破坏程度还没有得到充分认识,其极高的死亡率不仅使拜占庭帝国人口下降明显,劳动力和兵力锐减,正常生活秩序受到严重扰乱,进而产生了深远的社会负面后果,而且对拜占庭帝国、地中海、欧洲的历史发展都产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

At the turn of the twentieth century, the Tibetan plateau was a zone of intense imperial contact—and competition—between British India and Qing China. Even before the 1904 Younghusband Expedition to Lhasa, Indian rupees had become the primary currency of commercial exchange across the plateau, and British explorers had gathered detailed knowledge of both the presumed natural resource bounty of eastern Tibet and the lucrative border tea trade traversing it. This article explores models manifested by these interactions between British and Qing officials, merchants and explorers in the Kham region of ethnographic Tibet and the role empires played in the nineteenth- and early twentieth-century global spread of Euro-American norms. Although Sichuan officials directly engaged with administering Kham shared a common perception of Khampa society with their British counterparts, they also recognised the encroachment of Indian rupees and British explorers as challenges to Qing authority, if not a prologue to territorial expansion paralleling the contemporaneous scramble for concessions in coastal China. Beginning with the establishment of the Zongli Yamen in 1861, close Sino-British interaction along two tracks, British ‘lessons’ in statecraft and diplomacy in the imperial capital Beijing and commercial and political actions in the imperial borderland of Kham, provided models for Qing assertion of exclusive authority on the plateau. Two globalising norms inflected in these British models—territoriality and sovereignty—fostered transformative policies in the borderland during the first decade of the twentieth century. Implemented by Sichuan officials, these policies sought to undermine Lhasa's local challenge to Chinese authority via monasteries, thereby legitimising appeal to international law to repel regional challenges from both British India and Russia. This article analyses in depth two examples of these policies in action: a silver coin modelled on the Empress Victoria Indian rupee and a monopoly tea company partly modelled on British Indian tea firms and the Indian Tea Association. Both contributed to weakening the political, social and economic power projected into Kham by British India and Lhasa. The adaptation of these models in Qing policies fostered by the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Sino-British encounter in Kham reveals the conduits through which Euro-American norms of authority were shared, and demonstrates their power to transform relations in the interstices of global power, where empires met empires and states met states.  相似文献   

戴克里先采取了一系列改革措施重振罗马帝国,其中大部分政策为君士坦丁一世继承,并逐渐成为早期拜占廷帝国管理体制的基础.但是,戴克里先所创立的四帝共治制由于自身蕴涵着不可克服的内部矛盾,在戴克里先退位后随即崩溃.此后经过三个 王朝以及一个世纪的发展,拜占廷帝国皇位的血亲世袭继承原则得以确立,血统成为皇位继承合法性的来源.与此同时,军队也依然拥有对于皇位继承的强大影响力,血统与军队在皇位继承中形成互相制约的关系.  相似文献   

87Sr/86Sr ratios have been determined for glasses from four production sites, dated to between the sixth and the 11th centuries, in the Eastern Mediterranean region. On the basis of elemental analyses, the glasses at each location are believed to have been melted from different raw materials. Two glass groups, from Bet Eli‘ezer and Bet She‘an, in Israel, are believed to have been based upon mixtures of Levantine coastal sands and natron, and have 87Sr/86Sr ratios close to 0.7090, plus high elemental strontium, confirming a high concentration of modern marine shell (87Sr/86Sr ~ 0.7092) in the raw materials. The isotopic compositions of these two groups of glasses differ slightly, however, probably reflecting a varying ratio of limestone to shell because the sands that were utilized were from different coastal locations. Natron‐based glasses from a workshop at Tel el Ashmunein, Middle Egypt, have 87Sr/86Sr values of 0.70794–0.70798, and low elemental strontium, consistent with the use of limestone or limestone‐rich sand in the batch. High‐magnesia glasses based on plant ash, from Banias, Israel, have 87Sr/86Sr values of 0.70772–0.70780, probably reflecting the isotopic composition of the soils that were parental to the plants that were ashed to make the glass. Strontium and its isotopes offer an approach to identifying both the raw materials and the origins of ancient glasses, and are a potentially powerful tool in their interpretation.  相似文献   

6—7世纪拜占庭帝国与西突厥汗国的交往   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
张绪山 《世界历史》2002,1(1):81-89
公元1世纪罗马人建立的横跨欧、亚、非三大洲的庞大帝国,实际上可分为以希腊化为主和以拉丁化为主的东、西两大区域。在最初的两个世纪中,罗马帝国强有力的统治掩盖了它们之间的区别。3世纪的社会危机使罗马帝国由盛转衰。  相似文献   


Preliminary archaeological and palynological results are presented from an early Byzantine cistern of the village Horvat Kur in eastern Lower Galilee/Israel. The rural site was settled from the Hellenistic until the Early Arab period, its synagogue was constructed shortly after 425 AD and renovated sometimes during the 2nd half of the 6th century AD. It was abandoned probably as a consequence of the earthquake of 749 AD. The intact and properly sealed cistern contained complete or fully restorable pottery. Two cooking pots from the early 5th century AD comprised sediments which was sampled for palynological purposes. Both samples, as well as a sample from the soil beneath one of the pots and a modern surface sample from the site, revealed well preserved palynomorphs in comparably high concentration showing a great potential of the cistern as a pollen archive. The pollen content points to an open, grassy semiarid landscape with an apparent scarcity of cultivars and trees in the vicinity of the site and an abundance of herbs, especially Asteraceae, which are still commonly found in modern regional vegetation.  相似文献   

地处东西两大文明交汇点的萨珊波斯帝国,不仅本身创造出灿烂辉煌的文明,也为东西商贸文化交流做出了巨大的贡献。本文以中国出现之拜占廷金币及其仿制品为线索,考察萨珊波斯帝国在罗马帝国(及拜占廷帝国)与东方之间的联系作用,证明它在拜占廷金币向东传播、流向中国的过程中有着非常重要的影响,是古代东西经济文化交流的重要媒介之一。  相似文献   

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