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20世纪30年代美国南部大平原沙尘暴起因初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高国荣 《世界历史》2004,6(1):73-86
20世纪 30年代美国南部大平原的沙尘暴是美国历史上最严重的生态灾难。它主要是由于南部大平原脆弱的生态环境、对土地的毁灭性开发及美国的文化传统所造成的。南部大平原属于半干旱地区 ,降水稀少 ,多风沙天气 ,而且在 30年代遭遇了历史上罕见的旱灾。自 1 890年起 ,在南部大平原发展种植业的条件基本成熟 ,出现了大规模的毁草垦荒 ,并形成了小麦的单一种植。为追逐利润 ,人们不惜冒巨大的生态风险 ,对南部大平原进行毁灭性开发 ,这与扩张性的资本主义文化及美国独特的边疆文化传统有很大的关系。  相似文献   

冷战后,跨国主义、民族主义方兴未艾,而国际移民,特别是发展中国家的跨国移民及其民族主义倾向与表现正在成为移民研究的一个新视点。本文以美国华人社会为例,运用跨国主义的分析视角,探讨冷战后华人民族主义掀起的背景、主体、特征、局限与前景,从而说明海外华人民族主义的群体征象之于中国与居住国的双重影响和多种意义。  相似文献   

2006年4月30日,青海省西宁市南凉虎台遗址公园举行隆重的开园仪式。一批来自广东省鹤山市的特殊客人引起了人们关注。这一行人全部姓"源",共有19名,组成了"源氏恳亲团"来参加这里的开园盛典。据他们讲,广东省鹤山市的源氏家族正是南凉王秃发傉檀的直系后裔,他们至今?  相似文献   

Sagya Monastery,built in 1073 in theZongqu River Valley, is a famousmonastery of the Sagya Sect ofTibetan Buddhism. Gonggar Gyancain (1182- 1251 ), the fourth forefather of the Sagya Sect, was held asthe Sagya Pandit (great scholar of theSagya Sect) as he was steeped in thePancavidya (Five Studies).On the invitation of the Mongolian Prince Gotan in 1244, he went topresent-day Wuwei to lecture onBuddhism. There, he reached agreement with the Mongolian prince forTibet to be part of the…  相似文献   

This essay firstly examines the destiny of rural-to-urban migrants in Beijing, the capital of China. Relying on data collected from representative survey, the essay then provides the demographic profil...  相似文献   

Frappé par certains grands succès de librairies récents (notamment Les Bienveillantes, JanKarski et HHhH), on a beaucoup réfléchi, notamment dans le numéro spécial du Débat consacré à « L'Histoire saisie par la fiction », sur la place, la portée et la fonction de l'histoire dans la production de textes littéraires. Nous nous emploierons dans le présent article à apprécier certains aspects littéraires de l'écriture historienne dans « l'enquête » de l'historien Ivan Jablonka, Histoire des grands-parents que je n'ai pas eus. Retraçant l'itinéraire de ses grands-parents, juifs communistes militants qui, fuyant la répression politique, quittent enfin leur shtetl polonais dans l'espoir de trouver refuge en France avant d'être emportés par la guerre et le génocide comme tant d'autres, Jablonka s'y implique pleinement, nous livrant aussi le récit de ses recherches et de sa façon personnelle de vivre ce passé dramatique. En analysant la fonction de cette implication subjective de l'historien dans la poursuite de ses recherches et l'écriture de son récit, nous verrons que Jablonka nous fait voir l'itinéraire tragique de ses grands-parents, mais aussi les grands courants de l'histoire dans lequel il s'inscrit, « comme Elstir peignait la mer », c'est-à-dire à partir de la manière particulière dont ils ont pu vivre ce passé.  相似文献   

详细评介了国际移民的学术定义;归纳其六大基本类别,指出不同类型的迁移可能相互转化;阐述了当代国际移民发展趋势,并将华侨华人研究置于国际移民的大背景下进行剖析;对由于缺乏对当代“国际移民”相关定义的基本了解而出现的明显错误给予了指正。  相似文献   

Ronald Hutton 《Folklore》2019,130(2):175-191
The expression ‘Wild Hunt’ has acted as shorthand in Western culture for nocturnal cavalcades of spirits, usually with a recognized leader, ever since it was coined by the German scholar Jacob Grimm in the early nineteenth century. For a short period in the late twentieth century it was a major motif in British fiction, and especially in novels designed for children and young adults. This article is intended to explore the links between the two phenomena, the status of the concept in wider culture and of its use in fantasy literature, and in the process to further an understanding of the relationship between folklore, scholarship, and creative writing in Britain during the past two hundred years.  相似文献   

This article canvasses recent scholarship on migrants and refugees in Australian history. It covers broadly three main fields of enquiry: White Australia, postwar immigration and refugees since the Vietnam War. We argue there is a new dynamism to the field while simultaneously making the case that migrant and refugee history has hitherto been largely quarantined from mainstream Australian historiography.  相似文献   

Although the diffusion of fertility behavior between different social strata in historical communities has received considerable attention in recent studies, the relationship between the diffusion of fertility behavior and the diffusion of people (migration) during the nineteenth century remains largely underexplored. Evidence from population registers compiled in the Historical Database of the Liège Region, covering the period of 1812 to 1900, reveals that migrant couples in Sart, Belgium, from 1850 to 1874 and from 1875 to 1899 had a reduced risk of conception. The incorporation of geographical mobility, as well as the migrant status of both husbands and wives, into this fertility research sheds light not only on the spread of ideas and behaviors but also on the possible reasons why the ideas and behaviors of immigrants might have been similar to, or different from, those of a native-born population.  相似文献   

This paper examines the dynamic relationship between neoliberalism and nationalism through the counterintuitive comparison of journeys travelled by US citizens as they enlist in the military and by unauthorized Central Americans as they migrate to the United States. We argue that, however different the context and content of their decisions and their lives, Central American migrants and US soldiers are both connected within a larger political economy. We complicate the idea of migrants and soldiers as purely rational economic actors, but we also reject the idea, imputed onto migrants and soldiers by neoliberal states, that they are naturally nationalistic actors. Migrants and soldiers embody a neoliberal subjectivity produced through processes of violence, capital accumulation and militarization. Yet, as we examine throughout this paper, their construction as homeland heroes within the national imaginary masks the ways their labor and their mobility serve the institutionalization of neoliberal statecraft.  相似文献   

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