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梁启超《过渡时代论》与当代"过渡期历史观"的构造   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对梁启超历史观的评价一般有两种意见,一种观点认为梁启超是中国现代史学的开创者,其主要贡献是把中国历史纳入到世界史的解释框架之内,用线性的因果关系替代了王朝更替的历史观。另一种观点认为梁启超从欧洲归来后完全放弃了他所倡导的“进步史观”,而成为了一个文化保守主义者。实际上,梁启超所采取的是一种过渡期的历史观,这种历史观既强调历史的进步是不可阻挡的一种趋势,又主张解释历史不能仅仅依赖于纯粹科学方法,而尚需运用直觉的手段,同时他又强调文化积淀而不仅仅是物质更新在文明演进中的作用,这样的阐释方法使我们有可能超越西方历史观对我们思维的长期制约,也可避免“现代”与“后现代”两种极端解释取向所造成的偏颇后果。  相似文献   

Two decades ago, only a handful of NGOs operated legally in China. Today the sector is thriving. Even with the threat of new restrictions under the Xi Jinping government, private social initiative appears poised for even greater expansion in the future. To fully appreciate the significance of these recent developments, this essay presents a wider view of China’s long history of civic organisation, comparing the contemporary resurgence of NGOs to the historical development of private charities in the Qing and Republican periods. It finds similarities in the motivations of organisers and donors, as well as in the relationship between civic organisations and the state, but sees other developments, such as the capitalisation of the NGO sector and its ability to mobilise public opinion, as substantively new.  相似文献   

Why do states configure their citizenship laws in certain ways? Why do they allow or prohibit dual citizenship? Why was it only in 1946 that Canada decided to enact its first citizenship law which prohibited multiple national allegiances? Why was a similar proposal abandoned in 1931? And why was this citizenship law changed in 1977 to allow dual citizenship? A common answer is that citizenship reflects the national “identity” of each nation-state. Through a perusal of the debates regarding citizenship laws in Canada, I locate the particular motivation for introducing those laws. I argue that although the symbolic element of citizenship laws is significant, citizenship laws are enacted as a political instrument to achieve immediate and specific goals. In particular, accepting dual citizenship in Canada should be seen as a one of the strategies political elites tried in order to incorporate English and French speakers under the same flag.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Analytic Narratives, by Robert H. Bates, Avner Greif,Margaret Levi, Jean‐Laurent Rosenthal, and Barry R. Weingast  相似文献   


This essay examines the peculiar history of American political thought to seek a possible explanation for why conservatism in the United States remains a movement without a spokesperson or a platform to which all citizens of this country who describe themselves as conservative can subscribe. The primary cause of these problems appears to be a serious mismatch between the traditional conservative traits of caution and limits and the historic American spirit of dynamic change and boundless optimism.  相似文献   

In 1919, the German overseas empire came to an end, a direct consequence of defeat in the First World War. Germany has thus been post-colonial, in the sense of being without colonies, longer than most other European nations. This article argues that German postcolonialism can best be understood as a complex, multi-dimensional phenomenon, one that envelops memories of colonialism in white German and diasporic communities, as well as developments in the nation's more recent past. Its most salient aspects include the cultural memory of the colonial period itself, the resonances between colonialism, National Socialism and the Holocaust, the recovery of histories of Afro-Germans, and discussions of race, migration and integration which draw a very broad arc from the colonial past into the multicultural present. The multidimensional nature of German postcolonialism can be both an advantage as well as a disadvantage when it comes to meaningful engagement with Germany's colonial past. This article ultimately seeks a way of re-inserting the ‘colonial’ into German postcolonialism, without flattening the concept.  相似文献   

钱大昕的史籍辨伪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为清代乾嘉学派的代表人物,作为著名的史学家,钱大昕十分重视辨伪工作,并以开阔的视域、渊博的学识和精密的方法,对《竹书纪年》、《十六国春秋》、《金人南迁录》等史籍的真伪进行了认真考辨,语多精谛,颇为学术界所认同。钱氏还对古人作伪的规律有一定的认识,其中不乏积极的学术启发意义。  相似文献   

张昭远是五代时期才、学、识兼备的史家,他参预了多朝实录的编纂,这些实录成为后人撰写五代历史的基本资料;在《旧唐书》的修撰中,张昭远也发挥了至关重要的作用。  相似文献   

博物馆藏书结构与博物馆业务研究密切相关。本文分析了河南博物院图书室的性质、作用和藏书结构与业务研究的关系,提出了如何解决现有矛盾的对策。  相似文献   

与古代埃及和西亚诸国只留下编年体的历史记载不同,古代以色列民族具有自己鲜明的历史意识;与古代希腊充满人本精神的历史记载也不同,以色列民族历史观的实质是一神论的神权历史观.他们将对耶和华神的信仰融入对民族历史发展的思考和解释之中,其历史书卷的编写几乎持续了一千年之久,在这一过程中,以色列历史成为"历史就是耶和华神对以色列民族的救赎史"的生动体现.  相似文献   

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