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This article focuses on the various actors in the urban setting who contribute to the increase in the forced mobility of homeless injection drug users and crack smokers in Montréal, Canada. The objective is to analyze who these actors are and how they contribute to increasing this forced mobility from the perspective of homeless injection drug users and crack smokers in relation to three needs : basic needs, acquisition of financial resources, and drug use. One hundred and six semi-structured interviews were conducted among this population. The results indicate that various actors—police officers, community organization, peers, municipal administration, storekeepers, and residents—contribute to the forced mobility of this population in their daily activities. As for their needs, it is when they use drugs, sleep, or loiter that they are more likely to experience events of forced mobility. Police officers are by far the actors who contribute the most to this, often in a repressive way. The role of the municipality is also a determining factor in the daily activities of homeless injection drug users and crack smokers.  相似文献   

The Warocqué family, “nouveaux bourgeois”, were characterised by their constant intention to change the world in which they lived. They were thus industrialists and businessmen and political representatives as was appropriate, but also inventors, paternalist, philanthropists and employers. The Warocqués thus present a multitude of facets and possibilities for study. It was necessary to give greater importance to one of them, particularly as everything could be encompassed as family business. It is precisely the evolution and progression of the family in its local, Belgian and even international contexts that is analysed here—family, tradition and dynasty even: inaugurated by Nicolas, it progresses, develops and reaches its apogee with Raoul, who benefited from the power of the name. This social rise was also interpreted on the level of traditions, of family, of prestige or of a way of life. The article aims to study this particular aspect while successively reviewing some ‘chapters’ in the life of this dynasty: the family (taken as it should be in the broad sense, joining the very current concept of ‘network’), its sociability and passions.  相似文献   

There is increasing research on the intensification of work in the post-1980s time period. The focus on flexibility in management practices has resulted in more tasks being offloaded onto workers who must then adjust their time-use to accommodate the greater workload. Studies of work intensification are not new to manufacturing production and there is increasing attention to unpaid domestic labour and service sectors. One industry, however, that has been neglected by these studies is paid domestic work where employers are individuals or families. Drawing on the traditions of feminist political economy and geography, I argue that the socio-spatial specificity of paid domestic work contributes an emphasis on workplace injury and labour law exclusion to intensification of work paradigms. Based on qualitative interviews conducted in Montréal, Québec from 2013 to 2015, I show how paid domestic workers intertwine narratives about work intensification and workplace injury yet remain excluded from the Act respecting occupational health and safety and the Workers’ Compensation Act in Québec. Migrant women caregivers are disproportionately impacted by these exclusions and I show how the Filipino Women’s Organization in Québec (PINAY) is at the forefront of challenging these exclusions. In conclusion, I propose an approach that combines feminist geography and political economy to consider how time-squeezes impacting individual or household employers may be intensifying the workloads of their paid domestic workers and how labour law structurally excludes workers along the social dimensions of gender, race and citizenship.  相似文献   

Boul. St-Laurent is a commercial artery in inner-city Montréal. Often characterised as the border zone of a multicultural and bilingual city, it is a place where a variety of populations and activities come together. It is also a central activity space for residents of the Plateau Mont-Royal District, an area of the city with a significant population of lesbian residents. Using qualitative interviews with lesbians who live in this district, the author examines how this neighbourhood shopping street facilitates lesbian patterns of social interaction, place making and expressions of desire. Most previous research on how lesbians establish a presence in urban space focuses either on the exclusion of lesbian subjectivity from heterosexual spaces or patterns of residential and institutional clustering in urban neighbourhoods. The objective of this article, however, is to focus on an area of the city that can be described as a 'space of difference' and examine how its heterogeneity accommodates lesbian visibility, especially among the lesbians themselves.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyse the influence of Ferdinand Gonseth's epistemological and philosophical reflection on Gaston Bachelard. This will be done on at least two levels: on the one hand, on the level of direct quotations of Gonseth's texts and notions made by Bachelard; on the other, on the level of an agreement between the two conceptions concerning some central issues— agreement that lets one suppose an influence of Gonseth on Bachelard or an identity between their views. One concludes recalling the notion of «subjectivité quelconque», suggested to Bachelard by the gonsethean idea of «logique comme physique de l'objet quelconque», and seeking to grasp the differences between Bachelard's notion of «sujet quelconque», and Gonseth's one ofhomo phenomenologicus. One could define Bachelard's and Gonseth's epistemologies as two phenomenologies of the man of science: this is their main common feature.  相似文献   

This article examines the politics of what the French call 'cohabitation' in the period 1997-2002. It identifies two different ways in which cohabitation is studied. The first assumes that each of the three periods of cohabitation has occurred under a unique set of political circumstances. The second argues that there have been institutional similarities between each of the three periods of cohabitation and that fundamentally the political situation during each has been the same. The article provides evidence that supports both approaches, and concludes by suggesting that the second approach is the more useful.  相似文献   

By using a dialogical method in Le Supplément au voyage de Bougainville (1772), Diderot contrasts two places: the civilized European world and the primitive island of Tahiti. The dialogical structure of his work entails a questioning of the concept of libertinage through the theme of the corporeal. Indeed, the dialectical method he employs in the text unifies his vision on what the body represents. This work will demonstrate that for Diderot the body can be defined as three entities: the text, the physical, and the social. All these three categories are intertwined for him. Using them as a leitmotiv enables him to call into question the moral and social conventions of his own country.  相似文献   

This essay analyzes the representation and cross-fertilization of natural and spiritual landscapes in Andrés Pérez de Ribas's Historia de los Triumphos de Nuestra Santa Fee (1645), a massive history of Jesuit evangelization in northwestern New Spain. Pérez de Ribas confers a major role to the natural world by deploying its wonders as well as its utilitarian riches in the service of imperial expansion and conversion, resignifying native landscapes in the process. The essay argues that Pérez de Ribas uses a ‘double optics’ of empirical observation and religion in order to make the northern periphery visible to readers at the centers of imperial power, and to participate in the Jesuit enterprise of knowledge making that was so much a part of their global enterprise.  相似文献   


Claire Addison. Where Flaubert Lies: Chronology, mythology and history. Cambridge University Press, 1996. xv + 393 pp.

Dennis Porter. Rousseau's Legacy. Emergence and Eclipse of the Writer in France. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995. 306 pp. $39.95.  相似文献   

Considéré comme un “Père de l'Europe” par les historiens actuels, Józef Retinger reste un personnage mystérieux et insolite, souvent décrit dans la littérature existante comme un homme de l'ombre, une éminence grise ayant ses entrées partout. Le présent article désire, au delà des accusations que certains portent sur son action, lever en partie le voile à propos des motivations de l'action européenne de Retinger, marquée par une forte continuité depuis la fin de la première guerre mondiale. Le moment le plus fécond de son activité politique en faveur de l'idée européenne se situe pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, lorsqu'il était le plus proche conseiller du général Sikorski, premier ministre du gouvernement polonais en exil. Déplorant la scission de l'Europe en deux causée par l'antagonisme entre les grandes puissances, il fonde avec le Belge Van Zeeland, en 1946, la Ligue Européenne de Coopération Economique.  相似文献   

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